Barefoot Bay: Giving Chase (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Cypress Corners Book 8)

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Barefoot Bay: Giving Chase (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Cypress Corners Book 8) Page 7

by JoMarie DeGioia

  Shannon was up in Cypress Corners. Mrs. Prattle, as sweet as she was, wasn’t exactly a tell-all-your-secrets-to kind of lady. So that left Paula, who she was only just getting to know.

  Chase came back, worry clear in his hazel eyes. “The bill’s all set, Carrie.” He stepped behind her chair, pulling it back as she stood. “Let’s get out of here.”

  A thrill went through her as his fingers brushed over her nape. She was discovering that Chase was very demonstrative, and she had never been one for public displays. His every touch wasn’t too much or possessive, though. No, he somehow managed to put a tenderness into even the simplest brush of his fingertips. It was probably what made him the best lover she’d ever had, not that the pool was extensive.

  “Are we headed to your room?” she asked on a breath.

  Heat flared in his gaze. “Damn, I sure hope so.”

  His words were simple and honest, yet a pull of desire tightened her core. There was something here, something she didn’t dare name as love. She would enjoy him while he was here and, hopefully, see what they could be to each other going forward with their mutual responsibility.

  Back in his room, he pulled her close. “I love the way you feel in my arms, Red.”

  She ran her hands over his chest, letting herself lean against him. “Your arms feel pretty great around me, Chase.”

  He brought that amazing mouth of his to hers and just rubbed gently against her lips. It was ticklish and hot, and made her itch for more. Coming up on her toes, she pressed her tongue against his parted lips and drove inside. He groaned, and his grip on her tightened. They had this, then. Instant and complete sexual attraction.

  It had led them to this situation. That was for sure. But would it be enough to help them form any kind of future? She knew she wanted him. In her bed and in her space. He was fun and charming as all get out. Hot and handsome and an incredible lover. He wanted to be a part of their baby’s life, too. She might not know much about this particular set of circumstances, but Chase’s brand of “hot dad” was something to consider.

  “Come to bed, baby,” he rasped, his lips on the side of her neck. His tongue darted over her pulse and she shivered. “Come to bed and I’ll let you drive.”

  Desire coiled tighter still.

  “Oh, yes,” she breathed.

  His big hands grabbed her butt and he walked her over to the bed. Setting her down gently, he stepped back and started to get naked. Ooh, she could watch him all night but there was a certain amount of driving she so wanted to experience.

  She kicked off her shoes and came up on her knees, shedding her dress. He paused, his thumbs dragging his pants down low. She eyed that strip of lighter skin, well below his navel, with that thin strip of dark brown hair.

  “You’re really beautiful, do you know that?” he asked, his voice low.

  She’d never been called that before. Pretty, maybe. Cute, most definitely. Doug had been very effusive in his compliments but they were usually on what she was wearing or how her hair was done. Usually as either related to complimenting his own fine full-of-himself self.

  “Chase.” Her voice was low too, and if he was paying as close attention to it as he clearly was to her breasts, he would hear how much she wanted him. “Come to bed.”

  He stripped and her bra and panties were gone in the next minute. His hands were everywhere, and hers weren’t playing shy either. He let her drive, just as he’d promised, and having him beneath her was so arousing that she was nearly crying with relief as she finally took him high up inside of her.

  He wore protection, but even as she admired his ability to think of it she figured that horse was already out of the barn. His big body strained beneath her, his hard belly stroking her just right as she rode him.

  Sweet, naughty words filled her ears as she bowed back, letting his hands run all over the front of her. Her thighs trembled as she squeezed tighter still, making him groan as she neared her release.

  And when she climaxed, clutching at his wrists as he held on to her hips, she screamed his name.

  “Ah, Red.” He shuddered beneath her as he joined her in release. “Damn…”

  Still breathing fast, she collapsed against his chest, her legs useless as they draped on either side of him. His hands were gentle on her back, his fingers tunneling through her hair again.

