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Chase: A Special Person & The Discovery of Teddy Downing

Page 7

by Matt Shea

  “I had a good day,” replied Steven. “How was your day?”

  The grateful dad looked at his son and said, “Terrific!”

  The parents smiled at their son as the questions were now directed at Steve's younger sister. “Anna, now tell us about your day,” the father continued.

  The daughter shared her day’s events with her family. Like her brother, she too had a good day at school. The four enjoyed dinner as conversation continued in this warm household. Mrs. Choy had once again prepared a delicious meal, with her two children and husband giving praise to the chef. Then, an important issue was discussed.

  “Steve, did you invite your friends to your birthday party?” asked Mr. Choy.

  “Yes, I did!” exclaimed Steven. “They all received their invitations today at school.”

  “That’s good,” exclaimed the dad. “You probably have every kid in this neighborhood going to your party!”

  “Almost,” said the son.

  “What do you mean?” asked the concerned elder.

  “Thor Downing is mean, so I didn't invite him,” said Steve.

  “What makes you say that?” asked Bernard.

  “He never smiles and looks mean,” responded Steve. “He is always alone and sometimes stares at us.”

  “Do you ever talk to him or include him with your friends?” asked the probing father.

  Steve thought for a while, and said, “No.”

  “Does he have any friends?” asked his dad.

  “No,” said Steve in a somber voice.

  “Why don't you be the first one to do something about that?” suggested his father.

  “Do you think he is actually sad instead of mean?” asked Steve.

  “Wouldn't you be sad if you didn't have any friends and classmates were afraid of you?” asked the wise man.

  Steven started to think with the realization that he and his friends were misunderstanding Thor. He would now look at his classmate and neighbor differently.

  “What are you going to do about this?” asked his dad.

  Steve thought awhile then he looked at his father with excitement asking, “Can we go to Thor's house tonight and invite him to my birthday party?”

  Mr. Choy was proud of his son as he got out of his chair and hugged the boy. “I am so proud of you!” he said in tears. “That will make his life and yours even better!”

  Steve was full of enthusiasm as he quickly made a birthday invitation for Thor. The father and son got their coats on and prepared to walk to Thor Downing's home.

  “Bye, girls,” said Bernard. “We should be back within an hour.” He opened the door, and they left on their mission.

  The duo walked down the street and turned the corner leading to Thor Downing's residence. As they approached the structure, an aura could be felt. The house seemed barricaded from the neighborhood. Overgrown grass accompanied with weeds and unkempt bushes surrounded this desolate spot in the community. White paint peeled with a few window shutters hanging on by one nail. Wicked trees that needed to be chopped down years ago reached out like claws in this dark abode. This gloomy property was outlined by a crooked white picket fence that surrendered to the elements long ago.

  The father and son team were in a state of shock as they stared at the eerie dwelling. They smiled at one another knowing that they would soon be entering this “Addams Family” dwelling. The slanted gate was opened by Bernard as the two diplomats walked the long path leading to the neglected structure. What was once the final barrier before the main entrance was now a torn and rusted screen hung loosely on its bent metal frame. This cockeyed obstacle was jammed in a permanent open position. The porch was illuminated by a bare light bulb that cast a dreary haze over the spooky entrance. Bernard and Steve were now on the sagging wooden porch that had gaps from decay, as it gently swayed under their weight. The door had a dull varnish finish and a brass doorknob.

  Steven had the comfort of his father's presence as his dad put his arm around him in support. “This isn't as bad as it looks,” said his father. “This just shows you how lonely he is and what a difference you can make in his life. And remember son, he will also benefit yours.”

  With courage, Steve knocked on the door. There was a long pause building suspense; then the doorknob began to turn. The door cautiously opened, and standing there was a short elderly woman wearing glasses. “May I help you?” she greeted.

  Bernard spoke first by introducing himself and his son. He pointed out that Steve was a classmate of Thor’s and that he had something for him. The woman introduced herself as Thor’s grandmother, Emily. She then invited them into her home and left the room to get her grandson.

  “This visit is much needed,” said the father as they surveyed the old furniture that graced the unpainted living room.

  The son looked at his father and said, “I never knew that he had nothing.”

  Emily returned with Thor. The grandson's face lit up with a smile when he saw that his visitor was the most popular boy in school. Steve smiled at his classmate and handed him the invitation. “I want you to come to my birthday party this Saturday,” said Steve.

  “Wow!” exclaimed Thor. “Can I go, Grandma?”

  “Yes!” she answered. “You should have fun there!”

  Thor then extended his hand to shake Steve's. The excited youth then asked if Steven wanted to play in his bedroom for a while. Steve looked at his dad with eagerness. Mr. Choy said, “We can stay here for half an hour.” The boys screamed with joy as Thor led his new friend to his room. Emily offered tea to Bernard as the two sat down and visited.

