Like a Fox, Ridgeville Book 7

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Like a Fox, Ridgeville Book 7 Page 2

by Celia Kyle

  “Gina…” He ran a hand through his hair.

  “You’re a worrier, aren’t you?” His sweet mate snared his fingers and hauled him to the couch, shoving him down and then plopping sideways onto his lap. Her plump ass caressed his dick, and his erection returned in full force. “No worrying today.”

  She laid her head on his shoulder and relaxed against him. Taking her laidback pose at face value, he let his hands wander, allowing himself to explore his clothed lioness.

  “None? No worrying?” His voice was a foxy growl, his canines aching to rip her bare and sink into her skin. They’d exchange blood and saliva and be bound together forever. “How about concerns?”

  Concerns? Right. Another way to say “worry.” His beast didn’t want to address worries or concerns or doubts. He wanted his cock inside her and fangs piercing her. In that order. It was his human half that realized there were a handful of things to discuss first. Like: where they were going to live.

  He stroked her back, tracing the delicate line of her spine from lower hip to neck and back again. With his other hand, he followed her leg, caressing the exposed skin below the hem of her flowing skirt and down to her knee. On his return, he delved beneath the light fabric, searching out her heat.

  Gina nuzzled his neck, her silken skin sliding over him and transferring her scent to his body. “Concerns? Like positions? I’m flexible,” she giggled, and even that made his dick pulse.

  God, he was being a wishy-washy girl. Talk or bang. Damn, now he sounded like a dick.

  When she patted his chest, finger tracing his nipple, he tore his palm from her leg. He grasped her wayward digits, halting her ministrations. “Concerns. Like, what do you do? Where do you live? Practical stuff.”

  With a huff, she laid her forehead on his shoulder. “Fine. Practical stuff and then I’m pouncing. Cats do that.”

  Gavin rolled his eyes, chuckling deep and taking note of the shiver that overtook her body. “K. You know I don’t live in Ridgeville. I was living with the Skulk in Virginia.” At her nod, he continued. “Well, I was hired by the Council as the Director of Communications. Elly killed Alistair, and his absence left his brother Niall in charge. The man has been trying to right Alistair’s wrongs, and the Council is having difficulties keeping up with everything. Hell, you heard about the trouble with Deuce and Tess. The Council is pretty sure that was just a hint of some bigger problems. My job is to keep the rescue teams in touch with each other and ensure that the network can handle the extra load. This was supposed to be my last visit to Ridgeville for a while because I’m moving to Chicago.”

  Silence descended, the quiet enveloping them for one beat, then two. “Chicago?”

  “Yup. But now…”

  “But now you have a mate whose life is in Ridgeville. And she’s also got three ex-Freedom captives living in her home.”

  His stomach churned. “Yeah.”

  Gina raised her head, her golden eyes meeting his. Her lioness peered out at him from behind those glowing orbs. “I’m a teacher and I can get a job anywhere.” She took a deep breath. “The only lingering hitch would be the females currently staying with me. And I think… I think they’re doing a lot better. Maddy and Elise have been working with them daily for the last month. Plus, there are plenty of other members of the pride who are itching to help out.” Gina nibbled her lower lip. “I’m not trying to be callous and brush them off. I just really, really want to be with you.”

  The truth seeped into him, sending shining happiness through his veins. Her devotion to those women touched his heart, but her desire to be with him touched something decidedly lower. “So that means you’re willing to come to Chicago?”

  “That means I’m willing to come to Chicago.”

  “Even though you don’t know me from Adam?” He raised a single brow.

  “You’re Elise’s brother. She’s wonderful, so you can’t be too horrible. Besides, I’ll sic Maya on you if you’re mean.”

  “Evil witch.” He growled, but she’d agreed to move with him, and that’s what mattered. The timeline could be dealt with…later.

  Gavin couldn’t hold his fox back, the beast advancing with a massive lunge. He leaned forward and snared her lips, slanted his mouth over hers and slipped his tongue into her. Her natural flavors flowed into him, and he gobbled up every morsel. Sweet, seductive strawberries and cream danced over his taste buds.

