Babysitter's Club Alyssa

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Babysitter's Club Alyssa Page 2

by Jordan Silver

  "Are you drunk, what the fuck? You came to see my kids fucking blitzed? Get the fuck outta here. You know, I was willing to throw you a bone but this is the last fucking straw. Not my babies, you do not get to fuck with their lives anymore than you already have."

  "I'm not drunk asshole, I just drank a little something to take the edge off. You destroyed my life what do you expect?"

  "I destroyed your life? I don't recall telling you to suck his dick, or to let him fuck you in my bed you bitch, now get the fuck out of here."

  Oh crap, time to go. I started to head out of the laundry room, through the kitchen heading for the stairs that lead to the second floor. I held my breath and tiptoed, not making a sound. That vampire bitch can smell blood.

  But my stupid foot caught on the stool next to the island and sent it crashing onto the floor. I could see them both turn and look at me through the little archway.

  He had a slight smirk on his face because of my clumsiness, something he’s always teasing me about, and I shrugged in apology. She was a different story entirely though. If looks could kill she would’ve flayed me.

  "What's she doing here, you fucking the teenage help now you fucker?" She caught the look he was giving me and somehow misinterpreted it. And then all hell broke loose.

  He didn’t answer her, just gave her one of his patented looks and that only seemed to incense her more. I started to make good my escape and then she flew at me in a rage. Nails drawn and a look of my impending death on her face.

  This is one crazy chick, something that I was well aware of, and I'm no fighter so I was about to run. I barely took a few steps before Mr. Killion jumped between us before she could get into the room with me. He put his body between us and turned to her, breathing fire.

  “Don’t you fucking touch her.” Oh my word, I think I had a mini O at that. He looked so strong, so fierce so masculine, as he stood between me and danger.

  She tried to get around him to get to me, spitting mad that she couldn’t because he blocked her with his arm. I would’ve so enjoyed his show of protectiveness if his ex wife wasn’t shooting death rays at me with her eyes.

  So even though it gave me a sweet tingle, I was never one to be comfortable with confrontations. I’m more the tuck tail and turn away type. Stuff like this breaks me out in hives.

  I know I’m making myself sound like a total dweeb, but nothing could be farther from the truth. I just know how to choose my battles, and what works for me.

  One good advantage of being the withdrawn type, is that you learn a lot about people and how they think. You have more time to observe when you’re not part of the fray, and I’ve always been good at discerning things.

  You see, a man whose wife was caught cheating and whose exploits are being bandied about in all circles, would not be too keen on a bold, in your face little teeny bopper.

  I’ve been studying Mr. Gage Killion for quite some time, and trust me, I know exactly what I’m doing. I’m just the kind of girl he needs after the number she’d done on him, I just need to be patient.

  So although my fantasies run away with me and I’d like to do all manner of sordid things to him and have him return the favor some day. For now I’m playing it safe. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

  “You little bitch, you couldn’t wait…”

  “That’s enough. You don’t get to come into my home and speak to my guest like that. She’s welcome here, you’re not. Now please leave.”

  Ooh, that’s gotta sting. She had a few more choice words to say about and to me, and I knew it was just killing her that he was using his big manly self to protect little ole me from her.

  The fact that I’d like to flatten the blonde bimbo was well hidden under my most innocent wide-eyed stare. I needed saving from this she-wolf and he was just the man to do it.

  Of course I knew I could take her. That’s the one place I’m not shy. I’ve been taking self defense classes since I was fifteen and mom discovered the discovery channel.

  Didn’t a day go by that that woman didn’t imagine some horror befalling her only daughter at the hands of some masked murdered slash pervert. But I liked him standing between me and danger.

  "Maybe I should leave and come back when the kids get here." Butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth. You see, I may not be as bold as some, but I’m no dummy.

  I know what I want and I aim to get it. I’ve been in love with him since the first time we met. It wasn’t hard. He’s one of those guys who has it all. Looks, wealth, and a moral compass. But he’d been married back then and I was little more than jailbait.

  Now he’s free and I’m two years older and there’s nothing stopping me from throwing my hat in the ring to get him for myself. I would love nothing more than to be Mrs. Killion if you please.

  And since he’d had his fill of brash overrated females like this one, shy and sweet wins the day. I knew it would come in handy one day, and having had a front row seat to her demise I know very well how not to act in front of him. Not that I would ever mind you.

  Long before the rumor mill got going, and even longer before he caught on to what she was, I suspected that she wasn’t doing him right.

  But there was nothing I could do, except be nice to him when and where I could. He was such a standup guy, that he never paid me any notice other than once in a while when he was the one paying me at the end of the night.

  Then when the shit hit the fan he’d changed. Those were some of the hardest weeks of my life. I didn’t know what was going to happen. If he’d get the kids or her, if he’d move away, change teams, everything was a toss up. I was a miserable wretch.

  Then he’d called me up out of the blue one day after the divorce to discuss my job. I’d been on pins and needles all day until the time approached.

  I’d thought for certain that he’d fire me like I’d heard he’d done with the rest of the domestic staff and I was already mourning the loss of him.