  “I am grateful that you brought a playmate for my grandson,” said the gracious senior. “He doesn't have any friends and doesn't know his parents. My daughter always hung out with the wrong crowd and was unfit to raise her son. His father is in prison and always called him ‘Thor.’ We live here trying to make the most on what my social security will allow.”

  “We didn't know that,” said Bernard Choy. “My son noticed that Thor was always quiet and wanted to introduce him to his friends.”

  Emily Downing cried over the thoughtfulness Bernard’s son had for Thor. She then hugged the good man, thanking him for the much needed exposure that her troubled grandson needed. “He will have such a great time at the party!” she said.

  Laughter could be heard from the hallway as Thor's bedroom became a playground. The adults looked at each other with a laugh, realizing that the fun sounds were a good sign. It was now close to the boys’ bedtime. Bernard said, “I have enjoyed meeting you, and we look forward to having Thor at our home this Saturday.” At that time, Thor and Steven entered the room catching their breath from the intense playtime they just had.

  Bernard watched the boys shake hands with Steve saying, “I'll see you in school tomorrow, and have lunch with me!”

  Thor looked at Steve with gratitude and said, “That will be great!”

  Good-byes with smiles and hugs were exchanged as the Choys left to return home.

  “How do you feel, son?” asked the father as they walked home.

  “I feel guilty that Thor was always left out and that he really is a good person,” said Steven. “But, I know better now.”

  “I am proud of you!” said the dad as he put his arm around the boy.

  The following day at school, Steven acknowledged Thor with his friends present. This made the loner feel more accepted as all of Steven's friends realized that he was just like them! Lunch time continued with the same diplomacy. Steven reserved a seat right next to him for Thor Downing. The great evening the two boys shared the night before continued at school. Thor began to change; he was now making new friends and was actually smiling!

  Saturday arrived at the Choy household with a warm breakfast being served. The happy family said grace and started to enjoy the feast. Their discussion covered organizing the much anticipated party. There was plenty to do to prepare for the festive occasion. Balloons had to be filled and hung with strea
mers and banners. Fold-out chairs, party hats, games, prizes, and a long table covered with a decorated tablecloth needed to be addressed. Pizza, soda pop, ice cream, and candy would accompany the birthday cake that had Steven's name on it.

  It was twenty minutes before noon when the house was prepared for the event. The children were due to arrive at any moment. There was a knock at the door, and Steve anxiously opened it to greet his first guest. It was Thor. He was wearing clean clothes and was bathed with a fresh haircut. With dignity, he handed Steven a beautifully wrapped birthday gift. Steve grew excited that his new friend had arrived early. Thor entered the household as the Choy family greeted him, making the deprived boy feel welcomed.

  Soon, the rest of the children arrived in groups with the house getting full. The party was underway! Steve was a gracious host as he evenly distributed his attention to everyone. Thor was enjoying himself as everyone took a closer look at this misunderstood boy and liked him! He seemed to become the center of attention and a welcomed addition to this network of friends. The present Thor gave Steven had great thought behind it. It was a walkie-talkie set the two could always play with. It was Steven's favorite present that day!

  The party was a success! Everyone had a wonderful time as the birthday boy was celebrated. One by one, the guests left with their party favors and full stomachs. Thor stayed and helped the Choys clean up after the party. He was then escorted to his home by Bernard and Steven.

  When they arrived at Thor's house, the boys wanted to play for a while. Tea was offered as Mr. Choy would have another visit with Emily Downing. The excitement from the party continued in Thor's room as the rambunctious boys played games.

  “I want to thank you for including Thor,” said the emotional grandmother. “He never stopped talking about Steven since you came to our home. I have never known him to be so happy.”

  “We were happy to have him; he's a good boy,” said Bernard. “May I ask you a question?” he asked.

  “Sure,” answered Emily.

  “When is Thor's birthday?” he asked.

  “Next Sunday,” she replied.

  Bernard could only smile as he gained the vital information. “Do you mind if we throw him a surprise birthday party?” asked the compassionate man.

  “He would love that!” cried out the grandmother.

  “That’s wonderful!” said Bernard. “I will be in touch with you and will start the planning.”

  The boys left Thor's room to join the adults. Handshakes with good-byes finished the parting. Bernard winked at Emily to emphasize the secrecy of their discussion.

  The walk home began the planning for Thor's surprise birthday party as Mr. Choy revealed the plan to his son. “That's great, dad!” said Steven. “I know that everyone would want to give Thor the greatest birthday he’s ever had! I'll tell everyone who was at my party today.”

  “This is good,” said his dad. “Everyone certainly likes him.”

  The following Monday, Steven told his friends about Thor's birthday. Everyone wanted in on the planning. This would be a well-kept secret throughout the week.

