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by Marc E. Fitch

  Raising the Devil (Ellis), 116, 122–23

  Ramirez, Richard, 119

  Randi, James, 36–37

  Rather, Dan, 321

  Real Enemies: Conspiracy Theories and American Democracy, World War I to 9/11 (Olmsted), 69

  Reality television, 135–36, 151–57, 330

  Reed, Carmen, 211–15

  Reenactment television programs, 134–35

  Reformation, 88–90

  Regional hauntings, 146, 340–43

  Reiff, Stephanie, 203

  Reisinger, Theophilus, 206

  Religion: aliens and, 106, 110–11; control and power and, 86–93; Hinduism, 286–87; Islam, 329, 330–31; miracles and chaos and, 233–36; Native American beliefs vs. Christianity, 57–58, 61–65; origins of faith, 228–33; paranormal and, 7, 45, 128, 226–28, 236–37, 255–58, 343–47; satanic panic and, 114, 116–19, 263; science/scientific discoveries and, 45, 227–28, 231–33. See also Belief systems; Catholic Church; Christianity; Judaism; Protestantism

  Renaissance, 84, 92–93

  Repressed memory disorder (RMD), 121

  The Return of the Watchers, 180

  Reveal, 154–55

  Rising Gods of the Modern West, 280

  The Rite: The Making of a Modern Exorcist (Baglia), 244–45

  Rituale Romanum, 247, 250

  Rivera, Geraldo, 27

  RMD (repressed memory disorder), 121

  Robertson, Pat, 241

  Rogers, Mike, 216, 217, 222–23

  Role-playing, 75

  Romantics, 265

  Rose (clairvoyant), 170–77

  Rosemary’s Baby, 270

  The Roswell Incident (Friedman), 72

  Roswell, New Mexico, 17, 46, 70, 72–74, 77

  Roth, Sid, 237–40, 250

  Russell, Jeffrey Burton, 84, 250, 265

  Sachs, Roberta, 121–22

  Sagan, Carl, 37, 181, 194–99

  Salas, Robert, 73

  Salem’s Lot (King), 180

  Salem witch trials, 9–11, 292

  Sally Jessy Raphael, 212, 213

  Samhain, 13, 129

  San Francisco, California, 187–89

  “Sasquatch Attack” (MonsterQuest), 137–44

  Sasquatch/Bigfoot, 19–22, 30–31, 39–40, 43–44, 137–44, 295–301. See photo essay

  Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science (Meldrum), 20, 44, 296

  Sasquatch Music Festival, 21

  The Satanic Bible (LaVey), 115, 264, 269–70, 272, 276–77

  Satanic panic, 26–28, 112–24, 263, 293

  Satanic ritual abuse (SRA), 27–28

  Satanism: Connecticut Paranormal Investigators and, 166–67; on folklore, 262–69; institutionalization of, 123–24; Lavey and the Church of Satan, 269–79; McCarthyism vs., 114; in the 1970s and 1980s, 26–27, 114–17, 119; reality of, 259–61; teenage experimentation and, 146; theistic/spiritual, 279–88; World Trade Center attacks and, 312–13. See also Devil

  Satanis: The Devil’s Mass, 270

  The Satan Seller (Warnke), 119

  Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, 152

  Schonberg, Nicholas, 88

  Schwartz, Alvin, 152

  Science/scientific discoveries: democratization of expertise and, 72–73, 316–22; European witch craze and, 84–85, 91–93; hoaxes and, 52; paranormal and, 3–6, 83–84, 130–31, 314–16, 343–47; proof and, 133–34; religion and, 45, 227–28, 231–33; satanic panic and, 112–26; Spiritualism and, 94–102, 323–25; spiritual truth vs., 54; UFOs and, 71, 102–4, 106–7, 110–12. See also Social change

  Science Was Wrong (Friedman), 193

  Seaching for Bigfoot, 30

  Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), 197

  Seed, David, 109

  Sellers, Sean, 262, 269

  Sentes, Bryan, 106

  Seven Life Lessons of Chaos (Briggs), 234

  Shamans, 32, 229–30, 236

  Shea family, 1–2, 145–50

  Shermer, Michael, 38

  Shillings, Karen, 1

  The Shining, 153, 180, 184, 185–86

  Shinnecock Indians, 56–57, 179

  Shook, Deborah A., 114

  Shriek of the Mutilated, 300

  Sidgwick, Harry, 98

  Sigil of Baphomet, 272–73

  Silver Bridge, 341

  Silverman, Larry, 147–48

  Simpson, O.J., 11, 291–92

  Sioux tribe, 64–65

  Sister Thedra, 105

  Sitting Bull, 64

  666, 265

  The Skeptical Inquirer, 197

  Skepticism, 46, 195–99

  Smith, Dwayne, 216

  Smith, Michelle, 117–18, 120

  Snedeker family, 117, 169, 211–15

  Snow, Robert L., 36, 238

  Social change: Bigfoot and, 299–301; European witch craze of 1560–1700 and, 84–93; flying saucer invasion (1947–1976), 102–12; paranormal beliefs and, 83–84, 125–26, 311, 347–55; satanic panic (1984–1991), 112–24; Spiritualism (1850–1920), 93–102. See also Science/scientific discoveries

