Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2)

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Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2) Page 12

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  This kiss is different from the others we’ve shared. It’s more intimate. A seal of desire that’s uniting us. The swirling feeling returns, like we’re morphing into one. Marking me. I close my eyes for a moment and when I reopen them, we’re back in his stone state bed.

  My heart drops, not wanting this kiss to end. Once we’re out of the chamber, it will be over. Asher pulls away, leaving only a small slit of air between us before he opens his eyes and stares directly into mine, penetrating each layer. His lips part on a quick, shallow inhale.

  “Siren?” It comes out breathy and unsure. My only answer is to shift on his lap as my body brushes against his arousal. “Fuck. If you do that again, I’m going to throw you down right here,” he says, his voice rough and his hands tight around my waist.

  Keeping my eyes fixated on his, I move my hips once more. At the bold move, any shred of self-control Asher was holding onto disappears. In one smooth, quick move, he lays me down on my back, pressing me into the mattress as he covers my body with his. A strangled gasp escapes my lips.

  With his face hovering centimeters above mine, he takes his right hand and runs it down the length of my bare leg then back up as he hitches it over his hip. My fingers grab onto his shoulders, pulling him closer as his hand continues to climb under the hem of my dress and over my hipbone, simultaneously rocking his lower body into me, causing a spark of heat to ignite.

  My eyes roll back at the movement. “Oh. My. God. Asher,” I pant. He lowers his head to the crook of my neck, biting and sucking the spot just under my ear. After each painful bite, his tongue soothes the sting. I dig my fingers deeper into his broad shoulders, grabbing at the cotton material as his fingers find their way between my legs, caressing me over the lace of my panties. At his touch, I release a soft whimper.

  “Shit, you’re drenched,” he says as he lifts his head and scans my face. Watching me, his middle finger runs up and then down over the barrier in a slow rhythm. With each stroke, my body arches into his.

  In response, Asher lets out a deep growl, bends down and takes my lips forcefully as his fingers find the edge of the fabric, pushing the material to the side. Without breaking contact with my mouth, he continues to caress and tease me without the lace obstacle, causing me to gasp against his lips.

  My hips tilt forward with the pressure of his fingers as they slowly find their way inside of me, while his thumb teases my nerve endings. I shudder as an intense ache builds inside me.

  I open my eyes to find his are squeezed shut. “You feel so fucking good, siren.”

  I’m not sure how much time has past. All I can focus on are his skillful motions.

  “Asher.” I don’t recognize my needy voice. “Please.” I’m not even sure what I’m asking for.

  “I’ve got you. Let go, siren.” At his command, I let out a muted scream, arching into him while at the same time clinging onto his shoulders. My body trembles as pleasure runs through me. Asher is motionless, watching me as I come down from my moment of bliss. Once the last of my shudders run through me, he removes his hand and pushes the lace cloth back with a pleased groan. Slowly, he begins to lift off me, sitting on his heels and pulling me up with him.

  Once we’re both sitting up, he repositions the bottom of my dress, covering me. He’s oddly quiet. Shouldn’t someone speak? I go to open my mouth but before I can say anything, Asher runs the pad of his thumb over my swollen lips.

  “Shit, Eve. I’m so sorry. I lost control…I shouldn’t have let it go that far. Are you okay?” His voice is filled with concern. I nod. It’s all I can handle right now. “There are some things I need to discuss with Michael and Keegan that are urgent. We should go,” he says, pulling me off the bed and guiding me toward the stone staircase. Um, okay?

  Confused, I silently follow him. I should be elated right now. Instead, I just feel cold and empty. He’s withdrawn and I think I might have lost him for good this time.



  I’m on edge. Asher has been held up in the library behind closed doors with Keegan, Callan and Michael since we left the chamber. Leaving me alone with my thoughts and the evil clock I’ve been watching with an unhealthy obsession for what feels like days. I sigh and put my head in my hands. My brain is on overload. Come to think of it, why am I not in the library with them? What the hell? I know the discussion is about me.

