Powerless Against You

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Powerless Against You Page 19

by Elizabeth Gannon

  So off they went. Naturally.


  By the time The Pack found Vulpis, he was in a dingy alleyway arguing with two intimidating men. He was cornered, yes, but this was the sneakiest man in the city. An escape from this would be easy.

  Their voices were hushed, barely audible to the keen ears of The Pack, who were watching with interest, maybe a hint of concern for their fellow night owl. Adam was confused; the distinct lines of good and bad were shifting and all because of Carter – or to The Pack, Vulpis. He could tell that Carter was a good person. He gave Adam a chance despite knowing he was Max’s nephew, he gave him information, and knew when it was time to mess around and time to be serious. That didn’t make his stealing and robberies any less wrong or illegal, and that was the issue. It was a paradox, and Adam was unsure what to make of the situation.

  “Now scram!” Vulpis bellowed at the now retreating thugs, breaking Adam out of his thoughts. It was surprisingly vicious, and even The Pack stepped back, shocked.

  As he noticed his new guests, Vulpis sauntered towards them, molten eyes gleaming behind the goggles perched upon his russet mask. “Now what can I do for your guys and gals?” he asked, black-gloved hands thrown up in the air.

  “C’mon, we need to talk somewhere safe,” Adam suggested, grabbing Vulpis’ wrist.

  “Hey, what’re you doing? Cut it out!” The man struggled. “At least tell me where we’re going.”

  “He’s got a point,” Jay noted. “We’re taking you to a warehouse on the edge of the city. Don’t worry. We’re not going to hand you over to the Police or anything like that.”

  “What he means,” Nikki chipped in, “is that we need your help, as much as it pains our fearless leader to ask.”

  Adam gave her a look, unamused.

  “Why didn’t you say so? Lead the way,” Vulpis replied, giving Nikki a toothy grin.


  Arriving at the warehouse, Vulpis began checking the perimeter. Adam guessed it must be habit, checking for key exits and vantage points in the event of an escape.

  “What was that back there?” Adam asked.

  “Oh, that? Max Laxton has been trying to recruit me. Again. He’s really determined. Never seen the man himself, though.”

  The Pack looked at each other. They knew this would happen. Adam hoped it would be a way for him to gain Carter’s help.

  “So what did you guys want anyway?” Vulpis asked, eyes flitting about carefully.

  “We want you and Alpha over there to kiss and make up,” Jay snarked.

  “Nah, we’ve already done that,” Vulpis muttered, barely heard by the rest of the group.

  “What?” Nikki gasped, staring at Adam.

  Vulpis looked visibly smug, whilst Jay gaped in disbelief.

  “Can we just talk about our plans for Vulpis, here? Please?” Adam pleaded, face red and flustered. He just wanted this torment to end already.

  “I don’t want to know what plans you’ve got for him, boss,” Jay said, grimacing. He looked just as awkward as Adam did, and that was a serious feat right now.

  Vulpis simply took it in his stride, shrugging and grinning at the group. Turning back towards Adam, he asked: “So what do you want me to do?”

  “We need you to break into Max Laxton’s city office, grab a set of blueprints, and give them to us. All undetected.” Adam put it bluntly, there was no point sugar-coating the request. Directness was like ambrosia to thieves.

  Vulpis whistled, nodding in understanding. “Wow, I mean, wow. That’s quite a big ask –”

  “But –”

  “Max Laxton is insane,” the man growled. “What happens if I get caught, huh? He won’t hand me over to the police; God knows what he’ll do. It’s risky, even for me. I don’t want to get caught by someone like that.”

  Adam understood. He really did, but – “We have no other choice,” he declared, face solemn.

  Vulpis sighed, exasperated, and all fight seemed to have left his body in one sagging motion. “I know. It’s risky, and I don’t like it, but Max has been recruiting my fences, and I need to do something. Otherwise, I’m out of the business.”

  Ben looked proud, once his prediction was found correct.

  “So you’re in, right?” Jay asked.

  “Yeah,” Vulpis agreed. “I’m in.”


