Caribbean Rescue (Destination Billionaire Romance)

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Caribbean Rescue (Destination Billionaire Romance) Page 12

by Checketts, Cami

  The afternoon dragged by with him in the captain’s chair and Brooks and Maddie playing dumb card games. The lilting laughter he’d loved hearing from her now grated on his nerves. The sun dropped below the horizon, and Brooks strode toward him. “My turn to navigate, lover boy.”

  Zack nodded and backed away. “I’ll throw together some dinner.”

  “That’d be great. Make Maddie help you. She’s been a waste of skin on this trip.” He tossed a wink Maddie’s direction. She stuck out her tongue.

  Zack headed to the kitchen without responding. Their flirtation was getting under his skin. Hopefully, after dinner Maddie would go sleep for a while, and by early morning they’d be in Key West. He’d never have to see her again and be tormented that she’d been interested in him until Brooks had turned on the charm. If his friend had any mercy in that huge body, Brooks wouldn’t rub it in if he and Maddie kept in touch or developed a relationship. Not that a relationship with Brooks would last longer than a few weeks. They never did. At least that was some reassurance for Zack—that he wouldn’t have to endure this jealous knot in his gut for a huge length of time.

  He pulled out veggies and chicken to make a stir-fry. A different kind of worry lodged in his throat. What if Maddie was the one who finally broke through Brooks’ wall of trust and was his friend’s lifetime love? He swallowed hard. If that was the case, Zack would have to stop being selfish and conjure up some positive thoughts for his friend’s happiness. He just didn’t know why it had to be Maddie. The first woman Zack had really fallen for in … he couldn’t remember how long. He could spend years getting to know her funny personality and looking into her sparkling brown eyes, and it wouldn’t be enough.

  Maddie brushed up against him, and every nerve in Zack’s body went into hyperdrive. He tried to control the burn in his stomach when his first instinct was to grab her and kiss her, even if Brooks was watching. Okay, maybe especially if Brooks was watching. Zack was too competitive; that was the problem. He’d never liked to lose, and that instinct to fight when he finally found the woman he wanted was over the top. It wasn’t fair to his friend who had done more for Zack than any person but his mother and sister.

  “What can I do to help?” Maddie glanced up at him with those liquid dark eyes.

  Tell me you want me, then kiss me. Zack gulped down the words before they escaped. “Just watch the master chef work.” He gave her a brave wink.

  She grinned. “I can’t wait to see the master chef in action again, but can I at least help chop veggies or something?”

  “It’s an art form. Shouldn’t be messed with by amateurs.”

  Maddie’s tinkling laughter had his chest swelling. He needed to think of a job for her quick, so she stayed with him rather than going to Brooks’ side again. “But I could use a rice cooker. Very important job all on its own.”

  “I can do that. Where are the pots?”

  He pointed down and watched unabashedly as she leaned over to grab a pot. Averting his eyes when she came back up, he caught Brooks laughing at him and shook his head at his friend.


  “They usually pack most of the dry goods in one of these upper cupboards.”

  “Got it.” She found the rice and got to work measuring and mixing while he sautéed the marinated chicken with some diced onion and garlic.

  “How would this be?” She shook her head at the well-stocked kitchen. “He just tells his people to stock it and they do.”

  Zack’s shoulders tightened. She wanted this, what Brooks could provide. This wasn’t Zack’s mode of operation. He preferred taking care of himself, but he could make this happen for her too, if she was interested in him, not Brooks. “He has some great people who work for him. I could have the same if I wanted.”

  Maddie placed a warm hand on his arm. The chicken popped and sizzled in the pan, but Zack ignored it. “I’m sure you could; it’s just not your style. I like that you take care of yourself.”

  “You do?” Zack inched closer to her.

  “You’re a very impressive man, Zack Tyndale.”

  Zack’s hand moved of its own accord as he trailed his thumb down her soft cheek. “You’re not so shabby yourself, Madeline Panetto.”

  She grinned and leaned into his hand. “Do you think that you and I—”

  The stench of burning meat reached his nose at the same time as Brooks’ holler. “What the—! Can’t I trust you two to cook while I keep us safe?”