  “I love you,” he breathed in her ear.

  She froze. Oh, God. Time and time again, Doug had said that to her. After they would make love, it was the first thing out of his mouth.

  “Um,” she stammered. “I have to go.”

  She managed to climb off of him with very little grace, ignoring him as he sat up and brushed his hair back from his face.

  “Where are you going?”

  She grabbed her bra and panties, holding them in front of her despite the fact that they gave her very little protection.

  “I have to work tomorrow,” she said stupidly. “I have to go home.”

  “Well, give me a second and I’ll take you.”

  “No, no. That’s okay.”

  As she backed up she stumbled over her shoes on the plush carpet. Her shoes! She wouldn’t think about the implications. She’d kicked them off, sure. But that didn’t mean she was in love with Chase. She couldn’t be.

  “Carrie, I’ll drive you home.” He stood, gloriously naked and clearly confused.

  She really had no choice at the moment. She gave him a small nod of agreement.

  They both dressed in silence, and the drive to her place was just as awkward as that reverse strip-tease. He drew her to him to kiss her good night, but she turned her head to just brush his cheek with her lips.

  “Good night, Chase.”

  And then she was out of there. Every step up that narrow staircase to her apartment, every beat of her racing heart, made her certain she was doing the right thing.

  She was darned if she would make another mistake. Not when she had more to consider than her own feelings.

  Chapter 9

  “What the hell just happened?” Chase murmured.

  He watched her house long after she’d disappeared around the back of it, trying to figure out just how he’d fucked up. They’d been having a great time, brushing over all the romantic stuff tied up with Valentine’s Day as they’d shared some fun and food. The cruise had been tame but he’d enjoyed it, mainly because she was there beside him. What was it about this girl? From the jump, he’d only been able to see her. Once he’d caught sight of her at the wedding, she’d been the only one on his mind.

  “And yet, you let her go back home to Barefoot Bay without so much as a text.” He put the truck in gear and drove back towards the resort. “Jackass.”

  She was carrying his baby, though. That seemed to draw him even closer to her. She turned him on like no other woman ever had, and it seemed like she enjoyed everything he did to her rosy little body. Just as he’d let her take the reins in his bed not even a half hour ago, he’d marveled that they were so perfectly matched. He’d come so hard he’d nearly passed out, and he had briefly wondered if his guest room was soundproof as she screamed in pleasure.

  After, though. Holding her in his arms as they both cooled their jets. That had been amazing. The truth struck him like kick in the ass from one of Wild Harry’s prize bulls.

  He’d told her he loved her. What the fuck? No wonder she’d wanted to get the hell out of there, and fast. He was pushing for too much too soon, just like he had with Cheyanne.

  “Look how great that turned out,” he muttered. “Shit.”

  Once back in his guest room, he grabbed a bottle of beer out of the mini-fridge and sat himself out on the balcony. He took a long draw on his beer and settle back.

  It was dark now, the moon low and fat over the gulf. It was a perfect night for lovers, not that he and Carrie had ever been that. A hookup, sure. And a repeat performance that eclipsed what they’d shared before, at least from where he was sitting. And where was he sitting now? Al
one, that was where.

  His phone dinged in his pocket, and for a second he thought she might be texting him. Drawing it out, he saw that he had a message from Billy.

  Just touching base. Call me tomorrow?”

  Instead of texting back, Chase tapped on the name and made a call.

  “Chase, I didn’t expect you to call me back,” Billy said.

  “I had the time, cuz. What’s up?”

  Billy was quiet for a long minute. “What’s up with you? You sound terrible.”

  Chase laughed without humor. “I fucked up, that’s what’s up with me.”

  Billy let out a whistle. “What did you do, man?”

  Chase took another sip of his beer. “I started up with Carrie again, Billy. And it was as good as it was at your wedding.”

  “So…why do you sound like you slipped in cow shit?”

  Chase found a genuine laugh at his cousin’s words. “She’s pregnant, Billy. First, I asked her to marry me and tonight I told her I loved her.”

