Dallas Fire & Rescue: Concealing Fire (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Fiery Fairy Tales Book 2)

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Dallas Fire & Rescue: Concealing Fire (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Fiery Fairy Tales Book 2) Page 10

by Siera London

  “Grandma,” Kendall screamed as she rushed forward.

  The other woman stumbled, but quickly regained her balance. It was then Kendall noticed the syringe in the redhead’s hand. When she would have charged the attacker, the barrel of a gun stopped her.


  She didn’t know anyone in town except for her squad and the folks at Hobo Alley. Who…Kendall’s brain screamed as she changed the hair color to blonde and added fifteen pounds to the frame.

  “No,” she breathed. “It can’t be.”

  “Glad you decided to visit today. It saves me the phone call to tell you Dinah suffered a freak accident while checking in on her friend.

  “Sally?” Gordon’s nurse from Cockrell was here, in Key West, with an eerie Kendall Raine makeover. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to claim what should have been mine.”

  “Sally, there’s nothing going on between me and Dr. Stein.” Had the woman been secretly in love with the good doctor all along?

  Sally smiled wide, a schoolgirl grin on her too thin face. “Don’t be silly, Kendall. I came for Beck.”

  Bells and whistles sounded in Kendall’s brain. Sally had seen the physical abuse she’d suffered at the hands of Beck. How could she possibly…

  Sally aimed the gun at Kendall’s chest.

  “You won’t take him from me, again.”

  Dear God, Sally was insane. The reality of Kendall’s situation was more savage than a horror story. A wolf in sheep’s clothing had fallen for a wolf hiding behind a badge and…they both were after her.


  Cutler suspected when he telephoned Nathan, that his two best friends would come to his aid. Dinah had arrived within minutes to collect Kendall and her luggage. With him on chauffeur duty it had kept her close to his side. Had she viewed his need to be near her differently? The accusation that he was behaving like her ex-husband had him downing his second longneck in twenty minutes. The chatter at their hot guys table was non-existent. Rachel and the rest of the Hobo Alley regulars watched him like a bunch of pigeons perched on a power line.

  “What happened, Cut?” Nathan didn't make eye contact when he asked the question. Of course, Trace looked him straight in the eye.

  “Kendall moved back into her hotel suite.”

  Trace set his beer bottle back on the scuffed tabletop. “You upset?”

  “Heck yeah, man,” Cutler barked. “She accused me of treating her like that asshat, Aisles.”

  Both men jerked.

  “Whoa, Cut. That's a low blow.” Nathan shook his head before ordering a longneck.

  Cutler nodded in agreement.

  Trace, who generally could be counted on for at least two words during a conversation shocked them both. “Are you?”

  “Am I what...acting like her abusive ex-husband? No.” His response was emphatic, but his gut knotted that his friend had to ask.

  Cutler was out of here. No way would he sit here while his friend compared him to Beck. He stood, prepared to drive over to La Koncha and have it out with Kendall.

  A heavy hand to his shoulder pulled him to a halt. “Sit down, Cutler.”

  What was Trace's problem today?

  “You wanna get your hand off me.” The rush of an impending fight coursed through Cutler's veins. His fists clenched at his sides.

  Nathan grabbed his wrist. “Don't, we're here to help.”

  Cutler jerked away from his friends. The Marine in him ready to do battle against anyone who thought he would hurt Kendall.

  “Eleven days,” came Trace's deep rumble.

  “What are you blabbering about?” Man, who knew that Trace could actually talk too much.

  “Kendall's been on staff for eleven days and she hasn't been out of your sight in that time. You work, live, and sleep together. When does she get some breathing room?”

  Dear sweet baby in a manger, Cutler never considered he’d smothered Kendall with his affection. Man, how had he been so blind? Had he lost her with his need to control their time? He wouldn't let himself believe they were over.

  “Maybe it's best if Kendall returns to DF&R at the end of the week.”

  Nathan's statement yanked him from his stupor.

  “Wrong answer.” No way would he open himself up to that conversation. He and Kendall had a good thing going. The bed buddies were always available, but the forever kinda woman...that was Kendall.

