Hiro's Fall

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Hiro's Fall Page 2

by G L Rathweg

  Time slowed to a crawl and I watched each individual shot hit the shield, causing the light blue Affinity Power to flash. All the different Affinities exploded like fireworks on a perfectly placed tableau, it was beautiful to behold. Then, the shield overloaded and exploded into a million different sparks of technicolored light, shooting out a backlash of Affinity Power. It was so bright and loud the world disappeared around me and everything went black.

  Slowly, I blinked my eyes and smacked my mouth open and closed, tasting blood and dirt. A loud ringing was the only thing I could hear. Eventually, my vision and hearing began to return, albeit at a snail’s pace. Thankfully, my wits came back quicker. I was lying on the ground I realized as I pushed myself up to feet and looked around.

  All my classmates were in a similar state as mine but to varying degrees. The last thing I remembered was the shield exploding. I shook my rattled dome, clearing it, and got my head back in the game. Once on my feet, I helped Maggie up and then headed to the rest of my friends and classmates. No one was hurt, just shaken up.

  Anna caught my eye and I nodded, then we all began moving again. Our goal, the Infirmary, was just in sight and we moved even faster everyone looking behind them in fear as we ran. A quick glance back of my own and I saw the teachers and now all three Headmasters holding off the entirety of the NRE invaders. Already, they had been forced back to the parade ground we had so recently vacated.

  I turned back ahead and refocused on our destination and quickly ran inside along with everyone else, bringing up the rear and shutting the door behind me. The Infirmary was large enough that all of us fit inside comfortably. The teachers had already been placed in healing pods and Anna had a holo-screen up in the center of room, which everyone had gathered around and watched intently. The holo-screen was amazing, showing an aerial bird’s eye view of the entire battle. It also zoomed in and out everywhere that the action happened and showed popups with information on combatants and different attacks and moves.

  I stepped up next to Maggie and she grabbed my hand not taking her eyes off the screen, which I stared at as well. Holding each other for support we took in the everchanging view of the battle raging just outside our walls. The action on screen was riveting. The Headmasters and Teachers fought like devils and even though they were outnumbered over a hundred to one they held off the attackers. A testament to their strength and battle prowess.

  “Wow…” I whispered, returning my full attention back to the unfolding battle.

  TRACK 2 – GO!!! – FLOW

  “Bankai!” Ichigo yelled, his form changing immediately

  The Headmaster of SNES flared his aura then orange and silver streaked Affinity Power surrounded him, flashing blindingly for a moment then absorbing back into Ichigo. His ninja garb was gone and wasn’t replaced by samurai armor this time, instead the Master Ninja wore a long orange kimono, laced with silver and blue tinged lightning bolts. The hair on his head turned to flame and his eyes became fiery pits with arcs of hissing electrical sparks dancing in them. Even his swords had changed, becoming long slender katanas of equal size, matching the Headmasters colors of fire and lightning.

  BANKAI (Level – Master) – Host uses their Affinity Power to change their appearance and Affinity level to their most powerful, third, and final form. The hosts strength, speed, skill, and power grow to their maximum limits. This is a skill that is known only to the Miyamoto Clan.

  “No fair Ichi, you always change first!” Headmaster Siegfried called, beginning his own transformation. “For Justice and Vengeance!”

  Like his fellow Headmaster, Siegfried’s transformation was also different this time. Gone was the heavily armed and armored Knight. When the golden glowing Affinity Power faded there stood Siegfried Draconis, brimming with power and looking like a vengeful god of old. He stood bare chested with a golden metal kilt and not only was his hammer was gone, in its place was a shining golden axe. He truly resembled his legendary namesake the barbarian hero of old, Siegfried the Dragon Sayer. My Master loved old Conan the Barbarian movies and he was the living embodiment of that fierce warrior.

  LEGENDARY AVATAR (Level – Master) – Host sacrifices a portion of their consciousness in exchange for becoming an avatar for a legendary hero. By doing so the power of the legendary hero and the host merge and become a multiplication of both. The new being takes on the visage of the legendary hero and host combined.

