Highlander's War 0f Clans (Scottish Medieval Historical Romance)

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Highlander's War 0f Clans (Scottish Medieval Historical Romance) Page 10

by Adamina Young

  “I wanted tae speak tae ye Da,” Rhys said. “About the plan.”

  “Oh aye?” Malcolm asked, wriggling a finger around in his mouth as he tried to dislodge something that had gotten caught between his teeth. Rhys was a little distracted by this but tried to not let it put him off what he had to say.

  “Are ye sure it’s really for the best? I’m thinking that maybe the best thing is tae let things play out with the treaty. We can work taegether tae be stronger and expand our holdings and our lands. We dinnae hae tae see anyone die.”

  Rhys tried to speak as plainly as possible, but Malcolm’s gaze bore upon him and he stopped wriggling his finger in his mouth. He pulled it out and a line of saliva came with it. He leaned forward and glared at Rhys.

  “What are ye saying lad? Dinnae tell me that ye hae gone and fallen in love with the lass! Oh my, that’s the last thing I wanted ye tae dae! I see ye hae been swayed by their hospitality and their good spirits. Aye, they put on a good feast alright and a good show, but dinnae take that as the truth of them. They’re as mean as anyone else and ye cannae take anything for granted when it comes tae them. We came here with a job tae dae. Ye are nae gaeing tae ruin my plan now!” he cried. His body was covered in hair and scars, and he looked like a beast as he crawled out of bed. “I cannae believe my own son would be foolish enough tae fall for the charms of a McClearey lass. Dinnae ye think that’s what they wanted? Tae capture yer attention and turn ye against yer own clan?”

  Rhys frowned, and for a moment he considered Malcolm’s claims, but immediately dismissed them. He shook his head. “Nay Da, she is nae like that. She hae nae lied tae me or done anything tae make me mistrust her.”

  Malcolm snorted scornfully. “Dae ye think ye can believe her? I told ye before they are wily and sly. There is never anything they dae without having some ulterior motive. In fact, I’m sure that they have some kind of plan tae strike at us as well. Bryn wouldnae hae agreed tae this treaty if he didnae hae a plan.” A glower came upon his face. It was cast in darkness and shadow, and it looked as ugly as a stormy maelstrom.

  “I think ye are wrong Da. I spoke with Bryn and he wants peace. He wants tae spread our influence across the land and make up for lost time. He wants tae trade with other clans and—”

  “Bah!” Malcolm waved a hand dismissively in the air. “Lies, all lies! What is the use of trading? The McCleareys want one thing and one thing only—tae rule the land! And if we dinnae dae something now they’re gaeing tae conquer us and then take over everything else.”

  “But is that nae what we want tae?” Rhys asked in a small voice. Malcolm was fuming with rage. His nostrils flared and his skin glowed red. Every muscle in his mighty body was taut and sinuous, and the air around him simmered with the raging heat that emanated from his body.

  “Are ye trying tae say that he and I are one and the same? Oh my boy, this lass has done a real number on ye.” Malcolm laughed darkly. “Ye know that is nae true. Dinnae forget about all those they hae killed over the years. If ye ancestors could hear ye now they would be shaking their heads in disappointment. I thought better of ye lad. I can see ye still hae a lot tae learn.” Malcolm’s head sank in disappointment and he rubbed his temples. The part of Rhys that had always been loyal to his father stung with the harsh assessment of his character, but the part that was beginning to think for himself saw his father as a hypocrite and a madman, a man who had been blinded by anger and could see no other perspective than his own.

  “And dinnae forget that they killed ye ma,” he said gravely.

  “Ma died in childbirth Da,” Rhys reminded him, wondering how his father could have forgotten. Malcolm whirled his arm through the air, as though he was trying to tear apart the very fabric of reality.

