The Enemy's Kiss

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The Enemy's Kiss Page 7

by Zandria Munson

  Daniela brought a foot down on a fallen branch and as it was propelled into the air she caught it. She swung it to her side and made ready for whatever they had to offer. Under no circumstances did she intend to part with the object in question.

  Their eyes hardened on her and the woman to the left slowly drew a hand from beneath her robes. From her fingers she dangled a golden chain that was weighed by a small green crystal. Her long nails had been painted black to match the hue of her hooded eyes that looked on with malice. Her hand began to sway. The stone moved with it, swinging from left to right like the pendulum of a great clock.

  Her twin reached into her robes and drew forth a long silver knife, then with slow strides she glided farther to the right. Separated now, the women began to chant in accord. Their words caught on the wind, lifting high to carry across the expanse of the cemetery.

  Daniela slipped back a few steps, her grip tightening on the thick branch she held. It was taking every ounce of her resolve to maintain a level head. Life had hardened her in preparation for many situations, but never had she encountered anything quite like this. She had the uncanny feeling that she’d somehow crossed into a world that many had no idea even existed.

  A loud squawk resounded in the air above her and she resisted the urge to find its source. Instead, she kept her gaze trained to the two women before her. The one who held the crystal had fallen into an apparent trance; her head dipped back and her lashes beat rapidly against the air. Yet her lips continued.

  Another squawk and Daniela risked a glance to the trees overhead. She blinked once, then again. The branches were littered with crows. They shuffled restlessly like minions awaiting the command of their leader. She brought the branch up and with her legs braced for balance, she gripped it with both hands. Whatever was about to take place wasn’t going to proceed without a fight.

  The woman to the right raised her hand then, her blade pointed to Daniela. Their chanting intensified, growing fierce with each breath. Within the next instant, the infuriated cries of the fowls filled the air and the beat of their wings was thunderous as they took flight. They swooped and surged toward Daniela. Simultaneously, the woman who held the knife attacked with a shriek.

  Daniela ducked and rolled, avoiding sure injury, but before she could stand, the birds set upon her. She swung her weapon with precision and skill, effectively keeping them at bay. Her assailant attacked again and a battle ensued. The other woman was in no way as skilled as she was, but with the crows obscuring her vision and picking at any part of her they were allowed access, the fight was hardly fair. Daniela however, was determined to make it out of there alive.

  The woman came at her again, this time with a wide swing that was aimed for her throat. Daniela ducked and thrust a foot into her midsection. Her attacker gasped and stumbled, striking her twin. The other woman was jarred from her trance as she staggered backward. Instantaneously, the flock of crows scattered, their cries piercing the air as they retreated into the storm clouds overhead.

  The twins recovered quickly and the one with the stone began a new chant. In her grasp the crystal swayed and was soon filled with luminous light. It was then that Daniela realized that whatever power she possessed was contained within the gem.

  The woman holding the knife quickly regained Daniela’s attention again when she attacked with a venomous hiss. Daniela tossed the branch aside and spun around with a high kick. The heel of her boot made contact and her attacker toppled to one side.

  Daniela turned her attention to the twin holding the crystal. It was this woman she had more to worry about. With only the awareness that she needed to get the crystal away from her, she charged forward.

  Taloned fingers raised and deftly blocked her attack. Ensnared within her biting grip, Daniela fought to tear the chain from about her fingers. In their struggle, they fell to the ground. Daniela remained fully aware of the threat that lurked at her back. She glanced quickly over her shoulder and confirmed that the second woman was recovering. Kneeling on all fours, she watched the proceedings as she crawled toward her misplaced weapon. A trail of blood oozed from her hard pale lips and her eyes seethed with rage.

  Daniela managed to get her fingers around the golden chain and she pried the stone from her opponent’s hand. The woman fought harder then, clawing at her even as Daniela shoved her away and raced toward the edge of the pathway, her intention to smash the crystal using one of the stones that had been discarded at the wayside.