  “It's getting complicated, Cutler...especially with the ex-husband hanging around, huh? You like your relationships on the dry side of the fire hydrant. No two guys in a pissing contest, remember?”

  What kind of help was Nathan offering because he sucked butt at couples' counseling.

  Cutler gritted his teeth. “Kendall and I are not complicated. She's with me. That's where she'll stay.” He hoped Kendall was her own woman. Imposing his will on her would only push her farther away.

  Nathan and Trace regarded one another, a slow smile covering both of their ugly mugs.

  “Glad to hear it, Cut...because her husband asked Chief Brady to send her back to Dallas today.”

  “Not that asshat, again.” Before he could go off on a rant, Rachel called out to him from behind the bar.

  “Cutler, the firehouse is on the line.”

  He'd left his phone in the truck. Had Kendall tried to reach him, too? He strode to the bar, taking the cordless phone from the barkeeper's hands.

  “Cutler, here.” It was an administrative staff member on the other end of the receiver. Why would anyone who knew him telephone the station?

  “A Dr. Gordon Stein keeps calling the station for Kendall. We've tried her cell phone, but she's not picking up. You want me to patch him through?” the woman asked, her tone polished with professionalism.

  “Yeah.” Might as well size up my competition.

  Beck picked the wrong day to come storming into Hobo Alley. Cutler spotted the arrogant son-of-a-gun long before he found his target. The other scanned the faces in the thin crowd before locking eyes with him.

  “Where the hell are you hiding my wife?” Red faced, Beck's gut moved faster than his legs as he crossed the floor to stand before him.

  “Ex-wife,” several of the patrons called back.

  Dressed in a white button up with black stitching around the pocket and black jeans, Beck glared up at him.

  “Boy, you have no idea what Kendall is capable of. You think you can handle her. Trust me she needs a strong hand to keep her in line.”

  Cutler narrowed his eyes on the poor excuse for a human being. “Keep her name out of your mouth.”

  Ignoring the Chief as he started to sputter, Cutler zeroed in on the good doctor's refined voice when the call connected. The man sounded frantic. Cutler heard the name, Nurse Sally, job reference in Key West, and disturbing memos left behind in her desk. As it became clear what the doctor was relaying to him, the bottom dropped out of his stomach. He hung up the phone.


  He heard Rachel’s voice, but he didn't respond. Beck’s arms were flailing and jowls jiggled at being ignored. Every cell in him vibrated, the long ago sensation of raw fear awakened, but not from a stranger’s M-16 or an IED beneath his feet, no…this guttural response emanated from his heart. His brave and courageous woman, who’d applied her intelligence and skill to orchestrate an escape from a marriage that threatened to crush her untamed spirit, needed him to stand beside her…to fight for her.

  “Nathan, Trace,” Cutler said, processing what he needed to do. “Kendall's in trouble.” Nathan was right. Being with Kendall would take him back to a place he'd left behind. Guns, bullets, and killing didn't belong in his present, but Kendall did. He realized in that moment that the lies, the secrets held no weight. Kendall was a fighter, a survivor, and he would do anything to keep her safe...even if it meant burying a bullet deep in anyone that threatened her.

  When he pushed past Beck, the man foolishly grabbed his arm, delaying him from reaching Kendall

  “Hey, don't walk away from me boy. Kendall's my wife, if she’s gotten herself into—.”

  Cutler spun on his heel, using his bulk as he advanced, forcing Beck to crane his neck back and up to met his eyes.

  “Say my woman's your wife one more time and your ass is alligator bait, you feel me, man?”

  He headed for the exit, leaving the asshat speechless, with Trace and Nathan on his heels.


  Cutler barreled a diagonal line across the Kmart parking lot taking a back road to the senior citizens’ property. He retold Gordon’s story to Nathan and Trace, his white-knuckled grip tightening on the truck’s steering wheel. He had to make it in time. Regardless of the danger, he would save Kendall and convince the stubborn woman to stay by his side. His heart depended on it.

  “You know Beck is following us, right?

  Cutler glanced past Trace’s shoulder out the rear window. “Yeah. Man, I’ll deal with him after I get my woman safe in my arms.”

