Boys: Alphas of 2017 - Vol 1

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Boys: Alphas of 2017 - Vol 1 Page 62

by Hazel Parker

  I also purposely avoided Scott, who—thankfully—wasn’t there yet. I think he may have also been avoiding me after I told him that day we found out that I needed time alone to think and didn’t want him there.

  “Hey, there.”

  Surprise filled my face as I eyed Doug, who was suddenly standing in front of me. Oh, God. In all the chaos that had happened, I’d completely forgotten about him.

  “I haven’t seen you around,” he commented, studying me. I studied him back, further surprised when I realized that whatever tingles or sparks I’d been feeling whenever he was around were gone. Just like that. I wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or dismayed because we didn’t even get a chance.

  And we were never going to get that chance.

  It was time to accept it.

  “I was sick,” I finally replied, giving him a small smile. “But I’m better now.”

  His brows furrowed worriedly. “I’m sorry to hear that. Want to postpone our date this Saturday? I don’t mind.”

  Again—Oh, God. I’d forgotten we’d made plans already.

  I could have made any excuse I wanted so as not to offend him. But I didn’t want to completely lie to the guy, not when he’d been nothing but sincere to me. I took a deep breath. Then I told him what I could.

  “I don’t think we should be doing any dates for now, Doug.”


  I nodded. “I’m just…there are things in my life that need prioritizing, and I don’t think dating will help. We can be friends.”

  I didn’t miss the disappointed look in his eyes. But he didn’t force the issue, instead nodding his head and letting out a smile. “Of course. I really like you, but thank you for not leading me on or anything like that.”

  What a sweetheart. A twinge of regret hit me, but nothing significant. I smiled again and asked how he was feeling about the race. Doug’s eyes lit up.

  “Psyched,” he said. “Super psyched and ready to win. It’s going to be tough, but…” His words trailed off, and his eyes widened. I puzzled over it for a few seconds, then froze when I turned around and saw who he was looking at.

  He wasn’t the only awed one as Jack Davis walked inside the garage, headed straight for me. He didn’t try to talk to anyone, no. His eyes were all on me, his stride purposeful and his expression intense.

  Then his gaze shifted to Doug, and I realized in alarm exactly what was on his mind.

  I tried to stop him, I really did. But before I could speak, my dad was already talking in a clipped tone, as if he was doing his best not to get angry then and there.

  “Are you the guy who ruined her life?”

  It took Doug a while to comprehend the question, and his awed expression changed to worry.

  “I’m sorry, sir, but I—”

  “Are you?” Jack interrupted.

  “No, he isn’t,” I hissed at my dad firmly, trying to keep my voice down. His presence alone was already drawing stares, and the tense atmosphere and body language was going to draw more if he kept this up.

  “If it’s not you, then who is it? Who ruined my daughter’s life?”

  My face felt hot. I was growing angry myself, and it wasn’t good for my already muddled mind—and my work in the race, which hadn’t even started yet. But my dad was being unfair by ambushing me like this, as if it would solve all problems and give him the answer he wanted. He didn’t like to be kept waiting, and I should not have been surprised that he’d pull this stunt and think it was his way of being a supportive father.

  I opened my mouth, prepared to tell him to stop it and drag him away from Doug.

  But the words died on my lips when a familiar voice popped up behind me.

  “Hey, Jack, stop bothering Doug. He didn’t do anything.”

  Jack turned his head, and so did Doug—and so did a few others. Dreading every moment of this, I turned, too, seeing Scott for the first time since I’d asked him to leave and feeling like I’d been blasted by his mere presence.

  But it was nothing compared to his next words.

  “It was me, Jack. I got her pregnant. And no, I didn’t ruin your daughter’s life, because we’re in love and we’re getting married.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I should have predicted that my declaration would make everyone react in different ways.

  Jack was angry—very, very angry, looking at me from head to foot before biting off that he couldn’t talk to me right now, but would be expecting me outside the race track at the end of the competition. Pretty considerate, but all the same a handful to handle, which I was pretty sure I could.

  But Julie was a different story.

  Doug slinked off as quietly as he could, looking at the two of us in shock. Julie waited until he and Jack were gone before staring daggers at me.

  Then she was dragging me into a more private place, and I couldn’t exactly blame her—not when everyone in the garage had gone dead quiet, including my crew, and staring at us in shock.

  The only private place we could find at an event like this was in the closet in one of the towers. I tried my best not to think about what we’d been doing the last time we were here, and concentrated on studying her.

  She looked better than I’d seen her last week, which was a relief. In fact, she was somewhat glowing, her cheeks flushed and her mouth a very rosy pink. Those hazel eyes spit sparks almost angrily, her body all but vibrating with it.

  Christ. She was beautiful.

  “Why did you tell my dad that we’re getting married?” she hissed. “You know I don’t want to marry you.”

  “I don’t want to marry you, either,” I said readily, already anticipating it. She looked taken aback by my answer, turning speechless, and I took advantage. “But it will happen. This is a scandal in waiting, Jules, and I know you don’t want that for us…or for the baby.”