  “And dae ye think she would hae died if I haed been by her side?” Malcolm thundered. “I would hae found a way tae save her. I would hae kept her safe. But I was away, fighting the damned McCleareys because they couldnae keep tae their own business. And when I came back she was gone. The only women I hae ever loved.” His hand moved to his forehead and he rested the weight of his head upon it. He closed his eyes and his shoulders trembled as genuine emotion surged through him. Rhys looked upon his father with great pity. He rarely saw his father express anything other than anger, but it was clear that he was deeply affected by the death of Rhys’s mother. They didn’t speak about her often, and now Rhys was starting to understand why.

  “I can never forgive them for that. When I left she begged me nae tae gae. She pleaded with me, but I knew we’d lose if I wasnae there tae inspire the men. She promised that she’d wait for me. I promised that I would be back before the babies came, but neither of us kept our promises, and it was all because of Bryn. He laid a deadly trap and it took us hours tae escape. While I was fighting for my life ye ma was losing hers. Deep in my heart, I knew that something was wrong. I could feel it.” He jabbed his fingers into the middle of his chest. “I wanted tae believe it was something else, but when I returned home and saw her…I swore then that I would hae my vengeance on him. So dinnae ye talk tae me about leaving them alive or changing the plan. I hae been thinking on this ever since yer brothers were born. I am gaeing tae take everything from him. I’m gaeing tae watch as his clan crumbles.” Malcolm closed his fist. “And then I’m gaeing tae kill him.”

  His words dripped with malevolence and poison. He looked like a dark demon and Rhys shivered with fear. Malcolm lifted his head, and his gaze rose to meet Rhys’s eyes.

  “And I’ll kill everyone who stands in my way,” Malcolm added. “We are Frasiers, and we bow tae naeone. If ye dinnae think ye can handle that responsibility then ye can take the maiden’s name and ye can die with the rest of them,” Malcolm spat. “But ye are my son. I expect ye tae dae as ye are told.”

  “Yes Da,” Rhys said, having to force the words out. He left his father’s company swiftly and spent the rest of the morning by himself. Now he was standing there, waiting to be married, knowing that his father had brutal and deadly plans for everyone in attendance. There was no stopping him, no convincing him, and Rhys was at a loss for what to do. He knew that he couldn’t go through with the plan, but he also had no idea how he could stop it. His mind whirled and he looked to the sky for answers, but none presented themselves.

  He was finally given respite from his tormented mind by Caitlin’s arrival. He heard the cheers and the minstrel’s jaunty tune, and then he laid his gaze upon her. His breath was taken away in an instant. She was the very picture of beauty. The dress sparkled and shimmered in a way that made it look as though it was alive, but it was only beautiful because it had been draped upon Caitlin’s body. Her smile was radiant and the flowers in her hair spoke to her wild spirit. It was almost impossible to believe that this was the same girl who had won an axe-throwing competition against Black Pete, but it was. There were so many distinct sides to her personality and he had only been exposed to a select few. The best was yet to come, and he looked forward to learning everything about her. There was a moment when his smile faded as he looked at her family and knew that in a short amount of time the Frasier clan would declare an unexpected war and break the treaty that was sealed by the marriage.

  But Rhys forced the smile to appear on his face again. He summoned all the courage he could in his heart and vowed to himself that he would find some way to stop it and keep her safe. He would do it for her. He would do anything for her.

  Bryn led her to Rhys.

  “Take care of her, lad,” he said. Rhys nodded, and then he turned his eyes to Caitlin.

  “Ye look sae beautiful.” He smiled widely and took her soft hand in his, feeling his entire body respond to her presence. Although there were hundreds of people in attendance, they all faded away into the distance. There was only her.

  Caitlin responded with a smile of her own, a genuine smile. It took all his resistance to not sweep her in his arms there and then and take her away somewhere else, so they could be alone.

  The priest stood in between them and allowed them a private moment before he announced the ceremony to the crowd. Rhys barely paid attention to him though. Everything apart from her was a blur. She was the only thing that provided him with clarity. He drowned in the scent of lilacs.

  Thankfully, his mind worked subconsciously and ensured that he did everything he needed to do and say everything he needed to say. The vows came easily to him. He was prepared to promise her everything. In a way, he already had. As far as he was concerned, she had won him on that first night with the fleeting kiss that had left him wanting more.

