Legend of the Touched

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Legend of the Touched Page 21

by JF Jenkins

  Silently, Darien led them inside what remained of his home and brought them to the portal hoping it was still there. He didn't know how long the spell would last with the building falling down. Letting out a soft sigh of relief when he saw the glowing sigil, he motioned for Alex and his sister to come into the closet as well.

  "Hold on to me and don't let go."

  Alex held on to his forearm with a hot sweaty hand. His sister grabbed his wrist with a shaking hand that was cold as ice. Hopefully she wasn't going into shock. Once he was positive they had a firm grip on him, Darien touched the portal and they were taken back to Sanctuary. Allegra's knees buckles and she fell to the floor, her entire body shaking and she started to sob. Not quite the reaction Darien had been expecting, though he was surprised neither one of them had a complete freak out to begin with. Maybe that's what she was doing? He let Alex comfort his sister.

  "You'll be safe here," Darien whispered. "Take your time. I'm going to start some tea, and then I can answer your questions. You probably have a million of them. We're all tired, but I think we'll also all rest better without them in our heads."

  "Yeah," Alex said softly. He watched Darien with a different sort of gaze than what was familiar. His eyes were narrowed thoughtfully and even his smell was different. It didn't remind Darien of fear which was surprising. Allegra was terrified of him. He hadn't smelt that stench since when he first went to take Tai from the altar. Why wasn't Alex afraid though? It didn't make sense.

  Without another word, Darien left them in the entryway of the castle to go to the massive kitchen a few rooms away. He was still trying to learn his way around the place. The kitchen and den were the only places he was completely familiar with.

  He was pretty confident Alex and Allegra wouldn't leave the castle. Even if they did, Sanctuary was in the middle of nowhere. All there was around them for miles was forest and water. Where would they go? It was why he felt no qualms with bringing them back to begin with. If there was no one around to talk to, there was no one they could tell.

  Once in the kitchen, Darien started the teakettle. The only sound he could hear was the sound of the stove burning. Quiet, maybe he could get a hold of Tai again. She was okay, and that was a small comfort for him. He clutched his hands into tight fists. God give me the strength to do what I need to, and to be patient until it is time. Waiting was the hardest part. He wanted to go to Inero now.

  There was a quiet cough in the doorway, and when Darien turned to see, there stood Tony with one of his boys.

  "Why are there humans in the foyer?" Tony asked with a raised eyebrow.

  "They're friends of mine and Tai's from school. There was nowhere else for them to go. Their family was killed in the attack today. The boy speaks the dragon tongue. It made sense to me."

  "You pitied them." His brother sighed. "You know our secret is important."

  "Yes, I'm aware, and so what if I did pity them? They're special to Tai. She wouldn't be okay with me leaving them stranded to fend for themselves. I'll figure out what to do with them. He wants to help. We need that." Darien didn't need his brother to tell him all of the ways he was being stupid right now. He needed support.

  Tony ran a hand through his hair. "We do. There have been other humans who have learned of the secret. They're called Guardians. It's a new kind of brother. Something I've seen on occasion when visiting our uncles to the West. According to the book you have me reading, it used to be a more common practice. I'll finish up this for you." He gestured at the tea. "Bring them back. I'm also going to make a meal. You need to eat. You need your strength."

  "I'm not hungry." Darien had far too much adrenaline in him to rest.

  "You're going to anyway." Tony grabbed him by the arm and shooed him out the door.

  When he returned to Alex and Allegra, he saw them sitting in the corner holding one another. They spoke softly.

  "This can't be real," she whispered.

  "But it is, and I need you to stay strong right now," Alex said.

  "You know they aren't going to let us go. We'll never be able to leave here again. The dragons eat humans, especially girls. Why on earth would you agree to come with him? I always knew there was something strange about him."

  "We all noticed it. I think if he was going to eat us, he either would have done it or not left us alone to run away. Do you want to? We can give it a try if you're not sure."