  Gina shifted in his lap, ass grinding against his growing hardness. Her movements yanking a groan from his chest.

  Need thundered through him, his beast hammering his control as he drank from her lips. Delicate whimpers echoed his booming growls, confirming that his gentle lioness was just as affected. The musky, tempting scent of her arousal drifted into the air, and his dick stiffened further.

  Gina turned and pressed her chest to his, her stiff nipples searing his chest. Yes, his lioness was aroused, needy and craving him. She changed position again, pulling away but returning just as fast to straddle him. The heat of her pussy burned his cock. The source of that tormenting aroma was now snug along his length. She ground against him, pressing her hips down and stroking him with her panty-clad pussy.

  “Gavin…” she murmured into his lips, breaking their kiss long enough to gasp out his name.

  “Mmm…” He stroked her back, starting at her shoulders and ending with the lush globes of her ass. He squeezed and kneaded the abundant flesh, urging her to rock against him, silently begging her to take and give pleasure.

  She flexed her hips, increasing the pressure, and his cock throbbed within the confines of his jeans. His dick was primed and ready, aching to sink into her moist heat and fuck her until she screamed with her release.

  Another grinding press, another pulse of arousal threatening his control.

  Gavin wrenched his mouth from hers, resting their foreheads together while panting into her kiss-swollen lips. “Damn, baby.”

  Gina whimpered. “I like that. ‘Baby’. Not ‘kitten’ or ‘kit’ or ‘pussy.’ My cat has nothing to do with it, I’m just your ‘baby.’”

  “Always. You’re more than your lioness. You’re a gorgeous, beautiful woman. More importantly, you’re mine.”

  She purred. “Yours.”

  “Uh-huh. Mine. My mate. My baby. My woman.” And he ached to claim her. “Ready to be mine?” He squeezed her ass, loving the way she filled his hands. She was perfect for him, all plump curves he couldn’t wait to nibble and nip.

  “Oh yeah.”

  He nudged her from his lap, immediately missing the heat of her pussy against his throbbing cock.

  The moment he gained his feet, he reached for her hand and twined their fingers together. He led her through the tiny apartment and straight to the bedroom. There, once again, he tried to see the room through her eyes, noting the queen-sized bed, the small end tables and bright walls. It was quaint and neat, apart from his shirts and jeans strewn everywhere from his earlier hunt for clothes, and a little homier than a hotel. The space wasn’t his den, but it would do for now.

  Gina crowded him, plastering her body to his back.

  He turned his head and kissed her nose. “My new place is bigger, more comfortable. I found this old brownstone with wood floors and—”

  Gina pinched his neck with her wicked fangs. “I’m sure it’s perfect. And you can claim me there as soon as we move in. But I’m more interested in now, puppy.”

  He spun, grabbed her and switched places with his teasing mate. “Puppy? Does that mean you go from baby to kitten?”

  Her answer was a giggle.

  He nudged her until she stood before the bed, and he recognized the lust in her eyes. “Ready, baby?”

  She nodded.

  With quick movements, he divested her of clothes, stripping away her blouse, then skirt and sandals. Curves were revealed, willingly bared to him, along with creamy skin that practically screamed for his touch. He traced her hips, slid his palms higher over the dip of her waist, and on to her full
breasts. He cupped them, taking the heavy weight of them in his hands and brushing the hardened nipples with his thumbs. She shivered.

  He grinned, meeting her gaze. “Feel good?”

  Gina stepped closer, her hands going into action, stroking his arms, shoulders, waist, and then coming to caress his cloth-covered, hardened length. “Don’t know. Does this feel good?”

  He groaned and rocked his hips into her movements. “Yeah, baby.”

  She brushed her lips across his. “Do you think I’ll feel better?”

  Gavin released her breasts, reached around his mate and found the clasp of her bra. A quick snap freed her, the bit of fabric gone as quickly as if it’d never existed.

  “Definitely.” He brushed her touch aside and fell to his knees, bringing him eye-level with her tormenting pussy. He hooked his thumbs beneath the elastic of her panties and tugged, intent on divesting her of the silk. Sliding them down an inch, he leaned forward, salivating at the idea of tasting her.

