Bridge Over the Atlantic

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Bridge Over the Atlantic Page 27

by Lisa J. Hobman


  Mallory went home to freshen up and pick up some things for Greg. She bought him a couple of music mags and picked up his MP3 player from his house. Sure enough as she flicked through the discs on his old Jukebox there it was, plain for all to see, The Bee Gees Greatest Hits. She chuckled, it was a far cry from heavy metal but very sweet. She carried on collecting a few more things.

  She noticed a pile of official looking documents on the coffee table. She knew they were private, but couldn’t help herself. Curiosity killed the bloody cat! But she ignored the voice in her head and picked them up to quickly examine them. Divorce papers. She breathed a sigh of relief when she realised that both Alice and Greg had put their signatures to the documents. She placed them back on the table as they were and left the house.

  Stella was out and about as she drove back from Greg’s. She was walking Angus…well, if the truth be told Angus was actually walking Stella. Mallory was laughing as she pulled to a stop beside them.

  “Hi, Mallory. How are you doing, hen? And how’s Greg?”

  “He’s doing much better now thank you and I’m just relieved that he’s okay. They’re talking about letting him go home this weekend. He’s bruised and sore, but not in any danger now. Thanks for taking Angus. I’m sure he’s getting spoiled rotten just like Ruby is with Ron.” She giggled.

  “Oh, it’s nay bother. He’s eating me out of house and home, mind. Look Mallory…I wanted to say that…I hope you and Greg work things out…you’d make such a lovely couple.” Stella waved and took off to finish her drag; as opposed to walk.

  When Mallory arrived back at the hospital, armed with goodies for her new love, his bed was empty. She panicked. There was no one at the nurses’ station so she had to hang around tapping her foot and waiting. The thing she hated most in the world was waiting.

  Eventually, a nurse came along and informed her that Greg had been moved onto a general ward. She breathed a huge sigh of relief and made her way to his new location.

  He was sitting up when she got there. His chest still gloriously bare, apart from a few remaining disconnected electrode pads and bandages. The drips had been removed and the heart monitor had gone too. He looked a little like he’d had the proverbial altercation with Mike Tyson, but his eyes sparkled all the same.

  She nearly ran to the bedside. “Oh, Greg, look at you. So much better.” She leaned in to kiss him gently, but his hand came up to the back of her head pulling her in for a deeper kiss. When she broke free she looked around to see if anyone had just witnessed the veraciously passionate exchange between them. Thankfully no one was taking the slightest bit of notice. She looked back to Greg who was smiling and shaking his head.

  “If being out there in that icy water, fearing for my life, has taught me anything, it’s that from now on I’m not going to hide my emotions any more. I love you and I want you and I don’t care who sees or who knows it.” His low growl sent shivers down her spine. Her cheeks heated and she returned his gaze with just as much passion.

  “Have they said when you can come out?” She asked, hopeful that it would be soon.

  “Well, it turns out I have no internal bleeding, just bruised ribs and a bust up face so they are happy for me to go home at the end of the week. I’ve been so lucky, Mally.” He looked pensive.

  “What happened to Little Blue?” She asked cautiously, knowing how much he loved his boat.

  “Capsized. I got thrown overboard. There was quite a bit of damage, but they managed to tow her in. Hopefully I can repair her. But she’ll be out of action for a while. That’ll teach me for trying to be the hero, eh?” He looked puzzled for a while until he spoke. “Mally…did you tell me you’d sold your house? Or was I dreaming?” His brow was scrunched in confusion.

  She bit her lip, feeling anxious at telling him now that he was fully conscious. “I had an offer on Monday from a young couple who came to look around twice.” She fiddled with the sheet on the bed, nervously. She knew what was coming.

  “So you were serious? About leaving here?” He looked shocked.

  “Yes, Greg, I thought I was serious. I still feel that maybe I should sell up. I just don’t feel that things have worked out since we…I moved in there.”

  Greg took her hand and tilted her chin up. “That’s all about to change. Please don’t sell up. I think it would be a shame. It’s got your fantastic workshop. I saw some of your stuff in Colin’s shop and was so impressed. Don’t give that up.”