  The only moment of hesitation he experienced was when he had to vow that he would always be honest with her. She looked at him with wide, adoring eyes, and it hurt him terribly to know that he was going to have to break her heart. But he made the vow anyway because he was going to be honest with her, as soon as he had an opportune moment to tell her the truth. He only hoped that it wouldn’t lead to her hating him.

  It warmed his heart when Caitlin vowed herself to him. They sealed their solemn promises with a kiss and the members of both clans cheered. The priest tied a ribbon around their wrists, binding their hands together. Not only was the marriage sealed, but the treaty was too. As they walked away they were congratulated on ushering in a new era of peace.

  If only it was true, Rhys thought.


  Caitlin was now a married woman. She didn’t feel any differently at first, but there was a warm glow settling at the bottom of her heart. The mood was joyous and whatever nerves she had been feeling had been completely vanquished by seeing Rhys. Hearing him promise to love and protect her, to honor and be honest with her, gave her no end of joy. When she looked into his eyes she could believe it as well, wholeheartedly. The kiss they sealed the vows with was a kiss that would begin a lifetime.

  They walked with their hands bound together back into the keep where a feast was waiting for them. A minstrel played a merry tune, although it could barely be heard over the cheering of the people in attendance. Many of the women wept, and Caitlin felt tears of happiness trickle down her cheeks as well. Inside the keep another set of minstrels waited for them and played a song as they stood by the door. The guests then entered, offering their congratulations and well wishes. But this wasn’t just a triumphant occasion for Caitlin and Rhys, it was something to be celebrated by them all because the treaty had been sealed and peace could now reign. The days of war were behind them.

  Platters of food were spread around the table and there were copious amounts of wine and ale offered. The atmosphere was uplifting and uproarious as the hall filled, and then the happy couple took their seats; the same seats they had been sitting in when they had first met. Back then Caitlin had been an unassuming girl filled with nerves about the tall, brutish man she was sitting beside. Now she was a blushing bride and there was not anyone in the world she would rather have been with.

  “I know this is rude of me,” she said in a low voice to her husband, “but I can’t wait to be out of here so we can be alone.” Arousal simmered in her eyes and she saw the same desire in his gaze. Their first kiss as man and wife had inflamed their yearning for each other, and now everything seemed like a chore until they got to their wedding night.

  Bryn rose from his seat and walked up to the newlyweds. He picked up a sharp knife that was beside Rhys and then lifted up the hands that were still bound.

  “Here’s tae Caitlin and Rhys!” he cried, and cut the ribbon with ease. It fluttered to the floor, but their hands remained clasped together. A great cheer went up. Bryn waited for it to die down before he addressed the crowd. “Before ye get started on enjoying the feast I just wanted tae say that I’m glad we are all here taeday tae witness this historic occasion. Rhys and Caitlin represent our two clans coming taegether. They are a hope for the future and I wish for them tae hae the same fate as the rest of us, and all the happiness in the world.”

  Caitlin blushed at her father’s words and nestled into Rhys as people applauded. Then everyone was eager to get on with the feast. People tucked into their food with abandon and started dancing merrily. Ale was handed around and people were soon drowning in it. The hall was alive with so many noises and Caitlin was overwhelmed with all the people who wanted to be close to her and wish her good fortune. Her brothers were enjoying themselves as well, and she wished that she had the ability to take it all in. It was so overwhelming that she was taken aback by the noise and the cacophony. She even lost track of her own heartbeat, such was the thrumming excitement of the feast.

  This marriage meant something to everyone in that hall. To everyone else, it signified a chance at peace and a reason for them not to worry about having to lose anyone else to mindless battles and a futile war. For Caitlin, it meant something different. It gave her an opportunity to think about the future, about children, and how she was going to shape the future of the clans. She looked over at Rhys and gazed at him with adoration. Her heart swelled with love and her feelings became deeper and deeper with every passing moment. She could hardly believe that she was with such a wonderful man. Even though she wanted to enjoy her wedding day, she wanted the feast to be over so she could be alone with Rhys.