  “You what? Are you out of your mind?”

  “Yeah, I shouldn’t have suggested we get married.”

  “You suggested? What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Okay, that was the first day. Tonight I made things a whole lot worse.”

  “You’ve been down there less than a week. How bad could it be?”

  “I told Carrie I loved her, Billy. Did you miss that part?”

  “Okay, I heard that. Do you?”

  “I don’t know. She had just…we had just…and I guess my mouth got away from my brain.”

  “It’s Valentine’s Day, cuz. Are you serious?”

  “I wasn’t thinking.”

  Billy started to say something but Shannon’s voice came on the line. “What did you do, Chase?”

  Now Chase could count the conversations he’d had with Billy’s wife on one hand. Tonight, though? Maybe he could use a little feminine perspective.

  “Carrie’s pregnant.”

  Stunned silence met his ears, swiftly followed by a high-pitched squeal of some words he couldn’t quite make out. Shannon was laughing and sighing and making all sorts of crazy sounds.

  “Chase, that’s amazing!”

  He’d held the phone away as she’d exploded but brought it close again. “I don’t know how amazing it is. I was surprised, but I want us to be a family.”

  “Ooh, that’s so sweet!” she said.

  “I guess. She wasn’t ready for that idea, though. And then, tonight, I told her I love her.”

  “Wait, what? Do you know what happened with her ex?”

  “I know he cheated on her. He was a dickhead. What does that have to do with me.”

  “Chase, he told her all the time that he loved her. He was always making these grand gestures and acting like the most romantic boyfriend in the world.”

  Chase sat up, clutching his beer bottle tight. “Christ, you’re kidding me.”

  “I’m not. When he hurt her, it completely blindsided her.”

  “No wonder she ran out of here like her hair was on fire.”

  “Ran out of there? Where are you…? Never mind. You’re in the big beautiful Casa Blanca guest room Billy booked.”

  “Yep. Why, are you wishing you had come down here with him after all?”

  “Not even a little bit. I’m happy right here.”

  Chase felt a twinge of envy. That was what he wanted for himself. With Carrie. With their baby.

  “Do you think I can make this right?”

  “I think you have to. Here. Let me give you to Billy. He convinced me to kick off my shoes.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  She sighed loudly over the phone. “Barefoot Bay, Chase. Kick off your shoes and fall in love. Duh. It’s only one of their most famous slogans.”


  “Jeez, you’re dense.”

  The line crackled a little and Billy came back on.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I have one job here, cuz. Get that sample from Frankie Becker, thanks for telling me what it was by the way, and get back to Cypress Corners.”

  “That’s your one job?”

  “Look, I fucked up my marriage by pushing for something that wasn’t there. I don’t want to do that with Carrie.”

  “There’s a baby, man. How do you feel about that?”

  Warmth spread through Chase, from his belly and up to his heart. “I feel like I’m the luckiest guy in the world. Carrie’s a great girl, and I know our kid will be lucky to have her.”

  He heard Shannon sob and Billy chuckled. “I have you on speaker, man. So what about you?”

  “What about me?”

  “Would you be lucky to have her?”

  Chase considered Billy’s question for a hot minute before the truth struck him. “Yeah. I love her.”

  “Then you know what you have to do, don’t you?”

  “Not even a little bit.” Chase grunted. “I want to make this right.”

  “Then figure out how to show her you’re not just saying what you think she wants to hear. Proposing too fast. Saying you love her.”

  “But I do love her.”

  Again, Shannon’s happy little squeal came over the line and he refrained from holding the phone away from his ear again.

  “You can fix this,” Billy said. “You fixed our relationship, didn’t you?”

  “I did?”

  “We’re talking about real things, man. Did we ever do that before?”

  A smile curved Chase’s lips. “Nah. Feels good.”

  “Yeah,” Billy said. “It does.”

  Silence stretched between them and Chase marveled at the connection he had with Billy now.

