Nazi Germany and the Jews, Volume 2: The Years of Extermination

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Nazi Germany and the Jews, Volume 2: The Years of Extermination Page 117

by Saul Friedlander

  Polish issues with, 456–57

  Romanian conflicts with, 166–69

  Soviet POWS in Sobibor uprising, 559

  Spain, 71, 86, 90, 127, 285, 447

  Spanish Jews, 6, 285

  special commandos, Jewish, 357, 499, 503, 506–8, 580–82, 652, 663

  special trains, 491–92 speeches, anti-Jewish

  Goebbels’s, 76, 276, 472–79, 645–46

  Himmler’s, 541–45

  Hitler’s, 4, 11, 17–19, 79–80, 132–33, 166, 202–4, 272–82, 331–39, 402–4, 472–78, 541–43, 604–5, 645 Ley’s, 23–24

  Speer, Albert, 76, 140, 345, 348–49, 481, 502, 646

  Spellman, Francis, 565

  Spier, Hans, 376, 408

  spoils. See also expropriation campaign

  Sprenger, Jakob, 291

  Squire, Paul C., 461

  SS forces. See Heydrich,

  Reinhard; Himmler,

  Heinrich; RKFDV agency; RSHA (Reich Security) office

  Stahel, Rainer, 562

  Stahlecker, Franz Walter, 219, 223, 240, 362

  Stalin, Joseph, 67, 250, 657

  Stalingrad, 400–402 stamps, Dutch, 407, 549

  Stangl, Franz, 357, 432, 558

  Stanislawów, 282–83, 321–22, 386–87

  star, Jewish

  in Croatia, 229

  in France, 378–80

  in Germany, 143, 238–39, 251–56, 298–303, 513–14

  in Holland, xiii, 378–79

  in Hungary, 452

  Lilly Jahn and, 338–39

  in Slovakia, 231

  Staritz, Katerine, 299

  Staron Stanislaw, 147

  starvation campaign, 138, 144–50, 157–58, 236, 259–60, 389–90, 435, 507, 533, 629–32. See also food supply

  Starzynski, Stefan, 61 Statut des Juifs, French, 111–12, 119–21, 172–73

  Stauffenberg, Alexander von, 635

  Stauffenberg, Berthold von, 635

  Stauffenberg, Claus von, 634

  Steiger, Eduard von, 447–49, 625

  Stein, Edith, 411

  Stein, Johanna, 51

  Steinberg, Jonathan, 228, 453

  Steinberg, Paul, 616, 649–50

  Stephani, Hermann, 103

  Stepinac, Alois, 228

  sterilization, 15–16, 292, 342, 403, 547

  Stern, Juliette, 552

  Stern, Samuel, 615

  Sternbuch, Isaac, 462, 626

  Stettin, 35, 94, 459

  Stollmann, Max, 586

  Storfer, Berthold, 88

  Strauch, Eduard, 362–63

  Strauss, Marianne

  Ellenbogen, 307–8

  Streckenbach, Bruno, 40

  Streicher, Julius, 281

  strikes, Dutch, 125, 178–79

  Stroop, Jürgen, 524–25

  Struma ship, 319, 329–30

  Stuckart, Wilhelm, 339, 341–42, 344

  Stülpnagel, Karl-Heinrich, 377

  Stülpnagel, Otto von, 377

  Stuttgart, 652–53, 654

  Stutthof concentration camp, 15, 584, 632, 650

  submissiveness. See passivity

  Sugihara, Chiune, 193–94

  Suhard, Emmanuel, 74–75, 419–20

  suicides, 65, 121, 127, 181, 251, 276, 278, 308–9, 348, 371, 426, 429, 459, 492–93, 532, 559, 580, 592, 599, 659–61