  He’d greeted me at the door, giving nothing away with his expression, and just as before, my libido kicked into overdrive and I was giving serious thought to doing anything to keep my job.

  Ten minutes after I sat down across from him my panties were soaked. It was his voice, his take charge demeanor. And that way he has of looking at you like you’re the only thing of interest in the room.

  I’d made up my mind then and there that I’d die if I didn’t get this man. I knew that no one else would scratch the itch between my legs, only him. Look I’ve tried okay. I tried to find interest in guys my age, but they all left me feeling empty.

  So even though I have moments of doubt, when I’m sure I’m on a fool’s errand. There were also good days when I knew I could get him if I played my cards right. I just need to overcome my fear of losing my virginity and we’d be straight.

  Her snarky voice filled with venom brought me back to the present like a bucket of ice cold water poured over my head.

  "Yes, you do that you skanky little home wrecking bitch. Why don’t you just run along while I talk to my Husband." Emphasis on husband. I wish I had the nerve to remind her about their divorce.

  "You're not going anywhere Alyssa, as for you there's only one skank around here and we all know who that is." I’m going to swoon right here.

  I was having all kinds of feels about this new side of him. He’s usually so quiet and reserved, but this masterful take charge dreamboat was pushing all the right buttons for me. ‘Come and get it.’ Okay Ariel, not the time. She would show up now.

  ‘But he’s being so dreamy, can’t we just give him a little taste after this hag leaves?’ Oh for heaven’s sake. She whined inside my head and called me a nerd. If it were up to her she’d have had him stuffed inside her snatch since day one.

  “Don’t you dare talk to me like that in front of her.”

  I’d almost forgotten that she was still in the room until she spoke out in anger again. It was obvious that she didn’t appreciate him defending me.

“I told you to leave.” He glared at her as she stood there huffing and puffing indignantly.

  “I want to know what she’s doing here, the kids aren’t home yet.” She gave me the most hate filled look.

  “That’s none of your business, you don’t live here and nothing that goes on here has anything to do with you. Now go.” He pointed at the door, but I could’ve told him she had no intentions of leaving.

  She looked at me again and I knew she was giving serious thought to decking me. He shifted over to my side, towering over me, making me feel so safe and protected.

  He didn’t see the smarmy little smile I threw her way. But he did feel me inch closer as if I were really afraid. That Ariel is a boss, she don’t give a fuck. But now was not the time to give her free rein.


  He actually took my hand as he faced her down and my pussy twitched; just like that. Oh crap not now. I just had another mini O right there in front of him. Forget her, I wasn’t even going to give her a second thought.

  His big hand wrapped around my much tinier one and all kinds of thoughts and feelings rushed through me. I never knew that something as simple as holding hands could be so erotic.

  My body was practically vibrating and I had to sneakily squeeze my legs together as I tried regulating my breath. This can’t be happening. I needed to touch myself in the worst way. ‘Ariel NO!’

  I took a peep at him from beneath my lashes to see if he’d noticed anything. He was too focused on her thank heaven. He looked so pissed and there was no mistaking the hate that radiated from his eyes. I hope he never looks at me like that.

  I trembled a little because all this forcefulness coming from him was making me hot and tingly. He must’ve misinterpreted my little tremble this time because he squeezed my hand reassuringly, which of course she noticed.

  She must have a death wish because now she was flying at him. He didn't touch her, just pushed me behind him and moved out of the way. She ran smack dab into the table and hurt her bony hip.

  I took that as my cue to exit the room but I didn’t get too far because her next words stopped me in my tracks. She really is a diabolical fiend.

  "Ouch, see what you did you fucker? I’m calling the cops, yeah see how big you are then asshole.”

  “Alyssa did you see me touch her?” He folded his arms, cool as a cucumber.

  “Uh…no sir.” Can’t he tell that she’s cracked and that people like her have no problem distorting the truth to suit their own needs? I’m sure he knows her better by now.

  “Of course she’s gonna lie for you, you were probably fucking her all along you bastard.” Did her face always do that evil twist thing? Seriously, what did he ever see in her?

  "Unlike you I took my vows seriously, even when I grew to hate your ass I never fucked around on you." You tell her tiger. Damn he’s being so masterful right now, I’m gonna have a lot to work with tonight under the covers.

  ‘Forget tonight and the covers. Jump him, jump him.’ She’s trying to get my ass beat. ‘Listen you, I know what I’m doing, work with me here and we can have him for a lifetime. You make the wrong move now and he’s gonna think we’re no better than she is.’

  ‘You’d better be right. The damn divorce has been final for damn near a month already what the hell are you waiting for?’

  ‘May I remind you that I’m all of eighteen? I have more than enough time.’

  ‘Speak for yourself.’ She mumbled something else under her breath before we were interrupted by the screaming banshee once again.

  "Well you weren't fucking me so who were you fucking?" Ooh, that’s a lot more than I knew before. No one outside of these two really knew the whole story of their marriage’s demise.

  The rumor mill has been digging and speculating for some time now. Some say he knew all along, some say it was a shock, but from her last statement I’m not sure.

  "Good thing too, who knows how many other people I would've been sleeping with? Self- preservation is a bitch ain't it? I must've had some sixth sense about what you were up to.”

