Caribbean Rescue (Destination Billionaire Romance)

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Caribbean Rescue (Destination Billionaire Romance) Page 14

by Checketts, Cami

  “What? Why didn’t you tell me? Let’s do this!”

  Maddie grinned, but the smile left her face as she felt the cold pressure of steel against her neck. She flipped her hand back to push away whatever it was. Time seemed to stop as her hand made contact with what felt like a pistol. She jerked forward away from the weapon, and then spun to face it. A scream ripped from her throat.

  “What?” Abby yelled in her ear.

  The air whooshed out of her lungs. Her legs trembled, and she almost dropped the phone. Pointing a handgun at her was Bello. His dark eyes flickered over her body, then back to her face. He was not smiling. He gestured to the phone with his gun. “Say goodbye and act natural.”

  “Nothing. It’s nothing.” Maddie was panting and couldn’t help it. “I saw a spider. I gotta go. Let’s chat tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Love ya.”

  “You too.” Maddie ended the call, clinging to her phone and staring at Bello. It was hard to think clearly with him standing in her house and that gun in his hand.

  “Drop the phone,” he commanded.

  She let it go. It clanged against the wood floor. “What are you doing here?” she finally managed to get out.

  “I came for my money and a chance to have a little fun with you.” He smirked at her. “Before I kill you, like I did your father.”

  A rush of hot injustice simmered in Maddie’s stomach. It was an odd contrast to the cold sweat trickling down her back. “He trusted you.”

  Bello shrugged. “His mistake. I acted as if I wanted my name cleared with the authorities like he’d always dreamed of, but it was always about the money. In case he tried to turn the information in without me knowing it, I put a tracking device on the flash drive. He fought all night long, that should make you proud. If he’d given up sooner, we would’ve captured you that night and saved both of us a lot of time. Where are the papers he gave you?”

  “I don’t have them.” Maddie tilted her chin up. “I gave them to Homeland Security.”

  Bello smacked her in the side of the head with the gun. Maddie crashed to the wood floor. Warm blood trickled down through her hair. She saw black for a few seconds before her vision cleared and a strumming pain raced through her head.

  “Get up,” he snarled.

  Maddie held on to a side table and forced her legs underneath her. It took a few seconds to drag herself to her feet.

  Bello watched her with a sneer. He grabbed her elbow and yanked her against his body, placing the gun to her temple. “Your dad coded the accounts. Homeland Security cleaned out all of my accounts before I could access them, but I know your father had separate accounts for you. He squealed everything when we started cutting him.”

  Maddie wanted to scratch his eyes out. He was pure evil.

  “Do you want to end it all right now, Maddie, or do you want to give me the bank account numbers?”

  Maddie’s heart thumped uncontrollably and horribly and made her injured head hurt worse. She didn’t care about the money, but she knew Bello would rape and kill her as soon as he had it. If only she could’ve given Abby some signal on the phone.

  “The p-paper is in my room.” Her body trembled. She had to think of a way to escape.

  “Well, isn’t that perfect?” He smiled, white teeth flashing against his caramel skin. “We’ll be near a bed, so I can take care of you after I transfer my money.”

  Maddie’s stomach churned and acid crawled up her throat. She prayed she would throw up all over Bello. Maybe that would at least keep him from forcing himself on her. He yanked her down the hallway. “Which room is it?”

  Maddie prayed and prayed. The thought of being downstairs alone with him wasn’t a good one. If she kept him on the main floor and directed him to her mom’s room, at least there was a chance she could escape through her mom’s French doors and run for the neighbors.

  “Down this hall,” she managed to get out through a throat thick with fear. “How did you escape?” she muttered.

  “Escape?” Bello eyed her strangely.

  “The Coast Guard said they caught you.”

  He chuckled. “No, they never caught me. They caught your dad’s crew. I secured a new boat shortly after you escaped from me in Cozumel and sent the rest of them toward Key West, knowing if you had the papers the Coast Guard would be looking for us.”

  Maddie had to hand it to him. He was smart. They entered her mother’s master suite. Maddie walked stiffly toward the desk that rested against the exterior wall. If she could distract him and make it to that door, she might have a chance of living through the night.