  survival, 148–49

  survivors, Jewish

  from Belgium, 422

  from Denmark, 547 diarists, 662–63

  from Finland, 449

  from France, 555

  from Holland, xiii, 413

  from Italy, 561

  from Kovno, 584

  from Lwov, 436

  from Poland, 632

  from Rhodes and Kos, 613

  from Theresienstadt, 638

  Süskind, Walter, 411

  Sutzkever, Abraham, 590

  Sweden, 80, 91, 447–49, 454, 459, 546–47, 648, 652

  Switzerland, 91–92, 97, 193, 447–49, 460–61, 463, 498, 624–26, 638, 647–48

  Sylten, Werner, 92

  synagogues, 21–22, 257, 259, 514–15, 318, 444, 514–15, 524–25

  Szalasi, Ferenc, 232, 640

  Szerynski, Józef, 156, 521

  Sztójay, Döme, 452, 483–84, 606, 614, 617–18

  Szulman, Jacob, 63

  Talinn, 449

  Tarnopol, 214

  Tarnów, 297–98

  taxes, ghetto, 156

  Taylor, Myron C., 464–65, 595

  Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 69

  Tenenbaum, Mordechai, 365, 529–30

  Terboven, Josef, 76

  Terezín. See Theresienstadt transit camp

  terror campaign in Poland, 13–14, 26–30

  Thadden, Eberhard von, 562, 582

  Théas, Pierre-Marie, 421

  Theresienstadt: A Documentary from the Jewish

  Settlement Area (film), 637

  Theresienstadt transit camp, 310, 341, 345, 351–55, 425, 439–40, 445, 506, 577–80, 593, 636–39, 652, 648

  Third Reich. See Nazi


  Thomalla, Richard, 432

  Thomas, Georg, 137–38, 295

  Thoms, Albert, 499

  Thomsen, Hans, 206

  Thracia, 452, 484–85, 487–88

  Tijn, Gertrud van, 182

  Timoshenko, Semyon, 331

  Tiso, Jozef, 80, 231, 373, 486, 606, 640

  Tisserant, Eugène, 74–75, 464

  Tito, Josip Broz, 228

  Tittman, Harold, 465–66, 573–74

  Todt, Fritz, 272, 345

  Topf and Sons company, 503–4

  torture, 27–28, 612

  Tory, Abraham, 241–42, 384, 527, 584, 662

  tourists, German, 38–39, 160, 435–36

  trading of Jews. See exchange Jews


  bombing plan Hungary-to-Auschwitz railway line, 625–28

  deaths on, 490–95 deportations and, 266–67

  transit camps, 283, 310, 351–56, 375–76. See also

  Theresienstadt transit camp; Westerbork transit camp

  Transnistria, 226, 594

  Treblinka extermination camp, 354, 357, 394–95, 405, 425, 429–33, 441–42, 445, 452, 454, 491, 521–22, 529–30, 557–59

  Tresckow, Henning von, 210, 460

  Trocmé, André, 421

  Trunk, Isaiah, 44, 105–6

  Trzebinski, Alfred, 655–56

  Trzeciak, Stanislaw, 25

  tuberculosis, 533, 655–56

  Tuka, Vojtech, 80, 230–31, 373–74, 463, 485–86

  Tulp, Sybren, 180, 406

  Turkey, 329–30

  Turner, Harald, 363–64

  typhus, 158, 243, 405, 489, 547, 608–10

  Udet, Ernst, 276

  Uebelhoer, Friedrich, 266

  Ueberall, Ehud, 88

  UFA film studios, 19–20, 160–61

  Ukraine, 44, 138, 197, 201, 212–19, 224, 259–60, 358–61, 410, 458, 463–64, 534–37

  Uniate Catholic Church, 464

  Union Générale des Israélites de France (UGIF), 258, 416–18, 551–52, 554–55

  Union of Jewish

  Communities, 226–27

  Union of Orthodox Rabbis, 626

  United Palestine Appeal, 466–67

  United Partisans Organization, 325–26

  United States

  attempted rescue of French children by, 417

  awareness in, about exterminations, 392, 460–67

  extermination campaign as result of, 281–82

  German undeclared naval war on, 269–70

  Hitler’s concern about, 130–31, 264–67

  Hitler’s declaration of war on, 272, 278–79

  immigration to, 84–86

  isolationist campaign in, 67, 270–72

  Jewish leadership in, 304–5

  Jewish political influence in, 9

  Jewry in, 83–84

  Lend-Lease Bill of, 201

  plan of, to bomb
railway line between Hungary and Auschwitz, 625–28

  Romanian exchange offer and, 594

  universities. See academic institutions

  Untermensch pamphlet, 542

  Upper Silesia, 12, 34, 38, 154, 510, 649. See also

  Auschwitz concentration camp

  uprisings, 126, 348–50, 496, 520–29, 557–59, 629, 639–40. See also resistance

  USSR. See Soviet Union

  Ustasha movement, Croatian, 71, 227–30, 487

  Vaadah (Jewish Relief and Rescue Committee), 620–25

  Valenti, Osvaldo, 612

  Vallat, Xavier, 172–73, 256, 258

  van Daan, Peter, 550

  vans, gas, 233–34, 286, 358, 363–64. See also Chelmno extermination site; gassings