  “I know I damn sure didn't trust your ass. I just didn't care enough about you to do anything about it. I kept you here for the sake of my kids. You fucked up when you let my little girl see your filth. Now get the fuck out of my sight."

  He turned and walked away from her without a backward glance. I was frozen in place, no idea what to do next. She was crying now, more like wailing.

  I didn't feel sorry for her though, she deserved it, all of it. Some people, there are just no words. I can’t imagine cheating on a man like Gage. It must be hell to lose something that special. Poor thing, even I have more of a chance with him now.

  “What the fuck are you looking at?” She turned her wrath towards stupid me who was still standing there pretending to be invisible. Afraid to move, afraid to make a sound lest it set her off again.

  "Come in here Alyssa, before she loses her mind and attack you again and I really have to knock her on her ass." Oh yes sir big boy. I had to hide my glee but it was hard. If he keeps this up there will be no holding Ariel back.

  "Don't you defend her against me, I'm the mother of your children." She stormed past me into the room behind him. Now I wasn’t sure if I should leave or not.

  What if she pulled another fast one again about him putting his hands on her? I wouldn’t put it past her. She seems desperate enough to try anything.

  He laughed at that, really laughed, not a snicker either, a full out belly laugh. "That's rich, you know what, she's been more of a mother to my kids than you have ever been." Uh-oh them there be fighting words, though they were absolutely true.

  For all intents and purposes it was now a well known fact that she was never really a mother. Once word of the divorce got around town, people started coming forward with stories.

  Though I didn’t trust them all, from listening to the kids I knew at least that much was true. Maybe that’s why I’d gone the extra mile for those kids. Not only because I had the hots for their father, but because they’d never had a mother figure.

  It was another part of my fantasy, being a mother to his children. The two he already had and the ones I want to give him. Oooh, I can just imagine making them.

  I really need to get my mind together, this was not the time or place. Especially not in front of this woman who’s only seconds away from losing her shit.

  Her voice went low but I still heard every word. The audacity of this woman. I should really let Ariel loose on her ass. Can you imagine?

  “But what about the baby you wanted to have? You said when Chelsea turned five we’d try for another one…”

  “When hell freezes over three times. That’s when I’d have another child with you. In fact, I might have the mother of my third child already picked out.”

  I almost fell into the wall. Who the hell… Was he looking at me when he said that? ‘Oh shit Ariel stay put. Do not, I repeat, do not show your ass right now.’

  Her gaze followed his and she really lost it then. "She's a kid, if you think I'm gonna stand back and watch you two play house with my kids then you're sorely mistaken."

  I put my head down and studied my toes in fear that my face might give away too much. Inside I was a bundle of nerves and excitement. I think he was looking at me, but maybe that was wishful thinking?

  “Look at her, she’s fat and ugly.” Oh low blow. I am not fat, I just have huge knockers. And even if I were fat I’d still be ten times better than you-you hag fish. Oh how I wish I could say those words out loud.

  ‘Let me at this bitch.’

  ‘Shut up Ariel.’

  ‘I’m just saying…’

  ‘Shut it.’ She was off and mumbling again.

  I felt his hot gaze on me as I stood in the doorway and my whole body flushed with embarrassment. Why did I decide to come here a little early today again?

  ‘Because you knew he’d be home and you wanted to spend some time with him, alone. Just you two in the hou
se. Bong chicka bong-bong.’

  ‘Shut up Ariel, nobody asked you.’

  "You have no say in how I raise my kids, or who I raise them with. Don't you get it? I have full custody. The judge was so disgusted by you that he took away your visitation rights, what the fuck you think you're doing here is beyond me.”

  “I’m not leaving until I see my kids and I don’t want her around them.” She was back to giving me death glares and for the barest of moments I felt real fear. This was a woman on the edge. Something I never wish to be.

  “Since you don't hear so good, here's what I'm gonna do. Come tomorrow morning I'm going down to the courthouse and get a restraining order against you. This is it, no more drama, I don't want you around my kids...ever."

  "I'm their mother." If I didn’t know better I’d think she really cared. But I do, and she don’t.

  ‘She’s about to scratch that damn record.’

  ‘Ssh Ariel damn!’

  "No, you were never that, had I known that shit you would've been gone a long time ago. Had I known that when I was out making a living to take care of my family.” His voice went up an octave here and the veins in his neck stood out.

  “Living in fucking hotels and missing some of the most important things in my kids’ lives. So you could drive a fucking Mercedes Benz, so you could show off to all your friends.”

  “Had I known then that you were busy fucking the Bristol brothers and every swinging dick from here to Nantucket, you would've been gone a long fucking time ago."

  I made my way to the bathroom after that one. I'd had enough, I wasn't made for drama of any kind. I might start breaking out in hives any minute if I hung around much longer.

  I'm not a wimp or anything, at least not really. I just abhor conflict of any kind, not my own and not other people's either. And that looked like it was about to turn really bad.

  I checked my watch; the kids should be here any minute. I hope they get this cleared up before the little ones get home. This wouldn't be good for them, to see their parents go at each other like that.


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