  It was arranged for them all to meet up near the office block a week later, giving Vulpis enough time for preparation and to scope the location for a point of entry. The lot of them were tense, desperate for the blueprints Adam so urgently needed. The sky was growing dark with the incoming evening, and each member of the group (including Vulpis) had been assigned an individual earpiece for communication, as each was situated at various locations surrounding the building.

  It had been decided that Vulpis would enter the building via an old ventilation system which travelled from the roof, branching at different areas. More importantly, it exited directly in Max’s office, which in theory should be empty. Not only was the most nimble and silent of the group, he was also the most slim, so travelling through the ventilation system would be fairly simple for him.

  “Okay, you guys,” Vulpis’ voice crackled across the headset. “I’m entering the vent now.”

  It was slow going, Adam could tell, and Vulpis was giving him updates whenever he passed another branch in the tunnel. Adam was surprised by how Vulpis’ soft breathing seemed to comfort him, reassuring him that things were going as planned. It wasn’t that he knew he was safe. Nope. Not it. No way.

  Ten more minutes had passed when Vulpis spoke again, a subtle hint of panic and worry in his voice. “Okay, I’m there but – shit. His office light is on, I can’t tell if he’s in there guys, I can’t –”

  “I know you’re there, little thief. Don’t hide from me,” oozed Max Laxton, voice barely picked up by Adam’s headset.

  “Fuck. Oh, God, I’ve been compromised. Shit. You guys better come for me, or I swear to –” Vulpis’ threat was drowned out by the sound of the vent’s grate being removed, followed by a startled yelp and then…



  “We need to get in there,” Nikki urged, darkly lined eyes wide and pleading.

  “She’s right, Adam,” Ben reasoned with his leader. “Max’s a lunatic. We can’t leave Vulpis with him, thief or not,”

  Adam wasn’t going to argue with them. He knew what Max would be capable of, and he didn’t want to be responsible for Carter’s mental and physical state if he ever got out. It wasn’t that Adam cared for Carter; he was just doing what anyone would do. That was it, Adam convinced himself. Barely.

  With the knowledge that the building was now empty – Max and Vulpis the exception – The Pack stormed the building, racing up the stairs to the appropriate floor, where they were greeted by a set of large, heavy oak-wood door. The place looked lavish and spotless, clearly for someone with lots of money and a taste for the finer things. Someone like Max.

  Hesitantly, but with a solid push, Nikki and Jay entered first, flanking Adam as he approached the centre of the room, Ben following behind. Adam loved when The Pack worked as a team like this; he felt a sense of overwhelming pride seeing their unity, despite the circumstances for which it had revealed itself.

  When Adam scanned the room before him, his eyes froze on the man he once called his uncle, who stared back, gaze hard, cold, and cruel. What surprised Adam more – and The Pack, it seemed – was that sitting on the floor next to Max’s wide, polished desk was Carter, who had a large, intimidating collar clasped around his neck, like some sort of guard dog – or fox. Connected to the collar was a long metal chain, which Max gripped in one hand. The other was holding a tumbler of whisky. Despite the nature of Carter’s incarceration, he looked fine, if a little edgy. Max must have caught him by surprise. If the earlier yelp had been any indication, that’s when he must have been collared.

  “Are you okay?” Ben asked, a picture of genuine co

  “I’m fine. If anything, I’m totally feeling like Princess Leia before Jabba the Hutt right now.”

  Everyone in the room let out a chuckle. It broke the tension, albeit temporarily.

  “Oh, Vulpis,” Max said, “you do make me laugh. If only you had accepted my offer, I wouldn’t have been forced to do this.” He yanked the chains, causing Vulpis to sway slightly with the movement. He didn’t look scared, just irritated. It comforted Adam somewhat.

  “Max?” Adam gritted out, stance aggressive.

  “Yes, nephew?”

  “Let. Him. Go.”

  “Nephew?” a member of the group behind Adam asked. All faces twisted in confusion.

  “Oh, you didn’t know?” Max spoke conversationally.