  She managed only a few steps before fingers enclosed about her ankle and she went sprawling to the ground. The wind was knocked from her, but she hastily rallied herself. She reached high above her head, her fingers struggling to reach a weighty stone that reclined in the grass. Her captor had begun clawing her way up and over her body and she kicked madly, anything to be free of her. The woman’s accomplice had also retrieved her knife and was headed for them.

  With new motivation, Daniela managed to pull herself forward and she snatched up the stone. Lifting it high, she positioned the crystal beneath it and brought it down hard. The sound of the gem shattering was surpassed only by the incensed wails of the two women. She could feel the grip slip from her legs and she quickly sat up, prepared to conclude this madness. But to her profound astonishment the women had evaporated, leaving their black cloaks to fall lifelessly to the ground. Harsh cries lingered long thereafter, hollow and dissipating as if emitted by the spirits themselves. Struggling for breath, Daniela cast a weary glance about the cemetery as she reached into her shirt and pulled out the rune. It remained on its length of string, undamaged and secure. She replaced it and hastily climbed to her feet. With one final glance about her she hurried toward the exit of the cemetery, eager to be away from the place.

  Chapter 7

  The old building that housed the bed-and-breakfast had been around since the late 1500s. It was nestled within the heart of Sighisoara, Transylvania; the believed birthplace of Vlad the Impaler. Daniela’s room was at the very rear of the house and she’d crept in quietly through a back entrance, escaping any suspicion from the owner and his wife. She was, after all, sporting a few bruises and a bullet wound.

  She reached above the simple wooden door frame and found the brass key she’d hidden there. She slipped it into the door and entered, relieved to finally be within the security of her own space. On the long motorcycle ride through the endless rain, she’d replayed all the events of the past several hours in her mind. Had it not been for the aches her body had sustained and the weighty stone that remained draped about her neck, she would’ve thought it all a dream. The things that had occurred were unimaginable. It was evident that Nicholas and perhaps his entire family were part of a subculture that far surpassed her comprehension.

  She’d also had time to ponder the identities of the two women—or whatever they were—who had attacked her. She recalled Cradle’s description of the women he’d given the first rune to. He’d described them as twins. Surely it wasn’t a coincidence that she should encounter the very same. Something didn’t add up, though. If they’d known that the rune was hidden within the cemetery why hadn’t they gone after it before now? Why hire her to come all the way from the other side of the world just to steal it?

  Daniela threw her door’s dead bolt into place and limped over to the double bed that dominated the simple room. Carefully, she eased onto the faded quilt and slipped off her pants. She’d left Nicholas’s motorcycle hidden within some bushes about half a mile outside the city. She was certain that by this time he’d noted her absence and that of his vehicle. The police had no doubt already been alerted.

  The walk to the bed-and-breakfast had been an unpleasant one. Even now the bullet wound in her thigh ached miserably. She pulled out the pouch of dried leaves that Nicholas had referred to as kava. Tonight she couldn’t afford to display any signs of an injury, especially one that Cradle was bound to recognize. />
  She was about to remove the slightly bloodstained dressing when her open laptop chimed softly with an alert that she’d received a message. She leaned across the bed and switched on the monitor. It was Mai. The system they had set up enabled her to not only talk to, but also see Mai no matter where she was in the world. Daniela engaged the window and Mai’s image appeared.

  “You’re up late,” Daniela greeted her. “How’s the weather in New York?”

  The instant she spoke Daniela realized that something was wrong. Mai sat there with her long, dark hair partially covering her face.

  Daniela pulled her laptop closer. “What is it?” Already her heart had begun to pound. Luck hadn’t been in her favor and she feared it had just deserted her completely.

  Mai looked up then and her hair fell aside, revealing the dark bruise near her left eye. “Daniela, something’s happened.”

  “Oh, my God,” Daniela gasped. “Who did that to you?”

