BOUNTY: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance (Giustini Family Mafia)

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BOUNTY: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance (Giustini Family Mafia) Page 6

by Sophia Gray

  Before she had to a chance to prepare herself, Sebastian leaned over her body, their chests pressing together, to smash his mouth onto hers, his tongue coming to play along the seam of her lips. “Hmm, yes, so good, so sweet,” Sebastian muttered against her mouth, biting on her lower lip, swallowing her moans into his own mouth. “So fucking sweet.”

  “You, too,” Nyssa replied, arching her hips up higher to take him as deep as she could, gasping a little when he angled his hips a certain way to hit exactly the right spot inside of her. “There. Fucking there. Do it. Do it to me, baby.”

  Sebastian laughed breathlessly, panting hard as he kept his hips moving, jerking forward so fast that he was practically a blur above her, fading into the background of the den behind him as he moved. “Fuck, yes, so tight. Yes, squeeze around me so good, fuck, yes!” he cried out, licking his lips before crashing his mouth against hers again, his teeth wonderfully sharp as they dug into her lips.

  Nyssa couldn’t help herself. She had to move her hands from their resting place on the couch and grab at Sebastian’s ass, pulling him impossibly deeper inside of her. She dug her nails into his flesh, holding on for dear life as he pounded her furiously, burying his head into her neck to bite at her sensitive skin as his cock plunged in and out of her so fast she felt like a piece of meat, but she loved every second of it.

  “Come for me, baby,” Sebastian said a moment later, his fingers suddenly flying over her clit, pushing it up and down and side to side as his cock pressed inside faster than ever before. “Fucking come. For me.”

  Nyssa found herself unable to resist his command, her heart thundering inside her cunt like a thousand horses rushing toward a finish line, all her blood flooding between her legs while she threw her head back and howled like a she-wolf. “Yes! Fuck, yes, fuck me, yes!”

  “So naughty, so bad,” Sebastian said into her ear, licking his way down her neck before he latched his mouth at the base of her throat, sucking so that her entire body convulsed under him, her pulse reverberating inside all of her cells at once.

  Sebastian growled and dug his teeth into Nyssa’s earlobe, sucking so hard that her nerve endings felt like they were on fire, burning almost painfully as her cunt exploded into wonderful sparks of irresistible sensation. Her pussy clenched tight around Sebastian’s cock, tugging him deeper as it convulsed, a thousand vibrations running under her skin in a matter of seconds.

  Even as the heat between her legs reached a crescendo, Nyssa could tell that Sebastian was on the edge, too. “Yes, fuck, yes, yes, take it, take it, you beautiful—fucking—yes!” he yelled, slapping his hands against her sides and lifting her off the couch entirely, carrying her over to the nearest wall. He fucked her up against the wall, his hips doing the work for several wonderful, world-exploding moments before his cock pulsed inside of her and he brought them back down to the couch, sinking into the cushions together as one.

  After they came down from their orgasms, Nyssa waited for Sebastian to lift himself off her chest and leave her alone to clean up, the way he had last time. But minutes passed and he didn’t move, breathing heavily on top of her, his lips lazily dragging along the side of her neck like they had been minutes before, during sex. Nyssa’s skin tingled under his touch, making her feel weirdly vulnerable. She already came, after all. What was her body doing, daring to feel something from a man outside of sex?

  “Let’s eat,” Sebastian said after pecking her on her forehead, suddenly getting to his feet without any further warning and setting off toward the kitchen.

  What the hell? Nyssa thought, wiping some of the sweat from her forehead and attempting to get her bearings. As soon as she caught her breath, she stumbled to her feet, almost tripping over the fancy Persian rug under her feet before following Sebastian into the kitchen.

  “I’ve got some leftovers. I’m sure you’re hungry after what I just put you through,” Sebastian said, pulling out a bottle of wine from one of the cabinets above the fridge and pouring out two glasses. “Come on. Sit. Let’s talk.”