  “Come on Simon boy-o, time waits for no man!” Siegfried called, swinging his axe in a huge arc and flaring his Affinity Power. Then he leaped off into the air, streaking towards the NRE ships and fighters.

  Following the trend set by his two friends, Lord Belmont nodded stoically, and his aura shot out of him, enveloping him in his Affinity Power, black, silver and white light encasing the giant man.

  “FF Limit Break!” Damon Belmont called, as his voice and AP trailed behind him like an after image.

  FF LIMIT BREAK (Level – Master) – By defeating the godlike FF beings the host completed the contract with those beings of the Affinity Plane. Host takes on attributes and gains power of the FF beings but retains all control over his mind and body. Hosts Affinity Magic and Affinity Power become almost immeasurable in the normal realm.

  He was already flying after Ichigo and Siegfried before his Affinity Power had stopped flashing. When it finally resolved itself and flowed into his skin, it revealed the Headmaster’s new form. One huge feathered wing, as black as night, but shimmering with silver light and crackling with sparks of white energy, protruded from Damon’s bare back. Gone was his trench coat, now he was bare chested and wore only his battle pants and boots. Covered in glowing Affinity Energy, Damon stopped in between his two friends.

  The Neo Rus attackers began to pull back, all the ships and ABBAs, even the Dreadnaught, when the Headmasters entered the fray. The three teachers, who had been fighting against almost overwhelming odds, received a respite as they moved over to Belmont and the others.

  “Nice of you boys to join us.” Ms. Parker, also known as Lady Death, quipped as she arrived, a wry grin of relief across her face.

  Mr. Samson and Mr. Austin arrived with similar looks right behind her. The group hovered in the air and watched the retreating enemy.

  “It looks like…” Damon Belmont began, but stopped as the enemy ships halted their retreat and a new Affinity Power, the color of a bloody sun, erupted on the deck of the Dreadnaught.

  The view zoomed in and showed a humungous man in the center of the Affinity Power’s blossom. His aura was enormous, at least as strong as that of the Headmasters. He wore clothing that made him look like an officer straight out of WWII movie, except for the cape that hung from his broad shoulders. The man looked like a posterchild for a soldier from one of those movies, even the scars crisscrossing his cheek screamed SS.

  “Good Afternoon gentlemen and lady.” The huge man’s voice boomed out across the whole aerial battlefield. “Thank you for having us over for breakfast.” He laughed for a moment then began speaking again. “My name is Commodore Vladimir Stalin. It is a pleasure to meet all of you. Especially you, Lord Damon Belmont.”

  The glowing blood red man finished his statement with an evil grin, flared his power and leaped into the air, streaking towards the Faculty. It was some sort of prearranged signal and all seven of the NRE-FAAG’s began to glow a different color on the Affinity spectrum. The Dreadnaught, the WA Main Tower, and Commodore Stalin also began to glow brighter than ever.

  The ships spun in place, the retreat had been a ruse, and now they were in position surrounding the WA Faculty. The NRE Commodore flew through the sky, glowing with AP and stopping just a hundred feet from the teachers.

  “I don’t know what you think you’re doing…” Belmont started shouting, but the NRE Commodore flared his Affinity Magic in a burst of power drowning out the Headmaster.

  “Just humor me Lord Belmont.” Commodore Staling yelled, cutting off the WA Headmaster.

  He raised his hands
and his aura flared brightly, shooting out from him and the NRE ships. Giant lines of magical force, pulsing with Affinity Power, connected the ten different NRE enemies in moments. Each NRE-FAAG shined brightly with glowing lines of force from the Dreadnaught, to the Commodore, and then to Warrior Academy Main tower to complete a decagon. The WA Faculty were surrounded by the glowing lines of Affinity Magic.

  “This is bad.” Ichigo said to his friends.

