The Enemy's Kiss

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The Enemy's Kiss Page 13

by Zandria Munson

  The older woman stared at her for a few more seconds before speaking. “I see. Well, I will tend to it for you.”

  She crossed the bedroom and slipped into another room. Daniela released a breath that she hadn’t been aware she was holding. She found her reflection in the mirror. She wanted nothing more than to leave. She didn’t belong there and didn’t want to be there. But she had to be patient, she told herself. She had to play Nicholas’s game. And once she found her sister, she’d be able to leave Romania and all the insanity it entailed for good.

  * * *

  Nicholas waited for his father’s response after having relayed his experience in Tiraghol, omitting any mention of Daniela, of course. Lord Victor sat at the head of the main dining-hall table, gazing into the flickering fires of the heavy cast-iron candelabra centerpiece.

  “And you say you’ve recovered the Rune of Cythe?” Lord Victor asked.

  “Yes. I managed to track the thief who took it from the cemetery. Retrieving it was a simple task after that.”

  Nicholas looked to his brother, who was seated at their father’s right. Simion was still quite unhappy with the situation involving Daniela, but he remained silent.

  Lord Victor nodded in approval. “And where is the rune now?”

  Again Nicholas exchanged looks with Simion. “I have secured it. As we are still unsure of how information is being passed, I would prefer to keep the new location exclusively to myself.”

  Their father was silent for a moment. His eyes were narrowed as he considered what Nicholas proposed. “Very well,” he agreed at last. “As long as the rune remains secure. Now, about your transformation, I can only speculate that the one called Sabbath has been attempting to awaken Gabriel without the use of the runes. If he has hired Raba witches to perform the sorcery, their craft was more than likely incapable of dissolving the spell Agatha set nearly three hundred years ago.”

  Simion nodded in agreement. “And once that had failed, he resorted to stealing the runes.”

  “Precisely,” Lord Victor agreed. “Only the sorcery had not dissipated without effect. Somehow it managed to mend the spell you and your brother had attempted to cast during the night the curse was broken. And the end result is what Nicholas experienced.”

  Nicholas reclined in his chair. It was a perfectly plausible explanation. There weren’t many witches left who possessed the powers of their ancestors. Any inferior sorcery would serve only to disrupt the course of an ancient spell, but never eliminate it. They’d more than discovered this during their quest to break the gargoyle curse. It was this that caused Nicholas the most worry.

  “The prospect of having this ability at my will would almost seem a blessing, for I have missed the strength and speed we’d enjoyed,” he admitted. “But there is no certainty that it ends here. The spell may progress to what it once was.”

  The mere thought of having to surrender humanity and be drawn back into the vicious cycle of being stone by day and gargoyle by night was agonizing.

  Their father nodded. “For this reason we cannot afford to wait. Your mother and I have located Agatha’s successor. She has lived all these years in a village called Sussex.”

  Hope flickered in Simion’s eyes. “And do you think she has the answers we seek?”

  “It is a possibility. Many years ago she was Agatha’s pupil. I would imagine that she would know more about the runes and their powers than anyone else. Sorcery can always be altered, and she may have a way for us to deactivate the runes.”

  The large double doors opened and their cousin Andrew entered. Lord Victor waved to him.

  “Ah, Andrew, nice of you to join us. I was hoping to have an audience with you before you returned to the United States.”

  Andrew approached and exchanged greetings with everyone present. “My flight leaves in the morning. I thought I should stop over and give you an update.”

  Lord Victor leaned forward, clasping his hands on the table in front of him. “And have you learned anything of significance?”

  “Actually, I have. The man I have following Stefan has reported to me that he has been frequenting witch hovels and apothecaries.”

  “Are any of them connected to the Raba witch clan?” Lord Victor asked with peaking interest.

  Discomfort crossed Andrew’s face. “I’m not sure. Nothing was specified.”

  Lord Victor sighed. “Andrew, you must be more astute. We are gathering evidence here.”