  “Heck, Cut.” Nathan grinned. “You’re in love.”

  “Probably,” he said, whipping the Chevy into the first available spot beside the residential building. The realization not scaring him half as bad as the thought of losing Kendall.

  Cutler leaped to the ground. “I’m going after—” the blood stilled in his veins. Panic raced like a runaway locomotive through his gut. By the look on Nathan and Trace’s faces they smelled it too. Smoke.

  Kendall was a good firefighter. She would have called it in, made sure everyone had exited the building, unless…. Had she been rendered helpless?

  Within seconds all three men entered the rear courtyard, via a side portico. The structure closest to the residents was ablaze. The flames an intense blue, told him this was not the source of the smoke he smelled from the parking lot.

  Trace reacted first. “Cutler, go find Kendall. I’ll assess the scene, while Nate call’s this in to the station. You have three minutes.”

  With a plan in place, Cutler took off at a run.


  Kendall sniffed the air. She wished the burnt stench of popcorn filling her nose equaled a bad movie night, but the acid churn in her gut told her different. A fire roared nearby. The first tickle of smoke reached her airway triggering a cough. Sally stood in the combo living-dining room, a glass table and taupe couch at her back. The four-foot window had a metal cross weave insert to keep the residents safe. No way, could they escape the second floor there. Kendall could subdue the woman on her own, but would she have enough time to get her still unconscious grandmother to safety? They were in Mrs. Elliott’s one bedroom apartment, but Kendall couldn’t be sure of the other elderly woman’s whereabouts. From her position by the door, the galley kitchen to her left was empty. Along the same wall, the door leading to the bedroom suite was ajar. Maybe, Mrs. Elliott was in there, drugged and helpless. God, she would need help to get both seniors safely outside. With the fire distracting the staff and residents, no one would come to her aid. Cutler’s easy smile, crooked and wicked, came unbidden to her. He would help, if he knew she were in danger. For the first time since her parent’s death, Kendall knew she could depend on someone other than herself and…she loved Cutler.

  Kendall’s cell phone rang in her backpack. She ignored it. Not now, Gordon.

  “Sally, I smell smoke. We should get my grandmother and Mrs. Elliott to safety.” Kendall hoped her plea would appeal to the caring nurse that had helped her months earlier.

  “I know.” She beamed like a child with her favorite ice cream on a hot July afternoon. “The first fire was a test. This time it’ll look like an accident.”

  “Please, Sally...” Kendall had to try to reach her.

  “You ruined him, Kendall. It was supposed to be my turn after Beck got rid of you. I exposed your lies, but instead, he came here for you. You left me no choice. You’ll die so Beck and I can be together.”

  “I don’t want him, so you don’t have to hurt anyone.” Kendall’s phone buzzed again.

  Sally’s smile faded and her hand tightened on the gun handle. “He wants you.” Her lips began to tremble. “So you see? If you’re alive, he’ll still want you.”

  Vibrations and chiming came from her backpack. Gordon must know that Sally is a threat. Once again, Kendall realized he had been trying to help her and she had refused his aid by not answering the phone. If she got out of this, she would not make the same mistakes.

  Her grandmother’s slumped form began to stir behind Sally. A part of her wanted to rush forward, but impulse could lead to tragedy. Her gun and the Mace were added hazards in this instance. Fire and bullets, limited air supply and Mace were deadly combinations. Tendrils of smoke curled from the bedroom door, but Kendall felt heat creeping up her back. There were multiple concealed fires…in a medical environment. If the fire reached an oxygen tank, the building could blow.

  “Who keeps calling you?” Sally screamed before a coughing fit cut the sound abruptly.

  “It's Dr. Stein.” Kendall remembered to apply her limited psych knowledge choosing to refer to Gordon by his formal title. Sally’s fixation seemed to solely focus on Beck, but Kendall could use an advantage.

  “Another one of your admirers,” Sally shrieked. Rage twisted her once lovely features into a macabre mask.

  In the hallway, Kendall heard raised voices above the crackle of burning wood. Moments later a male voice rose above the chaos in the room.

  “Kendall, where are you, darlin’?”