  I need to pull it together. My constant overthinking is going to land me in a mental facility if I don’t stop. All I can focus on is the one word Priestess Arabella spoke. Restraint. What’s wrong with Asher and I that not even twenty minutes later, we were in his bed showing the complete opposite? God, you’re so stupid, Eve. The heat in my cheeks rises as images of what I just experienced with Asher run through my head. How it felt to have him that close to me, only to be rejected and mortified, again, by someone who’s supposed to be protecting me. Awesome.

  “How long has she been like this?” Abby’s voice filters through my scattered synapses.

  “About an hour,” McKenna answers.

  “Poor lass. Dat lad has her all wound up,” Fiona replies.

  “Has she been talking to herself the entire time?” Abby asks with concern.

  “Aye, more like mumblin’ and pacin’,” Fiona answers.

  “For fucks sake, knock it off. You’re making me motion sick with all the jittery movement,” McKenna yells at me.

  “KENNA! Watch ye language, lass,” Fiona scolds.

  “I’m just saying, how bad could her reading have been that she’s this jumpy?” McKenna reasons.

  “It wasn’t great,” Abby reminds me.

  I stop walking back and forth and lift my gaze to them. They’re all standing in the doorway like a group of mother hens. Staring at me as if my head is about to explode at any moment.

  “Hello, luv. Welcome back. Can I get ye sum cocoa?” Fiona asks kindly.

  “Um, okay,” I answer, just wanting them to leave.

  “Splendid. I’ll be back in a jiff.” The panther shifter prowls away toward the kitchen.

  “TALK!” McKenna demands as she crosses the threshold into the sitting room.

  “About what, McKenna?” I retort.

  “Well, maybe you could tell us how you’re feeling about Asher transferring his gift of healing to you? Especially since we all thought it was something Michael passed along,” Abby pushes.

  McKenna’s jaw drops. “Are you serious?”

  Abby’s eyes dart to her quickly and then back to me. “Well?”

  I sigh. “Well, what?”

  Abby plops down on the couch. “Well, how does that make you feel?” she repeats slowly.

  “I’m not sure. I think Asher is pretty pissed off about it. Like he’s mad I acquired his gift or something,” I comment offhandedly.

  “Nonsense. Just means dat da bond ‘tis stronger now.” Fiona places a tray of mugs and scones on the coffee table before sitting next to Abby.

  “Does no one care that a stronger bond is actually a bad thing?” McKenna offers. “It means they’re getting too close. They aren’t even mated and now they’re exchanging abilities?”

  “Thanks for stating the obvious, McKenna.” I scowl.

  Her eyes narrow at me. “Someone has to, blood of Eden.”

  “I think Asher seemed more upset about you looting around in his head than the gift transfer,” Abby blurts out.

  McKenna’s face grows hard as she snaps her head to Abby. “By the grace,” she snarls.

  “Yes, yes. We get it, McKenna. Put your claws back in.” I huff.

  “At least your eye color is back to normal,” Abby offers in consolation. Oh my God, would she just stop talking.

  McKenna throws her hands up in the air. “Did she get the mate mark too? For fucks sake.”

  “Tsk. Kenna, language, lass,” Fiona warns again.

  “No. She doesn’t have my mark.” Asher’s cool voice floats into the room from the doorway.

  My heart jumps against my ri
bcage at the sound of his deep voice. He looks pissed off. His jaw is tight, body stiff, and hands are clenching by his side.

  Keegan and Callan saunter in, forcing Asher to move into the room. “Where’s Michael?” McKenna asks.

  “He was called back,” Keegan states, pulling McKenna’s back toward his chest and resting his chin on her head.

  Asher’s eyes widen in panic before he takes five long strides so he’s standing directly in front of me, blocking me from the group. His hand comes up with lightning speed as he brings some of my hair forward, covering my neck.

  My eyebrows drag together in confusion before I realize he’s concealing the spot he was biting and sucking on earlier. My face flushes bright red as he turns his entire body away from me. Could I be anymore mortified?

  “We’re leaving for London,” Asher states matter-of-factly to the group.

  “Why?” Abby questions as she and Fiona stand.