  Maybe he was right. She would have to think long and hard about it. The young couple, however, had nothing to sell and were keen to get their offer accepted.

  “I don’t know, Greg. The people who have offered seem to love it.”

  “Well so do you if you’re honest. And…so do I.”

  “But you don’t live there. I do and it’s lonely. And it was mine and Sam’s house. Maybe I need to move on.”

  “Look, It’s your decision but don’t let them pressure you into accepting the offer. There are things we can do to make it feel like home. Just think about it.”

  She nodded her acquiescence.

  The next few days were filled with hospital visits for Mallory. By the end of the week, Greg said he was itching to get home and begin his relationship with Mallory in more private, comfortable and intimate surroundings.

  Mallory picked him up in the Landy as she figured it would be easier for Greg to get in and out of in his current bruised and battered state.

  She helped him down to the car and he grinned, clearly surprised when he saw his hunk of a vehicle there waiting for him. “Bloody hell, Mallory, you brought my car?” He laughed, impressed at her bravery in driving the old bone shaker.

  “Yes, and boy that was a fun experience. It put a smile on my face that’s for sure.”

  “See, I knew I could convert you. We’ll need to get you one instead of that pocket sized, pretend car you drive around in now,” he teased. “Winters around here are a sight to behold but my, oh my, will you know about it if you try to go out in your toy car.” He chuckled and she shook her head at his audacity.

  He was really happy to be going home. And Mallory was happy to be taking him. She had been around earlier in the week to clean his house and stock his food cupboards for him. She even placed fresh flowers around the place to make the basic and mismatched surroundings of his bachelor pad more conducive to a homecoming welcome.

  When they arrived at Greg’s house, she manoeuvred the rather stiff and achy six foot tall, broad, muscular man inside and onto the sofa, with great difficulty. He grabbed her and pulled her to him, wincing in pain as he did so. His hand found her hair and he pulled her mouth to his. The kiss was deep and passionate and made Mallory’s insides turn to jelly and her core clench.

  “God I’ve wanted to do that properly for so long,” he gasped. “And I’m willing my ribs to get better quickly. I’m not sure where we are on the taking it slow thing, but I’d appreciate a heads up ‘cause I’m just about going to go crazy here.” His eyes flashed and her breath caught in her throat.

  “Please, just get well, Greg; quickly.” She kissed him again. She couldn’t get enough. When she released his mouth she stared into his hot, melted chocolate gaze, smiling. “You have the most amazing eyes, Greg. I could fall right in and drown.”

  “Feel free,” he growled.

  How had she managed to hold back from this? How had she nearly let him go?

  Suddenly a worrying thought crossed her mind. “I…maybe I should call Renee?”

  “To tell her about us?” Greg asked.

  “Yes. Or is it too soon? I mean we don’t know what will happen do we? Maybe I should wait?”

  Greg’s brow knitted as he bit his lip, “It worries me that you think something will break us up again. You can’t think like that or you’ll always be waiting. I have no intention of this ending.” He tucked her hair behind her ear. “But if you still have doubts maybe we should go back to taking things slow until you can trust
me again?” He looked a little disappointed at the thought.

  “No…no, Greg it’s not that. This feels right.” She gestured between the two of them. “We do feel right. I think I’m just scared because I was so in love with Renee’s son. What if the Buchanan’s decide they don’t want to know me anymore? That’d break my heart.” Her eyes dropped to where her hand was entwined with Greg’s.

  “That won’t happen. You know that they want you to be happy. I’m sure they’ll be fine. Just explain everything exactly as it happened.”

  “I may leave it a few days so I can figure out what to say. Is that okay with you?”

  “Mallory, you don’t need my permission. It’s entirely up to you.” He squeezed her hand in reassurance.

  “Okay, well I will maybe ring after the weekend. Right, coffee?” She jumped up off the sofa.

  “Oh no…are you making it?” He chuckled.

  She pursed her lips at him and placed her hands on her hips. “Oooh Greg if you weren’t injured already…”


  Later that evening when she realised that Greg looked exhausted, Mallory decided to help him up to bed. He protested quite a lot, but eventually gave in to her. She helped him up the stairs.