  She made a show of opening a drawer and shuffling through the papers. On top of the dresser, an award her mother had received from the university caught her eye. She closed the drawer. “I thought I put it in there, but it’s under this plaque.”

  “Just get it,” Bello muttered impatiently.

  Maddie wrapped her hand around the heavy glass award. She lifted it up and took the top paper that was underneath it. Extending the paper to Bello, she released it before he wrapped his fingers around it. He cursed and leaned forward slightly to pick it up. Maddie jabbed the heavy glass object as hard and fast as she could forward, making contact with his forehead. His head swung backward and he fell against the bedpost.

  Maddie sprinted for the outside door. A gunshot rang out, slamming into the wall, less than a foot from her head. Maddie screamed, ducking and ripping the door open. She didn’t want to give Bello a chance to get up off the floor or improve his aim.

  She flung herself out the door, falling down the concrete steps. Thankfully, she caught herself against the railing and made it to the patio. How she wished for her phone! She ran all out toward the Kings’ back patio. Warm yellow light spilled out of their back windows. They were home. If she could just make it there—

  Loud steps pounded down the stairs behind her, and Bello’s gun discharged. The bullet burrowed into a tree next to Maddie, sending sprays of bark against her face. She screamed and covered her face.

  “Stop!” Bello commanded. “That was a warning. The next shot will be in the back of your head.”

  Maddie had no desire to obey his command. The thought of a bullet in her head made her want to vomit. Her running speed decreased as her legs weakened with fear. She begged a merciful Father in Heaven to protect her. Please let me make it to the Kings’. She was so close. Flying up their wooden deck stairs, she wondered why Bello hadn’t shot again. Did he want her alive?

  Maddie rushed across the deck and flung open the patio door. Mr. and Mrs. King were watching television, each seated in an easy chair. “Call the police!” she screamed, slamming the door shut behind her and turning the deadbolt.

  Mr. King reached for the cordless phone on the side table. “You okay, Maddie-girl?”

  “No! A man is trying to kill me.”

  He sat straighter. “I thought I heard a gunshot and a scream, but wasn’t sure with the TV show so loud.” He gestured to his frail wife. She’d always had trouble hearing, and being over eighty hadn’t improved her condition.

  “Please, call 911.” Maddie had no clue where Bello was or what he would do when he caught up with her.

  He nodded and started dialing the number. Mrs. King’s mouth fell open. She pointed behind Maddie. Maddie whirled and had to cling to the door handle so she wouldn’t fall to the floor. Bello stood next to the open window, his gun pointed at Mrs. King through the screen and a horrible mocking smile on his face.

  “You come with me now, Maddie, and I won’t kill your friends.”

  Maddie glanced back at Mrs. King. Her face was pasty white, and she was shriveled under her mint-green afghan as if it could protect her from the bullet.

  “Drop the phone,” Bello told Mr. King.

  The older man obliged, dropping the phone into his lap and lifting his hands up. Mrs. King’s lip quivered and she closed her eyes and ducked her head. Maddie had no choice. She couldn’t allow these kind neighbors and lifelo
ng friends to be hurt if she could help it. Unlocking the deadbolt, she opened the door a fraction and slipped outside, closing it quickly behind her. She strode past Bello.

  “Let’s go,” she said in what she hoped was a confident voice.

  Bello shook his head. “Did you think it would be that easy?”

  “Please don’t kill them.” Maddie panted for air, looking back through the window at the older couple, who both looked inches from death because of the paleness of their faces and their wide-eyed expressions.

  Bello swung the door open, pointing his pistol at Mrs. King again. “Toss me the phone, old man.”

  Mr. King threw it at him. It skidded past them onto the deck. Bello bent to pick it up. Maddie rammed her shoulder into the side of his abdomen. Being already bent over, he toppled onto the deck. She hated to run with the Kings right there and in danger, but she had to believe Bello would follow her.

  Pounding down the patio stairs, she raced around to the front of the house. She honestly had no clue where she was going except for away from Bello. He screamed from behind her and within seconds she could hear his footsteps racing after her. Maddie kept running, pebbles and twigs jabbing into her bare feet.

