Creed of Redemption (S.I.N. Rock Star Trilogy #2)

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Creed of Redemption (S.I.N. Rock Star Trilogy #2) Page 3

by S. R. Watson

  Lourdes doesn’t grab a plate for herself though. Instead she heads toward the back of the bus.

  “You’re not eating?” Xander questions before she gets too far.

  “No. I nibbled while we were cooking. I’m going to go grab a shower.”

  “Oh. Okay then,” Xander replies. I look over at Keyser. I wonder if he ever got his shower after I knocked the hell out. I know he wanted to get in there before the women. His eyes meet mine and he answers my unasked question by giving me a thumbs up. I must have really been out because I sure as hell didn’t hear him in there.

  We all finish our food in record time. Xander volunteers to put everything away and load the dishwasher. I know we’re going to have to come up with some kind of chore schedule so this place doesn’t become a pigsty, but for tonight, I’m just glad it isn’t me. While everyone heads to the card table to resume their game of Spades, I opt for some alone time in my bunk. I grab a pen and paper from my bag. I have a song I’ve been working on that I haven’t told the guys about because I’m not sure if I want it produced or not, yet. I started this song when Lourdes walked out of my life. The lyrics make me feel vulnerable. I don’t know if I want to share that. It was around the same time that Sevyn dropped the news that his father was dying. They don’t know how much time he has left. He hasn’t come clean about his health with his investors or shareholders. From what Sevyn tells me, he’s trying to get his affairs in order and ensure that Sevyn is in a position to take over after he’s gone.

  Whatever, Claude has been dead to me since high school, and me to him. I don’t want to give him another thought. I have so much shit built up inside. My lyrics are my outlet—my release. Some of these songs will never be shared. They’re mine. It’s part of the reason why my process is so private. The guys don’t necessarily understand it, but they respect it. It works for us. I give them the lyrics that I want to share and then help lay tracks to it. I haven’t touched this one particular song in a few weeks, but now that Lourdes is back in my life, the words are flowing. I have to get them down on paper. I can’t go back to her, though, so the quicker we get off this bus and I get some action, the better. The temptation is just too great—too real.

  The smell of eggs wakes me before my alarm. I’d set it last night so that I could get up and jot some notes about their experience so far. I had an idea to write a book about their journey, if it’s okay with the group. I’ll talk with the guys later today to see if they’ll give their permission. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before. I have no doubt that these guys are going to be famous once the world has a chance to hear them. I would have an exclusive look into how their life as rock stars started from the beginning. I’m super giddy at the prospect. I just hope they say yes.

  I ease from my bunk and note that Diesel’s bunk above mine is empty. Maybe he slept in the bedroom. The moment I step into the kitchen, my ovaries damn near combust. Diesel is making omelets, wearing nothing but pajama bottoms that are hanging dangerously low. The corded muscles of his back flex with each flip of the egg. I’m guessing he can feel my presence, because he turns and catches me staring. I can see the imprint of his cock as it moves against the cotton fabric. I will my eyes to look up, but then his abs hypnotize me even more.

  “Are you hungry? Hello?” He waves his hand to get my attention and I snap out of my lustful trance. Apparently he has been trying to get my attention, but I was too busy enjoying the view. Nice. I’ve been busted. “Well?”

  “Well what?” I ask flustered. I walk the remaining way into the kitchen to see what k-cups they have for the Keurig. I need coffee.

  “I asked if you were hungry. I have egg white omelets with just veggies or you can have the one with the works to clog your arteries. Pick your poison,” he says jokingly. I’m glad that things are light between us this morning. I was sure our store scene would set us back to not even being friends. I don’t even know why I threw Sevyn in his face. He was being all flirty and making me feel things that I’m not supposed to feel. I have forgiven him, but I won’t forget—I won’t get caught up with him again. I was mad that he made me want him so I lashed out.

  “I’m sorry about what I said to you in the store yesterday, Diesel. I knew you weren’t Sevyn. It’s just you were coming on strong and I didn’t want that.”

