John: The Senior Killer

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John: The Senior Killer Page 2

by Robert Waggoner

  Sujin poured the tea and sat down next to her husband. Like most Asian women she rarely made eye contact with anyone but someone she knew well and in this case with Steve, she knew only too well. Every time they met he had a job that needed their attention. She busied herself with tea and biscuits waiting for the formal discussion to begin. Steve commented on the nice taste of the tea and biscuits and asked forgiveness for intruding on their hospitality. Meaningless words she thought knowing full well they would be on a job again very soon. She was in the middle of a photo layout and was scheduled to fly to Seoul for a showing. Now she would have to postpone because she would not let him take on any job without her help. Brad would make the usual noises about her going on to Seoul without worrying about him, but his words were not sincere. He needed her and she needed him. Their relationship was built on trust and friendship for the mutual good of both.

  Ever since Pakistan they were a team reading each other’s mind like they knew each other for a life time instead of only a few weeks once he healed from his wound. After being airlifted out of Pakistan to India, thanks to the Indian government they spent the next three months basking on the beaches and practicing Yoga and studying Far Eastern religions while his wound healed.

  Tea and biscuits consumed Brad waited for Steve to speak. His formal upbringing military style held true through his thirty five years on earth. He figured if he listened he would learn more and a listener was always at an advantage because the listener could think while the speaker could only talk. A small advantage, but an advantage nonetheless. Steve was wearing a sports coat and from an inside pocket he drew out a folded paper. He passed it to Brad and it was a brief note of only a few sentences. In essence it said the governor of California wanted to meet him soonest. Brad said, “What is this about Steve?”

  Steve said, “I’m sure you are aware of the serial killer stalking Southern California. He or she has killed another one yesterday and that brings the total to eight in six months. I’ll not bore you with why the FBI hasn’t a lead since the first senior citizen was murdered in Barstow. In my briefcase in the car I have all the latest files on this case and the bottom line is our government wants you to solve this case before we lose many more senior citizens to this mad person. As you know, seniors carry a lot of weight these days politically and economically. The president yesterday had a special meeting with the FBI director and when the director came out of the meeting half his butt was missing. Sorry Sujin, but that’s a quote form the secret service guy who escorted him off the premise.” Steve sat back and moved his cramped legs for some blood circulation for the unorthodox method of sitting on the floor.

  Brad noticed and said, “Let’s go down to the office and bring your files with you. Give Sujin your keys and she will get it for you,” as he stood up to lead his friend down to the basement. Rocky got up and followed his master down the stairs. Never was he not with his master when someone other than Sujin was with him. He always kept his distance, but never for a moment did he relax while his master entertained a guest.

  Steve never ceased to be impressed with the basement. Like spokes on a wheel, rooms led off through curtained or beaded doors oriental style. In the center, or the hub of a wheel, sat three small sofas done up in the same motif as the sofa upstairs. All colors were grey or white wherever you looked be it ceiling or the inside of the walls of the various rooms. Sitting in the middle of the room or hub surrounded by sofas sat around a glass coffee table with legs from a piece of driftwood custom fit for the glass. Recessed lighting, but effective, lent a warm feeling of safety and security. On the table a portable phone sat looking lonely without a cord to give it a home. Brad said with politeness, “Would you like a glass of brandy or cherry?”

  “Yes, that would be fine. A glass of brandy would get my old blood moving again as I fear we have a long afternoon and night ahead of us.”

  Brad disappeared into one of the rooms leaving the beads to rattle and sway together. Before they had completely settle down he was back with two brandy snifters and a bottle of California brandy. He poured an inch into each and sat down opposite his friend as Sujin came down with his briefcase. She gave him his bag and sat down on the other sofa so she could watch each of them as they spoke. Brad had a long time ago asked her to view the conversations with special attention to facial and body expressions. He felt that was the key to observation was separating fact from fiction; truth for lies; politics included and most importantly the subject itself. How important was this to the nation and who would benefit from it. Would this situation have far reaching effects worldwide or just locally? These were just some of the things he and Sujin discussed each time they were called to action. Now he gave Steve his full attention while he opened his bag and put on his half glasses. He opened a file marked secret and read an over view of what its contents were.