  He gingerly lowered himself onto the bed and looked up at her longingly.

  She smirked and shook her head. “Don’t go getting any ideas Mister. You’re still in a state. I’ll go home and sleep there. I daren’t stay in case I kick you in the night or something.”

  “Don’t go, please. It’s been a while since I shared your bed and that didn’t end too good. Stay?” He gave her the puppy dog eyes and she giggled.

  “Greeeg. I don’t want to hurt you if I roll into you. Your ribs are still black and blue under those bandages. I’m worried…”

  “Ah, but what if I need to go pee in the night? And I can’t get up? You wouldn’t leave a poor wounded man to fend for himself would you?” He stuck out his bottom lip in a pout and fluttered his eyelids.

  Mallory laughed. “Good grief, you’re worse than a kid!” She teased. “Oh, for goodness sake…alright then.” She acquiesced as he kept pouting and fluttering. “Now let’s figure out how to get you undressed.” She stood hands on hips and assessed him like a project.

  “Ooh I love it when you talk dirty.” He chuckled.

  She wiggled her eyebrows at him. “Don’t push your luck, I’m in a position of immense power here.”

  Together they struggled to free him from his T-shirt. And then he lay back whilst she unzipped his jeans and pulled them down over his long lean legs. A shiver went through her as he lay there in just his fitted black boxers. Just looking at his body caused her thoughts to be diverted along the wrong route.

  “Ahem…Mallory…can you help me so I can go brush my teeth please?” He chuckled and Mallory blushed as he interrupted her fantasy.

  “I wasn’t staring!” She insisted and then, “Oh, who am I kidding, I was staring.” She giggled feeling rather embarrassed. She helped him to stand.

  “All in good time, my gorgeous girl.” He smiled, taking her hand and reading her thoughts.

  She breathed deeply trying to calm the fire of lust burning low in her belly. “What does your tattoo mean?” She asked. “This one on your chest.” She traced the lettering with her fingers as he stood in front of her. His skin trembled under her touch which didn’t help her state of mind.

  “It’s Gaelic. I studied it at school and it’s always been special to me. The tattoo translates, roughly, as ‘Love conquers all’.”

  Her heart melted.

  “I got it to remind myself that no matter what life throws at me, whether it’s my wife and best friend betraying me, Mairi being killed on a mountain, or me balls-ing anything up in a big way…for example with the woman I’m in love with now, whatever it is, love will still find a way and I’ve not to give up on it. And you see…” he kissed her forehead. “I was right.”

  Mallory’s heart swelled when she heard his reasons behind the beautiful scarring on his chest.

  When Greg had finished up in the little en-suite Mallory helped him into bed then went to change into one of Greg’s oversized T-shirts and a pair of his shorts, hiding in the en-suite to do so. She then gingerly climbed in beside him. She snuggled up to him and he made a cute little murmuring noise.

  “Hmmm, feels good to be next to you again.”

  “It really does,” Mallory agreed. She gave him a tender kiss goodnight. They both drifted into a deep, comfortable, contented sleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next couple of weeks were mainly focused on rehabilitation. Greg was healing quickly and Mallory was relieved to discover that the bruising was subsiding rapidly.

  The people in the village had figured out that they were an item on account of the number of times they had been caught having a sneaky kiss when they thought no one was looking. The villagers smiled and chatted about it together.

  “Isn’t it lovely that they finally sorted themselves out?” and, “Don’t they make a handsome couple?”

  Mallory had rejected the offer on her house and decided to remove it from the market. She had decided she loved it here after all. She stopped seeing the negative about the place and began to really make it her own home.

  Greg stayed over a lot whilst he was in the throes of the healing process. It was beginning to feel like their house.

  Mallory phoned Renee at the end of November to inform her of what had happened. Renee had cried and Mallory thought at first that this was due to anger or upset at the betrayal of her son’s memory.