  Eventually, they did manage to have an opportunity. Everyone was busy dancing while the married couple was enjoying a respite. They glanced at each other. To some, the night was still young, but they had already spent enough time bristling with desire and they could wait no longer. They smiled wickedly and then both snuck out of the hall, keeping to the shadows, and they breathed deeply as they found themselves alone in the hall. They were inches apart. Caitlin looked up at Rhys and hoped that he saw the desire in her eyes. She clasped his hand tightly and stood close to him. He leaned down and placed his hand underneath her chin, tilting her head up so that he could pluck a kiss from her lips.

  Then he glanced around nervously. “I think we should get away from prying eyes,” he said. Caitlin was all too eager to agree. She led him up a winding staircase to her chambers. She flung the door closed behind them and then practically leaped on him. The tall man stumbled back as he carried her and fell onto the bed, the breath being driven from his lungs. Caitlin was enthusiastic and could not quell the vibrant feelings in her body. She peppered him with kisses and enjoyed the feeling of his huge hands cradling her body.

  She sat up and playfully pulled the flowers from her hair, one by one letting them fall around the bed. The locks of her hair cascaded around her face and framed her beauty. She giggled and enjoyed the feeling of his grip upon her waist, keeping her in position atop him. His hands moved around her stomach and arms, feeling his way. Desire flushed inside her, as did nerves. It was a strange sensation, wholly new, and she could feel her virtue being peeled away.

  Her cheeks flushed crimson with shame and embarrassment, for she had never been this intimate with anyone before. But she told herself that she didn’t need to feel this way because he was her husband. All of these feelings were natural and holy. She relaxed into his embrace and leaned over him. Now that her hair was free of flowers it hung loosely over him, enveloping him in the draping veil. Caitlin pressed her lips against his, using the fiery passion to burn away the lingering doubts in her mind. She whimpered softly and felt a tingling sensation pass across her body. Rhys’s arms reached up and around her back. He played with the long strands of her hair and then his hands reached around her shoulders, pulling at the straps of her dress. She could feel the pull and the power of his body. Arousal surged and scorched the heat around them.

  “Wait,” he said, gasping. She pressed her lips against his cheek and left a trail down his neck.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “There’s something…something I need tae tell ye,” he said.

  Caitlin giggled to herself. Rhys sometimes said the silliest things at the strangest times. There was absolutely no need for him to interrupt the mood with some confession. She assumed it was about him being with other women. She had
assumed that he had; after all, he was such a natural at this and a wild man. There were few rules that could constrain a man like him, and she didn’t much care because he was her husband. She had lay claim to his heart, and she would make sure that his eyes never wandered and his heart never strayed.

  “It doesnae matter. Naething matters,” she said, and before he could say anything else, she locked lips with him again. There had been enough talking. Now was the time for them to give in to their desires and their feelings, to succumb to the fervent arousal that had laced every one of their kisses so far, and that had been the driving force since the first moment they had laid eyes on each other.

  To ensure that he remained speechless, she pushed herself up so that she was sitting on top of him and slipped off her dress, exposing her soft milky skin, and letting her voluptuous curves pour out. She moaned softly as she made herself vulnerable to him, but as it happened she felt a serene sense of tranquility pass through her mind, for she knew that she was safe with him and that she could trust him with anything. Her heart was his, and soon enough her body would be as well.


  The words had slipped from Rhys’s mind. Suddenly nothing was as important as being with her and sharing in the delights of her body. Her kiss silenced him, moved him. The taste of her lips was intoxicating and the way her body melted into his was heavenly. All the tension left his body in one guttural moan and he was rendered silent, unable to do anything except love her. His hands fell about her curves and his fingers entwined with her hair. He pressed his hand into the small of her back and felt the small tremors that rippled over her skin. The flare of passion was unlike anything he had felt before. It was more powerful than any sensation he had ever experienced. It was as though his heart had opened and a rush of emotion had burst out in a vibrant flow, as though a waterfall of emotion was cascading through him in a relentless torrent.


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