  Two hours later Steve laid all the files on the glass table and sat back with his untouched brandy and sipped while he stared at Brad. Brad had neither touched his glass nor said a word the whole time. Steve was used to his ways and took the time to relax and let the warm burning liquid ignite a fire in his belly. Sujin got up and left up the stairs. Steve guessed right she was making dinner. She was an excellent Asian cook and he always looked forward to her dinners. I think it was the side dishes he liked the best, he thought. He’d been here many times and never twice did he eat the same entrée. He knew he would be pleased with whatever she served.

  Brad after he picked up his glass and raised it to his boss said, “Let me show you something in the computer room before we have dinner.” Steve followed him through a beaded doorway into a room that looked like it was sanitized each day. Not a speck of dust anywhere. He marveled at Sujin and her attention to detail. Brad sat down in front of a twenty four inch screen and pulled up a map of California. Steve sat in what he knew as Sujin’s chair next to Brad while he made a copy of the map from the printer. After making a copy he overlaid the map with holes in each case where the killer had made a mark. Steve could see where Brad had drawn lines from point to point and clearly a letter had appeared. The letter “N” hit him between the eyes and Steve sat back and exclaimed,

  My God it is so elementary and not one FBI person thought of doing this simple act?”

  “Sometimes the simple things go right by as our educated minds are looking for deeper meanings when it is usually right in front of you. Of course you are spending the night with us and I will read your files after dinner. In the morning I will give you my report and Sujin’s too. Meanwhile as you know there are some videos to watch in the guest room and a phone to call home if you like. We, as you also know are not much in the entertainment mode around here and after dinner Sujin and I will take on the files. Now let’s go see what my Asian beauty has for dinner,” as he rose and led Steve up the stairs.

  Once again Sujin had pleased the senses. The smell was enticing and the bowls of steaming noodles lay waiting for the sticks to grab hold. Steve was no slouch with chop sticks as having been the commanding officer in South Korea before he retired to civilian duty. He did himself proud slurping the noodles and marveled at the sweet sour taste of the cucumbers and other side dishes. Sujin after the small bowl of noodles brought out the gas cooker and marinated beef strips and veggies were cooked. Steve noticed the meat was mostly for his enjoyment as both Brad and Sujin were primarily vegetarians.

  While the meat was cooking some small talk between the men occurred. Brad asked how his father was and Steve said, “Your father is well and sends his greetings and after your Sacramento meeting wants you to stop by his house in Palm Springs for a private meeting.”

  Brad nodded and thought back about his strained relationship with his father. Even after all these years and being a full colonel his father still tried to tell him what to do. Brad new he meant well, but at times he couldn’t be in the same room with him. His mother, thank god, adjudicated the gatherings the best she could so in the end, the game was tied with no winner or los

  Steve tried in vain to read Brad’s mind and even though he was a lawyer by trade he failed to really know this young man. For eight years he was his commanding officer and besides being a desk man, he tried to get out into the field as much as possible. However, he found out soon enough he was only in the way. Then five years ago the Secretary of the Navy called him into his office and that is when the operation to eliminate a terrorist camp unfolded. A five man team had been sent into the area led by a known sympathizer. This was a special team of Navy Seals with Brad leading the team. They were ambushed and two out of five were killed with Brad left finding his own way out of the mountains. He had ordered is men to evacuate and gave them cover fire as the helicopter took off without him.