  She cried, her voice overcome with sobbing. It was then that Darien decided to let them know he was there.

  "The tea is ready," he said quietly. Alex helped his sister stand, and they followed him back to the kitchen. Darien motioned for them to sit at the table with his nephew, and he helped Tony gather up cups and plates to help serve. Soon everyone had tea, and a bowl of fresh oatmeal with brown sugar and butter. Introductions were made, and then they got to business.

  Tony decided to start the questions. "How much do they know?"

  "They know I'm a dragon, obviously. I also told them that all dragons are also human. The details beyond that, we didn't have much time for, but I tried to explain why we were given this ability at least. That we change so we can remember to respect the humans, and care for them. That in a lot of ways, we are human too." He briefly made eye contact with Allegra and watched as she shrunk in her chair, moving closer to her brother.

  "But you didn't tell them the complete story of why?" Tony asked.

  "No, there wasn't time. It wasn't that long of a car trip."

  "Part of the reason we change is because dragons are always born male," Tony said, and then dove into the whole explanation. Darien was grateful his brother was willing to do the talking, but he was growing wearier by the minute. The day's events were starting to catch up with him. Perhaps sleep wouldn't be so hard for him to achieve after all.

  Alex nodded, leaning forward as he listened with great interest. The guy was clearly fascinated by everything, another thing Darien would have never expected.

  "So you don't eat humans?" Alex asked and gave his sister a side-glance. Both Darien and his brother shook their head. His nephew giggled. Alex cracked a smile. "So all of the girls who are supposedly eaten are actually…?"

  "Chosen to be our wives," Tony said. "For the most part, it works. Sometimes, not so much." He looked away then, focusing his attention on his teacup instead of on everyone at the table. Darien gave his brother's wrist a sympathetic pat before taking a sip, waiting for the next question.

  Alex stared down at his hands and fidgeted for a minute. "So Tai is..."

  "My wife, yes," Darien said, and he had to fight the urge to give a smug smirk. It felt good to have it be out in the open, but he didn't enjoy the disappointment that Alex wore. The guy's shoulders slouched and his brow furrowed deeply as he frowned.

  He gave a small nod. "Well, she did say things were complicated."

  "Yes, I would say this qualifies."

  "So what happens now? You do have a plan to get her back right?"

  "Of course."

  "Good, because I want in. I want revenge."

  Darien and Tony exchanged a glance. His way of saying 'I told you so' without actually uttering the words. "So that's what I'm smelling coming off of you."

  "Huh?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

  "I can smell your emotions most of the time. I could tell she was scared." He pointed to Allegra. "You were harder to figure out. It's not important, so much as an observation. Any help you are willing to give, I will gladly take. I can't put you in the middle of the action. It wouldn't be right, and you wouldn't stand a chance in a fight against another dragon."

  Tony shifted in his seat. "That's not entirely true." Both of Darien's eyebrows raised, and his brother continued. "The Guardian. I told you about that. It's a type of binding that would give you a lot of our magical abilities. Don't take this the wrong way, but it would make you magically equivalent to our wives. Longer life span, the ability to perform certain spells, and immunity to our element. There are also the drawbacks wit
h our magic of course. Our sensitivity to the Earth, watching those you love from afar grow old and die. This includes your friends, not just your family. The secrets you already know must be taken to the grave. You'd have to do the same with this one as well. I'm not sure if Darien explained this to you before he told, but no one must know. If you do tell anyone, it is considered a betrayal. He risked a lot to bring you here and to give you his trust. Usually there is a petition filed before a human is ever told our secret. A human who isn't chosen to be a mate, I should say. He went against that, and more often than not that comes with a high price."

  Darien winced. He'd never been told about the petition before. It sounded like a law he should have been informed of a long time ago or, at the very least, after he had taken up the position of the Great Lord. The process of becoming a Guardian was something he'd never even heard of though. Perhaps it was another part of his people lost over the years.