  “We need to meet with some of the other clans, baby,” Callan answers.

  “The priestess was certain Lucifer is making side deals with members of the supernatural world through the Declan clan. In order to find out who and what those deals are, we’ll need to bring in other families to help us. More bodies mean additional protection for Eve while we strategize a defense,” Keegan explains.

  Fiona sighs heavily.

  “It’s just for a bit while we get all our intel in place. We’ll be back as soon as we can, Fi.” Callan grabs her hand and squeezes.

  “Aye ‘tis okay.” She pats his hand. “Let me pack some snacks for ye ta take.” She leaves and heads to the kitchen.

  “We should get our stuff together. I’d like to be there by nightfall so we can begin to request meetings with the other clans first thing in the morning,” Keegan says to the group.

  “Let’s do it then. Eve, do you need any help?” Abby asks.

  “No, thanks.” My voice sounds small.

  With that, we all head upstairs.

  I’m just placing the last items in my bag when there’s a soft knock at the door. I close my eyes and inhale, knowing Asher’s on the other side. I push down my nerves and prepare for the awkward talk.

  My hand pauses on the doorknob for a brief moment before I yank it open. Lifting my head, I take in Asher. He looks exhausted and at the same time, so spectacular.

  “Hi,” he says quietly.

  “Hi,” I repeat.

  “I just wanted to see if you needed anything before we head out.”

  I shake my head. “All good.” I keep my voice light.

  “Okay then. See you downstairs in a bit.” He turns to leave. Super awkward.

  “Yep.” I begin to shut the door but he puts up his hand and stops the movement.

  “May I come in?” His voice is thick.

  I sigh and open the door, signaling for him to enter with a quick flick of my hand. His scent tickles my nose as he walks by me. I turn and shut the door. “Ash, I’m not in the mood for a lecture.”

  All of the sudden, my back is pressed against the door. Asher’s body firmly holds mine in place as I let out a soft gasp. His warm breath dances across my cheek. He takes my face in his hands as he leans his forehead against mine.

  In a low whisper, he says, “I’m so fucking sorry, siren.”

  “W-What?” I ask, trying to regain control of my senses.

  “I apologize,” he says again.

  “For what?” I was expecting a lecture, not an apology.

  He pushes off me and moves toward the window, blowing out a long breath. “Everything.”

  “Um, apology accepted?”

  He chuckles. “Was that a question or statement?”

  “I’m not sure. I’m at a loss here, Asher.” I give up trying to figure him out.

  He turns those deep blue irises directly at me. “Keegan wants to be at our flats shortly. Do you want me to bring that down for you?” he inquires, pointing to my bag.

  I nod. What the hell is going on?

  He grabs the bag and throws it over his shoulder. “I’ll see you downstairs.” With that, he walks toward the door. Still in shock, I move just enough that he can open the door and leave.

  “What the fuck?” I ask the empty room.

  After composing myself, I head downstairs where everyone is already saying their goodbyes to Fiona and heading out toward the Escalade. She hugs each one and promises to see them soon.

  “Eve, darlin’.” She motions me over and embraces me in a tight squeeze. “I’ll see ye soon, luv. Ye behave ye’reself and don’t ye be lettin’ these gargoyles run over ye.”

  “I promise.”

  She pats my cheek affectionately before whispering, “Remember, stars don’t shine without darkness.” She winks and heads toward Asher as I walk out the door and hop in the vehicle.

  I feel a soft nudge awaken me from my deep slumber. Lifting my head, I realize we’re in London and I slept the entire ride. Keegan pulls up to a tall building and drives the car into an underground garage then parks next to a few other expensive looking vehicles.

  “All right, kids. We’re home,” he says.

  We each get out and grab our bags before heading to an elevator that I assume takes us up to the flats.

  I notice Abby only pressed floors three, four and five. Recalling that Asher said the guest flat was on floor two, I turn to him. He ignores me and faces forward. Swell. More awkwardness.

  Callan and Abby exit on the third floor, offering weak smiles before announcing they’ll see us in the morning. Keegan and Kenna get off on the fourth, mumbling their good nights.

