Dallas Fire & Rescue: Concealing Fire (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Fiery Fairy Tales Book 2)

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Dallas Fire & Rescue: Concealing Fire (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Fiery Fairy Tales Book 2) Page 5

by Siera London

  “You had me long before I saw your crowning glory. You want your suitcase back?”

  “Should I?” she teased. “Is it my last hope to getting out of this room unscathed.”

  “It won't save you, darlin'.”

  “You never know,” she said on a husky whisper. The pulse in her neck jumped and he knew she was just as effected as him.

  “I'm going to kiss you, now.” He brushed his thumb over her bottom lip. Her eyes never left his. “I want you to kiss me back. If that's not going to happen, then I'm going to sleep in the truck and take my chances with the storm.”

  “Cutler, I don't think—”

  He interrupted. “Don't care what you think, right now. I care what you feel, so kiss me or help me pack a bag.”

  She swallowed. The tip of her tongue snaked out to wet her lower lip and he groaned aloud.

  “What's it going to be, Kendall?”

  She ran her fingers through his hair delighting in the glide of the soft strands. “Let's do this.”

  He captured her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “And afterwards?”

  “Let's see if we can handle a kiss, first.”

  He chuckled. “I'm ready to handle you all night long,” he said, claiming her mouth with his own.

  Her kiss was deep and needy. He could tell she held back the edgier part of her sensuality, but he didn't know why. He pushed deep into her mouth, forcing her to open wider, to take him deeper. When she used her teeth to graze his tongue he hardened to the point of pain. When he picked her up, she wrapped those long legs around his hips, pressing her heels into the small of his back.

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked breaking the kiss.

  “To our bed.” He pulled back giving her an opportunity to protest. He felt the tremor in her body. She was unsure about them taking the next step, but she remained quiet.

  “Nothing will happen until you want it to, understand.”

  “It's my choice?”

  “That's right, darlin'. But I'll do everything in my power to convince you to keep your heels in the air all night.”

  He walked them to the futon, bending his knees as he lowered her to the softness below. He stayed atop her, settling his weight between her spread legs.

  She giggled.

  “What's so funny, darlin?”

  “We made it longer than I thought we would locked in a house together.”

  “I agree with you there, but there's no going back if you let me do more than kiss you.”

  “Cutler, whatever happens between us tonight is over once we enter the station.”

  “I don't have a problem with that.” When his heart started to stutter in his chest and the little voice in his head whispered liar, he ignored both.

  “No drama, no hurt feelings. Those are words I live by, Cutler.”

  “I got it. You take care of you and I'll take care of us both. Now, if you're done laying down the ground rules, I want you naked, again.”

  She grinned. “You have me pinned to the mattress.”

  “Get comfortable 'cause you'll be here all night.”


  Kendall lifted her arms above her head. Never taking her eyes from Cutler's face. He removed her Calvin Klein top. Lust, desire, appreciation were all there in his eyes. Was she going to have sex with another man? Her husband had been her first. After the pain and rough handling on her wedding night, their sex life had only gotten worse. As a firefighter she’d grown to appreciate her schedule rotation. When her Kelly days arrived each month she dreaded the additional days at home. Why did she trust Cutler to take care of her when the man who'd promised to love and cherish her had taken pleasure in dishonoring their vows? Maybe this was another costly mistake disguised as a pleasure. She needed to protect herself...and her heart.

  “Cutler...ah, do you have protection?”

  “I won't leave you vulnerable, darlin'. You can trust me to take care of you.”

  He cupped her breasts in his calloused hands. The sensation of his heated flesh against her sensitive skin pushed her lust factor higher. He'd changed into loose gyms shorts, and he wore no shirt. How had she ever thought to resist him? She’d wanted what he had offered from the moment she laid eyes on him. Now, that he covered her with his scent, with his body, she felt overwhelmed, yet excited by what was to come.