  “Perhaps I didn’t want to be associated with the likes of you,” Adam said with a sneer, defending himself to his fellow teammates. They didn’t look angry or judgemental but still hurt. Carter, on the other hand looked unfazed, picking at the fingers of his black spandex gloves.

  “But you’ll be associated with the little fox, here?” Max’s lip curled into a silent snarl. He pulled the chain again, sending Vulpis into a sprawl against the floor.

  It was an almost seductive pose, if not for the fact that he had a chain around his neck and a crime lord controlling his every move. Right, now was not the time for these thoughts. “He’s not a cold-blooded killer.”

  “How can you tell?”

  “Not my style,” Vulpis drawled from his place on the floor, toying with the collar around his neck. “Sneaking around enemies is much more fun.”

  As soon as Vulpis said the word “fun” he leapt up, startling Max and everyone else around the room with his rapid movements. Before Max could move, the chain he had previously been holding was wrapped around his throat, not particularly tight Adam could see but enough to threaten Max and stop him from budging.

  “Adam,” Carter said, using his name for the second time ever, “could you be as kind as to check through the desk drawers for the blueprints. I would ask Max, but he seems a little preoccupied at the moment.”

  Nodding, Adam stalked to the desk, checking through each draw until found the bottom one would not open. “It’s locked; I think Max still has the key,” Adam replied.

  “Does he now? That won’t do at all!” Adjusting his grip on the chains, Vulpis shoved his hand into one of Max’s trouser pockets, shamelessly searching for the key.

  “Oh, Vulpis. We haven’t even had our first date yet,” Max crooned the best he could. The light press of the chains mangled his words, making them rough and wobbly.

  “Aha!” Vulpis cheered, eyes sparkling and grin widening as he pulled a set of keys from Max’s pocket before tossing them over to Adam, who began picking through them.

  Finding the right key, Adam opened the last drawer and rifled through the papers, stopping at a set of blueprints amidst the other likely nefarious documents. He beckoned Jay over, who was wearing a tube across his shoulders, perfect for the transportation of the “goods” and sealed away the blueprints from Max’s furious eyes. After a brief cough from Vulpis, Adam searched through the keys again, this one for Vulpis’ collar. With a small click, the collar was loose and falling to the floor, allowing Vulpis to heave a sigh of relief before returning his attention to Max.

  “I’m not going to kill you, Max. I’m not going to prove you right and take a life just because you’ve done this to me. Yes, I may be a thief, and yes, my moral compass may not point totally towards north but I’m better than you, and if these guys are as determined as they seem to be, I very much doubt there’ll be a next meeting between us.” Vulpis paused, eyes alight with energy. “I’m sure you guys will have a lot of planning to do. Deal with Max how you want, and thanks for saving me. I’d say I owe you one, but as you got me into this mess, I don’t think that would be true.” With a small wave, Vulpis let go of Max and left the office. This time through the doors they had entered by, disappearing from Adam’s view – and life – once again.

  Adam couldn’t help but feel a little lost.


  A month had passed before Adam saw Carter again. The Pack had been preoccupied with wheedling out the corruption from within the police force, ending in a spectacular raid of Max’s compound which could almost be described as a battle. Working with the newly appointed Sheriff Smith, an honourable man who did the city justice. It was harsh and brutal, and it was found that Max had been receiving weapon and drug shipments that were to be distributed to vendors throughout the area and then sold for his profit. It took a while for Max’s empire to be completely dismantled, but the work had been worth it. Adam had never seen Gaunt City look so clean and free, as if the dark poison which had infected it had been removed. The city was healing.

  Not that Adam and The Pack hadn’t heard anything about Vulpis. Not at all. He still made a frequent appearance in the Gaunt City Gazette, reporting his latest daring heists and outrageous robberies which put the police and security forces to shame. Of course, Vulpis’ name was never mentioned, but Adam could tell it was him. He could always tell.

  This was how Adam found himself sitting upon a billboard with Carter, watching the horizon and bustling city beneath it. They were close together, the air between them warm and intimate. It was a pleasant feeling, one Adam wanted to bask in forever.

