Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series

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Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series Page 8

by Minky St Anne

  Not a damned thing. I don’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed although I err towards the former. Kinda hard to explain to a childhood friend why you’re slumped over the front of your saddle moaning in ecstasy. I feel like I’ve dodged a bullet when we finish the ride with me still intact. It’s as though I’m being manipulated by remote control, with Ciprus deciding when and how I’m going to come.

  If I get my hands on him, I’m going to ... My evil thoughts stumble to a halt when I smell ozone and hear a distinctive humming. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it,” I whisper inside to myself, and sure enough the buzzing dies down.

  I waste no time going to my room when we get home. Having spent the duration of the plane trip and the drive in a constant and peaking state of arousal, I’m exhausted.

  Chapter Three

  Next morning I’m still half asleep when I become aware of Ciprus’s presence.

  First there’s the smell of ozone, then my nipples start to tingle, then my sex. Before you can say copper dildo, I’m full to overflowing with dimples, dips and curves. The copper beast then gives me the perfect early morning fuck. Long and slow, in and out, until my body is inhaling the length in an effort to try to take it in further. Something I’m able to do when it increases in size.

  I’m shaking with passion when I feel the buzzing in my sex, move up my body, stimulating everything in its path, before it fills my head and blinds me to my bedroom.

  I know before opening my eyes that I’m no longer in my room or Alaska for that matter. The sun beating down on my back is strong and hot, the soft breeze that puffs over my naked body is warm. My eyelids flutter open and I look down at a smiling Ciprus.

  I’m straddling him, the narrow copper plank he’s lying on allowing my legs to dangle down on either side.

  I’m impaled on his erect length and if anything, he’s even bigger than the dildo he’s been pleasuring me with for the last few days.

  A sharp jerk of his hips and his copper-clad cock embeds itself even deeper.

  It’s not unpleasant.

  It’s anything but.

  Nonetheless, I feel vulnerable on a couple of counts. Not only are we a long way off the ground, but there’s also a decent thunder storm developing and it’s heading our way at what looks to be supersonic speed. Rather than be concerned, Ciprus rubs his hands vigorously together before holding them near my breasts. I see a small arc of electricity jump the gap and zap my nipple caps. Without wanting to sound corny, the sensation is electric.

  With his hands discharged, he rubs them together again, before holding them lower down my body. This time I welcome the sensation and am unable to stop myself from grinding into him and urging him on like I had the Amber, the strawberry roan, just the day before. The temptation to yell “Yee haa!” at the top of my voice is strong and one I ultimately give into. Hey, he set us up like this, let him deal with it.

  I squawk in surprise when he suddenly sits up, rocking me backwards. I put my hands behind me to steady myself, but all I encounter is thin air. I’m sure the only thing between me and the ground below is his hands supporting my ass, something he demonstrates when he lifts me almost clear of his length before letting me slide back down on it again.

  This does allow me a quick peek at his copper fettyr.

  Holy hell, the design is different to that he’d been wearing when I’d first met him. Now it’s the same as the dildo that had been screwing my brains out only moments before; and I suspect sex with Ciprus will be just as good as it had been earlier without him, hopefully, even better.

  The thunderstorm is now centered overhead and I can’t stop another squawk when a couple of bolts of lightning slam into the ground at the base of our copper plinth. The smell of ozone that I now equate with mind-blowing sex is building and there’s a swirling cloud of white building-up on the ground. This soon coalesces into a tight glowing band that encircles the plinth; a band that’s steadily rising towards us.

  “Should we be worried about that,” I manage to gasp out between thrusts. I have good reason to be cagey of the white cloud.

  The crazy bastard laughs before whispering “Better hold on.”

  I don’t need to be told twice and am soon gripping him so hard he’s only able to achieve a small thrust and grind movement. But none of this matters when we’re engulfed in white. Suddenly every nerve ending in my body is tingling and my hair drifts out in a copper halo of static. When it seems as though this is going to be the only effect, I loosen my death grip.

  His shout of elation lets me know it’s what he’s be waiting for.

  He lifts me again before once again plunging me back down until I engulf him fully. But it’s not enough and he once again jerks his cock and pushes down on my hips, driving himself in even further. He keeps this lift-and-pump action up until I’m screaming for release. Each time he drives into me, small sparks of electricity arc between his copper fettyr and the copper dome that covers my clit. Each time he’s fully sheathed, a surge of electricity zaps through the pair of us, with every bit of copper on my body arcing wildly.

  I’m a fucking hazard! Literally.

  He seems strangely in control while I’m getting to a point where I feel all my circuits are about to blow. But the closer I get to exploding, the more annoyed he gets.

  “It’s. Not. Going. To. Happen,” he grit’s out, in time to his deep thrusts. His face is a picture of frustration.

  He places his hand on my forehead and I’m immediately pissed on several counts. A) He’s sent me packing before I’ve managed to come, B) I just scorched the sheets on my bed and C) I’m glowing brightly enough that you could use me as a fucking night light.

  I need to get rid of the charge or I’m going to incinerate something and it’s only by getting out of bed, putting on some rubber soled shoes and giving myself a good hand-job that the glow eventually dissipates. That fucking prick.