  Zack turned back to the stove and salvaged the meat. He only had to cut off a small section of black, and luckily the open air of the cabin cleared out any burning smell. Maddie continued to help him by cutting up some fresh fruit and getting plates and utensils. The dinner turned out fine, but Zack really wished he’d been able to hear her finish her statement about the two of them.

  * * *

  Maddie helped clean up dinner with Zack, wishing she didn’t notice his every movement. His athleticism was obvious in the way he moved, and she couldn’t help herself from staring at times. They congregated by the captain’s chair and chatted until it was late. Maddie was yawning despite their funny stories about living outside of America and the different customs and language barriers.

  “I’ll radio the Coast Guard when we get a little closer, but we should be to Key West before you two beauties wake in the morning,” Brooks said.

  “You’re staying up alone?” Zack arched an eyebrow. “That’s mighty nice of you.”

  “I know you couldn’t sleep through the night if you tried. Worrying about me and our little princess.”

  Maddie straightened. “I am not a princess.”

  Brooks winked. “Didn’t mean to offend, love.”

  Zack scowled, but didn’t say anything.

  Brooks shooed them with his hand. “Go, rest. Come check on me when you wake up. You both look grumpy and exhausted. I need some peace and quiet, not irritable shipmates.”

  Zack arched an eyebrow at Maddie. “I don’t think you look grumpy or exhausted.”

  “There he goes, twisting my words and trying to butter up the beautiful woman.” Brooks winked at Maddie.

  “Thank you for being the almighty Captain,” Maddie said.

  “No worries. It’s a calm night and I need time to ponder and meditate.”

  Zack harrumphed. “He’s never meditated a minute in his life.”

  “It’s a new me,” Brooks insisted, though his huge grin didn’t back up his words. “Now go!”

  Zack placed his hand on Maddie’s back. The touch of his palm seared through the thin fabric of her dress. They walked through the main living area and down the stairs without saying anything. Zack guided her to a room. “There should be toiletries and anything you need in the shower.”

  “I know.” She smiled. “I used it already when Brooks conditioned my hair with salt water.”

  Zack smiled, but it seemed forced. “You two had a lot of fun today.”

  Maddie tilted her head to the side and regarded him. Was he jealous? “We were just passing the time.” She took a deep breath and forced herself to be brave. “I would much rather be with you.”

  Zack drew in a breath so quickly there was an audible pop. He blinked at her and took a step closer, his voice deep and husky. “You would?”

  She nodded, not sure if she could trust her voice.

  “But Brooks is so much fun to be with.”

  Maddie shook her head. “I’m not interested in your overconfident friend like that, Zack.”

  Zack’s eyes darkened as he captured her gaze. He gently wrapped his hands around her upper arms. “Who are you interested in like that?”

  Maddie swallowed, licked her lips, and then admitted, “You.”

  A slow smile grew on his handsome face. “I’ve been torturing myself all day.”


  He trailed his hands up past her shoulders and along her neck. Maddie shivered from the pleasant sensation and the smoldering look in his eyes. His fingers brushed
her neck as he framed her face with his palms.

  Maddie stared at him, unable to move or think.

  “Not being close to you is torture,” he whispered.

  Maddie felt the same way. He lowered his head, and their lips met in a soft caress. Zack groaned and increased the pressure and intensity of the kiss. Maddie grabbed on to his well-formed arms as he tilted her head with his hands and continued to kiss her with a passion she’d never felt. His hands trailed around to her neck and down her back, leaving heat in their wake. Maddie clung to him and returned each kiss with her own.

  “Slow your speed and prepare to be boarded.” The words seemed to vibrate through the boat.

  Maddie yanked back and opened her eyes. Bright lights flashed through the window. She froze. Bello? Moments later, footsteps pounded on the deck above them. Maddie held on to Zack as if he could protect her.

  “It’ll be okay,” he reassured her.

