Dallas Fire & Rescue: Concealing Fire (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Fiery Fairy Tales Book 2)

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Dallas Fire & Rescue: Concealing Fire (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Fiery Fairy Tales Book 2) Page 7

by Siera London

When she made no attempt to look at him, he tried to goad her. “I could come closer. I remember how my scent gets you irritable and naked.”

  She stared up at him.

  “I messed up, Cutler.”

  He could hear the again she didn’t say.

  Cutler hated to see the devastation in her eyes. Her shoulders shook and tears started to flow down her cheeks again.

  “Donnie, the guy with the scrubs is fine. He called to check on you. Guess he'd never seen a real female firefighter. You're an instant celebrity.”

  She shrugged. “If that is true, tell the Captain to prepare for a tabloid scandal.” She spread her arms wide, “I can see the headline, Key West's First Female Firefighter Risks Life of Crew and Victims because she can’t let go of the past,” she trailed off.

  Cutler blew out a breath of frustration. So, she'd been preoccupied with thoughts of her former lover.

  “So, you want him back?” A surge of jealousy spiked like a rogue charge in Doctor Frankenstein's lab.

  She startled as if he'd struck her.

  “Never. I never want to see Beck again. I was referring to…never mind.”

  Cutler’s breath eased once more. He had been prepared to put in the horizontal, vertical, and diagonal hours necessary to make her forget the man she'd left in Texas.

  The hiss of hot water hitting cool tile reminded him the station had a limited supply of hot water.

  Stepping between her spread legs, he dropped a kiss to her nose.

  “In the shower with you before the guys use all the hot water.”

  She reached up and pulled the tie from her hair. Ribbons of red silk cascaded down her back. “Into the shower with us.”

  Cutler froze. Long fiery lashes swept lower, and then opened, revealing emerald eyes smoldering with lust. Lush lips parted, her pink tongue extended as she completed a slow journey of invitation across the bottom one for his viewing pleasure. He swallowed…hard.

  “Kendall...if we start,”

  She stopped his next words with a kiss to his mouth and a palm to his erection. The nip surprised him, but then he remembered their first in his living room. The pent up energy he’d felt roaring through Kendall’s limbs as he pleasured her. He let her taste him, sucking her deeper with every tongue stroke. Sensing her satisfaction with his response, he resisted the urge to pull her back to him when the kiss ended.

  “I won't stop you.”

  He leaned in close. “Remember those words later tonight.”

  Cutler lifted her off the counter. He turned her to face the mirror.

  “Watch me,” he commanded.

  Slowly, he unbuttoned her uniform top, one button at a time.

  He frowned when the ACE bandage securing her breasts came into view.

  “Lift your arms,” he growled.

  Kendall did as she was told. Moments later her full breasts, ripe and tanned sprang free.

  He fixed her with a hard stare. “You're with me now. No more hiding your body, Kendall.”

  ACE wrap gone, he filled both hands with her tender globes, rolling the nipples between his thumb and forefinger. When she groaned, he licked a moist trail up the side of her neck before he captured her earlobe between his teeth. She shivered. “You're beautiful, darlin'.”

  “I'm glad you think so.”

  “I know so, Kendall. You're a beautiful woman.”

  With a hand to her back, he applied pressure till she leaned forward.

  “Stay where I put you.” Efficient hands had her pants pooled around those long legs in seconds. Cutler groaned aloud when he saw the skimpy red lace covering her toned backside. “Red's my new favorite color,” he teased as he dropped to his haunches.

  “Oh,” she said, wiggling her hips, “I had hopes you'd like creamy white and petal pink, too.”

  An image of her core, moist and wet slammed into him in 3-D. “Oh heck, I got myself a nasty girl.”

  “Dirty talk a problem, cowboy?” she asked teasingly.

  “Darlin', that's my first language.”

  Cutler kissed and nibbled down her legs, applying long strokes to her smooth flesh. He took delight in the fine tremors that racked her body at his touch. Her breaths came in rapid and rough spurts. Would she sound the same when she orgasmed for him? His hand hit hard metal and he froze.