  Vatican. See also Catholic Church; Pius XII (pope)

  awareness of extermination campaign in, 459, 463–67, 516

  Croatian mass executions and, 229–30

  Pius XI (pope), 58, 72–73 unavailability of documents in, xxiii

  Veesenmayer, Edmund, 613, 618–19, 621–22, 623–24, 641

  Veidt, Conrad, 20

  Vendel, Karl Ingve, 459–60

  Venice Film Festival, 100

  Ventzki, Werner, 266

  Verschuer, Otmar von, 505

  vested interests, xx–xxi

  Vichy France. See also France anti-Jewish measures in, 108–15, 117–21, 169–78, 190, 256–59, 550–52

  Catholic Church in, 71

  deportations of Jews from, 550–57, 610–12

  deportation of Jews from Germany to, 65–66, 93–94

  extermination plan for, 340–41

  Pétain and (see Pétain, Henri-Philippe)

  Vienna, 34–35, 139, 266–67, 308, 640–43. See also Austria

  Vilna, 24, 44, 219–25

  Vilna ghetto, 64, 198, 241, 324–28, 382–84, 436–38, 439, 446, 530–33, 590–91

  Vinnytsa, 361–62

  visas, 83–87, 90–91, 127, 193–94, 330

  Visser, Lodewijk E., 123

  Vlaamsch National Verbond, 259

  Vleeschouwer, Jopie, 599

  Voldermaras, Augustin, 220

  Volk, xviii–xxi, xx

  Völkischer Beobachter, 23, 205, 247, 337–38

  Volksgemeinschaft, 14, 658

  Volkstumskampf, 11, 12–14

  Voss, Hermann, 236–37

  Vrba, Rudolf, 614–15

  Vught labor camp, 413

  Wagner, Eduard, 134, 138, 236–37

  Wagner, Robert, 93

  Wagner, Winifred, 587

  Wallenberg, Raoul, 642, 648

  Wannsee conference, 334, 339–45

  War Refugee Board (WRB), 596, 626, 647

  Warsaw, 3–4, 12, 24

  Warsaw ghetto

  awareness in, of exterminations, 326, 390–95, 521–22

  creation of, 38, 104–6, 242–45

  cultural life in, 149–53

  deportation and extermination of Jews in, 81–82, 426–33, 445, 464–65

  Jewish Council in, 37–43, 61–62, 153–54

  Jewish Fighting Organization and uprising in, 520–21, 522–27

  Jewish perception in, 322

  life in, 242–45, 322, 328, 389–95

  Oneg Shabat chroniclers, 106, 146, 150, 394, 445, 528

  Polish indifference to, 533–34

  reaction of, to Eastern Front, 199

  Soviet liberation of, 629

  starvation in 146–49, 389–90

  “Warsaw Ghetto, The,” vii

  Wartenburg, Yorck von, 635

  Warthegau, 12, 14, 30, 35–37, 144, 284, 510–11, 584–86

  Wasser, Hersch, 106, 150, 155, 393, 662

  Weck, René de, 450

  Wehrmacht, 13, 22, 26–30, 134–35, 165, 171, 200–201, 208–12, 246

  Weil, Erwin, 308–9

  Weill, Julien, 120

  Weill-Curiel, André, 611

  Weininger, Otto, 278

  Weiss, Aharon, 40, 555

  Weissenberg, Yitshak Meir, 195

  Weissmandel, Michael Dov Ber, 374, 626

  Weizmann, Chaim, 10, 623, 627

  Weizsäcker, Ernst von, 373–74, 562–64, 565–66

  welfare activities, 148, 191–92

  Wellers, George, 416

  Welles, Sumner, 460–61, 595

  Wenck, Walter, 527

  Wertheimer, Henny, 371

  Wessels, Ben, 608, 662

  Westerbork transit camp, 375–76, 413, 438–39, 547–49, 599, 607

  Western Europe, 6–8. See also Europe

  Wetzel, Eberhard, 286

  Wetzler, Alfred, 614

  White Rose resistance group, 513

  Wiernik, Jacob, 558–59

  Wilenberg, Shmuel, 557–58

  Wilhelm, Hans-Heinrich, 605

  Wilkie, Wendell, 67

  Wilson, Woodrow, 279

  Wimmer, Friedrich, 179

  Winant, John, 594

  Wippern, Georg, 500

  Wirth, Christian, 357

  Wise, Stephen, 85–86, 304, 460–61, 462, 595

  Wisliceny, Dieter, 80, 231, 374, 487–89, 613, 615, 621, 624, 647

  Wisten, Fritz, 97–98

  Wittenberg, Itzik, 532