  Headlights approached from the street in front of her house. Maddie ran for them. She dodged in front of the car, leaping at the last second. The car barely missed her. Brakes and tires squealed. A loud thump came from the front of the car and Maddie was instantly reminded of the time she’d hit a deer back in high school. She whirled around to see Bello fly off of the bumper and crumple to the ground.

  Maddie ran around to the driver’s side. The door popped open and her mom climbed out. “Maddie! What on earth?”

  “Call 911. Bello. Here!” She pointed at the body on the ground.

  “Oh my!” Her mom’s hand flew to her mouth. She reached back into the car and dug her phone out of her purse.

  Maddie shifted nervously from foot to foot as her mom told the dispatcher what had happened and begged them to hurry. She studied Bello’s body, terrified he was going to pop up and come after her any second. She should probably go check if he was still alive, but she couldn’t force herself to do it.

  Mr. King toddled out onto his front porch, brandishing his cordless phone. “The police are coming,” he shouted bravely.

  “Oh, thank you,” Maddie hollered back. “Mom hit him with her car.”

  “Good job, Vanessa.”

  Her mom’s eyebrows arched up. “How does Mr. King know what’s going on?”

  “It’s a long story.” Maddie glanced back to check on Bello. A scream ripped from her throat. His body was gone. “No, no, no!” She pushed her mom. “Get in the car. Get back in your house!” she yelled to Mr. King.

  He complied, shutting the door behind him. Her mom was another story. She fought against Maddie, shoving Maddie into the car first. Maddie fell against the gearshift, grunting in pain. “Mom, no!”

  Bello hobbled up behind her mom and pushed his gun into her head. “And this is Armando’s wife. The lovely Vanessa I’ve heard so much about. How charming.”

  Her mom slowly turned to face him. Maddie slid out of the car and stood next to her mom. “Leave her out of this. I’ll get your paper. You can have me.”

  Bello nodded. “Let’s all go for a walk. Your beautiful daughter has a paper I need. Then I need to enjoy her body before I kill you both.” Bello growled out the last sentence. He limped behind them, dragging his right leg, as they walked stiffly toward the house. Maddie took some satisfaction that he was hurt. Maybe he wouldn’t be strong enough to do what he wanted.

  Her mom squeezed her hand. Maddie’s stomach dropped. “No, Mom,” she whispered. Her mom had taken some self-defense classes at the university and had confided in Maddie how excited she was to try them out. Now was definitely not the time. Bello was a trained killer.

  “Stop talking!” Bello yelled.

  Her mom whirled and kicked his arm. The gun went off. Maddie screamed, not sure if the bullet had hit her mom or not. Bello cursed loudly as her mom slammed her fist into his nose.

  Maddie grabbed Bello’s hand that still held the gun with both of her hands and tried to rip it from him. His grip was too strong. He raised the gun slowly, with Maddie fighting with everything she had to take the weapon away.

  Her mom chopped at his arm with both of her hands like she was a karate ninja or something. Bello howled and released his grip enough for Maddie to strip the gun from his fingers. Bello whirled on her mom and started pounding her with his fists. Maddie pointed the gun at Bello.

  “Stop! I’ll shoot!”

  “You will not,” he sneered.

  “She might not, but I will.” A loud voice came from behind Bello.

  He whirled around. Maddie looked past him to see two policemen with weapons drawn. She released all her air and followed their instructions to set the gun down and back away. The officers wasted no time cuffing Bello and dragging him away. Maddie turned to her mom.

  She was shaking and disheveled.

  “Are you okay?” Maddie asked.

  “Yes.” She flexed and extended her fingers, then messed with her jaw a little bit. “I told you those classes would work.”

  “Oh, Mom.” Maddie hugged her.

  “It’s okay,” her mom whispered into her hair. “I couldn’t let him hurt you.”

  Maddie squeezed her tighter. “I love you.” She realized her mom would never have sent her into danger with her father. She had to fight back tears.

  “I love you, sweetheart.”