  He'd lit four candles, placing two on each side of the futon couch. Did he do that for her, or did he like to watch? She didn't care what the impetus was. The light illuminated every muscle and taut plane of his body, and she delighted in the fact that she wouldn't miss a single movement. Cutler was a magnificent physical specimen of masculine perfection. At forty, Beck was fifteen years older than her, and his body was softer where Cutler's was granite hard. He was rounded, where Cutler was chiseled.

  Kendall watched as Cutler sheathed himself in a condom. She'd never seen a man do that before. The act was slow and erotic, like he was preparing himself for her. When they did this again, she'd prepare him. A sudden wave of panic washed over her. What made her think there would be a next time with Cutler?


  At his endearment for her, Kendall relaxed her lower half allowing her legs to fall open. The thought of whom her next sexual encounter would be with and when was the farthest thought from her mind when she'd left Texas. Now that she was here with Cutler, she wanted him to be her first, and her next, and the last. Light and shadow danced across his face. She glanced up into his face. His eyes were on her.

  “You okay, Red?”

  A playboy with a heart, yet she didn't get the feeling he was toying with her. Gosh, what had she done to deserve a man that cared enough to inquire about her state of mind with every touch?

  “Yeah...I'm fine,” she said clearing the frog from her throat. This act would close the door on her life with Beck, and all the painful memories she associated with this beautiful act of sharing her body with another person.

  “Kendall, you're somewhere else.”

  She smiled. He'd caught her, but she wouldn't pull out on her end of the bargain. “I'm fine...you can still do it, you know...since you're all suited up and everything.”

  Even with the low lighting, she could see his eyes had turned cold. “What do you mean, I can still do it?”

  Why did he look pissed off? “I...I just meant...you can start.”

  Seconds later, he was off of her. The thin layer of moisture that had formed where their skin touched cooled with the air exposure. His expression now mirrored his stony eyes.

  “You want me to start without you. Is that what you're saying?”

  Oh gosh, he looked ready to throw her over his knee. She reached for him, but he shrank away.

  “Look, Red. You're hot as fire and I want you, but I'll be damned if I'll sleep with you and you're somewhere else in your mind.”

  Frantic at how quickly ill-chosen words had derailed their night together, she laid a hand on his knee. “I said it all wrong. I am here with you, it’s just—”

  “Just what? You used to men taking your body and not noticing you're locked away in your own head space.”

  “Not men...one man and, yes...that's how it was with him.”

  Cutler's quick indrawn breath surprised her. He scanned her body from head to her bent knees and bare feet. Was he looking for some outward sign of what had been done to her? His brows were pulled low, his nostrils flared, that chiseled jawline was locked up like stone. He was angry on her behalf.

  “Kendall, you're breaking my heart, darlin'. What kind of monster would want to damage a flawless beauty like you?”

  Beck had stolen enough precious moments from her. Kendall would keep Cutler as long as she could. Maybe, he'd grow tired of her after one night, but it was a risk she was willing to take.

  “Come here, Cutler.” She held her arms open in invitation.

  He pegged her with a wicked grin. “You with me this time?”

  “There's no place else I'd rather be.�

  When he fell into her arms, she laughed, and that's when all the lights popped on in the house.

  “Ugh,” she screeched.

  “Dang it man, that’s foul,” he echoed in unison.

  They both looked at each other and laughed. Could she do this with the lights on? She gave the room a nervous once over. Everything seemed hidden in fantasy with the soft glow of candle light, but...now. Would he be offended if they turned off the lights, again? She was sure she could go through with the sex in the dark, or semi-darkness.


  She looked up at Cutler, their faces separated by mere inches.

  “I can't have sex with you, Kendall.”

  Her heart sank. This was her chance to prove Beck wrong. She wasn't some cold, dry fish...not with Cutler.

  “But, I can do this,” she defended.

  He rolled off to her side. “I know you can, darlin',” he said pulling her into his arms.

  With her head settled under his chin, he pulled her flush with his body her right leg atop his, before covering them with the top sheet.

