Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series

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Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series Page 18

by Minky St Anne

  I sit up and am unable to stop my eyes from popping out when I work out what’s different about my God of the Woods. I’m also unable to stop my hand from straying to my crotch where I fully expect to find Vyran’s fettyr. But it’s not there, either.

  My actions have both gods looking down and while Vyran looks alarmed, Praedytus seems resigned, as though the fight has gone out of him somehow.

  “This is why I banned you from seeing Jasmine.”

  “What does it mean?” says Vyran.

  “That you are now my equal and …”

  “What?” say Vyran and I in unison.

  “That Jasmine has achieved demi-god status,” continues Praedytus as though we haven’t just butted in.

  On hearing this little gem, neither Vyran nor I are capable of speaking.

  Praedytus looks at me with disbelief in his eyes, before continuing. “Have you not noticed yourself getting stronger? Of us being able to summon you by thought alone?” That your dreams are as real as life itself?”

  Praedytus lifts an eyebrow to give this last trait emphasis, leaving me unsure if my session with him had been for real or not. But it must have been for real if I’m now a demi-god.

  Fuck, that’s not how I ever thought I’d describe myself.

  “But what does it actually mean,” I say, trying to understand the consequences. There’s gotta be a ‘but’ in there somewhere.

  “You may now travel freely between our worlds without need of veils or charms.”

  “But,” I prompt again, making a mental note to ask Vyran about the veils and charms that Axel had also mentioned right before I’d gotten sidetracked by being horny beyond belief.

  “It also means he can no longer stop me from seeing you,” says Vyran, rubbing salt into the wounds of Praedytus’s psyche, and maybe even his back.

  “But,” I press Praedytus again.

  His heavy sigh lets me know I’m about to find out.

  “But, you’ll die within the next of your years.”

  And, bam, there it is, although it’s less a ‘but’ and more a ‘BUT’. I sit numb, while in the background Vyran yells at his father for not warning him of the risk. Fuck it all, I’d avoided being taken out by a bear and now here I am, still with a death sentence hanging over my head.

  “Are these gifts not enough for you?” says Praedytus, as though he hasn’t just told me of my imminent demise.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I say, as soon as his words penetrate the fog that clouds my head.

  His response is indecipherable, given Vyran currently has his hands around the God of All Desire’s throat, and is holding him so his feet barely touch the ground.

  “Vyran, can you put him down, so we can hear what he’s got to say?”

  The God of the Woods drops his father in a heap at his feet, with disgust evident on his face.

  “What was that again?” I say, to Praedytus once his face is no longer purple.

  “There is another way,” he says, his voice husky.

  Neither Vyran nor I speak; we simply look at him, waiting for him to continue.

  “If I, and all my sons, complete with you on the Altar of Nyph on the eve of the Festival of Obis, we can reverse it.”

  Seven of them!

  In one night!

  Oh my god, did my vagina really just tighten?

  “What the fuck is wrong with me?”

  Praedytus doesn’t stay long after this, not because he wants to leave, but because Vyran sends him somewhere in a cloud of steam.

  “I could get used to this,” says Vyran, looking at the spot his father had until recently occupied.

  “When is this festival?”

  “In your time, just over a month away.”

  I’m not sure whether to be worried by thoughts of this ritual or turned on, in the end I go for the later and after lying back down on the mattress, I deliberately spread my legs wide, before saying, “Vyran, come to me.”

  This time, it’s me who gets the biggest surprise.

  I’d thought that without the fettyr on, he’d be smaller, but oh my, he’s rather the opposite. There’s also nothing quite like the feel of skin on skin.

  It takes a good few hours of fucking each other in every way possible before we feel replete enough to talk. Praedytus is right, I am stronger.

  “Does this mean I don’t need to complete with Marlo until the big night?” I say, referring to the God of Iron.

  “It might be best if you didn’t wait until then. He can give you the enzymes you’ll need to build your strength quickly so that you can cope with all of us. Remember we all need to achieve Nysa.”