  Chapter Nine

  “You’ve got a really nice place,” Nyssa said as she followed Sebastian into his kitchen. Nyssa usually hated saying things like that to clients. She tried not to overdo the whole “compliment the guy paying you to fuck him” thing, as usually it just came across as insincere. But this time she really meant it. Every surface of his kitchen shone, reflecting the dim lights hanging from the ceiling. There was a certain level of inexplicable magic in the air. Maybe it was simply attributable to the fact that she’d just had the life fucked out of her, but her body buzzed with a gentle low-level hum, like all of her anxieties were hiding deep under her skin, far away from her consciousness. It was nice, feeling this way for a change, rather than worrying constantly about whether she was going to have enough to eat the next day.

  “Thanks,” Sebastian said, going over to the cabinet and pulling out a bottle of wine. “You drink, right?”

  “Sure,” Nyssa said, even though she usually didn’t get inebriated around clients, just for the sake of safety. I guess I can just file this away as another rule I’m breaking with Sebastian, Nyssa thought to herself as she rubbed her chilly shoulders. Just like the condom thing.

  Sebastian poured out two dangerously full glasses of wine, pushing one over to Nyssa. “Sit,” he said, pointing at one of the stools near the island countertop in the middle of the kitchen. “Just relax. I’ll do the cooking.”

  Nyssa did as she was told. She was getting used to that, following Sebastian’s instructions. It was strange. It wasn’t like she was afraid of him, necessarily, but he seemed to have so much power. Nyssa was a little too nervous to test the boundaries of their relationships and find where and when she could disobey him. For now, she said to herself silently, watching as Sebastian pulled out various ingredients from his cabinets and set to work, I’ll just do what he says. Eventually he’ll get bored of me and move on to somebody else. I can wait it out. I can be patient.

  They sat in almost perfect silence over the next twenty-five minutes or so, although at one point Sebastian started humming under his breath as he fried up chicken and boiled water for pasta. Before Nyssa knew what she was doing, some more words spilled out of her mouth. “You have a nice voice,” she said, then took a sip of her wine. What the fuck? Nyssa thought to herself, fighting to keep her face still and unexpressive as Sebastian turned his head around to stare at her quizzically. Stop trying to butter him up, idiot. Just keep your mouth shut and everything will be fine.

  “Thanks,” Sebastian said after hesitating for a brief moment, his brow furrowed up as he tried to read Nyssa’s facial expression. “You like music?”

  “Of course,” Nyssa said reflexively. “Who doesn’t?”

  Sebastian shrugged, and for a second Nyssa thought that was the end of it, but then he spoke up again a minute later. “Katrina doesn’t.”

  “She doesn’t like music?” She felt a little surprised that anyone could dislike music, but after thinking about it for a second, she realized that it seemed to fit Katrina. There was probably nothing in Katrina’s life that she got pleasure from, except for her own power. Maybe Nyssa was being unfair to her boss, judging her without even really knowing anything about her, but that was what her instincts told her. Nyssa had had multiple pimps in her life, and she could tell who liked having authority and who desperately needed to have it to feel okay about themselves. Katrina was definitely the latter type of person.

  “Katrina doesn’t like a lot of things,” Sebastian said as he dumped the uncooked pasta into the boiling water, checking his watch to measure the time before stepping back from the stove. “She doesn’t like you, for instance.”

  Nyssa shifted uncomfortably on the stool, but she remained still even after Sebastian sat down across from her and stared at her expectantly. He expects me to be offended by that, Nyssa realized. He expects me to defend myself.

  Instead, she just nodded and focused her attention on her wine, acting
like Sebastian hadn’t said anything out of the ordinary.

  Sebastian’s brow furrowed again, his eyes narrowing like he was trying to decode the secret meanings hidden in Nyssa’s face. “That doesn’t worry you?” he finally asked, picking up his own glass to catch up with Nyssa.