  “Okay, that’s enough bro-mance for now,” Shannon put in. “Go to her, Chase. Tell her what you told us.”

  Chase snorted. “Just like that?”

  “Carrie is a levelheaded girl,” Shannon said. “She wants to be happy, like anybody else. Can you make her happy?”

  “I think so.”

  She clicked her tongue. “Nope. Not good enough.”

  “Okay then, yes. I can make her happy.”

  “Then my job here is done! Now your cousin and I have to get back to our Valentine’s Day, if you don’t mind.”

  Chase chuckled. “Okay, okay. I’ll see you two next week.”

  “Let me know what happens, Chase,” Shannon said. “If you don’t, I’m going to call Carrie myself.”

  With that, Billy and his wife disconnected the call. Shannon was right, of course. Chase had to step it up. He wanted Carrie to be happy. Carrie wanted to be happy, too.

  He just had to figure out how to make her see that he was the one guy who could make her happy for the rest of her life.


  By Tuesday morning, Carrie couldn’t ignore the truth. This wasn’t about lines on a plastic stick, though. That particular fact remained unchanged. Nausea had met her yesterday morning and this morning, so it was clear her little rancher baby was holding on.

  When she thought about her coming child, she was seized with such protectiveness it nearly stole her breath. This blessing had come out of nowhere yet she wanted to give her baby the best possible future. Why, then, had she run away from its father?

  The truth was, his declaration had terrified her. Not that a man like him loved her, or thought he did. She couldn’t imagine a better man to have a child with. To spend a life with. What scared her was that she had wanted to tell him she loved him too. And how silly was that?

  Now it was late afternoon and here was another truth she couldn’t ignore. She’d waited for the past two days for him to call her, even as she was dreading what she would have to say to him. Would he repeat his declaration? Did she want him to?

  “What’s with the long face?” Jocelyn said as she stepped into the spa shop.

  Carrie looked up from the register to face her boss. “Long face?”

  “Sorry. It was the
end of an old joke. You know, then the pig says to the horse?” She laughed and waved a hand. “Never mind. I thought you’d like that, what with your cowboy guy and all.”

  “Chase is a rancher, not a cowboy.”

  Jocelyn shrugged. “Potato, po-tah-to.”

  Carrie found a smile. “How’s the spa doing today?”

  “Paula has her hands full but she seems to be handling it.”

  “So do you finally forgive Shannon for defecting?” Carrie teased.

  “Nothing to forgive. I saw how she and Billy were together. It was inevitable.”

  Carrie knew there was nothing to say to that. Tidying up the sales counter was a way to avoid the piercing look on Jocelyn’s face. Finally she faced her again.

  “What?” she asked in a small voice.

  “I thought I saw that with you and Chase, Carrie.” Her tone was soft now. “Tell me I was wrong?”

  Tears stung her eyes and her throat felt tight. “He told me he loves me.”

  Jocelyn’s eyes went round. “Oh, that’s… Wait. You don’t look too happy about that.”

  “You remember Doug the Slug, don’t you?” Carrie sniffled. “He told me that all the time. Showered me with all sorts of so-called proof of his devotion. It was all a lie.”

  Jocelyn nodded. “If it helps in any way, I heard that he and Brandi split. Seems he was continuing his disgusting pattern.”

  “Well, then I’m sorry for her.” She meant that, too. She held no ill will towards Brandi. “At least she knew enough not to move in with him.”

  “So what are you going to do about Chase?”

  “There’s nothing to do. I haven’t seen him since Sunday night, and he’s probably already left Barefoot Bay.”

  “No, he hasn’t. Frankie Becker told me he’s heading out to her farm tomorrow morning.”

  Carrie nodded. “Then he’s leaving tomorrow. Same, same.”

  Jocelyn smiled at the customer browsing the soy candles and stepped closer. “Something’s up, Carrie. You can tell me anything. Remember how we teamed up on Shannon last summer?”


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