  “Red.” He hesitated. “You carrying?” If Kendall had a weapon on her at all times, what kind of danger was she expecting, and how much time did they have before it came knocking at the door?

  “It's...not the gun, just pepper spray.”

  He gazed up. Her eyes were fixed on the mirror.

  “I didn't want the guys to notice, that's why it’s strapped to my ankle.”

  He moved to stand, but she hit him with a weapon guaranteed to stop him in his tracks.

  “I'm wet.” She inhaled a deep breath then said, “And I want you inside of me.”

  She spread her legs wider. The scent of her arousal reached Cutler’s nose, and he gripped her hips to steady himself. Slowly he lowered those sling shot panties, until bare flesh, sweet and fragrant greeted him. Gently he opened her, touching the core of her femininity, sliding through her moist folds. His fingers came away with slick cream.

  “Cutler, I want...”

  “So do I,” he said. Reaching into his wallet, he made short work of shedding his clothes and donning a condom before he turned her around to face him.

  Cupping her chin in his right palm, he angled her face up to meet his. “Let me know what you like, darlin'.”

  The easy smile she gave him, transformed into a hitched breath, and then a groan when he surged forward burying himself deep inside her welcoming flesh. Her back arched and he pulled her down harder onto his erection. Oh man, Kendall was so tight his toes dang near curled under the soles of his feet.

  “Red,” he hissed. Her muscles milked his shaft like a velvet glove. Never had a woman gripped his mind, body, and soul so completely. “Work me over, Kendall.”

  Cutler was helpless to control himself. He pounded into her, pushing her head closer and closer to the glass lining the wall. Damn, it was like he was trying to carve out a shelf for himself inside her.

  “Please, Cutler. I need more,” she panted.

  He nodded, cupping her face in his hands. He kissed her, the press of his lips against hers hungry and bruising. She was breathless, her chest heaving when he stopped.

  In a voice husky with lust, he said, “Turn around and face the mirror.”

  Cutler lifted one of her knees onto the counter, opening her core fully to him. He drove into her body. He continued to thrust when she gasped. Her fist clenched tight around the faucet as she sought to hold on for a long ride.

  “Is this how you want it?” he growled at her ear.

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  Sweat glistened on her nude back. He leaned over her, snaking his tongue up her spine.

  “Nice touch,” she tossed over her shoulder, lids at half-mast, breathing ragged.

  “Ah darlin', my touch is going to be all you remember about today.” Hell, he'd already forgotten his name, rank, and serial number. The controlled charm he was known for...gone. He took a deep breath, pulling Kendall's scent deeper into his lungs. The urge to claim and to mark intensified when she pushed back meeting his thrusts.

  “You want more?”

  “I can handle you,” was her response.

  He cursed because if she took him any deeper he'd be screaming her name.

  Slowly he withdrew, panting with the effort it took to leave her body.

  “No,” she whimpered, as she reached back to dig her nails into his ass.

  His voice came out as a raspy bellow, echoing in the tiled space. “I like that you marked me, Red.” He spun her around to face him. Cupping her buttocks he said, “Lock your legs around my waist.”

  The moment her legs circled his waist, Cutler drove up into her moist, wet heat again. Slick friction as her body accepted his invasion was nearly his un
doing. She strained against his erection, spreading her legs wide to accommodate him.

  He entered the shower. Kendall tossed her head back, letting the water shower down her fiery locks, darkening them to a rich crimson. When her back made contact with the cooler tile wall, she hissed. Her internal muscles quaked before tightening on his erection.

  “Hold onto me,” he commanded.

  At the feel of her arms tightening around his neck, Cutler's vision tunneled. He saw only her. He caged her with his arms, his elbows pressed to the wall above her shoulders. He felt as if he were fused with her. Their grunts and moans mixed with the rain shower crashing down on them. Her plump toasted nipples were hard as her breasts bounced up and down with each thrust and retreat. He hissed when her nails clawed his back.

  Mine, mine, mine ran in cadence through his head. He gripped the back of her head in one hand. Pushing his fingers into her hair, he pulled her head up. Their eyes met.

  “I'm gonna come, Red,” he panted, pounding deeper, anchoring her hips in place to take him full force. “Come with me.”