  “Old news, princess!” I laugh because his use of my nickname doesn’t sounds as condescending as it did last time. “What’s so funny?” He pours orange juice into a carafe.

  “Nothing. Look, I don’t want to fight. You guys have a forty-show tour over the next four months. I just want to keep the peace.”

  “You’re staying the entire four months?” He looks surprised. “I thought you were only sticking around for a month tops.”

  “Xander—that sneaky bastard,” I hear him murmur to himself.

  “That was the plan. I just decided last night I wanted to stick around. I have a proposal for the band.”

  “Shoot,” he encourages.

  “Um, I kind of wanted to wait and talk to everybody,” I say hesitantly.

  “You need to understand the hierarchy around here, Lourdes. I’m the primary decision maker for the band.”

  “I thought that was Desiree’s job,” I retort. I feel our easy vibe this morning slipping away as his jerk tendencies threaten to emerge.

  “Calm your tits, princess. Don’t be cute,” he says defensively. “She’s our manager, true. She’s the liaison between us and the label, but I still speak for the group.”

  “Wow. Does anybody else get a say? Sounds pretty narcissistic if you ask me,” I push.

  “Well, nobody asked you. You’re the one that has something to ask of us. I decide what to take to the group and then we vote as a band. It’s my fucking duty to look out for us and filter unnecessary bullshit. It’s worked for us thus far. You’re getting into something that is not you’re business. Either tell me what you want or don’t. I’m going to eat my damn omelet before it gets cold. He grabs a plate and leaves me standing in the kitchen so I follow him.

  “Okay. I don’t want to get into the whole group dynamic thing, so if I need to present my idea to you, so be it.”

  He takes a seat at the table, and I slide in next to him.

  “I want to write a book,” I rush out. “About the band.”

  “What about us? We really don’t need our personal shit exploited,” he grumbles as he eats his eggs.

  “I’m not interested in doing a tell-all, Diesel. It won’t be anything scandalous. It would be more of a rags-to-riches kind of story. The highs, the lows, and the in between. How you guys started, what gigs you initially took, how you were discovered. That type of thing. Rehearsing on the road, the glamorous, and the not-so-glamorous part about your lives on the road, even though this bus is pretty spectacular, you get my point. You guys will have input on the story of your band.” I entwine my fingers as I wait for him to shut me down again.

  “Fine, but we get to read it before you publish that shit and anything that we feel would taint our image will get thrown out. Capisce?”

  “Agreed,” I say ecstatically.

  “Don’t get too excited,” he warns. “I only agreed to bring your idea to the guys for a vote. They still need to say yes.”

  “Of course.” I think the hardest part is over. I don’t see the guys voting against Diesel if he is okay with it. Now to tell Brooke that I won’t be back in a month, but if all goes as planned, I will have my very first book written at the end of the tour. This is the happiest I’ve been in a while.

  Within the next hour, they guys finally begin to emerge from their bunks. They must have had a late night. I was in bed before nine. I wait until they’ve all grabbed a plate and, more importantly, a cup of coffee. The same coffee that I forgot to make apparently. My stomach growls, reminding me that I need to eat. I haven’t eaten yet. I’m too nervous and too excited.

  “Guys, Lourdes has an idea she would like to propose,” Diesel says sudde
nly when everyone is sitting around the table. A lump the size of a golf ball swells in my throat. What if they say no?

  “Spill it already, Lourdes. Your pacing is going to giving me motion sickness,” Xander jokes. Everybody laughs and I can feel the tension release. I give my spiel like word vomit. I just want to get the idea out there so I can run and hide.

  “Hmm. I think you’re on to something there, sis. Not to mention, once we get big, readers will be clamoring to get their hands on it.” I hadn’t really thought that far.

  “Really wasn’t thinking about turning a profit. I just think it would be great for school. I’m sure a firsthand knowledge book will go over really well in future classes.”

  “Nonsense. You have to always consider your return on an investment. From the time you take to write this book, to the money it will cost to get it published—it’s all worth something,” he assures. “I’m completely fine with it. What do you guys say?”