  Her mouth dropped open. She took a deep, shaky breath. “But…we don’t love each other…”

  “We don’t,” I agreed. “But we don’t hate each other, either. We’re friends, and shouldn’t friends support each other at a time like this?”

  She looked unconvinced. “But shouldn’t…God, McCall. What kind of marriage are you suggesting?”

  “An arranged one. If it doesn’t work out in the few months until the baby is born, we divorce. Simple as that. By that time I’m sure everyone would have already moved on.”

  “So a fake marriage.”

  “A fake one, yes.”

  “God, that’s crazy.”

  “So are you if you think I’m going to leave you alone to deal with this, Jules,” I shot back. I ran a hand through my hair, frustration swirling inside me. “That’s my baby, too, and I swear to you I will take care of it and love it. I care about you too, and I don’t want you doing this alone.”

  She stayed quiet for a long time after that, and I didn’t say anything as I watched her lean against the desk—the same desk we’d made love on—and closed her eyes. Something sparked inside my stomach, something that was all too familiar. I wasn’t an idiot, and I acknowledged it because there was no use denying.

  I didn’t just care about her.

  I also still wanted her.

  It wasn’t love, I was sure of that. But it was a lust so deep that I didn’t think our time together was enough. I wanted to touch her over and over until the lust dissipated—until this need that was growing inside me was satiated and gone for good.

  And yes, I wasn’t an idiot, because I knew the feeling wasn’t one-sided. I could see the same longing and desire in her eyes despite her misery and shock, and I was prepared to give her the pleasure she wanted.

  But I also needed to appease the important people in her life.

  Finally, Julie opened her eyes and looked at me.

  “It’s crazy,” she repeated.

  I nodded my head.

  “It’s the craziest scheme that we have to live up to for a few months.”

  “It wil
l get your father off our backs. And my mom, who already knows I got someone pregnant. And the media. And everyone.”

  “Yeah,” she murmured. “It will also be very, very complicated.”

  “We’ll work it out. We’ll set down rules and all. I’m your friend, Jules. You can trust me.”

  “I don’t know what to say, Scott.”

  “Say yes.”

  More silence.

  Then Julie finally, slowly nodded.

  “Fine. Yes.”

  Her glow disappeared, to be replaced by a sadness that I wanted to fix. Despite said sadness, she was still prettier than her usual pretty self.

  And I wasn’t ready to let go yet.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  The wedding was private, practical and swift—so swift in fact; that sometimes I thought it didn’t occur at all. But there was already a beautiful wedding ring on my finger and before I knew it, I was already moving into his apartment suite.

  He’d offered to buy a house, but I adamantly refused, uncomfortable with having someone spend so much for me—someone who wasn’t my real husband. I had some savings apart from what my dad had given me, and I could sustain my own.

  “Make yourself comfortable,” he said as he ushered me in the spare bedroom, bringing my bags along. “My fridge is stocked with all kinds of food, so get whatever you need.”

  “I know,” I said, reminded of my time there when I’d first tried to seduce him.

  He seemed to realize it at the same time, his expression going unreadable. Lately, he’d been unreadable, starting from the time he offered me marriage to when he talked to my father and promised him that he’d take good care of me. Then there was the short wedding, and now this.

  “This place is yours now, too, for the next months to come. You tell me if you feel anything, okay?”

  I looked down at the floor, tamping down the overwhelming feelings. Getting married at twenty-two? It definitely wasn’t part of my plan in life.

  But I guess on some things, you just had to wing it.

  A hand went to my chin, gently lifting it up. I met Scott’s gaze and found his eyes softening as he looked at me.

  “Hey. Cheer up. We’ll be fine,” he assured. He didn’t smile, but I could hear the sincerity in his voice. “And you’re still part of my crew, so don’t worry about the job. I want you to take the few days off.”

  I inwardly groaned. I hadn’t seen the crew since that fiasco. I wondered what they would think of it. Absorbing his words, I straightened my shoulders.

  “No. I’m going to the next practice. And the next race. This is the majors, Scott. You need all the help you can get.”

  His brows furrowed. “There will be media, Jules. And questions.”

  I shot him a smile that was more confident than I was feeling. “I’m a big girl. And the baby needs the exercise.”

  Just the word baby had Scott’s face transforming from expressionless to amused. Something inside me responded, but before I could analyze it, he was already tugging me towards him and wrapping his arms around me. There was nothing sexual about the hug, but it didn’t matter. I was still tingling all over from his warmth, the same tingles that I felt for him even before we started touching each other. And I no longer had any plan of pursuing that, not when he made it clear that this was strictly business.

  He stepped back from the hug after a while and flashed me a smile, right before telling me to get some rest. I watched his back until he left, realizing that in the time since we’d made this arrangement he hadn’t teased me or made fun of me. Not once.

  What the hell was wrong with me that I would miss that?