  Her mouth opened, but he heard no sound. Then he felt the ripples of her sex, pulling at him, sucking him deeper into her velvet soft center. Every inch of his body clenched, and then exploded. His eyes rolled back in his head. A roar ripped from his lips as his release jettisoned from his body. Concerned he'd left her behind, he nearly collapsed to his knees with satisfaction when she screamed. Pulsing, rhythmic waves stroked the length of his hardness. Her eyes flashed a kaleidoscope of emerald green as she orgasmed.

  She groaned before her head fell forward and she buried her face in his chest. The course sound was bliss to his ears. Using his weight he pinned her in place.

  Cutler cupped her face between his hands. “You good?”

  She nodded, the effort to speak would deplete precious energy reserves. He’d felt reborn inside of Kendall. All the charming facade that he wore for other women stripped away. Never had a woman satisfied him so completely. When a cloud of darkness settled in her eyes, he about shattered inside.

  “What’s wrong, Red? Did I hurt you?” Was she having regrets? He didn’t believe she’d acted impulsively, but could he have lead her to where he wanted them to go? His chest constricted.

  “No,” she whispered, “you didn’t.”

  He relaxed a fraction. “Kendall,” he paused, “I don’t care about your past. You hear me? You feel perfect in my arms, Red. We fit,” he breathed, “we…fit.”

  “Cutler.” Her green eyes burned with emotion that he recognized as fear. “Don’t love me so good that I can’t let you go when it’s time.”

  He tightened his hold on her, not wanting to lose the connection so soon after their lovemaking. His heart pummeled in his chest, defenseless against this courageous woman who’d cracked his soul open and chained herself inside. He felt his manhood swell with need.

  “Too late, Red.” He lowered his mouth to hers. “I can’t stop now,” he said as he drove into her again.

  She scored his back with her nails.

  “Cutler,” she heaved. “I can’t orgasm again.”

  He grinned. “You’ll have to prove it, darlin’.”

  Minutes later she exploded around him, sucking him into another sweat drenching orgasm.

  “You proved me a liar, Marine,” she teased. He released his grip on her thighs, lowering her until her feet touched the cool tiles.

  “Oh, don’t be hard on yourself. I’m gifted.” He smiled, pleased that his woman was happy. “I think I’m putting you to bed before round three.”

  She gave him a sultry smile. “Maybe you should. The water is getting cool.”

  “What my lady wants, she gets.” They bathed in a flash and without delay he exited the shower and carried Kendall to the bed. He smirked in satisfaction as she yawned.

  “Get some rest. I'll wake you when the food comes.” He smiled when Kendall snuggled under the blanket and closed her eyes.

  “Thanks, Cutler.” He was about to correct her when a knock sounded at the door. There would be no, thank you quid pro quo between them. She was his.

  In his bare feet, Cutler pulled on his pants before slipping his wrinkled T-shirt over his head.

  It was Trace at the door with two bowls of pasta.

  “She okay?”

  Though his brain knew Trace had no romantic interest in Kendall, it wrangled Cutler that his friend seemed to have a connection with her. Call him cocky, but he didn’t like other men asking about his chick. “Yep, we're talking it out.”

  Trace's nostrils flared, and then he narrowed his eyes at Cutler's state of undress. “You talk before or after sex?”

  “Gimme the dang pasta and stay the hell away from this door unless I text you, man.”

  Trace shoved the two bowls at him. “She gonna stay or leave?”

  “Kendall's not going anywhere.” Whatever fueled this reckless need for her to prove she was worthy of a position she was more than competent to hold, they would deal with it one day at a time...with her in Key West.

  Chapter Eight

  Kendall stood in front of her locker, surveying her sleeping quarters. Thank goodness she was the only woman to use the space. The room scented of her, Cutler's warm ocean scent, and lots of sex. A twisted heap of bed sheets had been pushed to the foot of the bed, more evidence of Cutler’s physical prowess with her body.

  A tap, tap, tap rapped on the door.

  “Kendall, we have a situation. Could you join me in my office?” Captain Brady said from the hall outside of her room.