  “Just don’t put my body count in there, and we’re golden,” Keyser teases

  “Body count?” From the three heads Diesel just spouted, I’m sure that was a dumb question.

  “The number of women he’s bedded,” Xander clarifies as he shakes his head.

  “No, it’s the number of women he’s fucked or will fuck,” Diesel reiterates. He throws his head back in laughter. “Xander, stop trying to sugar coat shit for your sister. She is a grown ass woman. She should know what a body count is. Stop going all Pride and Prejudice on us, Mr. Darcy.”

  “I don’t care to know that tidbit anyway,” I assure. “Just ewww.”

  A smile breaks across my lips. Diesel’s reference to the classic book written by Jane Austen is pretty clever. I don’t remember if she used words like bedded in the book, but it’s funny as shit all the same. I can’t hold it in anymore. I double over in laughter. Soon everyone is in hysterics. Lily walks in with a puzzled look on her face. I guess our loudness woke her up.

  “Morning, everyone. Hmmm something smells heavenly,” she says walking toward the kitchen.

  “Diesel made omelets for everyone,” I say as I get up to join her. I think I’ll eat now. And make that coffee I was originally going to make. I fill Lily in on my book idea while I look through the k-cups. I find the last Starbucks Vanilla Blonde one, while making a mental note to get more the next time we stop at a store.

  “That’s a brilliant idea, Lourdes. Way to go girl,” Lily says, congratulating me. “If you’re staying, maybe I’ll stick around a bit, too.” Lily is also taking a couple classes online. Thank goodness for the advancement of technology and that you can pay for your own Wi-Fi through your cell phone. Not sure if they have Wi-Fi on this bus, but it seems to have everything else. It would be sweet if it did.

  “Thank you.” I smile. “And it would be great to have a female here with me if you could stay,” I add

  “I don’t see why not. My parents think I’m still in the dorms anyway,” Lily admits. “But don’t tell Xander. I don’t want him to feel bad. My parents are just a little uptight when it comes to these types of things.”

  “Your secret is safe will me. What parent would want to hear that their precious daughter has left school to travel with a rock band? A band that calls themselves Sex in Numbers, no less.” I laugh.

  “True,” she states and joins in on my laughter. Lily is a pretty cool girl. She could never takes Brooke’s place, but it’s nice that I don’t have to do all this without female company. We joke about strict parents, but truthfully, I wish my mother were still here. I wish I knew who my father was. I’m sure my mother wouldn’t have be too keen on the idea of me being on the road with a band either, but then again, I have Xander.

  Lily and I get lost in our own conversation, electing to just eat our breakfast in here. We compare classes, goals, and what we think this tour will be like. We should be pulling into Los Angeles by later tonight. The tour starts on the west coast with travel toward the east over the next four months. The guys will perform ten concerts a month with two to three concerts a week. I still can’t believe the whole tour is sold out already.

  After breakfast, the guys head toward the bedroom to rehearse. There is a spot on the bus for them to work on their music that is a bit more formal, but they choose the bedroom anyway. Lily and I shooed them off and let them know we’d get the dishes. So far so good. Diesel and I seem to have mended some of our wounds and the overall atmosphere is relaxed. I suspect things will change once the concerts start, but for now, I’ll enjoy the reprieve.

  Two days on this bus and I’m ready to get off for a while. We’re all getting ready for dinner with the other band, Reckless Ambition. Those guys are huge. I love their sound. They’re more metal than rock and they are fucking fantastic. No bias, but I do think our guys are better. Their sound is a mixture of different genres albeit, with a cool ass rock vibe. I don’t know what I’m going to wear. I’m trying not to think about the Ivy chick.

  She is so gorgeous—any man’s wet dream. Hell, some women’s too. I rumble through my suitcase trying find something adequate to wear. Lily comes in wearing a simple white strapless tube dress with purple stilettos. Nice.

  “Having a bit of trouble?” she asks.

  “That obvious, huh?” I joke. “I guess you can say that. My friend Brooke took me shopping before I left. Most of this is not what I would have picked for myself, so I’m at odds on what to choose.”