  Maddie knew the words were empty. Cold fear coursed through her body in an awful contrast to the warmth and joy she’d felt seconds before. Zack hurried her through the room and held his hand to the wall for a few seconds. A panel opened that she never would’ve noticed. “Hide in here. Don’t come out for anyone but Brooks or me.”

  Maddie stood frozen in the constricted space.

  “You’ll be okay,” he promised again before the door slid closed and cut him off from her.

  She didn’t dare move as she tried to control the panting sounds of her breathing. She could hear more footsteps and muffled voices above her. Was it really Bello? Had he somehow found them again? How could she just sit here? What if Bello killed Brooks and Zack to get to her? She could prevent that by giving herself up.

  She said a quick prayer for strength and help, but didn’t dare ask for protection. If it was Bello, and the Lord was merciful, she’d be dead before the night was over. Death was definitely preferable to being in Bello’s clutches. She could protect Zack and Brooks if she made a deal with that devil.

  Feeling around, she pushed against the secret compartment in several different spots before it finally slid open. The room was dark. She tripped and fell against the bed, quickly righting herself. She was almost to the door when it flung open. A man in dark clothing, holding an assault rifle, flashed a light in her face. “Identify yourself.”

  Maddie could hardly catch a breath for the fear choking her. “Madeline Panetto.”

  The man stepped back and gestured her out into the hallway. “After you, ma’am.”

  Several other men walked in and out of the lower rooms. One of them must’ve found Brooks’ stash of guns, as he was toting quite a few of them.

  Maddie walked through the hallway and climbed the stairs on rubber legs. Who were these men? They didn’t seem like Bello’s cronies, but she couldn’t be sure. She ascended into the main cabin and caught Zack’s eye. There was a small pile of weapons at his feet, and Brooks looked like he was taking a little harassment from one of the men. The man with the rest of Brooks’ weapons came and set them next to the others.

  “You like to be prepared, eh?”

  “You try living in Mexico,” Brooks threw back at him.

  “It’s illegal to own weapons in Mexico,” the man said.

  Brooks smirked at him.

  “They’re U.S. Coast Guard,” Zack said to Maddie.

  “Are you serious? They showed you identification?”

  “We had to show our identification and let him radio our superiors.” One of the Coast Guard guys nodded to Brooks.

  Zack nodded his confirmation of what he’d said. Maddie stumbled over one of the guns as she ran to him.

  “Stop,” someone commanded.

  She ignored them and threw her arms around Zack. He held her close.

  “The Coast Guard? We’re saved!” Tears ran down her cheeks. She kissed Zack full on the mouth. He responded for a few seconds, then moved her to his side, keeping his arm around her.

  “Madeline Panetto?” the man who had been talking to Brooks asked.

  “Yes, sir.” She wiped the wetness from her face with one hand. “Thank you for coming. How did you know?”

  “Your mother received a message from your father early yesterday morning.”

  “Yesterday morning? He held them off all night?” Maddie felt a little bit of gratitude for her father. He’d done everything he could to help her escape and find her help, even if it had been his fault she was in this situation to begin with. She felt the pressure of Zack’s arm around her. She wouldn’t have met Zack if all of this hadn’t happened.

  “I don’t have all the details on that, ma’am, but we have captured his ship and the men who murdered him. They confessed to killing him.”

  Maddie did collapse then. Her father was dead, but she was safe. Zack held her up with his arm around her waist. “You caught them? You found Bello?”

  “Not sure who Bello is, ma’am, but we’ve got the pirates in custody. I understand you have some papers for me that will help us find the rest of the pirate ring.”

  Maddie nodded to the drawer where they’d secured the papers. Brooks got them out and handed over the packet. “My father said to get them to Homeland Security.”

  “We’re part of Homeland Security, so they’re going to the right place.”

  Maddie smiled at him and turned to Zack. “They’ve captured Bello. I won’t have to go into hiding!” She kissed him again.

  There were a few whistles from the men; then a throat cleared, and she forced herself to turn back and face the guy in charge. Would he be the captain?

  “Sorry, sir, this is just such a relief.”

  “I understand. You’re going to have to come with us.” He walked toward them and extended a hand.