  “Fuck, I’ve just realized that means Seolfer and Aurum, too.”

  “Unfortunately so.”

  “Then I need to be as strong as possible if I’m going to pay them back for what they did to me.”

  God of Iron

  Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi

  Part 6

  Chapter One

  Vyran and I have now been at my uncle’s cabin for several days with me constantly stalling on going to see Marlo, the Nyphrazi God of Iron. I know I need the enzymes he carries on that magic tongue of his if I’m going to be strong enough to survive the ceremony at the Festival of Obis, but that doesn’t mean I’m in a hurry to get on with it.

  The way I figure it, is that once I open myself up to Marlo, I’m that little bit closer to having to have sex with all six brothers AND their fucking father. In a single night. Originally I’d quivered at the thought of it, but then I’d clicked that Seolfer and Aurum would need to be part the action and I was dreading doing the dirty with them again.

  If it wasn’t for the whole demi-god gig being fatal within the year, I’d probably be happy to stick with it. I’m sure as hell loving the heightened sensations I’ve been enjoying with Vyran for the past couple of days. The extra strength hasn’t gone astray in that department either.

  I’d even consider becoming a fully-fledged goddess, except for this meaning I’d have to give up my family. Just as humans can’t survive for long in the Nyphrazi realm, the reverse also applies, apparently. I love my parents too much for that and even if my younger brother can be a right pain in the ass at times, I’m not ready to say goodbye forever.

  The sun beating down on my face through the open window wakes me almost as much as Vyran tongue-fucking me like a living alarm clock. The combination of the two has me unfurling like a new leaf and I open myself up to my God of the Woods to give him even better access. Not that he needs too much help with that tongue of his.

  Only when my spasms have subsided does he lift his head.

  “Jasmine, you need to think about going to my brother,” he says, making me wish he still had his mouth full.

  “Just one more day,” I wheedle, yet again fighting against the inevitable.

  “You don’t have much time before the Eve of Obis.”

  “I know, all right!”

  I’m being a grumpy bitch, but damn it all, I don’t need this first thing in the morning. It’s bad enough that I’m effectively going to be gang banged by a family of gods on what will probably be a fucking uncomfortable altar without being hurried along, too. I need time to adjust, even if only a little.

  I know Vyran hasn’t taken my outburst personally, when he slides up the mattress and drags me into his arms. I’m thinking we’re settling in for another day in the sleeping loft, but he has other ideas.

  “Close your eyes,” he says.

  “They already are.”

  Even with them closed the buzzing in my head and the fact that I’m no longer lying on high density foam but unforgiving rock, alerts me to our having gone somewhere. I’m hoping for the blue pool with its Champagne-like water.

  Boy, am I ever surprised when I open my eyes.

  “Where the hell are we?” I say, struggling out of his arms so I can sit up.

  “The Isle of Obis. It’s here we come to renew ourselves and heal.”

“How?” Looking around the small lump of rock we’re stranded on, there doesn’t seem to be anything that smacks of renewal. I’d describe the place as barren. Certainly there’s more life in the sea that surrounds us than on the rock itself. Even including us.

  “The Isle is not as it appears,” says Vyran, climbing to his feet.

  He holds his hand out and I take it. A moment later, I’m standing next to him and the Isle still looks like a big old chunk of rock.

  “Wait,” says Vyran, on seeing my lack of enthusiasm.

  I don’t have to wait long before the rock under our feet starts to vibrate, although the vibrations cease when it dissolves and we freefall into the space below. There’s no time to freak out before we land with a loud plop in a large pool of gel.

  Green gel that feels wonderful on my skin, it’s a bit like aloe vera on steroids. This is also the first time I’ve experienced something in the Nyphrazi realm that doesn’t appear to have a sexual element to it. I’d be disappointed if I wasn’t blissing out so much. Vyran, who’s cradled in the goo next to me, is also looking incredibly mellow.

  I’m luxuriating in it until I notice the cavern getting darker but it takes me a few minutes to see that it’s because the gap above us is ever so slowly being filled in with what looks like newly created rock.