  On the bright side, I’m seemingly free of all my copper accessories.

  “Hey, Red.” Ben’s tone is friendly.

  This fills me with hope that he hasn’t been put off by my weird behavior on the Friday night just gone. Who knows, maybe it’s a case of treat ‘em mean and keep ‘em keen. I blasted hope so.

  I pause briefly in my stirring of an exceptionally tame chili con carne. “Hey, yourself.”

  He beckons me over, but I know if I turn my back on the beast I’m stirring, any flavor left will be burned to a crisp. “Can’t stop.” I nod towards the caldron in clarification.

  “What time does your shift end?”


  “I’ll see you at your truck.”

  True to his word, Ben is waiting for me at the end of my shift.

  “Holy hell, you look frozen. Jump in.”

  It’s only when we’re both sitting in the cab and I’ve got the engine running and the heater cranking that I feel self-conscious sitting so close to him after basically leaving him standing in the carpark at the bar on Friday night.

  But I needn’t worry, because rather than grill me about my weird behavior, he chats to me about his day and asks about mine. His day sounds more exciting than mine that is for damned sure but it doesn’t take long for us to run out of small talk.

  The yawning silence does stupid things to my mouth and before I’m conscious of doing so, I’ve broached the subject we’ve both studiously avoided up until this point.

  “Ah, sorry I had to race off on Friday night, I ah ...”

  Because I haven’t thought it through, I’m now panicking because I don’t have an excuse for doing so.

  “I’m sure you had your reasons.”

  This response has me stopping mid panic. I can’t believe I’ve gotten away with it.

  Then my stupid mouth takes over again.

  “Maybe we should try it again?”

  Rather than say yes, he raises his eyebrows in question and leaves me up to it.

  “Ah, well. I was, ah thinking we could go for anot
her drink.”

  Now that I’m the one asking I’m nervous as to what his answer is going to be.

  “I’ve got a better idea. How about we head up to a cabin I know about on Saturday? Just for the day. Fire up the grill and enjoy the view.”

  “That sounds like fun. What do I need to bring?”

  “Nothing, I’ll sort it all out. I’ll pick you up at eight on Saturday.”

  After Gerry being reluctant to drive me home when he’d clocked my silver vagina, I’m a bit gun shy on relying on guys for a ride home.

  “Or I can meet you there?” I manage to get out before he shuts the door.

  His response is a gentle shaking of his head. He then mouths “eight o’clock” at me through the passenger window.

  Chapter Four

  Because of our shifts, I don’t see Ben until he pulls into my driveway on Saturday morning, bang on time. I know when he arrives by his headlights flashing across the wall of my bedroom, with the sun not due to make a full appearance for another half hour at least.

  Wasting no time, I grab my jacket and backpack and am almost running by the time I hit the living room, yelling goodbyes without slowing down and leaving my parents sitting in stunned silence at the breakfast table. Last thing I want is them asking to meet him because I’m having enough trouble explaining away my own hair color without going into details as to why I’m dating someone who’s sporting a similar hue.

  The drive up to the cabin is completed without much talking, with music filling what could otherwise have been awkward silences. The higher we climb, the colder it gets with Ben constantly tweaking the heating. I’m glad I’ve brought one of my thicker jackets as the place is probably going to be freezing until we get some sort of heat going.

  “Oh, wow, this place is awesome.”

  The cabin is of the traditional log variety, with a steeply pitched roof to stop the snow from building up. The front of the place mostly consists of glass, hopefully double or triple glazed. A matching outhouse sits a reasonable distance back letting me know the place is definitely ‘dry’ with no indoor plumbing. God I hope there’s something set up inside too, because I reckon my ass would stick to the seat with temperatures as low as they are now.

  There’s an open-ended shed to the right and it is there that Ben steers towards, nosing into the space until the truck is mostly out of the elements. After turning off the engine and pulling on the park brake, he gives me an old-fashioned key on a length of chain. “You head inside and I’ll grab everything out of the truck.”

  “You sure I can’t help?” I’m having difficulty playing the fragile flower role that seems to have been foisted on me. I’m used to pulling my weight.

  “Nah, I’m good.”

  Short of standing there fighting over the gear, I give in and trudge my way to the cabin. Unlocking the door, I’m expecting the inside to be musty and cold but I needn’t have worried. The place smells dry and while not super-hot, it isn’t freezing either, the embers in the wood burner are as good as dead, but when I put my hand on the beast, I can still feel some residual heat. I’m standing close to this behemoth when Ben staggers inside loaded down with an assortment of bags. At my questioning glance towards the lump of iron, Ben confirms he’d been out at the cabin the day before getting everything ready.

  Now I’m nervous. No one’s ever gone to this sort of trouble before.

  After a lunch, cooked on the propane stove, due to the weather having turned so foul, we settle back on the big couch, wine in hand. We’re supposed to be taking in the view, but the snow swirling outside is making this close to impossible. And to be honest, the guy sitting next to me is far more attractive and so my gaze travels in that direction rather than towards the large windows in front of us.

  “It’s cooling off a bit,” says Ben, before putting his glass down on the coffee table and getting to his feet. “Be back in a second.”