  “Cutler.” Did he think she was a nut job? What kind of woman took off her shirt for a man, and then went bust when it came time to do the deed?


  “I still want to do it with you.”

  His warm breath caressed the shell of her ear when he laughed. “We will, but when it's right between us.”

  She thought he might have been placating her, but then he palmed her right breast and softly squeezed. Her insides turned all warm and that was before he placed a string of light kisses from her cheek to her lips. His erection hardened and lengthened along Kendall’s thigh. She smiled.

  “I can't wait,” she said closing her eyes.


  Kendall studied Cutler as he slept. She’d awoken several times during the night to find their limbs tangled in a naked heap. She used the morning quiet to drink in every detail of his face. His messy blond waves were spread across the pillow, the first morning light giving the strands an angelic glow. With his eyes closed, she noticed his lashes were long and golden, curled at the perfect angle. She’d need to buy a $30 tube of mascara for the same effect. Her eyes dropped to his mouth. Though they hadn’t made love, she’d kissed him like the John Legend song because she knew she would lose him. What had she done to warrant a man as generous and compassionate as Cutler Stevens? Not a thing.

  Slowly, she bent her head until she could brush a kiss over his lips. Being this close to him her body instantly heated, demanding more than she was willing to take. Cutler had indulged her every touch, every taste last night. His eagerness to have her hands on him only fueled her cravings. As arousal bloomed in her core, she thought it best to stop kissing the hunter. When she would have backed away, a strong hand curled round her head, locking her in place. Accustomed to the feel of his flesh against hers, Kendall softened, melting into the contour of his body from chest to hip.

  Blue eyes met with green.

  “Morning, Red,” he grinned. Dang it, he was even more gorgeous with bed head and sleep-laden eyes.

  “Hey,” she croaked out, not sure how he would respond to her with last night’s heat a distant memory.

  “Find what you’re looking for?”

  She squirmed beside him. “Wh…what?” Stealth Training 101 needed to be added to her repertoire. She’d been busted watching him, again.

  Without warning, she found herself beneath him. “So darlin’ do you like ol’ Cutler enough to hang around?”

  His tone was typical, playful Cutler, but his eyes were guarded. He wanted her to stay. What did she want?

  “The storm ended,” she managed, never imagining she would have an opportunity with a man as wonderful as this. With the weather threat gone, she didn’t have a reason to be here, other than wanting to be with him.

  “I know.” His voice sounded raw and his hardness pulsed against the bare skin of her abdomen. Instinctively she spread her knees wider to accommodate him.

  “What do you like for breakfast?” She laughed when he dropped lower to grind his erect length into her nest of curls.

  “Besides that.” She smiled up at his face.

  He kissed her full on the mouth before turning his head to nip her earlobe. “I’ll eat whatever you offer,” he whispered.

  When she let her knees fall near flat with the futon mattress, he gave her a long, slow gaze that lit a fuse between her legs only he could tame.

  “Kendall,” he groaned her name as he used his hands to caress her breasts, her belly, and her inner thighs. Wetness flooded her center. The sensation was so foreign she doubted if her ex-husband had ever excited her.

  “Cutler,” she whispered, reverence in each syllable. If she wasn’t careful she’d fall for this man. This generous, self-directed warrior that had shown her more compassionate than the one she’d given her vows.

  “Yes, beautiful.” She trembled when his calloused finger stroked her petals.

  “Your breakfast is ready,” she breathed, her heart beating overtime. When he sucked her into his mouth, Kendall felt her carefully constructed walls quake, felt her heart opening to him. The way he touched her spoke to his skill at pleasuring a woman’s body, but his caress reached deeper, satisfying a soul deep need. A moan—his, filled the space, driving both their pleasure closer to the brink. Cutler had a big appetite, and she recklessly spread her legs wider giving him a bigger big plate.