  Witting, Rolf, 277

  Włodawa, 394–95

  Woehrn, Fritz, 519–20

  Wolff, Karl, 138, 491

  Wolff, Theodore, 84

  Working Group, 614–15, 626

  working Jews, 95–96, 245–47, 495

  World Jewish Congress, 66, 85, 247, 304–5, 460–61, 462–63, 627

  Woyrsch, Udo von, 26–27

  writers, 117, 206–7, 379

  Wurm, Theophil, 202, 300–301, 516–17

  Years of Persecution, The, xvii, xviii, xix

  Yiddishkeit, xiv–xv, 7 Yishuv, 87–90, 305–6, 457–58, 594, 622–23. See also Palestine (Eretz Israel)

  YIVO research center, 220, 590–91

  YMCA, 193

  Yom Kippur, 28, 49, 105, 444–47

  youth movements, 153, 325, 364–65, 522

  Yugoslavia, 6, 88–89, 131, 227–31

  Zadri, Boris, 379

  Zamboni, Guelfo, 489

  Zamość, 233, 358

  Zay, Jean, 112, 611

  Zegota (Council to Aid Jews), 537–38

  Zeitzler, Kurt, 400

  Zelkowicz, Josef, 433–35, 632, 662

  Zhukov, Georgy, 401

  Zhytomyr, 224

  Zionism, 10, 19, 48, 63–64, 88, 153, 306, 325, 351–53, 391, 457–58, 522, 532, 595–96, 597. See also Palestine

  Zloczow, 213–14

  ZOB (Zydowska Organizacia Bojowa), 520–29

  Zolli, Israel, 560

  Zöpf, Willy, 179, 407

  Zörner, Ernst, 37

  Zuccotti, Susan, 572

  Zuckerman, Yitzhak, 318, 326, 328, 391–93

  Zukunft, 153, 198

  Zweig, Stefan and Frederike Maria, 84

  Zygielbojm, Szmuel, 456, 598–99

  Zyklon B gas, 236, 458–59, 503–4

  Zywulska, Krystina, 508

  ZZW (Zydowski Zwiazek Wojskowski), 522, 524

  About the Author

  Born in Prague, SAUL FRIEDLÄNDER spent his boyhood in Nazi-occupied France. He is now a professor of history at UCLA and has written numerous books on Nazi Germany and World War II.

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  “[The Years of Extermination] establishes itself as the standard historical work on Nazi Germany’s mass murder of Europe’s Jews…. An account of unparalleled vividness and power that reads like a novel…. Friedländer succeeds in binding together the many different strands of his story with a sure touch. He has written a masterpiece that will endure.”

  —New York Times Book Review (Editor’s Choice)

  “Saul Friedländer’s massive history of the Holocaust is a judicious, authoritative, and restrained
study. But it’s also a stark reminder that lunacy may have been as much a part of Nazism as cruelty.”


  “The Years of Extermination is one of the most important works of historical writing in recent years, and deserves to live in the company of works by Raul Hilberg, Lucy Dawidowicz, and Leni Yahil as one of the finest comprehensive studies of this darkest subject of all.”

  —New Republic

  “The second volume, like the first, lends the impression that ‘you are there,’ a witness with a kaleidoscopic panorama of history that juxtaposes the cries and whispers of ordinary men, women, and children against the sadistic bombast of Hitler, his henchmen, and their many helpers eager to indulge villainous appetites and vicious prejudices. These stories are woven together in a tapestry that comes to life (and death) by the vivid recall of eyewitnesses to what they otherwise could not have believed.”

  —Washington Times

  “The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews 1939–1945 by Saul Friedländer is a follow-up to his earlier work…together [they] provide a remarkable comprehensive history.”


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