Boys: Alphas of 2017 - Vol 1

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Boys: Alphas of 2017 - Vol 1 Page 10

by Hazel Parker

  “You know,” I began, linking my hands behind his neck and adjusting myself so I could actually feel him against my slowly waking pussy, “Clive isn’t as one dimensional as we’ve always thought him to be.”

  “Oh really?” said Warren, clearly unsure why I was bringing up my uncle as he grew hot and hard once more, against me.

  “It doesn’t matter. You, him, even Vanessa have given me some really good advice over the past few days that I think will help.”


  “Yeah. I’m an adult. I’m old enough to make my own choices and I don’t have to apologize for them. I told you at the beginning but I didn’t really believe it, until now,” I declared. Finding him erect once more, I was able to slide him between my eager lips easily, pushing a satisfied groan from both of us as he slipped inside me. “And, so, I choose to be with you, Warren Freemantle,” he moved gently, forcing my eyes to close and my head to roll back, “every day, as often as we can, for as long as we can.”


  Preach to me Baby


  The party at the club was just getting started, and Sebastian Nolan entered the scene just in time to get a glass of beer and scope out the area. It had been a long day at the university, what with midterms looming on the horizon, and the weekend just couldn’t come soon enough. At least, that’s what it felt like for him.

  Sebastian wasn’t a bad student—but he preferred having fun and living life rather than spending all his hours cooped up in the library, which seemed to be what his parents wanted more than anything. His father, who was paying his way through college, specifically wanted him to be a lawyer—someone who didn’t do it just for the money, but to offer a legal service to those in need no matter if they were rich or not. Sebastian wanted to make money, lots of it. When he openly contradicted his old man’s plan for his life, his father jumped down his throat, and it was all Sebastian could do to stay in the house with the constant lecturing—hence, his Friday nights and weekends were spent as far away from home as possible.

  Last night’s argument had been particularly taxing, as his mother pleaded for him to have dinner at home. It had been a tense one, with his father making his usual snide comments and eventually questioning him about what he wanted to do with his life if he didn’t make it as a lawyer. Sebastian had opted not to answer, instead telling his mother that he needed to go and wouldn’t be coming back for a while.

  “That’s it, run away from your problems and responsibilities, just like you always do. Get drunk and waste your life, why don’t you?” James Nolan had grumbled before completely ignoring him altogether.

  Sebastian had had enough.

  And now, he simply didn’t want to think about it. He was here to have fun.

  To distract himself, Sebastian ordered another drink and observed where his friends were. Kevin wasn’t far off, already chatting with a girl Sebastian recognized from the university as a sorority chick and art major. Based on the smile the girl was giving out, it looked like his friend was going to get major points tonight.

  Well, not friend, per se. Kevin was more of an acquaintance, a jock who was a bit of a jerk and sometimes ran with the school’s bad crowd. But they were roommates and got along fine.

  The girl beside the sorority chick, obviously a friend, caught his eye and gave him a shy smile. Pretty. Probably a virgin. Sebastian smiled back, adding a wink that made the girl blush and look down. She closed her legs together and visibly squirmed, an action that had him grinning as he thought of the exact reason she was doing so.

  This was too easy.

  With another sip of his drink, Sebastian made a move to stand up and join the shy girl when something red flashed in his line of vision. He looked to the side, then couldn’t help but stare.

  Shy girl was forgotten immediately.

  The red flash was a red dress, worn by a woman who had to be one of the hottest he’d ever seen—glossy dark hair and dark eyes that looked as inviting as sin. Her dress was tight, showing off curves that hinted at nothing beneath and stopping at mid-thigh, where killer legs ending in flashy black stilettos headed his way. After finishing the perusal, Sebastian looked back up, his gaze meeting the woman’s in one heart-stopping moment before she smiled at him—not a shy one, but one that only emphasized the sultry red lips that seemed to be inviting him to taste.

  He grinned, waited for her to come to him.

  The woman seated herself beside him on a stool at the long bar, crossing her legs making the dress hitch up. He didn’t let his eyes stay on them, focusing instead on her face as she hailed the bartender and ordered a Sex on the Beach.

  If that wasn’t an invitation, he didn’t know what was. His cock stirred in his pants when she took a sip and licked her lower lip.

  “I was about to offer to buy you a drink,” he started. “But it looks like you’ve got that one taken care of.”

  The woman smiled, and his mind imagined her mouth wrapped around him like a wet, hot sheath. Desire shot through his body instantly.

  “Pretty slick,” she replied after her second sip.

  “I try to be,” he murmured. “Are you from around here?”

  The woman mentioned the university she was in, telling him casually that this was the nearest club she could find.

  “Student?” he asked.

  “Sub,” she purred, leaning forward. Her cleavage was now in his line of vision, perky and big enough to fit into his hands. Fuck it.

  Sebastian took a long drink. “I can buy you dinner.”

  Silence filled the air.

  Then the woman smiled. Bit her lip. “Sounds…delicious.”

  Dinner, of course, would have to wait—especially when there were more important needs that needed to be catered to first.