  “Everything sorted with Max?” Carter asked softly. For in this moment between them, they weren’t Crimson Alpha and Vulpis. They were Adam and Carter. Another barrier between the two of them had been removed.

  “Yeah,” Adam confirmed, nodding slightly. “It’s strange, you know? My only remaining family member, and I’ve condemned him to a life in prison.”

  “Do you regret it?” Carter wondered, legs swinging in the night air.

  Adam shook his head. “Not at all. The way I see criminals isn’t just black and white anymore, but Max was a killer, and he deserved what he got. That sort of thing can’t be forgiven.”

  “And me?” Carter exaggerated fluttering his eyelashes, pouting.

  “You’re a pain in my ass, but you’re not a dangerous one.” Adam replied.

  Carter scoffed. “Puh-lease, I’m a lean, mean, fighting machine. I could totally be dangerous.” The thief teased, mimicking a karate chop to Adam’s shoulder. He let out a deep laugh at Carter’s flailing arms. The laughter died off and they sat in silence for a few minutes, taking in the sounds of the city, the clubs and cars and screeching sirens.

  It was Adam who broke the comfortable silence. “You could join The Pack you know, if you wanted.” His normally gruff voice now small and shy.

  “Oh, Adam,” Carter said with a sigh, all tenderness. Adam stilled as Carter raised a hand to cup his jaw, thumb stroking the small patch of prickly stubble beneath his dark mask. “You know I can’t.”

  Adam couldn’t help but lean into Carter’s warmth.

  “The police will want us to pursue you. They’ll search for information, demand answers.”

  Smiling like a Cheshire cat, Carter pressed a soft kiss to Adam’s lips. It was stark change from the sultry looks, purposeful touches and demanding affection Carter usually showered Adam with. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone else, but the kiss was sweet and gentle. Something new. It filled Adam with hope.

  “I’ll be the Catwoman to your Batman anytime you want.” Carter said, sneaking Adam another kiss.

  They were quiet for a long time after that.

  About the Author

  Alice Hare is an aspiring writer and English Literature student currently living in England, UK. When she can pry her hands from the video game controller, she loves to read fantasy novels, watch sci-fi movies, and for a dose of reality - bake cupcakes.

  You can follow her on Tumblr at:


  Things We Do For Love

  Andrea R. Blackwell

  She could feel it: this heist would make them.

  Everything was in place�
�accomplices, back up plans, other contingencies. As long as everyone played their parts, they would walk away rich. But they had to know everything cold. She already did. Still, one more look over the plans couldn’t hurt.

  She ran through the timeline in her head. Their inside man would disable all the alarms and systems at 0300 exactly. Then she and the boys would breach the building at precisely 0302, disabling any—

  “Are you still planning, Kate?”

  Kate absolutely refused to jump at the soft voice so close to her ear. “Carl,” she whispered. She should’ve expected him to be there. He always was. “What do you want? I’m busy.”

  Hands settled on her hips and a soft chuckle brushed her ear. “I can see. I can also see it’s the same thing you were working on last time I came in here five hours ago.” Had it really been that long? “There is such a thing as staring at plans for too long. You’ll ruin your eyes.”

  Backwater superstitions, and a little too close to their past for Kate’s comfort. She mentally shrugged the feeling off but didn’t move. She rather liked Carl’s hands where they were.

  “What do you want?” she repeated. It wasn’t like Carl to interrupt her without a purpose.

  “You’ve been going over these plans for five hours,” he said, very much not answering her question. “The job isn’t for another month. You have plenty of time to stare at them later.”

  “Are you actually telling me to stop preparing for a job?” she asked. Turning around, she leaned back against the table. He was a few inches taller than her, but her usual battle dress of high heels helped close the gap, and they were almost eye to eye. “Mr. Does Inventory of His Ammunition Every Damn Morning.”

  Swallowing the retort she could see on his tongue, he smiled that placid little smile of his. The one politicians have when they’re trying to lie and tell the truth at the same time. “No,” he said. “I just think it’s time for a break.” Hands slid from her hips, one snaking up between her shoulders, the other slipping into the small of her back.


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