  “I apologize,” Andrew said. “I didn’t think it was necessary. Stefan’s actions clearly implicate him in the crimes that have been committed.”

  “That may be so, but every bit of detail is essential at this point.”

  Andrew inclined his head. “I will have this information to you by tomorrow.”

  Lord Victor took a sip of wine and nodded. “If Stefan has engaged in these activities, I will see to it that he is summoned before the Darcian Council.”

  Nicholas was in agreement. The Darcian Council was the highest body among the Drakon and Ananovian witch clans. Originally formed when an alliance had been created between the two clans, the Council had been in practice for centuries and comprised fifteen members of both clans, his father being one of them. Its purpose was to retain a balance to the magnitude of sorcery used. Spells of great proportion weren’t to be cast or commissioned without first being approved. If the laws were broken, one could very well be forced into exile. It had been many years since the council had been drawn together, as much had changed after the wars with other witch clans had ended.

  Andrew took a seat. “Has there been any news of the Rune of Cythe?”

  Nicholas chose to respond. “It has been retrieved.” This was all he offered.

  Andrew had been a longstanding friend, and he’d proven himself to be both loyal and dedicated to their clan, but at this point Nicholas wasn’t willing to put anyone above suspicion.

  Andrew looked relieved. “Excellent! And have we any knowledge of where the Rune of Moloch may be?”

  “Nothing substantial…” Nicholas began, but his voice trailed off as the dining-room door opened.

  Nicholas’s mother, Lady Amelia, entered, and she wasn’t alone. Andrew’s teenage daughter, Elsthbeth, and Daniela were with her. Daniela however, looked nothing like the woman who’d caused him so much grief over the past few days. Standing before him was a tall and incredibly beautiful vixen. Gone were her unflattering cargo pants and pullover. Instead, she wore a very elegant black dress that hugged her luscious form. Ample breasts strained against the plunging neckline, and a long and shapely leg peeked through a very scandalous split.

  Lord Victor and Simion stood as was custom in their family whenever a woman entered the room. Nicholas managed to regain enough composure to ease himself out of his chair.

  Elthsbeth came to him immediately and looped an arm into his. “Is she your girlfriend?” she whispered near his ear.

  Nicholas was able to drag his eyes away from Daniela to find Elsthbeth looking up at him with a mixture of jealousy and humor. He mustered a smile, but said nothing.

  Lord Victor extended his hands in welcome to Daniela. “Ah, so this is the lovely lady Nicholas has been hiding.”

  Daniela placed slender hands into his and was drawn into a warm embrace. Nicholas couldn’t stop his gaze from trailing along the smooth curve of her shoulders and down her back.

  She was passed to Andrew who bowed graciously and placed a kiss on her hand. “Lovely indeed,” he said with a smile.

  Simion offered her a similar gesture, but with a depreciation of zeal. After Daniela had exchanged greetings with everyone, Lady Amelia guided her to the chair beside Nicholas.

  For a brief moment his eyes locked with Daniela’s and the emotion he read there was something he’d not seen before. There was a certain softness about her
, a vulnerability. He knew her present situation was far from comfortable, but it couldn’t have been avoided. He needed to consult his family on what had taken place, and there was no way he was going to let her out of his sight—at least not as long as she had the rune.

  All discussion of the stones, witches and curses ceased at that point. His mother took it upon herself to delve deeper into his relationship with Daniela, and his father joined her. Simion remained silent, but hid his discontent well.

  To Nicholas’s surprise, Daniela responded to their questions with ease and confidence. As the dinner progressed, he found it difficult to focus on the conversations that passed among them. He couldn’t keep his eyes off the woman at his side. Beneath the flickering candlelight, she looked radiant. He noted the way her ripe lips would curve ever so slightly in a modest smile whenever a joke was told. And the way she inclined her head to one side when listening; it was an action that often sent a wayward curl of ebony silk trickling over her cleavage.