  He grinned. “Let’s get out of here, then.”

  The woman’s name was Tanya. She was in a long-distance relationship and was a substitute teacher for their university’s freshman literature class. That was as far as they got before he started removing her clothes in the area where he parked the car—on a quiet section of the road, right behind a giant oak tree.

  He could say that she was the one who started it by unbuttoning his pants while he was still trying to tell her who he was. His cock all but wept when she placed her hand inside, rubbing once and telling him in a needy voice that she hadn’t expected this kind of attraction between them.

  No sane man could ever resist such an invitation.

  Not a single vehicle passed by as they kissed with a passion that threatened to consume them both. Her mouth was hot, and he couldn’t get enough. He was also right about the dress—there was nothing beneath it, absolutely nothing but gorgeous voluptuous breasts and a shaved slit that was all but begging. He took his time putting his mouth on her nipple and sucking, while his fingers slowly slid inside her core.

  Wet, absolutely wet.


  Tanya moaned his name, asking for more. With an oath, he carried her with the dress still up around her waist, seating her naked ass at the hood of his car where the moonlight shone on them.

  Eyes glazed with arousal, she had a moment to look up and frown as he started unzipping his pants. “But we’re outside, they’ll see…”

  “No one’s around, sweetheart,” he purred, voice turning low as he took out his member. Her eyes widened as he held it in his hand, giving a good, firm rub as he watched her quietly.

  There was no protest after. Sebastian moved until he was standing in between her legs, tongue seeking hers until she turned pliant in his arms and more than willing. He slipped on a condom and guided himself inside her, bit by bit, until he was in to the hilt—a snug, snug place that had him burying his face in her hair.

  Tanya wrapped her legs around his waist.

  And they moved.

  They both moved—him thrusting in and out in a solid rhythm, her moving her hips to meet his every thrust. The thrill of being out in the open, the risk of gettin
g caught, only added to the lust that built between them as he trailed urgent kisses all over her mouth and throat, as she gripped his shoulders and hung on. The need eventually built up, and he started pounding inside of her until her breasts were bouncing in time with their movements. Harder, faster, higher and higher as his blood roared.

  “Oh, God,” she moaned in his ear. “I’m gonna—”

  She didn’t get to finish her declaration. Instead, she clenched around him like a hot vise, sucking him in and all but blinding him with the intense pleasure. Sebastian groaned in her ear, pounding a few more times before his desire exploded in sheer ecstasy. She slumped on the hood of his car, and he tried his very best not to lean against her as they both struggled to catch their breath.

  A few seconds of silence passed. When he felt like he could speak again, Sebastian lazily placed his thumb on her nipple, circling until it peaked.

  “I’m Sebastian, by the way,” he rasped.

  Tanya laughed. “Nice to meet you. So… how about that dinner?”

  He kissed her again, prolonging the contact until she moaned softly. Then he grinned.

  “Of course.”

  Dinner didn’t last long as they talked about the basics before tumbling back into fucking in the back of his car, where he took her completely naked this time and made her scream his name. They drank in between, from beer to tequila, until they were all but entranced with each other and nothing else mattered in the world.

  Midnight came, and he was driving her back to her apartment, teasing her with a hot kiss and that he might end up crashing her lit class after all. She was so damn hot, and he simply hadn’t had enough. Tanya smiled and flirted back, warning him lightly that as long as he wasn’t caught, he could take her however he wanted.

  “I’ll fuck you hard behind your classroom door between classes,” he promised.

  Her eyes flared with desire, and she squirmed drunkenly in her seat. Sebastian laughed, utterly charmed by the slightly older woman beside him.

  He laughed so hard, he didn’t see the driver swerving in the streets and headed their way.

  The crash happened in the matter of a few seconds—a flash, then pain so excruciating that he couldn’t even scream. He saw Tanya’s face of fear and heard her horrible scream before screeching tires filled his ears and white lights filled his vision.

  Then nothing, as darkness consumed him.

  Sebastian woke up in the ICU of the city hospital a month later, with his father at his side, telling him two things that made his heart numb.

  His mother had a heart attack following the car crash and had become very ill.

  Tanya was also in a coma, with her lower body completely paralyzed.

  A week after he woke up, Tanya passed away from her injuries. And Sebastian’s life was forever changed.

  Chapter One

  The sun started rising on the horizon, the colors yellow and gray blending in with the sky that was just turning an iridescent shade of blue and pink. It was particularly brilliant up on the hill where the quiet meadow with its fields of green could be seen below, adding to the picture-perfect effect. Sebastian took a minute to stand and watch as the sun slowly peeked out, the only sounds were the wind and his rapid breathing.

  There were just some things you had to stop to appreciate, and this was one of them.

  A few minutes later the sun was up; a bright color that warmed the whole scene. Sebastian took a drink out of his plastic water bottle and looked at the scene again. Then he turned back and continued to jog down the hill and back to his home.