  Once Asher and I are alone, he finally decides to speak. “I thought it would be better if you stayed in the guest room in my flat. But if you’d feel more comfortable, I can arrange the second floor residence in the morning.”

  “It’s fine,” I concede, not really wanting to stay by myself in an apartment.

  The door to the elevator opens into a small, light gray hallway. We follow the dark hardwood floors to the black lacquer door. Asher places his hand on the imprint pad, unlocking it. He pushes it open and allows me to enter first.

  The entry has the same light gray walls as the exterior hallway. To my right is a long wall with an alcove at the end, which showcases a gargoyle statue on top of a marble counter.

  Asher signals for me to walk through the arched open doorway into a small but cozy sitting area. The walls are cream and the furniture is light gray. Floor-to-ceiling windows make up one of the walls and are outlined with gray silk drapes. It’s warm. Very Asher.

  “All the windows in the flat overlook Hyde Park,” he says. “Follow me. I’ll show you the rest of my place.”

  He walks me around to the modern kitchen. It is small but has a seating area and dark wood cabinets topped with white marble countertops. All the appliances are stainless steel. It feels very masculine.

  We head down the hallway past the laundry and bathroom areas then to the guest bedroom equipped with a full bath. I drop my bag on the bed before Asher walks us across the hall to the master bedroom where he drops his stuff onto the floor and leads us back out to a suken living room that simply takes my breath away.

  There’s a glass chandelier that takes up the entire ceiling hanging over two large couches that are double the length of a normal sofa.

  However, the most amazing part of this room is the two-tier windows on all three walls that give the impression the night sky goes on forever. My eyes drop from the height to a terrace that wraps around the windowed walls. The main patio overlooks the park and houses an outdoor furniture set and fire pit.

  “This is incredible, Asher.” I mean it. It’s stunning.

  “My dad loved open spaces so he bought this building, which used to have ten floors, and made each unit a doubled ceiling. Then he made sure each room had at least three walls of windows if it structurally could,” he answers with pride in his voice.

  “It’s a wonder you ever leave it,” I say sincerely.

bsp; He’s just watching me, his face unreadable. “Are you hungry? I can fix us a bite and we can relax. Unless you’re tired and want to go to sleep?”

  I look at the clock on the wall. “It’s only six. Dinner would be great,” I answer, holding back my laugh. This is awkward. Normally, there are other people in a house with us. The two of us, like this, especially after this afternoon...well, it’s unnerving.

  “I’m just going to take a quick shower, unless you need some help?” I offer.

  “I’ve got it covered. There are fresh towels in your bathroom. Let me know if you need anything else.” He heads toward the kitchen.

  I walk back into the guest room. With the heavy drapes and bedding, it feels like an elegant hotel room. I go into the full bath and see the soaking tub and change my mind. A nice bubble bath would be amazing right now. I notice all the brands of toiletries I use are already stocked. Damn that gargoyle.

  Twenty minutes later, I hear Asher outside the bathroom door. “You okay in there?”

  “Yeah. Sorry, I didn’t realize I was in here so long. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  He chuckles. “Take your time.”

  I get out of the tub, dry off, lotion up, blow-dry and brush my hair, put on my vanilla-coconut gloss and throw on my tank top and shorts before heading out to see what Asher’s cooked up.

  Stepping into the main living area, I stop in my tracks. Asher’s sitting on the couch wearing only black pajama bottoms. The tables are full of take-out containers. The smell of curry wafts up to my nose as he lifts his head and meets my gaze.

  “I hope you don’t mind but I thought we could just do take-out and watch some movies tonight. You know, just have a normal-type evening.”

  I try not to cry. This is exactly what I need, normal. “This is perfect, Ash.”

  That earns me his signature sexy smile. “Well, I never said I wasn’t perfect, siren.”

  I roll my eyes and plop down on the couch next to him. “What did you order?”

  “There’s this amazing Indian restaurant down the street so I had them deliver some of my favorite dishes. I took a stab at what you might want.” He hands me a fork and motions for me to dig in.


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