  Now he wondered what went through his mind as they sipped some refreshing tea oblivious to the raging storm outside. Sujin cleaned off the table and Steve said good night and gave Sujin his best bow. Brad smiled and led the way downstairs with Rocky bringing up the rear. They both heard Sujin call Rocky and he slowly turned and headed back the way he came. A few minutes later Sandy replaced Rocky as Steve laid his head down for a long sleep while his friend took the files into the computer room. Steve made a phone call to his wife and then turned the light out. He laid thinking about his last meeting in DC with his boss. He was instructed to have their team on the hunt yesterday. The president was taking so much heat from this wild killer and seniors across the nation were in a panic. Heart attacks and strokes were on the increase. Doctors were plagued with over crowed waiting rooms prescribing sleeping aids by the gross. Southern California and in Sacramento protests by seniors over the Senior Killer hit the media with a bang. The FBI in Los Angeles and elsewhere were overloaded with tips on unseen or suspected people who looked like what they thought a serial killer should look like. Of course no one knew what he/she looked like because of his disguises. Trying times to say the least as Steve drifted off to sleep in a soundless environment.

  Chapter 2

  Steve woke up the next morning and looked at his watch. He’d always been an early riser, but today it was close to seven am and he felt a little guilty sleeping so long. He made his way to his bathroom and took a long hot shower. Shaving gear was present along with a new toothbrush. Exiting the shower and drying off he noticed his overnight bag sitting on a hotel type bag stand open for his ease of dressing. It wasn’t opened out of curiosity but hospitality from the orient. He quickly dressed and stuffed his soiled clothes away in a bag his wife always provided him and made his way upstairs to a new day. The first thing he noticed was the weather was still pretty much the same. Rain beat against the windows and Sujin was in the kitchen looking like she never left it from the night before. Rocky had replaced Sandy and was lying next to the wood stove with an eye on Steve. Steve shivered thinking about someone making a false move against Sujin. He shook the thought out of his mind as the door opened and a soaked Brad came in. He stripped down and said, “Good morning and did you rest well?”

  “Never felt better as usual when I have the pleasure of sleeping under your roof. Tell me what does it feel like to run on the beach in a storm like we are having now?”

  Brad laughed and said, “I can only say it makes me feel alive and damn glad I am.”

  “I guess that makes two of us,” Steve replied with a grin that few had the privileged to see on his face. Sujin placed a mug of hot coffee on the old table next to the window. Steve moved towards it like a bee to a flower seeking the aroma and its delicate taste. She knew he liked his coffee in the morning like most Americans. Brad headed downstairs to take a shower as Rocky watched him go with one eye and the other on Steve as he sat at the table lifting his cup of hot freshly ground coffee. Steve didn’t wait for Brad to come while he drank his coffee and said to Sujin, “What do you make of this case Sujin?”

  “Well,” she said in an Asian accent, “he or she makes good use of a disguise.”

  Steve knew better than to discount what she said because it was obvious this killer was adept in using a disguise. He vowed to give that point more thought as Brad walked into the room looking like a college professor dressed in tan slacks, a pale yellow striped shirt and a dark brown silk tie. He carried his sport coat over his shoulder and hung it on the back of a chair sitting down and saying, “I heard Sujin say ‘disguise’ and in our opinion that is the key to this case.”

  Sujin brought him a cup of herb tea and asked Steve if he would like some scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast. Steve told her that would be lovely and she returned to the kitchen. About that time a high pitched sound went on along with the lights flashing on and off. Sandy had punched the button that someone was on the property. Sujin quickly scanned the screen next to the refer and announced it was her sister and left to open the door for her. Her sister was standing on the gravel drive waiting for permission to enter.

  Steve had never met Sujin’s sister and upon looking at the two of them they looked like twins. Sujin introduced Earie to Steve and Steve standing up gave her a little bow while Earie gave him a deep bow and in almost perfect English said “Nice to meet you.” Brad said hello in Korean and the girls headed for the kitchen. Brad explained to Steve that Sujin’s sister stays here when they are gone. Like her sister she can take care of herself very well. We always leave one dog with her and she is happy to stay here for as long as we are gone. She is well versed in computers and we tie into her while in the field. Works well.”

  Steve never knew he had a sister in law and later he found out they were indeed twins, but not identical. She lived in a town where her American husband, a former military man turned policeman; and was the local chief of police. Steve got the impression Brad didn’t socialize with anyone from town and his brother in law thought it wise not to know what he did for a living. A situation that worked out well for the two of them; him being the chief of police kept the busy bodies in town from talking too much. Steve asked, “What is your thinking about this case?”