  A thrice-weekly run was what he did for fun—from his home down to the quiet road in the morning, where there was a shady area full of banyan trees on both sides of the road. Then, up to the hill that overlooked a meadow of grass, rocks, and flowers. He always paused at that spot, always waited for the sun to come up—or, if the weather was rainy, he still paused to watch the clouds take form and turn darker and darker. Then he would go back down, take the same route until sweat built up again by the time he completed the run.

  He liked jogging. It was healthy for the body and the mind, and it allowed him time for himself—to organize his thoughts before the day officially started, to go over his plans for the day and get himself ready for what he planned to do.

  A jog also helped him clear his head and focus if need be.

  An hour after he started the routine Sebastian was starting back on the route home just as everyone else in town started waking up. He reached his home in record time, and passed through the backyard and the back door, which immediately led to the kitchen.

  Sebastian’s house was simple enough—a one-story stucco design with a master bedroom and a garden that he only tended to during spring. The kitchen was basically his favorite spot to hang out in, what with his love for food and brewing coffee. When he opened the back door, the smell of coffee immediately permeated the air. There was also the scent of eggs cooking, making him smile as he went in. No one was around, which meant his housekeeper had probably made a quick run to the front to get the deliveries.

  He went to the bathroom right off, stripping off his clothes and getting in the shower. The water was warm, sluicing down his skin and muscles and unknotting whatever tension was left. After the shower, he quickly got dressed then went back to the kitchen to check out the progress.

  “Good morning, Pastor Seb,” Dorotha greeted cheerfully, in the process of transferring the fried bacon from the pan to a big plate. There were already eggs there and slices of toasted bread. “How was your run?”

  “Good as always, Dorotha,” he replied with a smile. “Breakfast looks great.”

  The middle-aged woman smiled, bringing a glass of orange juice to the table as he sat down. As his housekeeper, her tasks usually involved cooking him good meals Monday to last for the whole week, weekends excluded. She stored them in individual containers and placed them in the fridge, and all he had to do was microwave them when he came home. Usually her meals involved healthy food, except for Monday mornings when she liked to cook him something extra fattening.

  She cleaned his house on Wednesdays, but sometimes he cleaned it himself when he had the time. Dorotha was a dear, almost like a mother hen. It was why he hired her all those years ago when he knew absolutely nothing about cooking, and why he kept her service even when he already knew how to cook most basic meals.

  “Aren't you gonna grab a seat and eat with me? There's plenty here,” he asked, indicating the food in front of him.

  Dorotha shook her head. “I would love to, Pastor, but I still need to take the kids to school. Rain check?”

  He nodded. “Anytime, Dorotha. Please do bring the kids when you can. I would love to take them out to the park right after lunch or dinner.”

  Dorotha replied that she would love that. She scurried about some more and gave him a rundown of the meals she prepared before finally taking her leave.

  He ate in silence, loving how the eggs melted in his mouth and the flavor of butter he could detect. The plate was empty minutes after, and he did a quick rundown in his head of his activities for the day.

  There was a bible study he needed to get to and then the meeting with some clergymen for some joint project they had in mind. Reverend John usually handled that, but he had another meeting to attend with the council. Hence the other task was given to him.

  Not a very busy day.

  With that in mind, Sebastian got ready for his work at the church.

  Sebastian was assigned the weekday morning session, which began at ten in the morning with a group of housewives and a few teenagers still on their school break and wishing they were still in bed. The people who went out to work didn't attend classes until evening or weekends, which Reverend John mostly handled unless he had other matters to attend. Today's lesson had been about greed and its consequences, and he was pleased to see most of the teenagers listening in rapt attention instead of sleeping like most teens did in class.

  Once the
class was over he went to visit with the attendees. The teens in attendance were from the nearby high school, members of the school choir and on their way to compete in a national contest. With them was their voice teacher, Amanda Jones.

  “I hope you can attend one of our practice sessions, Pastor Seb,” Gigi said enthusiastically. Gigi was the choir soprano, and one of their school's best students.

  “Perhaps sometime soon,” Sebastian replied with a smile. He chatted a bit more with the students before turning to the teacher, Amanda, who stayed behind as the teens slowly started filing out.

  “Seconding Gigi on your visit to their practice,” she said with a smile. “They would be very happy if you could come.”

  Sebastian nodded. “Don’t worry. I’ll definitely come. What time do they usually practice?”

  “Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays at 3pm.” Amanda placed her hand on his arm appreciatively. “Thank you, Pastor Seb.” She then removed her hand and sidled closer, almost shyly. “If you’re interested in dinner after, I know this great restaurant in town.”

  It was a friendly invitation more than anything else, but Sebastian could read something between the lines that shouldn’t be there, no matter how subtle. It had happened all too often. He knew the look she was giving him even before she said something. Amanda was nice and very pretty, too young to be a school teacher, but apparently very brilliant at her job.

  She also deserved something better than dabbling in some fleeting crush with the community pastor.

  Sebastian gave her a smile before shaking his head. “I’m afraid I can’t, Amanda,” he said gently. “But I will check out the practice when I can, okay? I’m sure the students are going to do great, thanks in large part to you.”


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