  Nyssa shrugged. “I mean, it is what it is. I assume you know your girlfriend better than I do. Who am I to argue with you?”

  “Hmm,” Sebastian said. He leaned back a little on his stool as he stared at Nyssa for a long, tense moment where Nyssa felt like every skin cell on her face was prickling under his intense attention. “You’re a strange one, you know that?”

  “How do you mean?” Nyssa asked.

  “One second,” Sebastian said, getting back to his feet to rescue the pasta from the water, straining it quickly before dumping it onto a huge plate to cool. After switching the stove off, he returned to his seat, downing the remainder of his wine quickly before pouring himself another glass. “You want more?” he asked.

  “Okay,” Nyssa said, offering her glass forward to get more wine. She’d never had the time or money or any other resource to become a wine aficionado, but she could tell this stuff was expensive, and she figured she might as well take advantage of the opportunity and enjoy it while it lasted.

  Sebastian poured another healthy portion of wine into her glass, but after she pulled it back toward herself, he remained leaning over the table, staring down at Nyssa from his greater height. “Doesn’t it scare you?” he asked after an excruciating couple of seconds where neither spoke.

  “The wine?” She allowed herself to smirk up at Sebastian then, if only for a second. She knew he wasn’t talking about the wine, but it was easier to deflect than to follow him along this line of conversation. She didn’t know a lot about Katrina, but she figured her madam would still be pretty infuriated if she knew her boyfriend was talking about her to a random hooker.

  Sebastian scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Katrina. Doesn’t she scare you?”

  Nyssa looked down at her wine for a moment, her mind stumbling over itself to try to come up with an acceptably coherent answer. “I—I don’t know,” she finally responded, giving herself another reprieve by taking another long sip of her wine. “I know she probably should, but…” Nyssa let her sentence trail off, unwilling to explain exactly what she meant.

  Sebastian stared at her for another few moments before sighing and getting to his feet to pile pasta and chicken onto two plates for them. “Here you go,” he said, sliding her dinner before her. “Hey, just a word of advice. Don’t tell Katrina I fed you. It wouldn’t make her particularly happy, if you know what I mean.”

  Nyssa hesitated before digging into the dinner Sebastian had prepared for her. “Why’s that?” she asked, even though she was pretty sure she already knew the answer.

  Sebastian huffed out a bitter laugh and began twirling his fork around in the pasta on his plate. “Don’t play dumb. I can tell you’re smarter than that.”

  “Fair enough,” Nyssa said. She began to take small bites of the food, surprised to realize how good it tasted. He’s a good cook, she thought to herself. I wouldn’t have guessed that. There was more to him than met the naked eye. Despite her better instincts, she felt herself grow wildly curious about the man in front of her. He’d fucked her like an animal, without really caring that much if she came or not. But at the same time, he must have been at least a little concerned about Nyssa’s safety and well-being, otherwise he wouldn’t have warned her not to tell Katrina about the food. He just doesn’t want me to get in trouble so that I can keep coming over here to fuck him. That, or he wants to avoid having Katrina scream at him about it. He doesn’t give a shit. Don’t be stupid.

  Still, she couldn’t shake the thought that there was another side to Sebastian, some hidden part of him that contrasted with the thoughtlessly primal way he fucked her. Before she could stop herself, she opened her mouth and asked the question was that was bearing down on top of her mind: “If you’re so concerned about not upsetting Katrina, why are you doing this in the first place?”

  Sebastian’s hand froze, his fork hanging in midair as he looked up at Nyssa again. “This?” he asked.

  “This arrangement,” Nyssa explained. “With me. Why are you doing it if you don’t want to piss her off?”

  Sebastian sighed and put his fork down. “It’s complicated,” he said. Nyssa felt a little wave of relief wash over her. At the very least, Sebastian didn’t seem pissed that she had the audacity to ask him about his relationship. She knew she was being stupid, prying where she didn’t need to be, but for some reason she got the sense that Sebastian wasn’t going to punish her for it. After all, half of the reason men came to sex workers in the first place was to confess their most secret hidden feelings to somebody they could trust not to tell anybody else. Why would Sebastian be any different?