  “That depends on your point of view.” The Commodore’s voice boomed. “You see, from my position it is quite good. Now, on with the show! Gulag Affinity Teleport Enforcement!”


  A mass creation spell, developed by the Neo Rus Empire, for imprisoning and transporting their dissidents and enemies of the state. By combining all different types of Affinity Magic and directing it, the GATE spell sends the targets of the spell into the Affinity Realm encased in a prison of Affinity Magic powered by the captives own Affinity Power. Effectively sealing them off from the real world by their abilities forever.

  All three Headmasters flared their power and rushed the glowing Commodore and all three hit the man like freight trains, tri-colored auras exploding in blinding flashes of power.

  When the light subsided and the view cleared, shocked gasps and soft curses sounded around the Infirmary. I echoed their sentiments, shook my head, and refocused on the screen. The glowing lines of force were still there, now twice as large and surrounding the Faculty on all sides in a three-dimensional decagon shaped prison. Commodore Stalin was guffawing loudly while the Headmasters and other teachers were glaring back at him from the center of the cage. When the NRE commander finally got ahold of himself he grinned malevolently at the trapped teachers.

  “Goodbye Headmasters and teachers, I will take good care of your students.” Commodore Stalin hissed nastily, as an oily smile spread across his face. He raised his hands and gestured, then the lines of the cage began to pulse and shine at a greater intensity then before.

  “You won’t get away with this.” Damon Belmont raged at the NRE leader.

  “Is that so? Well, you won’t be around to see if that happens or not. So long losers.” Commodore Stalin said, waving and mocking them as the prison began to pulse.

  The view centered in on the Headmaster of Warrior Academy and he turned as if realizing that we were all looking at him. His visage turned hard and his eyes looked like they were made of steel.

  “Never surrender, ever, always fight, you are Warriors! Return and avenge us but for now… run!” Lord Belmont yelled, thrusting his sword into the air, his gesture followed by Ichigo, Siegfried, Ms. Parker, Mr. Austin, and Mr. Samson.

  The cage started to shine like a miniature sun and then began to pulsate in and out of reality. Then a flash and strike of thunder sounding like the hammer of god and they were gone. I stared at the empty space for a moment, not quite believing what I had just seen with my own two eyes, but when I blinked them a few times the scene was still the same, they were gone.


  “Dad!” Anna screamed, reaching out like she was going to grab her father through the viewing holo-screen.

  Strong hands were already grasping her though and they held the grief-stricken girl. Her brothers Blake and Justin held her, each of their faces mirroring their sisters. The three wrestled for a moment but then the struggle was over, and they were hugging. Less than a minute later they released each other, all the grief that was plastered over their faces and in their demeanor was gone.

  Decisiveness and stoicism radiated from Anna and her siblings. Then the holo-screen caught everyone’s attention again. The view centered on the NRE Commodore and the man knew he was the center of attention, he grinned broadly then his amplified voice rang out.

  “Students and remaining faculty of the soon to be defunct Warrior Academy, my name is Commodore Vladimir Rasputin Stalin, your new Headmaster.” The giant man paused.

  The ships had moved from their earlier positions and were now behind the Commodore in a perfectly spaced and even line. With the dreadnaught taking up the center position. He floated down and landed on the bow of the giant ship, the other vessels and the dozens upon dozens of ABBAs floating up and coming into a parade like formation. When they were all in position the Commodore held his hand up and hundreds of troops came out onto the decks, marching in lockstep and lining up in military dressed precision.

  With a clench of the Commodores fist the troops stopped, boots striking the ground in time, and then each one banged his chest in salute and flared their Affinity Magic, followed by all the enemies on ABBAs. The cacophony of different colored Affinities made the ships look like they were decked out in Christmas lights, albeit extremely dangerous ones.

  The Commodore brought his fist down in another signal, each soldier reached down and grabbed one of the stun batons that the commandos from earlier had. Then, as one they hefted them in a perfectly timed salute, telescoping batons flicking out to full length as they snapped into position.