  By noon, they had eaten a chicken spinach quiche she’d prepared, kissed enough to set a new world record, and eventually drove into historic Key West for errands. She thought he would’ve taken everything she offered, but he’d teased her with only a taste of what he could do with that mouth. Her body burned like a hungry succubus deprived of a long awaited lover. When Cutler pulled to a stop in front of the community center in Bahama Village, Kendall’s urge to mate vanished as a knot began to form in her stomach.

  “I promised to drop off the baseballs and bats for the kids. Come inside with me,” he said grabbing her hand.

  “No, I can’t.”

  A profound sense of dread and loss swamped her. A reminder that last night should have been the end of it between them again came to mind. She’d crossed a bridge too far with Cutler this morning. Now, he expected a woman she could not be for him.

  He laughed until he noticed she hadn’t moved.

  “Red, come on.” He nudged her. “The kids would love to meet you.”

  To hide the pain churning inside, she snapped at him. “I said no.” She pushed his hand away.

  “Okay. You want to tell me why you won’t come inside?” he asked, his jaw tight. Confusion marred his handsome features. “I usually stay an hour or two, but I’ll come right back.”

  “No, and... I don’t want to hold you back.” She spoke the truth. Cutler deserved a woman less impulsive and more giving than she was capable of. “We passed a novelty shop on Whitehead. I’ll walk up there while you hang with the kids.”

  “You can take the truck, Red.”

  That made her smile. “Thanks, but I could use the walk.”

  The furrow between his brows had her leaning over to plant a kiss on his lips. “Have fun and come back safe,” she added.

  That broad smile she’d fallen for overnight spread across his lips.

  “They’re pre-teens, not the Dallas Cowboys defensive line,” he chuckled, exiting the truck with her.

  Sixty minutes later she crossed the final block to find Cutler leaning against the truck’s tailgate.

  He smiled when he spotted her.

  “I just finished up. Want to do an early dinner in town?”

  “No, I’ll pass on dinner out.”

  His eyes dropped to the white plastic bag in her hand. “You pick up something red and racy for tonight?”

  Oh, he thought she had lingerie in the bag.

  “This is a gift…for you.” She blushed when she recalled the message she’d selected for the front an
d back of the t-shirt. She knew Cutler was wrong for a woman like her, but she wanted him to remember their night together.

  Kendall opened the bag and pulled free the peace offering.

  Cutler read it aloud, “She loves blonds.”

  He burst out laughing, his bass echoing in the empty lot.

  “There’s more on the back.”

  He wiped at his eyes. “By all means, show me darlin’.”

  Kendall laughed too when his eyes watered.

  “But, I prefer redheads.”

  He swept her up in her arms. “I love it, Kendall…thank you.”

  She acquiesced when he claimed her mouth with a deep, slow caress of his tongue, licking his way inside until she moaned his name.

  “Anywhere else we need to go before heading home?”

  Gosh, he made it sound as if this was their everyday routine. She had to stop this before he got hurt.

  “Cutler, do you mind if we head back to your place now?”

  He took her hand in his before she could finish her sentence.

  “I need to grab my things,” she paused, “before you drop me at the hotel.”

  He pivoted to face her, his face a readable collage of surprise, confusion, and hurt.

  “Yeah, Red. I do mind.”

  His body stood ridged, ready for the challenge. Okay, her clean break was going be messy.

  Chapter Six

  The Monday morning sun beat down on Engine No. 10, making Cutler race against the clock to remove the soapsuds before they streaked the finish. Snow white clouds hung overhead erasing the last vestiges of Friday night's storm. Kendall had stayed hidden from him since he dropped her off at her hotel on Sunday night. He knew she was in the firehouse because several of the guys had commented on the Texas redhead. Those silky ribbons had covered his chest when he'd used his body to cradle her head.

  He finished the wash and dry job in under an hour with Trace and Nathan's help.

  “Ladder looks good, Cut.” Nathan rounded the rear end, bucket of water in hand.

  “Yep. Thanks for the help.”


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