Mine to Take

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Mine to Take Page 2

by Dara Joy

  These beings had no true power over him. They only thought they did.

  Methodically, he tested the chains again.

  Power. She did not care about power!

  Jenise walked over to the tower window and looked out at the courtyard below, quickly switching her gaze as she always did, to the meadows and fields beyond. Since it was night, she could make out only the outline of a hill on the horizon. Just two of the lesser moons were visible tonight. It made for a darker eve but she was glad of it.

  The darkness would aid her plan.

  A tear trickled down her resolute features. How oft in the past had she gazed out over this similar scene wondering when or if she would ever be free of this place, this life?

  She sighed. Too many times. She had been so young when they came here; she hardly remembered her other life at all. Only her mother’s stories and songs had kept that other life alive for her.

  Tonight, if she had her way, everything would change, but not in the way that odious Karpon intended! A small, secret smile curled her lips as she remembered how he had come up to her chambers earlier in the day, full of misplaced confidence in his own power to succeed. He had outlined in very precise terms what he expected of her.

  Jenise had been expecting this visit for some time.

  What she had not been expecting was the depths to which the man would stoop to acquire what he deemed to be rightfully his.

  Up to that point, Jenise had not really believed that his interest in her was genuine. She had never considered herself anywhere near as attractive as her mother; therefore his obsessive interest in her was puzzling.

  Suddenly, she remembered her mother telling her that her magnetic ability would come late, and would, therefore, be very powerful.

  There was that word again. Power. Jenise flinched.

  At the time, she had laughed and teased that her mother was simply being a mother, wanting only the best for her fair daughter. Now she wondered if…

  She glanced at her reflection in the window.

  She frowned. Her image was the same as it had always been. I do not see anything unusual. Certainly nothing to have inspired Karpon’s obsessive interest. Jenise concluded that the odd proclivities of men were very much a mystery to her.

  But then, nothing had been the same since her mother’s mate had died.

  She closed her eyes wearily, leaning her forehead against the cool stone encasement, her mind running over the conversation that had taken place not long ago in this very room.

  “I will rule this kingdom,” Karpon had bluntly stated. He was the brother of her mother’s consort, the man who had ruled this often barbaric land.

  Jenise had shrugged. “Then rule it.” She certainly had no desire to do so. Indeed, it was the last thing she would ever want. She longed to be free! Free like her mother’s people, the nomadic Frensi. Free to live and laugh and love as she desired; free to explore and travel and learn. Not be bound by the conventions of this harsh and unforgiving land which stifled the spirit!

  “Thank you for your vote of confidence, but there is a small problem.” He walked over to her, his hand reaching out to grasp her chin, forcing her to look up at him.

  “What is it?” she asked, even though she knew what he was going to say.

  “You are the problem. The people will not recognize me as leader because they look to you. Your gentle disposition, your kindness, and your gift of laughter have reached them. They want only you.”

  Jenise shielded her eyes, hiding the effect his words had on her. “There is nothing I can do about that. I have told you I have no desire to rule. Ever.”

  His gaze fell to her full, lush lips and stayed there. “So you say…now. You will always be a threat to me.”


  His cold finger slid down her cheek, causing her to shudder. “In more ways than one.”

  Jenise broke free of him and his hateful touch. Better to be dead than endure that touch! “Then kill me and be done with it.”

  “I think not; for I have a desire for the kingdom and you.”

  That jolted her. She quickly regained her composure. “You cannot have both, as well you know!”

  “Not true.”

  The two words sent a chill down her spine. “What mean you by such words?” Karpon knew that should he take her as consort, she would automatically ascend to rule. It was the one thing that had protected her this long, for Karpon did not want her to rule—he wanted the power for himself. Surely he hadn’t forgotten that?

  He smiled slowly, wickedly. “There is a way, my sweet Jenise.”

  The smile unnerved her. Karpon looked much too confident. Her hand went to her throat. “Wh-what nonsense do you speak?”

  He said three words. “Your maiden state.”

  Jenise blanched. She was still a maiden—not by choice, but because of the laws of this savage land. Had she been free to live her life as she chose, she might have been able to explore what it meant to love. “What of it?”

  “As you know, it is a condition to your ascendance. Without it…” He let the thought linger, leaving her to draw her own conclusions.

  Realizing what he was implying, Jenise blanched. However, she quickly recovered. She would not allow this creature to think he had shaken her.

  “So, that is what this is all about?” Tossing her waist-length hair back, she forced herself to laugh in his smirking face, knowing it would infuriate him. “Then do it—if you dare.”

  His dark eyes flashed in anger, but he held himself in check. “I would, never doubt it. Unfortunately, it is not that simple.”

  Now Jenise did quake inside. He meant to kill her. Despite her resolve not to give him the satisfaction of seeing that he had shaken her, she flinched slightly.

  Her reaction did not go unnoticed by the wretched zorph.

  He snickered softly. “Do not worry, Jenise, I have something much better in store for you. For both of us,” he whispered.

  She did not want to ask. She had to ask. “What?”