  The passionate Scott I knew? He was no longer there. In his place was essentially a stranger and not the man I’d shared a night with on a tower rooftop, nor the man who’d taken me twice and enjoyed it very much. And I still wanted both versions of him.

  Ulysses was the first to see me when I got to the garage early in the morning. I noted his shocked expression first and the way his eyes slid down to my stomach as if expecting it to grow big within seconds of his stare. Trying to stifle a laugh, I sauntered forward.

  “Hey, Uls.”

  He blinked. “Aren’t you supposed to be resting?”

  I raised a brow. “Do I look sick to you?”

  He shook his head. “No. You don’t…no. It’s just…” I waited in amusement as he colored a bit. “Oh, hell. We didn’t think you’d come back, okay?”

  “Why? Because I married the boss?”

  “Something like that,” he muttered.

  “Well, then you’d better get used to my presence again because I’m here to stay,” I said firmly. “And I don’t want any special treatment. I’m still the same part of the crew.”

  “Just the boss’s wife,” he shot.

  “Who is a part of his crew and will do her best to help him win,” I shot back.

  That silenced him enough to think it over. Finally, slowly, he slid the box of car tools over to me—a peace offering.

  I beamed.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” I chirped. Then I was picking up the wrench and happily getting back to scrutinizing Scott’s racing car.

  The others were just as shocked as Ulysses, most especially Henry, who hadn’t been told I’d be back. I didn’t make the same statement with them that I made with Ulysses, but kept working and soon the silence was gone as everyone got back to their routine. Henry looked bothered and almost like he wanted to talk to me, so I waited. But he didn’t say anything.

  By the time Scott arrived the car was already pre-checked and on its way to the racing line. I had ridden to the race track with him, and the awkwardness inside had been palpable. We managed to get rid of it by talking about cars, but I didn’t know what was happening between us. One day of living with him, and he’d just grown more distant.

  “Everything fine here?” he asked.

  It was Henry who responded. “Yes, everything’s good to go. Doug got into a minor car accident and won’t be here today, but all the others are here.”

  The Doug news surprised me, and I hoped he was fine. Henry called the crew to remind the setup for today, then glanced at me.

  “Congratulations to you two, by the way.”

  Silence ensued. Then the others whispered their congratulations, too, and I could feel my face turning hot. To my surprise, I found a large hand squeezing mine—Scott’s hand, as he grinned at his crew.

  “Thanks. Dinner’s on me after we win this today.”

  Everyone cheered. Then Henry dismissed us to prepare ourselves, and I turned to Scott.

  “Good luck.”

  He looked at me for a long time, his face serious. Then he broke out into the same grin he gave everyone, and I found a glimpse of the charm I missed. He leaned down to kiss my cheek lightly—a play, I knew, to convince everyone we were fine and today was going to be fine.

  When that was done, he let go of my hand and left. With a sigh, I tried to ignore the quickening of my beating heart and ordered myself to concentrate on work.

  Since this was one of the major events, media coverage was at its fullest—and some got inside and managed to find me and shove their recorders and video camera in my face. I was pleasant at first, but soon the questions were bordering on scandalous—like whether I’d seduced Scott to get myself pregnant and get instantly rich, or whether it was the other way so he could get to my father’s fame and bank account.

  Now, that pissed me off. I opened my mouth, prepared to say something sarcastic. But before I could, Henry was already answering.

  “They are in love and have gotten married because of that,” he said firmly. “And they would like to be left alone as they face Scott’s racing challenges ahead.”

  “And who are you?” one of the reporters said rudely.

  Why, the arrogant—

  “Scott’s pit crew chief. I’ve known Scott for years and have known Julie since she started here. They’re bo
th good kids, and we’re happy they’re together.”

  It was said so politely and so firmly that the media had no choice but to believe him. I tried to keep my mouth shut as they asked some more questions. They eventually gave up when they didn’t find anything that could be considered “juicy.” When they were gone I turned to Henry wanting to ask him what made him say all of that but grateful at the same time for the save.

  He looked back at me quietly. Finally, he nodded his head.

  “Let’s get back to work,” was all he said.

  He knows, I realized. Not because anyone told him, but because he just did.

  And if he knew, that meant someone else was bound to figure it out if we weren’t careful.

  Like my dad.

  Scott won the race, but it was a close one. This time, it was Gray Denton who came in second with James coming in third. I watched as everyone headed to the finishing line and I soon followed, realizing I should be there to show support as his wife now.

  I bumped into Gray along the way, and his eyes lit up in recognition. We hadn’t really interacted much since he didn’t really go to the garage like some of the other drivers, but I’m guessing my name was on the news now along with Scott due to our sudden marriage. The man was pretty hot with his dark good looks, but I heard he was one of the racing track’s resident womanizers who had a thing for bunnies.

  I smiled. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks. Your husband, too,” he said. I saw his eyes flit to my belly before he brought it back to my face, a subtle movement that I pretended not to notice. “He’s going to be some tough competition.”

  I nodded, then smiled again. Then I left him alone as others congratulated him too, and navigated my way over to Scott, who was looking at something in the crowd.


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