  "He's also the leader of our nation," Tony added. "He can get away with certain things, especially in the midst of an emergency. Unfortunately for you, it puts you in an awkward position because you didn't have much of a choice."

  "I'm sorry for that," Darien said softly.

  Alex shook his head. "You chose to show us, but I wasn't going to let you go without a fight."

  "True, he recognized my voice, Tony. He also overheard and understood my conversation with Brian."

  His brother took a small sip of tea. "This isn't a decision to be taken lightly. And I personally feel it is only something that should be offered to you, Alex. My brother is right when he says we can use all of the help we can get. If you're going to be living here, you should also be given the chance to defend yourself should the need arise. Who knows what's going to happen from here on out." He paused and looked at Darien. "I hope you don't feel I'm over stepping a boundary."

  "No, it's fine," Darien said. "Any advice at this point is appreciated."

  The brothers both went silent and watched Alex and Allegra. Outside of Tony's son eating his oatmeal, no one did much of anything.

  "More please, Daddy?" the boy asked. Tony took the bowl and left the table.

  Allegra finally spoke. "I want to do something too."

  Chapter Sixty-Eight

  The Inero

  News traveled fast that Navi had returned to the Great Lord's clutches. It broke Gwen's heart, but she was probably the only person who felt this way. Most sympathized with Lynx, probably because their livelihood depended on it. Navi wasn't allowed to leave the Lord's bedchambers. Jason had said to wait to go visit, but Gwen couldn't stand not seeing her friend.

  She knocked on Lynx's door, praying silently he did not answer it, even better if he wasn't even there to begin with. Before going over, Gwen at least called to make sure Navi knew she was on her way. The conversation had been short and terse.

  Navi answered the door, gave Gwen a genuine smile, and welcomed her in. "He's already asleep. It's been a busy day."

  "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. Jason didn't think it would be wise for me to see you right away," Gwen said quietly.

  "Probably not, but now is actually a perfect time, so it works out."

  "You sounded angry on the phone. I wasn't sure."

  "Because I am angry, but that's beside the point." Navi took her by the hand and led her to a bedroom. There another girl closer to Gwen's age lay in the bed asleep. What startled her the most was that this girl was Oceina.

  Gwen raised both of her eyebrows, silently asking the question her lips dare not say.

  "She belongs to the Great Water Lord," Navi said softly. "They invaded Oceina City around seven hours ago. The things Lynx is thinking of doing are disgusting. I haven't felt comfortable with leaving her alone in here for long because of it."

  "It makes me sad to see you here," Gwen whispered. The two sat on the floor at the foot of the bed. There was no other furniture for them to sit on, but the floor was perfectly comfortable as it was covered in plush, cream colored carpet.

  Her friend gave a small, sad smile. "Thank you, that means a lot to hear. I'm the bad guy after all, for leaving and breaking his heart."

  "Even though he manipulated you and hurt you far worse," Gwen snorted.

  "That's not how the story goes in the city."

  "I suppose that's why it's a story though. Right?"

  Navi sighed. "We were halfway across Oceina when we were found by his spies. They ambushed us and I think the rest is self explanatory."

  Gwen nodded. "What are you going to do now? What about Chris?"

  "My husband? Lynx drove him out of the city. If he's ever seen here again, well...I don't think I need to explain this either." Navi half-smiled.

  Gwen loved hearing the news of the nuptials between Navi and Chris. At least the two were finally able to be together, even if only for a moment.

  Still, Gwen was disappointed. "So this is the end? And things are going to return to normal?"

  Navi laughed. "Things aren't ever going to be the same. They started changing the moment you arrived in the city. When the twins grew up, the world changed. And this is far from being the end."

  The smirk Navi wore made it clear she had a plan.

  Chapter Sixty-Nine

  The Oceina

  Alex hadn't been given a lot of time to decide if he would accept the position of Guardian or not. There wasn't much time. Soon Darien would have to leave for the Inero country. His uncles had their troops in place, ready to attack, to create the diversion he'd need to sneak in. Darien gathered with Tony, Alex, and Allegra in the den.