  Although she masked it well, he knew that his undivided attention was adding to her displeasure, but his behavior was completely justifiable. They were pretending to be lovers. Surely it would be odd if he didn’t demonstrate his affection for her. With this obligation in mind, he extended an arm over the back of her chair, draping her in his warmth. His fingers found a soft spot on her arm and there they traced a pattern in lazy distraction.

  Her entire body tensed beneath his caress and she paused midsentence. Nicholas offered her a smile. She recovered quickly, finishing her sentence. He could tell that she didn’t appreciate his attention. He’d certainly never had that problem before. It was not unusual to have women groveling for a night in his bed. Then again, Daniela was unique in most ways.

  The soft scraping of chairs on the floor drew him out of his thoughts. It seemed the meal had ended. He had to look at his plate to determine what they’d eaten. He stood and pulled out Daniela’s chair for her. Everyone said their good-nights. Lord Victor, Simion and Andrew headed to the sitting room, while Elsthbeth excused herself to her bedchamber.

  Daniela exchanged kisses with Lady Amelia then turned to Nicholas. She stepped close and a flicker of dread registered in her eyes. Nicholas watched her for a few seconds, oddly anticipating the taste of her on his lips again.

  He reached out and placed a gentle hand on her waist before pulling her close. His head dipped and their lips brushed. The kiss was fleeting, but it awoke every nerve in his body. He quickly set her aside and turned away. He didn’t appreciate the desire she was evoking in him. It was only due to the fact that he’d gone so long without a woman, he told himself. His brother was quite right, he did prefer his women far more refined. Daniela was hardly his type.

  “Good night,” she said quietly.

  He responded and listened to her slip from the room. Once the door was shut, he headed toward the sitting room where his father and brother had resigned.

  “Nicholas.” His mother’s voice stopped him. “May I have a word with you?”

  He sighed. He knew that tone and braced himself for the worst. Slowly, he turned to face her. “Yes?”

  She was standing behind her chair with her hands braced on its elaborate frame. The look she gave him was contemplative. “Daniela is a lovely girl,” she commented. “Are you happy with her?”

  He sighed, wondering where the conversation was heading. “I am.” He offered nothing more.

  Lady Amelia sauntered toward a mirror that stood over the lacquered buffet table. “And what of Daniela, is she happy?” She adjusted her hair.

  “Yes, mother. Why do you ask? Has she said something to you?”

  “One does not need words to relay sadness, my son.” She looked at him then. “I can read it in her eyes.”

  “Perhaps you have discerned incorrectly. I know nothing of what you speak.”

  She turned to face him. “No? Then what do you know of the injury at the back of her head? Or better yet, explain why she flinches at your touch.”

  His eyes narrowed on her. “Surely you do not think I’ve done something to the girl. I would never harm a woman, you know this.”

  “I am not accusing you, my son. I have not raised you to be abusive,” she said. “I only wish to know what you conceal from your family. Something tells me that Daniela is more than you say.”

  His mother had always been overly perceptive, and as he’d feared, she’d somehow suspected the deception. Nevertheless, he’d already decided to withhold any information. He’d taken a risk by revealing Daniela’s true identity to his brother. And he’d only done so because he had complete faith in the bond between them. For centuries they’d fought together, blindly trusting each other with their lives. Simion understood him and would do what it took to defend him.

  Nicholas had enough to contend with at the moment. With the Rune of Moloch still missing and the possible resurrection of the curse, he certainly didn’t need the added distraction of thinking about Daniela. She was a momentary hindrance that he would gladly be done with as soon as they located her sister and the Rune of Cythe was returned to the Drakon clan.

  He turned away. “Leave it be, Mother,” he told her. “I will reveal everything to you when the time comes. But I am sorry. Now is not that time.”

  That said, he stalked toward the sitting room.