  “Look, I don’t know what happened last night, but some guys just showed up here and started asking questions. They knew that we’d been hired to steal the second rune and were accusing you of snitching to the police…”

  The world about her began to spin. Mai’s words were lost in the ringing within her head and only one thought came to mind. She’d been recognized at the monastery. “Where’s Elaina?” she asked, her trepidation rising.

  “They had guns. There wasn’t anything I could do…”

  “Mai, where’s my sister?” Daniela interrupted.

  “They took her,” she said with great remorse. “They said they will contact me to tell me where the rune must be delivered. We have one week, and if you fail they’ll kill Elaina.”

  Mai’s words echoed within her head, and as slow comprehension seeped in, her heart began to pound. Elaina had been kidnapped and she had seven days to take the rune to an unknown location…or her sister would die.

  Mai wiped at her tears. “I’m so sorry, Daniela. There wasn’t anything I could do.”

  Daniela remained silent, for her mind was far from conjuring words, let alone speaking them. It wasn’t Mai’s fault, but her own that her sister’s life was now in danger. Agony rose within her and her nostrils flared as she fought back tears. Too long had she put off reforming her life and now her worst fear was realized. She knew the ways of the men who’d hired her. Even if she delivered the rune tonight, her life and that of her sister wouldn’t be spared. They lived by a code that was deadly, but assured their continued business success. Strings were simply never left untied.

  A single tear crept its way down her cheek, doing little justice to the emotions that ravaged her soul. This morning had taught her that the mystery surrounding the highly sought-after artifact was far greater than anything she could have imagined. There was just no simple way out of this. Yet, she had to do everything in her power to save Elaina. She didn’t care about herself; she would sacrifice her own life if she had to as long as Elaina came out of this alive. She couldn’t do it alone though. She needed information. She needed someone who knew just how deep the veins of this dark world ran and how its inhabitants behaved. She needed Nicholas Drakon’s help.

  * * *

  High above the ground, perched on the branch of an ancient oak, Daniela perused the Drakon estate. She’d arrived at the mansion and had impatiently waited for the household to settle. The Drakon family had scattered in their luxury vehicles until only a dull glow had lit a window on the second floor. She hadn’t been about to simply waltz into the estate and demand assistance. After what she’d encountered in the cemetery she wasn’t sure what to expect from anyone. She’d come to see Nicholas and Nicholas alone, and so she’d simply waited with something far less than impatience.

  For the past three hours she’d watched Nicholas beyond the half-closed drapes. He’d remained behind a desk, shuffling through a stack of papers. She’d never regained her binoculars, but from her vantage point, she could clearly see his large and beautiful torso, bare save for the wealth of dark hair that spilled over his shoulders.

  He looked excruciatingly handsome, but Daniela had purposefully averted her gaze. The last thing she needed was to entertain any thoughts of appreciation for the man.

  Finally, at 11:00 p.m. Nicholas had stood and disappeared out of sight. A moment later the light on the second floor had switched off, drowning the mansion in complete darkness. That had been thirty minutes ago. Daniela remained on her perch, watching the uneventful darkness. It was time.

  She extended her arms outward and balanced her way across the limb. She’d already decided to enter through a set of glass doors that were adjacent to the window she’d seen Nicholas in. Once inside it would be a simple task to confront Nicholas while he slept in his bed. She leaped from the branch and gripped the edge of the stone balcony, then with little effort she pulled herself up and over it.

  Daniela moved near the door. Hearing nothing on the other side, she took the small knife from her back pocket and carefully slipped it between the narrow space that separated the doors. She spent only a moment manipulating the lock before it sprang free.

  Gripping the handle, she eased one side open. Darkness lay within and her stomach began to churn. Her intent was to blackmail Nicholas, and she was sure that her efforts wouldn’t be received graciously. It was obvious that he was a man who got what he wanted, when and how he wanted it. Withholding his family’s heirloom from him in an attempt to gain his compliance was hardly a smart move, but she had no choice. She would do what she had to. Her only solace, however, was that she would have the element of surprise.