  But eventually she had sighed and said, “Oh Mallory, Ryan, Cara and I said as soon as we met Greg that he was the one for you. We just knew how much he thought of you. It was so obvious to us, sweetheart. I am so very happy for you. We all are. But promise me the two of you will come out and visit? And please don’t lose touch because you’re worried about how awkward things will be. They won’t be at all awkward, darling. You are and always will be a part of this family. We all love you dearly.”

  Mallory had cried and cried at hearing such kind and heartfelt words from Renee. She was relieved to have got it out in the open with Sam’s family and she felt that she and Greg had everyone’s blessing.

  December 2011

  Early December was an exciting time. Greg and Mallory’s relationship had remained, all be it reluctantly on both sides, in the realms of celibacy since their first kiss in the hospital after the accident. Greg’s wounds had been healing and neither had been prepared to rush things and ruin what they potentially had. She had remained covered up in front of him and he had yet to see her tattoo.

  Mallory had always loved December. The joy of Christmas lay around the corner. How wonderful to be spending Christmas with Greg, in her lovely home, near the beautiful Bridge Over the Atlantic; her favourite place in the whole world.

  Saturday December third and Greg was almost back to his former self apart from a scar on his head, one on his lip and slight shadows under his eyes.

  He had been with Mallory to buy a Christmas tree. It was standing in the corner of the lounge and they were just about to decorate it with a combination of their respective ornaments.

  Greg had brought over a bottle of Sherry and Mallory had put on the Christmas CD that she would happily listen to in June as she loved Christmas songs so much.

  Greg poured them a wee dram and they began to go through their boxes of tree ornaments. They squabbled jokily over whose were better, but Greg knew that Mallory’s were much more tasteful, although he wouldn’t openly concede. His were bright, garish and mostly, if they were both honest, ugly.

  The battle did not end there. Greg was placing his ornaments on the tree in prominent positions with a wry, playful grin and Mallory, using her womanly powers of subterfuge, was removing them and placing them at the back of the tree, hidden out of sight. Greg caught on to this fact quickly and decided to make a tactical move himself, which involved grabbing Mal
lory around the waist and wrestling her to the ground to tickle her until she relented and allowed him to place the gaudy ornaments where he chose. Once finished they sat back on the sofa to admire their handy work.

  “This Christmas is going to be so special, gorgeous.” Greg announced to Mallory as they snuggled together on the sofa. “Are Josie and Brad coming up?”

  “I think they may come up for Hogmanay. I can’t wait for Hogmanay.” Mallory was filled with excitement just thinking about it.

  Greg turned to Mallory, his melted chocolate eyes burning into her. “Do you know what I’m looking forward to?” He stroked a finger down her cheek and brought his face close to hers until they were almost touching.

  Her breath caught as she was willingly trapped by his gaze. “What?” She felt her temperature begin to rise and her heart rate increased.

  His breath was warm on her lips and she noticed his breathing had changed. “I’m looking forward to unwrapping you on Christmas morning and kissing you all over.” His voice was a deep, low whisper as he leaned closer still and rested his forehead on hers.

  Desire clenched deep within her and she placed her hand on his chest where she could feel his pounding heart. She kissed him deeply, her tongue dipping into his mouth. “Why wait until Christmas morning?” Their eyes remained locked. She wanted him…now. His wonderful full mouth turned up at one side and he took her hand.

  He stood and pulled her up to meet him. “Come with me,” he whispered.

  This time her temperature soared as the need for him coursed through her body. He led her to the stairs and still holding her hand made his way up to the bedroom.

  Once inside the room he pulled her into him. He looked down at her, his eyes hooded with avidity. He cupped her face in his hands and lowered his mouth to almost touch hers again. “I’ve waited for this moment since the day I met you.” His throaty voice still no more than a whisper, his sweet breath danced over her lips.

  His hands slid down her back to her bottom making her insides turn to liquid. “I want to savour this. I want to savour you, Mallory. I love you with all my heart, but I want you with every inch of my being.” One hand travelled up her body and into her hair, but his lips still didn’t touch hers. There was only an electric current running from his words down her body and into her soul. She brought her hands up to touch him, his chest was firm underneath his T-shirt. She smoothed her hands over his torso. He closed his eyes just for a second and breathed deeply as if struggling with self-control.


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