  “Now, as you can see,” Commodore Stalin said, holding his arms up and gesturing to both sides, “I’d like you to welcome your new fellow students, please give them a warm welcome.”

  The Commodore pointed toward the school and the NRE ships and ABBAs began moving forward along with all the students who could fly.

  “Show anyone who resists how the Neo Rus Empire deals with detractors.” Commodore Stalin called behind his attacking forces, the echoes of his laugh following them.

  Anna turned off the holo-screen getting everyone’s attention in the fear and anxiety filled room. The young Belmont took control of the situation cutting through the emotions and giving everyone purpose, her commands sounding out like whiplashes.

  “You heard my father we’re retreating, grab the teachers. We are leaving right now. Defensive Formation Cover Zero All Out. Follow me!” Anna commanded, matching her words by moving towards the exit.

  We shared a look and I squeezed Maggie’s hand then we moved out along with the rest of the group. Everyone knew the play. It was a last-ditch defensive maneuver meant to protect the game when you were ahead, but the other team was about to score. You controlled the end of the game by retreating and defending the ball with all the remaining strength you and your team had left. It’s a good thing we moved out when we did, as the NRE were already halfway to us already and the ABBAs were even closer and gaining faster than I was comfortable with.

  The infirmary was in between the coliseum and the dormitories. I saw dozens of kids leaving them as we ran, heading towards the main gate and town among the many other directions. Someone needed to take control of them, then I realized all the teachers were either gone, or as in the case of the ones with us, otherwise incapacitated. It made sense to me that the Ninja Commandos we saw weren’t the only ones.

  “Hey boss, I’ve been talking with the other sprites and things don’t look so great.” Tuki said, from his position just above my shoulder.

  “You’re telling me brother.” I replied, scanning the area as we ran.

  The NRE students were still incoming fast, they were at the edge of the campus and meeting no resistance. I moved up to the front and ran next to Anna.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, in between breaths.

  “The Main Tower.” She replied.

  I stumbled and caught myself, then gave her an incredulous look.

  “Isn’t that heading towards the enemy?” I asked, trying to keep the skepticism out of my voice.

  “They have ships and ABBAs, we can only run for so long before they catch us. Our only chance is to get on the RKP Scout Ship that is docked there.” She said, matter-of-factly. “If we hurry, we can make it just before the NRE get there. I hope...”

  The last was said under her breath but I heard her. I was about to tell her what I thought of the plan but before I could say anything, we ran into a group of commandos as we rounded the corner of Knights Hall.
Both of us were surprised to see the other group and everyone hesitated for a second. There were five of them and two were carrying a semiconscious Lord Rhys in between them. Before they could react, I flared my AP and flashed forward striking the closest commando with a fire covered fist. Almost simultaneously, Anna and the triplets also flared their AP and attacked a different commando. All five dropped to the ground unconscious in seconds.

  “Blake.” Anna called.

  “Got it.” Her brother said, nodding and picking up the RKP Assistant Headmaster.

  The stun batons were looted from the unconscious NRE and divvied out to those without one, and then we were moving again. We were even more on edge now, with all of us knowing that time was running out for us if we were to make our escape. Everyone’s speed redoubled as did our resolve.

  “There it is!” Cayden yelled.

  “Shh!” Almost everyone called at once.

  The sandy haired boy turned crimson and he practically shrank in on himself, while trying to hide behind Dwayne. After a few more seconds of glaring we all returned our attention to the giant tower across the lake. Escape was right there, it was just a few hundred yards from us, but we could see the NRE would beat us to it. It was so close yet so far away.

  “What’s the plan sis.” Blake said, shifting Lord Rhys to his other shoulder.

  Anna was quiet for a moment while she studied the situation, we all were, but time was short. She nodded to herself once and quickly made her decision.

  “We go balls to the wall and take out anyone who gets in our way. Once we get on the LDS, we defend it till it’s up and running and we get the hell out of here.” She said.


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