  Hope soared in her heart at the sound of Cutler’s voice.

  “Wreath on the door,” she yelled above the hair splitting pop from the bedroom. The fire could double in size in less than thirty seconds. Time worked against them with every second that passed.

  Footfalls grew louder until Cutler pushed through the door, stopping short of slamming into her back. He gripped both her arms, swinging her behind him in one fluid move.

  “Thought you could use some help, Red.”

  Kendall would’ve responded, but then Beck entered the room. Used to being in charge, he stepped in front of Cutler, a physical intermediary between them and Sally. Kendall watched as Sally's eyes lit up.

  “Beck, you came.” Sally lowered the gun and crossed to go to him, but then...it all went wrong.

  “You alright, Kendall?” Beck kept his eyes on Sally as he addressed her. “Kendall, suga’?”

  This was Beck, the lawman before her, the one that had cared for her during her darkest hours. Maybe, he’d loved the wounded woman that she was following the funeral. In reality, once Kendall learned to cope with the loss of her parents, her true personality had reemerged. Beck hadn’t liked her independent spirit and she didn’t need his heavy-handed oversight. They were gasoline and fire, an explosive union…with each one potentiating the other.

  “I’ve got Kendall,” Cutler replied backing her out the door with his bulk. He gripped her wrist tight, yet she felt the gentle stroke of his thumb over her pulse point, like he needed to reassure himself she was real. Her heart swelled with more love for him. How was that possible?

  Peering around his tense muscles, Kendall sucked in a breath. Sally had stopped dead in her tracks.

  “Kendall! It's always, Kendall. I'm the one that loves you, Beck.”

  Beck not realizing how dangerous Sally could be made no attempt to placate the crazed woman.

  “In high school I turned you down, Sally” he snapped. “In college, I told you no. After Kendall left me and you offered, I said no…again.”

  The smoke in the room thickened. Her eyes stung as she struggled to keep sight of her grandmother. Heat and ash clung to every breath, making it difficult to inhale.

  “But, you stopped him from hurting—,”

  “Sally, we were teenagers. No one knew that your father abused you.”

  Kendall hadn’t known about Beck and Sally’s history. She could empathize with the need for a savior. She’d done the same with her decision to marry Beck.

  “Darlin’ we need to get out of this furnace.”

  Just like when Kendall pointed the gun at him, Cutler remained calm, ready for action. He must have been one heck of a Marine. The man was unflappable in a crisis.

  “But you did and things got better for me after that,” Sally cried and coughed in earnest.

  “I didn't know anything. I just happened to be walking by your house when I heard you screaming. All your silly little stunts have to stop. You're a nut case.”

  No. No, Beck.

  Sally raised the gun. “Maybe you were right, Beck. You don’t know anything, including who’s best for you.”

  Sally pulled the trigger. When the bullet entered Beck's upper torso, he stumbled back a step, and then crumpled to the ground.

  “You shot me,” he cried out. Blood oozed between the fingers he pressed over the wound to staunch the flow.

  “Shut up, Beck.” Sally screamed, as she dropped to her knees beside him “You need to shut up before I put both of us out of our misery.”

  Abruptly, Kendall looked down to see Sally aim the gun at her.

  “These men take and take. They never give.”

  All at once Kendall felt sorry for Sally. How much had she endured at the hands of a father that was supposed to love her?

  Cutler had used the time during Beck and Sally’s floor drama to stealthily scoop up her grandmother.

  “Let’s go, Red.”

  “I can’t.”

  He gripped her arm. “This is not the time to play lone ranger.”

  She shook her head no. “I think Mrs. Elliott is in the bedroom. You go and I’ll look for her.”

  He hesitated a second, then released her. “Make it fast, Kendall. I’ll get your granny out and come back for you.”

  While Beck tussled with an attentive Sally, Kendall reached the bedroom. The shared wall with the bathroom was charred. Smoke was everywhere. Mrs. Elliott lay on the mattress, unmoving. Kendall hauled the woman up by the arms and folded her over her shoulders. She spied the melted plastic tubing sticking to a green portable oxygen cylinder on her way out the door.


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