  Mr. King toddled down his steps and over to them. His chest was puffed out. “I told the police everything that was going on and how they needed to come in real sneaky-like. They parked over at the Jensens’ and snuck right through all those trees.”

  “Thank you,” Maddie gushed, hugging him and kissing his rough cheek.

  “I’m baking you a pumpkin pie tomorrow,” her mom promised.

  “Well now.” Mr. King grinned. “A kiss from a beautiful lady and a pie from another. That was worth any danger I put myself in.”

  “Harold!” Mrs. King called from the porch. “Stop flirting with the girls.”

  Mr. King grumbled good-naturedly as he went back to his wife’s side. The policemen separated them and asked Maddie and her mom questions. Maddie couldn’t believe it was really over. Bello was arrested and she was finally safe. Tomorrow she was going to start researching and find a guide to help her find Zack.


  Zack and Brooks waited on the front porch as the family limousine pulled around from the garage. They’d chartered a plane to go to Montana. The last two days had been a great time to reconnect with his mom and niece, and he’d only had one confrontation with his father. Brooks was able to diffuse the situation pretty quickly, and it didn’t hurt that his father had instantly connected with his loud friend. It had been nice to be home after two years, but he was chafing to find Maddie. He didn’t know what he would say to her or how they were going to start a relationship, but he had to give it a try.

  His mom gushed over him and hugged him multiple times. “Please come visit us again,” she begged.

  “If you promise to bring Chalise down for a couple of weeks, then I’ll come here after that.”

  “Deal.” She stuck out her hand, and they shook on it. Zack smiled. He sure loved his mom.

  He squatted down next to Chalise, and she threw her thin arms around him. “Love you, sweetie,” he said. “Grandma will bring you to see me soon.”

  He pulled back and searched her eyes, praying she knew how much he loved her.

  “Tell Uncle Zack you love him,” his mother prompted.

  “Mom,” Zack warned quietly. “She’s okay. She’ll say it when she’s ready.” He straightened and lifted Chalise into his arms, never wanting to let her go.

  Chalise burrowed into his neck and hugged him tightly. “Don’t leave, Uncle Zack,” she whispered in his ear.

  Zack jerked in surprise.
It took everything in him to control his response and not just dissolve into a puddle of tears. She’d spoken to him. He swallowed and finally managed to say, “I don’t want to leave you. Shall we see if we can talk Grandma and Grandpa into letting you go with me?”

  “Yes, please,” she whispered.

  Zack glanced at his mom. Her mouth was open and tears streamed down her cheek. “Did she just say ‘Yes, please’?”

  “She whispered ‘Don’t leave, Zack’ first,” he managed to get out. He was so thrilled to hear her speak but didn’t want to make too big of a deal out of it. He loved her no matter what.

  Brooks grinned and nodded. “Nice, Chalise.”

  “She needs to be with me, Mom,” Zack said.

  His mom shook her head, but didn’t say anything.

  “Let me take her with me to Montana, and then back to the island for a little while. She needs me. Has she spoken to anyone else?”

  “You know she hasn’t,” his mom snapped. She folded her hands in front of her, squeezing her fingers together. “But I can’t let her go. She’s all I have.”

  “You can come with us too.”

  “Your father needs me here. This is my home.”

  Zack looked to Brooks for help. He lifted his hands. “Your family battle, man. I got nothing.”

  His father walked out onto the front porch. Zack had assumed he’d already gone to the office for the day. He shook Brooks’ hand. “It was nice to meet you, young man. Come again.”

  “Thank you, sir, I will.”

  Sterling turned to his wife, and the smile left his face. “What’s wrong?” He glanced at Zack clinging to Chalise. “What did you do?”

  “He didn’t do anything,” his mom was quick to say. “Chalise spoke.”

  His father stuttered back a step. “She …” He shook his head and pressed his knuckle against his teeth. “What did she say?”

  Zack just stared. His dad really did love Chalise, but it was conditional like the love Zack had known his entire life. If you work for me, I’ll love you. If you speak, I’ll love you. Yet, Zack knew what he needed to do for himself and Chalise. It came to him so fast, he didn’t even think as he spit out the words, “I’ll work with you, Dad.”


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