  “Here, let me have look,” Lily offers. She pulls my suitcase to her before going through my things. “Girl, you have some awesome shit in here. I’m jealous. Your friend has awesome taste.”

  “I’ll make sure to tell her that,” I reply, but I’m not so sure. It reminds me I need to give her a ring. It’s been two days. She’s going to kill me for making her wait this long to find out how everything is working out so far. I admit that Brooke has great style, it’s just not my style, so I’ll have to do some adjusting.

  “What about this beauty?” Lily pulls out an olive-colored bandage dress. “This is fucking sexy. You can pair it with these,” she says pulling out a pair of black stilettos. I haven’t broken them in yet, but it wouldn’t matter. I don’t think those shoes are meant to walk in for very long anyway. Thank God, it’s only dinner and we’ll be sitting for the most part.

  “I guess so,” I say taking the dress from her hands. “Thanks for helping me find something. I’d still be sitting here lost, and I know the guys are almost ready to go.”

  The nerves are starting to kick in now. It was one thing when it was just us. Now we’re going to be traveling alongside the other band. I don’t want our vibe to change. I try to remain positive and not worry too much. I change into the dress and work to hide my bra straps. There is no way I could get away with going braless so at least this dress has straps. The girls need all the support they can get. I pull the dress down a little more, willing it to stay put. I have never worn this out, so I pray there are no wardrobe malfunctions. Again, at least I’ll be sitting.

  It was easy to be bold with the gym shorts in front of Diesel. I admit I was being a tease. It was a brazen moment that wasn’t planned. I just went with it. I don’t want to make an ass out of myself. Shit never looks as good on me as it does on the mannequin.

  “Stop fussing with your dress, girl. You look fabulous.” Lily smacks my ass, and I’m stunned. “Sorry. Your ass just looks nice in that dress. I wish I had a little more to work with,” she says as she looks back at her own ass.

  “You’re hilarious. And maybe you’re not the goody two shoes I may have assumed you to be,” I confess.

  “Looks are deceiving,” Lily warns. “Don’t let this innocent face fool you.” She grabs my hand to pull me out the door. I snag my clutch purse on the way out.

  The restaurant has arranged a private room for us away from the public. I’m at the opposite end of the table from Lourdes, and it’s a freaking good thing. The dress she’s wearing tonight accentuates every curve of her body that needs to be worshipe
d. It bugs the shit out of me that I can’t stick to the original plan of not even giving her a second thought. I’m not supposed to be thinking of all the ways that I want to fuck her every time I lay eyes on her. I try to give my attention to my menu and figuring out what the hell I want to order, but each time I hear her voice across the room, I sneak little peeks at her. She is absolutely stunning.

  The arrival of Reckless Ambition gets everyone’s attention. Conversations stop to welcome them. Jack and Mitch are the drummer and lead guitarist for the group. Anderson and Miles are the lead singer and bass guitarist. The guys take seats around the table to get acquainted with us. Anderson joins me at the head of the table and we hit it off instantly. He’s a real down to earth guy.

  “You ready for this tour, man?” Anderson questions with a grin. The grit of his vocals are impressive so it’s crazy to hear how different his speaking voice is.

  “Hell yeah, man,” I assure. “Where’s your back up vocalist?” I ask casually in regards to Ivy.

  “Oh, she stopped by the ladies’ room first. You know women,” he says, nudging me.

  When she finally walks in, she fucking commands the attention of the entire room. She’s wearing a Rolling Stones T-shirt that is knotted under her breasts with jeans that are ripped from thigh to ankle. No heels. Just Converse sneakers. Her look screams that she doesn’t give a fuck, yet her body has my dick throbbing. Finally. Someone else has his attention. I know right away that I will have her under me, even before her eyes meet mine and she makes her way over to find a seat next to me. Sorry, Desiree. If Ivy gives me any indication at all that she is down, I’m going to fuck the shit out of her. I’m not a saint. I can’t keep foregoing temptation. My dick needs attention and right now it wants Ivy.

  “Well, hello. You must be the infamous Diesel I keep hearing about,” she states as she takes a seat next to me.


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