  I get that he’s going outside when he pulls on his jacket, gloves and a beanie with this being backed up by the blast of freezing cold air that slams its way into the room when he opens the door. It’s getting really nasty out there, at this rate we could be stranded and I’m not sure how I feel about that prospect.

  I’m lost in my thoughts about what this could mean when there’s a thump at the door. Diving to my feet, I race across and open it, allowing Ben to stagger in under the weight of a large number of logs. Given how many there are, I suspect he’s also thinking we’re going to be stranded for a while. Certainly I have to put my full weight against the door to simply close it and when I feel it rattling hard enough to break the lock, I snap the bolts into place top and bottom before closing the heavy duty drape that’s designed to help block any of the more persistent drafts.

  While I’ve been dealing to the door, Ben has chucked more logs on the fire and set the vents so the thing is going like a blast furnace; he then grabs the matches from the shelf above the fire and sets about lighting the candles that are dotted around the room. It’s not really that dark in the cabin and so I’m wondering why he’s doing this until he starts to close the drapes.

  At my questioning look, he says “It’s going to get a whole lot colder, and this’ll help keep it out.”

  “I already figured we’re stuck here for a while.”

  “At least a couple of days I’d have thought.”


  This is so weird, I’d checked the forecast before we set out, and there was nothing to show we’d encounter this type of weather.

  “Yeah, so we’ll need to conserve heat.” That his eyes are already darkening with passion and his smile is seductive, have my body temperature ramping up in no time.

  “What do you suggest?”

  “We could stay here, or we could head up into the loft. That’s where all the hot air will be.”

  I know what else will be up there too, because pretty much everything else in the cabin is visible except a bed.

  “Ah before we do that, I need to use the bathroom.”

  Now, I’m really hoping he’s got something inside because if I was to use the outhouse now, it’d take a spatula to get my ass off the damned seat. I let out a sigh of relief when he points me to a door off the kitchen at the back of the cabin. My relief only gets greater when I see the small bathroom not only has a composting toilet, but a shower and a tiny basin. With running water! It’s something I’ll ask him about in the morning, because I’m sure as hell not going to ruin the mood with a discussion on sanitary ware now.

  Back in the main part of the cabin, I do a quick scout for Ben, but it doesn’t take long to realize he’s already in the loft. I rummage through my bag until I find the ‘foil ravioli’ I’d stowed there earlier that morning, because it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to know Ben and I are going to be doing more than staying warm up there. I stuff the condoms in the back pocket of my jeans before scurrying up the solid wood ladder.

  I’m expecting to find a mattress on the floor, but once again, I’m surprised when I see Ben reclining on a lushly appointed bed. The thing is enormous and looks to have been crafted out of whole tree trunks. I take a running jump and bounce into place next to him where he immediately drags me into his arms.

  Rolling me onto my back, he slides one of his legs between mine, nudging them apart, all the while kissing me with mind-blowing expertise. His free hand runs up and down my side before claiming one of my breasts, massaging it through the layers of clothing I’m still sporting. His hand is moving down my body when the cabin is lit by lightning, this is accompanied by a deafening clap of thunder.

  I know I’m in trouble when I smell ozone and am thankful when Ben pulls away just as all those hated copper pasties and the clit cover pop into life. How the hell am I supposed to explain all this to him?

  “Damn, I was hoping this wouldn’t happen,” says Ben.

  “Ah, you were?”

  I look down at my chest but there’s no outward sign of my pasties. I’m wondering how on earth he
knows, when he climbs off the bed, stands next to it and starts stripping. With the removal of his thermal undershirt, I see his nipples are pierced with small copper barbells. By the time he’s completely naked I can see not only is he rock hard and ready for me, but that his cock is pierced in several places with more curved and straight copper barbells one of which goes sideways straight through the head.

  “Ouch!” I can’t think of anything more intelligent to say.

  “Surprisingly not. I was out cold when it was done to me, originally,” says Ben, with chagrin. “And it doesn’t hurt when they pop up now.”

  It takes only a moment’s hesitation before I speak, “The Nyphrazi?”

  Ben’s face floods with a mixture of surprise and relief and he nods.

  “I didn’t realize Ciprus played for both teams.”


  “Yeah, their God of Copper.”

  While pulling me to my feet and starting to peel my clothes away, Ben explains that his own experience had been with the Goddess Cuprum.


  “Not sure.”

  Once I’m as naked as he is, he experiments with flicking my nipple covers with his copper-studded tongue until the pasties are humming with electricity and my breasts tingling. Not wanting to be left out, I tug on the small barbells that pierce his nipples and even try a gentle twist that has him groaning deep in the back of his throat. Even more amazing is that if we get close to each other, sparks arc between the copper piercings on the two of us.

  “Whoa, you sure you’re not one of them?” I ask him, eyeing his bright copper locks.

  “I was about to ask you the same,” he says, doing likewise.

  I take only a moment to think on this new development.

  “If you’re experience is anything like mine, we don’t have long before one or other of us is zapped outta here.” He gets the hint when I drop back onto the bed, with my legs wide. I’d normally be a little more decorous, but needs must.


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