  “I have contained a Familiar for you.”

  A Familiar? What did…? Jenise swallowed as his devious plan suddenly became clear to her. Familiars were known for their sexual appetites. He was mad!

  “You will be given to him tomorrow. The two of you will be discovered—too late.”

  Controlling herself in order to learn what other horrors he might have planned for her, she asked, “And after?”

  “Why, it will be my duty to tell the people what has befallen you. They will be beside themselves. Naturally, the rule shall fall to me, as I am next in line. I shall then execute the Familiar; publicly, of course.”

  “They won’t demand that,” Jenise quickly interjected, already feeling sympathy for the poor unfortunate Familiar who had landed himself in such a predicament.

  Karpon’s cruel eyes flashed. “I will demand it. When he touches you, his fate is sealed.”

  “But you will leave him no choice!”

  “That is the price he pays for knowing you.”

  Sick at heart, Jenise turned away.

  “After he has been killed and all is set to right, I will tell the people that I have decided to take you as my consort. So you see, Jenise, I will have the kingdom and you.”

  He placed his rough hands on her shoulders, squeezing her none too gently. “A perfect plan, would you not agree?”

  Jenise would not answer him. She was too busy trying to think of a way, any way, to foil him. She would never tolerate his touch upon her. “You do not have to do this, Karpon. I am not a direct descendant. It should never have come to this! I understand how you feel cheated; you can declare yourself—”

  “No. Though he was not your true father, my brother claimed you.”

  “Something my mother never wished him to do!” she reminded him.

  His thin nostrils flared. It was well-known that Jenise’s mother stubbornly clung to the ways of the Frensi and resisted the dominating love of his brother. Fool tha
t his brother was, he had chosen to ignore that, taking the woman even as he conquered her.

  Karpon shrugged. She had liked him well enough toward the end, he reminded himself. “It is too late for that. We both know that my brother did everything he could to please her, including claiming you.”

  “He did what he thought would please her. He never asked her,” she said softly.

  Karpon’s temper rose. “Enough! Prepare yourself and let it be done on the morrow! For I warn you, Jenise, if you do not go to him willingly, I will have you brought to him.” He hesitated a beat. “I can assure you he has been well primed for your visit. We have kept the beast alone for some time. And they do so like…their female company. You might even come to thank me,” he goaded.

  Everything inside her rebelled at his callous attitude. She did not know why, but Jenise felt a need to defend this unknown Familiar captive, the victim of such cruelty. “He is not an animal, Karpon; he is a man.”

  He sneered. “You will find out, I am sure.”

  Karpon turned to leave, then stopped, saying briskly, “Just do not become too used to his ways, for mine are quite different.”

  With that ominous pronouncement, he left.

  Jenise sagged to the floor. Even though that conversation had taken place earlier in the day, she could still feel the remnants of Karpon’s evil presence in her chambers. What was she to do? Karpon had laid out his plans in a neat, precise, frightening way.

  As if she would just fall in with his machinations!

  Did he think she would have no choice? There was always an alternative; she simply had to explore the options.

  Karpon’s brother had thought to control her mother and so had placed her in a comfortable cage. But it never really worked. Though her mother did come to care for him, she had always longed to be free. Like Jenise, she cared nothing for the trappings of power.

  Jenise knew that Karpon’s plans for her future would kill her spirit. And if she did not agree to his plans, he would probably truly kill her. Or force his will upon her. Such was his way.

  So what could she do? If she went ahead with it, then— Wait. Maybe there was a choice…

  She inhaled sharply. Yes! It might work.

  Her shoulders straightened and a bittersweet smile tinged her lovely mouth. She would follow Karpon’s plans, only on her own terms. Not tomorrow. Tonight.

  The foolish Karpon did not realize that he had provided the answer to her dilemma! The Familiar could set her free! If he took her first and they then escaped…

  The glimmer of freedom tantalized her. And she would never again have to worry about having to rule Ganakari. That possibility would be destroyed along with her maiden’s shield.

  Even if they were recaptured (and the odds were high that they would be), she would never let Karpon forget that she had gone to the Familiar on her own terms and that the Familiar had been her first and best. She knew Karpon. Over time that knowledge would slowly destroy him.

  Although not to her liking, the plan was her best option. She did not want to live a life of revenge, but if forced to, she would.

  Resolved in what she must do, Jenise turned from the window to make herself ready for him. She did not know too much about male Familiars, but she did know that they had a wild hunger for women.

  She prayed the captive would temporarily find this one to his taste.

  She did not expect him to be so breathtaking.

  Adjusting the hood of her cloak to cover her face from view, Jenise entered the dank stone chamber, closing the heavy wooden door behind her. Her gaze went immediately to the man chained on the bed, his back leaning against the stone wall.

  He was a comely creature, she’d give him that.

  His head was bowed forward as if he had fallen asleep; his long hair concealed his face from her view. She could not help staring at his form.

  He was exquisite! Positively magnificent.

  Jenise had never seen a Familiar before, but if this was any indication of the species, she could well understand their astounding reputation. Even chained, there was a potent aura of sensuality encloaking him.