  “Nu-uh,” she said, and stepped away. “I want to come with you inside me.”

  He growled, leaned forward and nipped her hip, but let her nudge his hands away. Beneath his gaze, she slid her panties from her body. Her pussy was shielded from his view by a dusting of dark curls, and he couldn’t wait to lap at the hidden treasures. “Damn, baby.”

  “Your turn.”

  He rose, and she stepped up to him, tugging on his shirt. He helped her along, kicking off his sneakers and allowing her to open his jeans. Her fingers petted his skin, heating and arousing him further with her touch. Digits danced over his pulsing cock, teasing his hips and scraping his thighs.

  In moments he was nude, and he didn’t hesitate to pull her close once again. He kissed her, delving into her mouth and searching out more of her taste. She wouldn’t allow him to lick her pussy, but the fox wanted her flavors on his tongue. The warmth of her skin stroked his cock, and the thick length begged to sink deep into her weeping cunt.

  “Want…” her word was muffled against his lips, “…to ride you.” Gina got out the rest of her sentence, and he nearly came right there.

  “Gina.” She wriggled, and he moaned. “Can’t claim you like that.”

  “Uh-huh.” Gina tugged on him, shoved him onto the bed and then straddled him, his length settled along her moist slit. “You just have let me come first. Bite my shoulder while I’m screaming your name and then,” she traced his left pec, “I’ll do the same while you fill me with your cum.”

  Gavin didn’t think that’d be a problem.

  Chapter Three

  “Sex is God’s greatest gift. Besides ice cream, and I’m not sure which is better.”—Maya O’Connell, Prima of the Ridgeville Pride and lover of ice cream…and sex.

  Gina rolled her hips, enjoying the feel of Gavin’s cock sliding over her soaked pussy. Damn! Pleasure danced through her, roaring over her nerves. She shuddered and pressed down further, increased the pressure and moaned with the next slide as the tip of his cock nudged her throbbing clit.

  “Yes,” she hissed.


  She’d never get enough of that word. Jenner had—she pushed his name out of her mind—men had always stressed her species. She hated the endearment “kitten.” Hated it. Had a single male bothered to talk to her for more than five seconds, they would have known her feelings.

  Gavin hadn’t even gone there. He treated her like a woman first, lioness second.

  She circled her hips, smiling at the flare of orange in his eyes.

  “Fuck, baby… Need.”

  Gina leaned forward, rose and reached back to grasp his cream-coated dick. Her lips were a hairsbreadth from his, and she stroked his length. “Need what?”

  He raised his head and nipped her lower lip; the scent of her blood joining the fragrant aroma of their impending sex. “You.”

  She hummed and repositioned his cock, placing the tip at her entrance. She leaned back the tiniest bit, reveling in the hint of his possession and the flare of pleasure that entered his gaze. “Like that?”


  Oh, her man begged. She had her mate pleading.

  Gina slid further down and took in more of his thick length. He was wide, almost stretching her to the point of pain. A small pinching ache spread through her, the tiny sting adding to the pleasure his dick created.

  A small rise, and down again, taking more with each fall over his length. She sat up and stared down at her fox, returning his smile.

  “S’pretty. Beautiful above me.” His voice was low and thick.

  Gavin slid his hands along her outer thighs, squeezing her flesh until he gripped her hips. His nails pricked her skin, the claw-tipped digits reminding her that her mate was both man and beast.

  She cupped her breasts and rolled her nipples between thumb and forefinger, increasing the pleasure with her own touch. His cock stroked her from within; the ridges of his length caressed her walls, rubbing against her G-spot with each lowering.

  Pleasure blossomed, coming to life and growing as she rode him. She gave him snippets of ecstasy and took just as much in return.

  His hands guided her movements and increased her pace until they were both panting and groaning. A hint of sweat coated his brow, and his fox’s red fur peppered his chest. Oh, Gavin’s fox wanted to play.

  Fortunately, so did her lioness. The cat purred and petted her from within, nudging a bit of Gina’s fur through her pores.