  Brad understood his boss didn’t want a full blown detail rendition, but a brief overview would suffice. Looking his boss in the eye he said, “The disguise is too good for an amateur so we must look at a professional and most likely we will find our killer either working in the film industry or was working in the make-up department somewhere.”

  Sujin brought the men their breakfast and all were quiet while they ate. Steve heard the girls talking in Korean and understood a word or two, but not enough to understand what they were talking about. The guys had just finished when the phone rang and Sujin answered it from a cordless on the counter. Without a word she handed it to Brad who listened and said, “Four o’clock in front of the state capitol in Sacramento. Tell Billy to not be late,” as he hung up the phone.

  Steve looked at his watch and said he would call the pilot in the North bend and tell him to be ready for a ten am departure time. Brad nodded his agreement and left to go down to the basement. A few minutes later he returned with a garment bag, a lap top and the files had read the night before. Sujin had followed him down as her sister cleaned up the dishes. Rocky knew they were going somewhere and sat at attention waiting for his call to arms. Sujin returned dressed nicely in what looked like a pair of light wool gray slacks, a white blouse with a sweater over the top. A light coat contrary to the weather outside, but she knew it would be much warmer in Sacramento and down into Southern California. What Steve didn’t know was strapped to just above her ankle a small handgun couldn’t be seen from her loose fitting slacks. Steve did know that Brad was packing his favorite hand gun in the small of his back. Steve had witnessed Brad at the target range and god help the person who drew down on him. A cool guy under pressure would be hard to find, much less match him under any circumstances be it guns or hand to hand combat. Killing the bad guys came easy for him and the only thing he said one time after a covert raid deep in the jungle of South America was he was not sad he killed the leader, but rather he had the utmost respect for his leadership.

p; Sandy gave them a bark as they loaded into Steve’s car. Rocky sat in the front with Steve and Brad and Sujin in the back. Brad made Rocky wear his seat belt and he sat facing Steve on the drive to the airport. Steve thought about reaching out and petting him, but when took his hand off the wheel, Rocky raised his head up and looked him in the eye saying put your hands back on the wheel with his eyes.

  At the airport gale force winds were blowing from the southwest. The pilot was a little nervous as was the co-pilot. Mike Henshaw, a key member of the team, was talking to the pilot telling him this was a normal fall day and not to worry as the wind would make the takeoff shorter. Brad caught the tail end of the conversation walking into the flight center. The pilot gave off a feeble forced laugh and turned back to the guy behind the counter for the latest weather report to Sacramento, as if he didn’t already know. Mike moved towards Brad and with his usual big grin turned towards Steve and shook his hand. Greetings out of the way the pilot said to board and they would take off in a few minutes.

  Umbrellas were not much use in the winds so they hurried to the hanger where the Gulf Stream waited. It was the latest model loaned to them by NASA. The president and congress had approved an increase in NASA’s budget for space and this special branch of the government took advantage whenever they could.

  Everyone buckled in, including Rocky, waiting for a bumpy ride to California. Brad realized if the pilot hadn’t been a little nervous, he wasn’t a good pilot. Brad was sitting with Mike and they were quietly discussing the case. Mike was a carefree kind of guy, but when it came to business he was totally focused. Mike lived down in Port Orford tucked in a valley east of town. Steve was aware of where he lived but had never been there. He wasn’t married, but had a longtime girlfriend with a couple of kids acting like old hippies back in the sixties living off the land. Today, however, he was dressed much like Brad and clean cut looking. Steve knew he was close to forty five, but looked years younger and moved like a cat. He was one of the lucky ones escaping on the helicopter from the bungled Afghanistan job. Brad used him for digging out information where cops or other guys like the FBI failed to elicit facts. Walking up to a total stranger he had them going in two seconds and after a few minutes they were spilling their guts to him about whatever he wanted to know. Brad called it uncanny and why or how it worked was Mike’s secret personality. Some might say he could sell ice to an Eskimo. Mike said it was his honest eyes and a long nose that made the difference.


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