  “I have time,” Nyssa said, taking a huge bite of chicken. Her belly felt warm, feeling the aftereffects of the wine, but she kept on sipping. It was nice to let herself relax for once.

  Sebastian nodded, but he still grimaced a little, apparently physically pained at having to come up with the words to describe his relationship with Katrina. That’s not the best sign in the world, Nyssa mused silently to herself as she attacked her plate with more furor. She knew enough about men to know that it was easier for them to talk about their feelings if a woman wasn’t staring them directly in the eye.

  “Katrina wants what she wants when she wants it,” Sebastian finally said with a long drawn-out sigh. “It makes sense, given how she grew up, with her dad having control over everything. When she doesn’t want to do something, she won’t fucking do it.”

  “Then why did she agree to let me come over here to be with you?” Nyssa asked.

  Sebastian was quiet a moment, tapping his fingers on the side of the table, obviously debating whether or not to tell Nyssa the full story. “She didn’t want to fuck me anymore, okay? I get the feeling that she’s more relieved now than anything else.”

  “Oh.” Nyssa felt a hot flash of secondhand embarrassment climb up her spine and the back of her neck. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “Don’t be,” Sebastian said quickly before taking another big sip of his wine. “It’s better this way. I leave her alone, she leaves me alone, and we both get what we want.”

  Nyssa swallowed a little to clear her throat before forcing out the next question that sat on the tip of her tongue. “If you don’t mind my asking,” she said carefully, pausing to give Sebastian plenty of time to interrupt her and tell her to shut up if he wanted before continuing to speak, “why are you still together? You don’t seem to…” Love each other, she thought to herself, but she didn’t want to say those words out loud, in case they might make Sebastian uncomfortable or upset.

  “Be happy?” Sebastian suggested, and Nyssa nodded, deciding that was as good a phrase for it as any. “We are. At least, I am. I’ve got what I want.” He stared hard at Nyssa, his eyes gleaming with desire. Nyssa shifted awkwardly in her seat. She silently prayed that he wouldn’t try to fuck her again immediately, at least not without some more buildup. Her pussy was still feeling the aftershocks of their fuck session from earlier, and she needed some time to recover before taking him in again.

  “That’s good,” Nyssa said after clearing her throat. “It’s good that Katrina agreed to give you what you need.”

  Sebastian scoffed and shook his head. “It’s not about what I want. It’s about what her daddy tells her to do. And Papa Giustini needs me.”

  Nyssa hesitated to ask her next question, focusing for a minute on her food so she wouldn’t have to look at Sebastian. For some reason she was certain that if he saw her face, he’d be able to tell how curious she was. And that was unacceptable. She needed him to think that she didn’t give a fuck about this, otherwise she’d be entering dangerous territory she wouldn’t know how to navigate. There was always the element of power in every sex worker/c
lient relationship: if the client thought that the sex worker really cared about him beyond the money, he’d become too attached to her. Nyssa couldn’t afford to let that happen.

  But still, she couldn’t stop herself from letting her curiosity out, despite the dangers involved. Her desire to know about Sebastian and his life was just too strong to overcome. “What do you do for Giustini, exactly? Like why does he need you so badly?”

  Sebastian cleared his throat and shifted his stool closer to the countertop, but otherwise he didn’t look surprised or at all taken aback by her question. “I sell the goods.”

  “The drugs?” Nyssa suggested, and Sebastian nodded, smiling a little at the way she corrected his euphemism.

  “Yes,” Sebastian said. “It’s been going really well lately. The city needs its medication, I guess.”

  “And that’s why Giustini will let you do whatever you want, basically?” Nyssa asked as she stabbed the final pieces of chicken on her plate.


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