  “You’re gorgeous.” He spoke around extended canines. Suddenly he sat up, pressed their chests together as she continued to ride his thick cock. “Need closer… Wanna crawl inside you… Make you mine.”

  “Gavin.” She gasped and ground down onto him. The change in position had him shoved against her pulsating clit. “Oh, God, Gavin.”

  He scraped a fang over her chest, leaving a welt, a single line across the top of her breast. “Do you want my mark here? Everywhere you go, men will see it… Know you’re mine.”

  A shudder overtook her. Her pussy clamped down on his cock and rippled around his invasion. “Yes.”

  Fuck, yes, gimme gimme gimme. She wanted him to sink those sharp teeth into her flesh and leave a scar no one could question.

  Gavin sucked on her skin. He licked, nipped and scratched the spot where his bite would appear. Every pull tugged her closer to release, nudging her toward her peak. She continued her frenzied rise and fall, adding in a small rock each time their hips met.

  She moaned and growled and purred, and… Fuck, it was beyond good. His dick pressed and rubbed all those perfect places, and each lowering stroked her clit in that beautiful way. A fist of pleasure wrapped around her pussy, petting her and sending bolts of ecstasy along her spine. Every flex of muscle nudged her toward that ultimate bliss, and she craved that final step.

  As soon as she came, as soon as she screamed with her release, she knew he would strike.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” She increased her pace, anxious for his bite. Her pussy rippled and tightened in a torturous rhythm, cunt spasming, and she upped her speed once again. “Close.”

  Gavin huffed and puffed along with her, his chest expanding and brushing her nipples with his every breath. His furred chest teased her, rubbed the sensitive nubs.

  His cock swelled inside her sheath. “Come on, baby. Come for me. Gimme what I need.”

  He kneaded her ass, those nails sinking deeper into her skin, gripping her tighter. That bolt of added pain was what she needed. A sudden rush of sensation overtook her, an overwhelming tide of pleasure, and she was gone.

  With her pussy milking his cock, contracting in undulating ripples, she froze, muscles strung tight, as the first bolt of release slammed forward. She no longer controlled her body as it was overcome with the ecstasy. She sobbed with her orgasm, but at the same time the spears of pleasure caused her to cry out, screaming with her peak.

  Gavin kept her grounded, hands maintaining her rhythm through her climax. Then it was more. So, so much more.r />
  A shard of pain raced through her body, chest burning with his piercing bite, and she roared. The lioness was overjoyed with her mate’s claim and Gina’s fangs descended, pushing past her gums and pricking her lower lip.

  Just as Gavin released her chest, she shoved him down, forcing his back to collide with the mattress. She flashed her fangs, knowing that most men ran at the sight of her threatening teeth.

  Gavin smiled, her blood staining his lips.

  “Mine,” she snarled. Fingers shifting into claws, she dug the tips into his shoulders, forcing him to remain supine beneath her. “Mine.”

  Gina resumed her pace, aftershocks of her pleasure pounding through her veins.

  “God. Gina.”

  She deliberately milked him, tightening her muscles in time with each slide up his cock.

  “Fuck.” His eyes rolled back, lids fluttering closed.

  She increased her speed, drawing him closer to his peak. She wanted him to come in her. Needed him to climax so she could bite him and know that her claim would increase his pleasure.

  “Oh shit. Baby. Gina…” His words were punctuated with gasping breaths.

  Gina’s cat purred within her mind, thrilled with giving their mate ecstasy as well as the prospect of sinking her fangs into Gavin. Yes, she’d bite him, and he’d be hers. Her mate. Her forever.

  “Come, mate.” She growled the words, pushing them past her elongated teeth.

  Gavin arched, pressed up with a howl. His dick jerked within her sheath and warmth filled her, sliding deep into her pussy.

  She struck, clamping down on his shoulder, and reveled in the heady taste of his blood slithering over her tongue. She drank the life giving fluid, moaning with the flavor, and then pulled back, unwilling to damage her mate.

  He twitched beneath her, his cock still hard while she lapped at the wound. He’d heal, but the scar would remain forever. It would signify their bond and tell every other woman to take a hike.


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