  Kendall’s sex hungry brain instantly sharpened. Her body was still warm and satiated from the hours of loving Cutler had plowed her with during the night. Too limp to move when he dressed to leave at o'dark thirty, she had rolled back over for another hour of shut eye.

  Having the Captain summon her personally couldn't be good for her continuing at the station.

  Ignoring the churning in her gut, Kendall grabbed her uniform shirt from her locker. Her breast ace wrap lay on the top shelf. She smiled. Though Cutler hated the thought of her binding her breasts, he'd left the choice to continue wearing the thing up to her.

  During her marriage to Beck, she’d had no choices. She considered the possibilities. With Cutler she had affection, support, and passion all for the asking. Lifting the ACE band, she ran her forefinger over the ribbed pattern. A relationship with Cutler would be different. Her heart flipped and tripped over itself. Her fresh start could include Cutler.

  Raised voices beyond the door had her jumping. The door handle rattled. She finished dressing and ran a hand through her flattened waves.

  “Hold your hoses. I'm coming.” She grinned donning her boots. If the Captain thought she'd rush to get her walking papers, he didn't know women.

  “Kendall Aisles, I don't like to be kept waiting.”

  The air left her body. Beck stood on the other side of the door. Pounding began between her ears. What had he said to the Captain? Her lungs refused to inhale a full breath. Instead, a mixture of choppy exhales followed by equally choppy inhales kept her from passing out. She checked her boot. The Mace can was in easy reach.

  With a firm hand, Kendall turned the knob. Beck and Captain both wore a grim expression, but for different reasons. Her ex-husband looked the same. His dark brown hair with gray at the temples was combed back off his broad forehead. His tan skin bore fine lines around his deep set, dark eyes and his thin lips were pressed into a hairline fracture of disapproval.

  Captain Brady cleared his throat. “Kendall, it seems your husband…”

  She and Beck interrupted simultaneously.

  “Ex-husband,” she stated, matter-of-factly. Of course, he spoke over her.

  “You can call me Chief Aisles.” Beck gave the Captain a cordial smile.

  There was the southern Baptist charm that had roped her in after he’d attended her parent’s funeral. She’d lapped up his ever-present support and direction like a needy child. With her grand
mother in a care facility recovering from a heart attack, she’d felt so alone. Beck had been her savior.

  “After all I was Chief of Police before I put a ring on Kendall's finger.”

  He raked his eyes from her boots to her curls that hung loose around her shoulders. Cutler had stroked her tresses all night and she had to admit, feeling the length of the thick tresses between her shoulder blades reminded her of their night together. When Beck's eyes narrowed on her breasts, Kendall had to fight the urge to cross her arms over her chest. As his irises darkened to black, the subtle signs of pent up rage registered on his face.

  “My, my, a few months away from home and you forget yourself, Kendall.”

  She lifted her chin hiding the fear skirting down her spine. What would he try if he got her alone? And what would she have to do to stop him?

  “My home is now Key West.” Why had she blurted that out? Her paycheck still had Dallas Fire & Rescue on the payee line. She and Cutler hadn't discussed her sticking around after two weeks.

  “Captain Brady, you have to excuse my wife. She's been under a lot of stress on account of her having problems conceiving like a normal woman.”

  Kendall closed her eyes in equal parts rage and embarrassment that Beck, once again, had brought their drama to her job.

  “Maybe, it was your mature sperm with their crooked back stroke,” she jabbed, forgetting her boss stood between them. Three years of marriage to Beck came flooding back. The snide remarks and subtle put-downs had started before they left for their honeymoon. Instead of her husband being honored by his wife's virginity, Beck had told her she was a lousy lay, storming out of their wedding suite and leaving her alone. Well, he wasn’t worth the ink on diary pages, either. Their mental sparing had eventually evolved into physical blows.

  A crimson-faced Captain interjected, “Okay you two. Raine you’re still on the clock for now. Get to work.”

  When Beck shook his head no. Brady hit him with a lethal stare. “This is my station, Chief Aisles. Seeing as your visit is of a personal nature...”


  Kendall's eyes shot wide open at Cutler's voice. His long legs were covering the bay separating the men's sleeping quarters from hers.


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