  Tony held a copy of the Holy Book in his hands. "It's a simple ceremony, but it will take a lot out of you both. Especially Alex. Your magic is strong Darien, so you might not feel as much of a drain. Because of this strength though, this might be a particularly painful thing for you to endure Alex. I just want you to understand that. It's similar to what the women go through when they transition, or adapt, to our magic changing their DNA and making them like us. The same thing will happen to you. Remember though, you will be like us, not one of us."

  "I understand," Alex said, a fierce determination in his voice.

  "Okay, face one another," Tony instructed Darien and Alex. They did so and waited. "All right, before we continue. Alex, do you solemnly swear that you will uphold your duties as a Guardian, a keeper of our secret? You will tell no other living soul who and what we really are. Should you take a wife, this is open for reconsideration, but even then you must bring her before us as a petition of your love. You will live by our laws, and you must swear your life to the Oceina nation and people, forsaking your human heritage. Do you accept this responsibility?"

  "I do," Alex whispered.

  "Darien, you are the one choosing to bind him to our people. Do you swear to help this human succeed in this charge, and accept full responsibility for his actions? To guide and direct him down the right path?"

  "Yes, I do," Darien said.

  Tony lifted a knife from the book. He had been holding it in the crease, and Darien didn't know if its presence should worry him or not. "Both of you extend to me your right hand, palm up." They did so, and with one swift swipe, both of the young men had their hands cut open. "Grasp the others hand and mingle your blood. From then on, you will be like brothers. The dragon will flow through the human, giving him strength and magic to help him fulfill his duties to the people. The blood of the human will be inside of the dragon to remind him of the people, the species, he was born and chosen to protect—the people God loves more than any other. Once your blood mixes, it is done. There is no going back."

  Darien lifted his eyes to stare into Alex's, wanting to make sure this was something the other teenager wanted. Without any hesitation, Alex grabbed Darien's sliced hand with his own and held on tight. Instantly, Darien felt his magic flowing from him and into his friend. The amount of energy was so great it caused their hands to glow and then ignite in a blue flame. Alex whimpered slightly and his eyes teared, but he
held his ground.

  I won't cave. I won't fall down. A male voice that wasn't his own filled Darien's head. It took him a moment to realize that it was Alex. Another person to be in his head? He didn't know how to feel about it, though he did miss having Tai there. The replacement company for the time being would be nice, but would she be connected with Alex too? That didn't sit well with Darien.

  The longer they held on to one another, the stronger the flow of magic became. Two more minutes passed, and Alex let go. He stumbled back a few feet and held onto his head.

  "Are you okay?" Darien asked quietly.

  "I think so." Alex blinked, still holding his head. "I feel like I'm on fire."

  "We'll get you to a room so you can lie down," Tony said. His eyes were wide. Allegra had a similar expression on her face. "It worked."

  Darien nodded. "It did. Welcome to our brotherhood."

  Chapter Seventy

  The Inero

  Searching for Lenora, Kat made her way to the room where her father-in-law lived. She'd never been here before, and didn't necessarily want to go. But she needed the woman who was like a mother to her. Everything with the war was happening so much faster than she had anticipated. Her husband had returned to her safely, but she knew the Oceina Lord would retaliate with a vengeance, and then what? Who would be hurt first? Matt. She was terrified for him, for their child, and for the entire nation.

  A guard stood outside of the room, but only one, and he appeared to be bored, slouched against the nearby wall. When he caught sight of Kat, he tensed and straightened momentarily before backing away so she could go about her business. He must have not thought her a threat. She knocked on the door and prayed silently that Lynx didn't answer. They'd met a couple of times and engaged in a few brief conversations. The man intimidated her, a lot. Matt loved him, and she respected that, but to her Lynx gave off a lot of bad vibes. Something was not right about him.


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