  Midway through the week, Steven talked to his father about the party plans. “Dad,” he said. “My friends and I have come up with an idea for Thor's birthday, but it will cost money.”

  “What did you guys come up with?” asked the dad.

  “The pizza parlor in town has a discount buffet on Sunday,” reported the son. “All of our friends want to have his party there. The bakery is also next door, and that's where we always get our cakes.”

  “Hmmm,” his father sighed. “If you are willing to sacrifice some of the family outings we have, that will pay for this.”

  “I agree to that,” said the son. “Thor's worth it!”

  “I have to agree with you,” said the supportive father. “I will tell Thor's grandmother that we will all meet there at noon on Sunday. We can be there early and surprise him when his grandmother brings him in.”

  “Thanks, dad!” said Steven.

  “Thank you!” replied the dad. They then hugged with mutual respect.

  Bernard contacted Emily to coordinate the party as Steven called his friends. All were to meet at the pizza parlor on Sunday a half hour before Thor and his grandmother would arrive.

  Sunday morning was a typical birthday for Thor. It was just him with his grandmother. She maintained the tradition of making him a breakfast and providing a present that her fixed-income could afford. The card that accompanied the gift expressed how much she loved him. He was grateful for the honor, but still-something was missing. Emily Downing went about her mundane chores while paying close attention to the time.

  When the party was forty-five minutes away, she made her move. She told Thor that she could afford to take him out to lunch that day and asked if pizza sounded good. Thor was happy to leave the house and go to town. He answered, “Yes!” and went to his room to get ready. Little did he know what awaited him.

  Within minutes, Thor was in the living room ready to go. His grandmother put on her coat, and they left for town. The walk was enjoyable as Thor held her hand in appreciation. They approached the pizza parlor at the designated time. Thor opened the door for his grandmother as she entered, leading him to the banquet room. She set him up by opening the last door, allowing him to enter first.

  “Surprise!” roared the room in unison. “Happy birthday!”

  Thor was in shock as all of his new friends were there to celebrate his birthday! He was then led by Steven to the head of the table and seated as guest of honor. There was an ovation as Thor looked in astonishment. Gifts were presented, and he was appointed first in line for the buffet. Emily sat with Mr. and Mrs. Choy as the noisy room commemorated this most-important occasion.

  The grand finale was Thor being presented a birthday cake with “Happy Birthday Thor” written on its top. The amount of lit candles represented how old he was. The traditional challenge of blowing out all of the candles in a single try would allow a birthday wish.

  The husky boy leaned over the cake, and with minimal effort, blew out all the candles. Cheers drew from the crowded room as a chorus of “Happy Birthday” instantly followed. Then everyone asked, “What's your birthday wish?”

  Thor seemed troubled, as if he had to get something off of his chest. “I have always had a wish that nobody knows about,” he said.

  “Tell us!” everyone cried out.

  “Okay,” said the guest of honor. “I don't like being called Thor!” The room silenced as everyone looked at one another. “It sounds mean, and I don't like it.” More silence continued.

  Bernard Choy left the room. He returned in a few minutes after borrowing a pastry gun from the bakery next door. With his wisdom, he politely asked, “What do you want to be called?”

  “By my real name,” said the boy. “My name is Theodore. I like ‘Ted’ better than ‘Thor.’ But, what I really want to be called is ‘Teddy Downing.’ It's just one of those friendly names that nobody would be afraid of.”

  Bernard then walked up to the cake and, using the pastry gun, crossed out “Thor” and wrote “Teddy” above it. He then pointed at the correction and asked, “Like this?”

  Teddy looked at the revised inscription and proclaimed, “That's what I want to be called!”

  The room then gathered around the cake and discovered the young man's real name, and with it his true identity. Today was actually “the first day of the rest of his life.” He would start this journey as the person he truly wanted to be: Teddy Downing.

  His friends acknowledged this milestone and sang “Happy Birthday” to Teddy.


  The weekend finally arrived as the jubilant school bus brought back students to their neighborhood. Laughter, conversations, and a little mischief controlled the shuttle as bus stops thinned out the chaos. Teddy Downing was about to reach his neighborhood check point, starting the two day vacation. His neighborhood friends rode the bus with him, but they s
eemed to be acting peculiar on this Friday afternoon.

  The bus ride continued with Teddy's friends talking “code.” When the bus stopped by Teddy's house, the secretive friends shouted out, “We're here!” They filed out of the transit and started to walk to Teddy's house. The bewildered student asked himself, “Why are my friends acting this way, and how come they are going to my house?”

  He approached his home and saw his grandmother, Emily with Benard Choy visiting in their front yard. Teddy's friends clustered around him as Mr. Choy greeted the child saying, “We have a gift for you!” The surprised boy was led to the back yard with curiosity. Benard pointed at a new addition to the property and asked, “What do you think?” It was a playhouse!


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