  Maddie clung to Zack, whose arms had tightened around her also. “But what about Zack and Brooks?”

  “They’re free to go with our gratitude for protecting you, but you are on our missing persons list and are also wanted for questioning. You’ll need to come with us now.” He took a hold of her arm; obviously now meant right now.

  Maddie glanced up at Zack. She tried to memorize each line of his face. The warmth in his dark eyes. “It’s been crack-a-lackin’. Thank you.”

  He grinned. “I thought it was better than crack-a-lackin’.”

  Warmth rushed into her face, and she wished she could kiss him again.

  The Coast Guard dude tugged her from Zack’s arms and directed her out the back patio and down to where a military boat was tied alongside the yacht.

  Zack and Brooks followed them out. Maddie wanted to run back to Zack or shout out her cell number and demand he not forget it and come find her. Pathetically, she did nothing but wave and call to both of them, “Thank you.” Then she was in the Coast Guard boat and the men loaded in behind her. Before she knew it, she couldn’t even see the lights from Brooks’ boat anymore. Tears flowed down her face. The guy in charge took her down to a sparse room.

  “You’re welcome to rest in here or come topside if you’d like. We’ll be in Key West in about six hours, and then we’ll fly you to D.C. Your mother is waiting there for you.”

  Maddie forced a smile. “Thank you.” It felt odd to thank someone for ripping her from Zack’s arms.

  He nodded and ducked back out of the door. Maddie sat on the bed, wrapped her arms around herself, and cried. It seemed hours ago that Zack was kissing her. Would she ever see him again?


  “Well, hmm, this is awkward.” Brooks stared Zack up and down. “Are you going to break down and bawl? Because I really am not good at the comforting stuff.”

  Zack blew air out of his nose in what he hoped was a convincing dissenting noise.

  “Ah, man, you are going to cry.” Brooks pounded him on the shoulder. “Let’s just … think of a game plan here. You know her name, that’s something. What else we got?”

  Zack could find her in Montana after she got through interrogation and went home, but he really wasn’t doing thi
s with Brooks. “Let’s just go back to Cozumel. I want to get home.”

  Brooks shook his head. “That’s a load of bull. No way am I falling for you being disinterested now.”

  “Brooks. Please just steer the boat. Maybe tomorrow I’ll be ready for game plans, but I’ve got nothing right now.” He stared at the spot where the Coast Guard cutter had disappeared. This boat was so empty without Maddie. Had she really been kissing him and telling him she was interested in him, not Brooks? It seemed like a faraway dream.

  Brooks stared at him so plaintively he finally admitted, “I know where she lives. Let’s go to Cozumel, and I’ll drive my boat home, secure the island, and then fly to see her.”

  “You promise?”

  Zack grunted a half laugh. “I don’t know. Maybe. Okay?”

  “You are the biggest wimp I know. If you don’t promise, I’m just going to keep driving north until we hit the shores of the good old U.S. of A, and I’m going to force you to find her.”

  “She’s going to need some time. Who knows how long she’ll be with Homeland Security?”

  “Okay. So give me a promise with a deadline.”

  Zack swallowed. “I promise to find Maddie in Montana within two weeks.”

  “Two weeks!” Brooks fired up the motor and started driving north just like he’d promised. “Nope. Here’s our plan. We’re docking in Key West, then we’re flying to New York to see your niece for a few days, then we’re going to Montana.”

  “You aren’t doing this, Brooks.”’

  “I am doing this. When my boy finally finds the perfect woman, I’m going to make it happen.”

  “All she said was thanks.” Zack played over those last seconds as she was taken away. Why hadn’t she asked him to come for her?

  “What?” Brooks’ voice was full of contempt.

  “All she said was thanks when she left. She didn’t ask me to come. She didn’t give me any way to contact her.”

  “Stop being a wussy analyzer of the situation. Did you say anything substantial either? No! We were all in a state of shock after being boarded and having them harass me about having so many weapons. I didn’t even say anything, and we both realize how unusual that is.” He upped the speed. “We’re doing my plan. You don’t have to like it, but you’re doing it.”


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