  The man did not look up or give any other indication that he was aware of her presence in the room. Nonetheless, Jenise wasn’t fooled. She knew that he knew she was there; she had heard that much about Familiars—they were almost impossible to take unawares.

  Suddenly she wondered how Karpon had managed to capture him.

  In a confrontation, the males were said to be fearless. When cornered, they would often fight to the death—usually of their opponents—rather than be taken. By his sheer size and musculature, this one appeared especially capable of defending himself.

  So his capture was all the more puzzling.

  Since he did not deign to acknowledge her presence, Jenise took the opportunity to study him further. He was soon to be her first lover, so her interest in him was more than simple curiosity.

  He was naked. Had he been captured that way or…?

  She didn’t want to think about that.

  Jenise abhorred violence of any kind and her heart went out to the Familiar for what he had probably already suffered in the name of Karpon’s greed.

  His tawny golden skin was smooth all over, its texture so evenly sleek that she almost found herself reaching out to touch him. He manifested a sensuous warmth.

  And he was perfectly formed.

  His expansive chest was athletic, masculine, sculpted. Muscles bulged in his upper arms; the veins in his forearms were prominent as his sturdy wrists pulled taut against the manacles that bound him in place.

  Her gaze moved lower.

  The chain looped around his midsection, riding low on his lean hips. The links slid against the golden skin of his hipbones as he breathed steadily.

  As expected, his stomach was flat and rippled with muscle, while his…

  Apprehensively, Jenise swallowed again.

  She immediately shifted her focus down to his powerful thighs, which were also incredibly firm and tautly muscled. Even though he was half-reclining, she could tell he was a very tall man.

  She had always heard the Familiars were an exceptionally beautiful people, but she couldn’t imagine any more beautiful or more intrepid than this one.

  Jenise remembered something else she had heard—that their skill in the art of lovemaking surpassed what their appearances promised. Tales constantly circulated about their legendary prowess.

  Looking at this one, she could understand how some women could come to crave the Familiar so.

  Well, she was not interested in his special skills.

  There was only one thing she wanted of him. And it was not pleasure.

  Jenise exhaled, trying to gather her strength of purpose. He seemed a bit too much to handle! Was there any kindness in him? she wondered.

  Convulsively, she swallowed the knot in her throat as she thought about what she had to do. A small price to pay, she kept telling herself, to gain her freedom and her life.

  Furthermore, it was going to be on her terms. Not Karpon’s.

  Silently, she approached the side of the bed. At closer range he was even more impressive, and she wondered again how Karpon had ever managed to contain him. She voiced her thoughts aloud.

  “How did they come to capture you?” she asked him softly.

  At first he did not respond to her in any way. Then he slowly raised his head. He did not answer her.

  Which was just as well.

  For when Jenise caught sight of his exquisite face she was momentarily speechless. He was terrifyingly beautiful.

  He had the kind of masculine features women were prone to dream about. Strong, fierce, unyieldingly sensual.

  Yet in a face so arresting for its masculine perfection, it was his eyes that commanded the most attention. They were two different colors. One was clear green; the other fiery gold. She noticed that the green eye had three tiny gold flecks in it. Very curious.

  And very captivating.
br />   The lambent eyes were rimmed by thick black lashes. Potent affirmation of his sensual nature was reflected in that green-on-gold stare. When he leveled that measured gaze on her, Jenise noted that those incredibly seductive eyes seemed to offer up everything while giving away absolutely nothing.

  She also noted that they were dilated. Was he being drugged?

  As she studied him, his firm lips curved secretively.

  His mouth was nothing less than bewitching; there was no other way to describe it. There was a certain mischievous tilt to those firm, masculine lips that—

  Jenise pulled herself back.

  She had no intention of allowing herself to fall prey to the Familiar’s considerable charms! She needed to make a pact with him, and quickly, if her plan was to work.

  “Will you not speak to me?” Her voice was gentle. “I had nothing to do with your capture, I assure you.”

  “Then why do you hide from me beneath that cowled cloak?” His voice, like his skin, was smooth, even, and rich. It flowed over her like a lover’s caress. Jenise began to believe all the rumors she had heard about the Familiar male…the stories that they could make themselves irresistible to women.

  She mentally shook herself.

  Hypnotized by that commanding, lush tone, she tried to find her own voice. “I am not hiding from you. I wish to speak with you on a matter that may be beneficial to both of us. If you agree with what I have to say, then I will reveal myself to you. If not, then I will leave.”

  Gian could not credit what his drugged Familiar senses were telling him. He had noticed her from the instant the door opened. There was no way he could not notice her. He had thought they were coming to dose him again.

  His eyes narrowed. She was strong. But then she would have to be. His lips curved enigmatically.

  Of all things, he had never expected this intriguing development.

  His glance fell to her hands. Small and white, they gave no clue as to who she might actually be. Even though Gian was still feeling the effects of the strange drug they had given him, his senses were alive and humming as to who she was to him.

  Nothing could dull that particular perception. It was accurate and clear.


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