  Chapter 13

  Daniela tossed beneath the bedspread for what seemed the hundredth time. She couldn’t sleep. After her nap earlier in the day, she was barely tired and she couldn’t stop thinking about Elaina. She’d managed to contact Mai and give her an update on what was happening. Mai hadn’t gone to the police to report Elaina’s kidnapping because she’d been warned that Elaina would be killed upon the first suspicion of police involvement. They’d also not received information about the drop-off point for the rune yet.

  Daniela looked at the clock: 12:37 a.m. Morning couldn’t come fast enough for her. She was ready to go back out there and follow whatever leads Nicholas had come up with. Her heart ached at the thought of her baby sister all alone for so long. She was desperate and she needed answers. And she felt she was wasting precious time.

  She groaned and turned again. This time she sat up and turned on the bedside lamp. Soft light filled the room and her gaze wandered over to the window. The drapes had been drawn, but she recalled how wide it was. She was sorely tempted to get dressed and slip out into the early morning. But where would she go? She didn’t even know what Nicholas’s next plan of action was.

  She slumped against the fat pillows on the bed and sighed. The wisest thing to do was be patient. She was reaching to turn off the lamp when the door opened and Nicholas walked in. With a gasp, she gripped the bedspread and drew it up to her shoulders, concealing the thin nightgown that his mother had given her to wear.

  Nicholas spared her a glance. “You are still awake,” he commented as he closed the door behind him.

  She blinked at him as he began to unbutton the crisp white shirt he wore. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Go to sleep. It is late.” He slipped the garment off and it fell haphazardly to the floor.

  Daniela pulled the bedspread higher as he approached the other side of the bed. “You’re not planning to sleep in here, are you?” she asked with no effort to mask her disapproval.

  He sat on the edge of the bed and slipped a shoe off. “In case you have forgotten, we are here under the pretense of being in a relationship. It would be unusual for us to sleep in separate quarters.”

  Daniela scowled at his broad back. She refused to believe that he couldn’t find another place to sleep without his family knowing.

  “Unusual or not, I’m not sharing a bed with you,” she protested. “This house is large enough. I’m sure I can find somewhere else to sleep.”

  She tossed the bedding aside and swung her legs down. B
efore her toes touched the soft carpet, Nicholas reached out and took hold of one of her wrists.

  “You will do no such thing,” he said very quietly.

  She glared at him. She’d never shared a bed with a man before, let alone a tall and beautiful male with rippling muscles and too much sex appeal. The bed wasn’t exactly accommodating either. It was a standard queen-size, which wouldn’t leave very much space between them.

  “I’m not sleeping in this bed with you, Nicholas,” she said with as much determination as she could muster.

  He watched her for a few seconds then his hold relented. “Do as you wish,” he told her. “But I will have you know that I was forced to reveal your identity to my brother. He would be pleased to find you wandering about this house in the middle of the night. I am sure you two will have a lot to discuss.”

  About to get out of the bed, Daniela froze. She’d been wondering if Nicholas had told his brother who she really was. At dinner Simion hadn’t said one word to her and the occasional looks he’d cast her way hadn’t been very friendly, either. Now she understood why. And if Simion was anything like his brother, he was the last person she wanted to run into down a dark hallway.

  There seemed to be no alternative. It was only one night, she told herself. And it was already almost morning. All she had to do was stay awake and get up as soon as it was light. Nicholas seemed tired, too. If she was lucky, he would simply pass out and sleep until the sun rose.

  She eased back beneath the covers and pulled them up to her chin. She suddenly remembered that all she wore was the light garment and that only reached her at midthigh. At the moment it was bunched up around her waist and to make matters worse, she wasn’t wearing any panties.

  Behind her she could hear Nicholas stripping away his remaining attire. The soft clank of his belt falling to the floor was followed by the sweeping sound of his pants being removed. She hoped he didn’t sleep naked. In slow degrees she inched herself to the very edge of the bed. She could hear him laughing, the sound deep and sensuous.


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