  Society for Psychical Research, 15, 97–98

  The Sociology of Religion (Weber), 228–29

  Son of Sam case, 119

  South Park, 57

  Spears, Britney, 293

  Spencer, Roy, 319

  Sphinx, 304. See photo essay

  Spielberg, Steven, 146, 209

  Spirit Seekers, 1–2, 145–50, 151

  Spiritualism, 14–16, 93–102, 323

  Sputnik, 103

  SRA, 27–28

  Stack, Robert, 134–35

  Stanley Hotel, 184, 185

  Stanton Friedman Is Real, 191

  Stealth bomber, 79

  St. James Cemetery, 182

  St. James Church, 182

  St. Maria Gorretti, 247–55

  Stonehenge, 303–4

  The Story Behind the Exorcist (Travers & Reiff), 203

  Strain, Kathy Moskowitz, 298–99

  A Strange Harvest (Howe), 78

  Strieber, Whitley, 18, 158–60, 164, 308, 309

  Swampman, 21

  Sweeney, Louise, 208

  Syfy Channel, 151–57, 315

  Symbolism, 45, 352–53

  TAPS. See The Atlantic Paranormal Society

  Teenage experimentation, 27, 146, 153–54, 156, 263

  Television programs: documentary-style, 133–34, 137–44; history of, 131–37; hoaxes and, 34–35; popularity of, 2–3; reality programs, 135–36, 151–57, 330; reenactment style, 134–35. See also specific programs

  Temple of Set, 279

  Terror, 60, 103

  Terrorism, 312–13, 327–31, 350

  The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, 179, 201

  Thanksgiving, 14

  Theistic Satanism, 279–88

  Theosophical Society, 265

  The Thing from Another Planet, 18

  Thomas, I.D.E., 180, 237

  Thoth, 40

  Tiahuanaco, 304

  Totemism, 61–63, 67, 321–22, 337

  Tourism, 184–87

  Trance states, 275–76

  The Transcendental Temptation (Kurtz), 228

  Travers, Peter, 203

  The Trickster and the Paranormal (Hansen), 4, 48, 50–51

  Tricksters, 50–55, 337

  Trotta-Smith, Susan, 211

  Truth, 200–202, 321–22

  Tuan, Yi-Fu, 56, 59

  2001: A Space Odyssey, 306

  2013: The End of Days or A New Beginning, 180

  The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry (Hynek), 104

  UFO Files, 2, 19, 329

  The UFO Incident, 218

  UFOs. the ancients and, 301–13; conspiracy theories and, 70–78, 80–81; democratization of expertise and, 72–73; flying saucer invasion, 190–91; flying saucer invasion (1947–1976), 17–19, 102–12; Friedman and, 190–99; paranormal and, 51; photographs of (see photo essay). See also Alien abductions; Fire in the Sky; Roswell, New Mexico

  UFOs: The Hidden Tr
uth, 164

  Ultraterrestrials, 308

  United States: American Gothicism, 292–95, 301, 302–3, 307–9, 311, 336–38; government conspiracies (See Conspiracy theories); Native American burial grounds, 56–67

  Unsolved Mysteries, 134–35

  The Vanishing Hitchhiker: American Urban Legends and Their Meaning (Brunvand), 178–79

  Vatican II, 246–47, 251–52, 254

  Venus Satanas, 284–85, 288

  Vera, Diane, 280–83, 288

  Victor, Jeffrey, 115, 117, 120, 124, 263

  Violet (psychic), 147, 149

  Volckman, William, 96–97

  Wallace, Alfred Russel, 100–101

  Wallace, Ray, 19–20, 43–44

  Walnut Hill Community Church, 240–45

  Walton, Travis, 80–81, 200, 215–24

  Warnke, Mike, 119

  War of the Worlds (Wells), 16–17, 34, 109, 132

  Warren Commission, 70, 71–72

  Warren, Ed and Lorraine, 26, 41–43, 145, 169, 200, 210–14

  Watson, Fiona, 307

  Watters, Frank, 218

  “Waverly Hills Sanatorium” (Ghost Hunters), 151–57

  Weber, Max, 228–29

  Weber, William, 42

  Welles, Orson, 16, 34, 132

  Wheatley, Dennis, 267

  “Where Evil Lurks” (A Haunting), 145–50

  White Eagle Lodge, 99–100

  Whitton, Matt, 30, 39–40

  Wicca, 257, 293–94

  Wildman, 298–99

  The Wildman of Navidad, 300

  Wilkinson, Tracy, 248

  Wilson, Grant, 151–57, 315

  Wilson, Jack (Wavoka), 64–65

  Witchcraze: A New History of the European Witch Hunts (Barstow), 85

  Witches, 9–11, 69, 260, 265, 292, 293–94, 312–13. See also European witch craze of 1560–1700

  Witches’ sabbat. See photo essay

  “The Witch Trial at Mount Holly” (Franklin), 33

  Witnessed: The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions (Hopkins), 48

  Witness to Roswell, 180

  Wood-knocks, 140–41

  Woodling, Bruce, 121

  World of Strange Powers, 134

  World’s Scariest Places, 141–42

  World Trade Center attacks, 312–13, 327–31

  World War I, 101–2, 323

  World War II, 112, 293

  Wounded Knee, 63, 64–65

  X-Creatures, 138

  Yeti, 19, 297

  Young Goodman Brown (Hawthorne), 11, 293

  Zaffis, John, 212

  About the Author

  MARC E. FITCH is a graduate of the Western Connecticut State University Master of Fine Arts Program. He is the author of the novel Old Boone Blood and has numerous short fiction and nonfiction publications. He works in the field of mental health and lives in Harwinton, Connecticut, with his wife and three children. He spends his free time watching horror movies and reading noir fiction. More information and links to his published works can be found at




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