  Slipping into the room, she closed the door quietly and pulled her small flashlight from her boot. She turned it on and swung it about the room, revealing an elegant display of medieval furniture. The light fell on the massive canopy bed and she realized a figure lay amidst the bedding. She moved quietly until she stood at the bed’s edge.

  She was allotted only a moment to ascertain that it was Nicholas before a muscled arm gripped her and she was snatched off her feet. The flashlight clattered to the floor and she found herself on the bed, face up with the cool edge of a blade at her throat.

  Daniela’s breathing was stifled as a heavy weight descended upon her. Gripped by fear, she remained completely motionless. The man above her traced the curve of her neck with what felt like the tip of his nose and he inhaled. His weight eased off her slightly and the knife slipped away.

  His breath fanned the lobe of her ear when he spoke. “You risk much returning here,” Nicholas said in a heavy voice. “For your own well-being you had better have the rune within your possession.”

  Daniela didn’t respond immediately. She was gathering her scattered wits. She had to take control of the situation if she wanted to gain the help she so desperately needed.

  “I do,” she told him with more confidence than she felt. “And if you ever want to see it again you’d better tell me exactly what I need to know.”

  His breath lingered on her ear for a second longer, then he sat up. He leaned over her and light fell onto the bed. Daniela squinted against the glare of the Victorian lamp.

  Nicholas remained above her, straddling her hips. Her effort to look away this time was futile. His image was stunning. He was lean; his muscled torso hard and chiseled. His dark mane of hair was piled at the top of his head in a disarrayed ponytail with stray locks spilling over him. His abdomen was even more impressive. Displayed were sleek and hard muscles and a trail of dark hair that dipped into low-slung satin pants.

  A stack of papers fell to her chest, jolting her back to her predicament. She looked at them then at the man who’d just tossed them there. The look he gave her was hard and unforgiving. She imagined that by this time he’d discovered the mess she’d created of his ancestor’s tomb. She picked up the papers and her pulse quickened. All of her pertinent informat
ion was displayed. It seemed that he’d managed to trace her cell phone before it had been deactivated.

  As she perused the documents, she was bombarded by unpleasant memories of her life. She’d been born in Brazil. Her mother, Sarah, had moved to the tropical country after meeting Daniela’s father, a Brazilian fisherman named Emanuel. Their marriage had been hasty and it wasn’t until after a few months of matrimonial bliss that Sarah had realized her husband was an abusive alcoholic. Wanting her marriage to work, she’d stuck it out. Daniela was born, followed several years later by her little sister.

  The abuse had become more violent as Emanuel’s drinking had escalated. Finally, unable to take much more, Sarah had packed up and left with her daughters. Returning to her life in the United States hadn’t been easy. With no money and no real family to depend on, Sarah had been forced to work two jobs just to make ends meet. It was no wonder she’d fallen in love with the first man who’d offered her a better life. Only that life didn’t involve children.

  Daniela had been seventeen when she’d awakened to find her mother gone with only a note of apology and thirty dollars in her stead. From the note, Daniela had gathered that her mother had been so desperate for a new start and to be rid of any memory of Emanuel that she’d simply left. For many months after, Daniela had tried to find Sarah, but it had been to no avail. Daniela had known her father’s address in Brazil at the time, but had refrained from contacting him. A life of abuse was hardly the future she’d wanted for herself and her sister. And so she resolved to make it on her own.

  Nicholas’s voice brought her back to the present. “Perhaps I should simply contact the authorities,” he threatened.

  Hoping to appear aloof, Daniela set the documents aside. “If you do, your precious rune will be lost forever. If you help me I’ll return it to you.”

  She waited, hoping he’d realized this was the only way to regain his family’s possession. His eyes combed her body, paying close attention to the many pockets of the hunter-green cargo pants she’d changed into. After the little strip search Nicholas had administered the night before, she hadn’t been so foolish as to bring the rune into the estate with her. Instead, she’d hidden it within the forest outside of Sighisoara; buried it in earth with a massive stone as its marker.


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