  “Should we be worried about that?” I say, kicking my feet in order to inch myself even closer to Vyran.

  “No. Everything is as it should be.”

  I can help an exasperated humph at this homily because once again, I’m being kept in the dark both literally and figuratively. Is there some Nyphrazi code that says they have to be as enigmatic as possible? If so, they need to ditch it, pronto.

  I grab onto Vyran’s hand at the exact moment the rock above finishes sealing the gap, plunging us into a stygian blackness that has me opening my eyes ever wider in hopes of seeing something.


  A minute or two pass in which Vyran answers all my questions with, “Everything is as it should be,” until I want to bean him.

  The darkness lifts so slowly that it takes a while for me to realize what’s actually happening. The green goo is glowing like something out of a nuclear reactor. The brighter it gets, the more amazing my body feels.

  It’s like every muscle has been stretched and massaged, blood vessels cleaned of cholesterol, heart and lungs given a tune up and my eyes rinsed with cooling saline. Even my skin feels smoother when I run my free hand over my torso.


  I grill Vyran on these changes, wanting to know if he’s feeling the same, but once again he silences me with the inscrutable “Everything is as it should be.”

  Only when the green goo is glowing so brightly that it hurts my eyes, does he say anything other than this.

  “Come, it is time.” He stands, and in so doing, lets me know the gel is no longer as deep as it had been when we’d first dropped in.

  We wade to the side of the pool and slither on our bellies onto the ledge that encircles the pool. Standing would be tricky if not straight out dangerous given we’re both covered in the slippery stuff.

  But that aside, I still feel amazing, even my old ice hockey knee is moving more smoothly and I’m generally feeling as good as I did when I was a kid.

  “Now what,” I say, while experimenting with sliding around on the smooth rock.

  “Now we wait.”

  I’m about to ask what for when Marlo materializes.


  “It is time,” says Vyran, having the nerve to look okay about handing me over to his brother, even if the sting of this is lessened when he adds, “I don’t want to lose you and this is the only way.”

  I don’t have a chance to respond before he blinks out of sight, leaving me alone with the God of Iron.

  “Come,” says Marlo, holding his hand out to me.

  I carefully ease myself up onto my hands and knees and then plant one foot on the rock where I move it around until it feels less like I’m wearing an ice skate. After that Marlo helps me to stand, but I nearly take a tumble when my hand slips from his.

  “This stuff would make an awesome lubricant,” I say, mostly to myself, but not quietly enough if Marlo’s booming laughter is anything to go by. He then goes on to prove just how good it could be when he runs his hands all over my body as if memorizing it. I know I’m sure as hell not gonna forget the experience in a hurry.

  While I hadn’t noticed anything while he’d been holding my hand, when he touches the rest of me it’s like his fingers are alive with electricity. Not to the extent that his brother Ciprus, God of Copper is capable of, but enough to have my skin in goosebumps wherever his hands have skimmed and caressed.

  My nipples are so tight they’re close to hurting, reminding me of Ben and those jeweled nipple clamps he’d given me. This has a twinge of guilt making itself at home in my chest. I haven’t thought about him in days and I wonder if this tells me more than anything else, what my true feelings are where he’s concerned? Or maybe it’s just that there have been too many distractions?

  “It tastes good, too,” says Marlo, snapping my attention back to the here and now.

  His look is one of intense hunger and when he licks his lips with that impressive tongue of his, funny things happen to my insides. When he says, “Let’s get you cleaned up,” the muscles in my legs are reduced to the consistency of the green goo, meaning I have to lock my knees in order to stay upright.

  Marlo pulls on my hand to get me moving and I follow him, even if my first few steps are a little Thunderbirds. But this is a whole lot better than falling flat on my face.

  “Where are we going?” I say, following him down what looks like a lava tube, so round is it in shape.

  “The Temple of Obis.”

  “Is this where the ceremony will be held,” I say, unable to stop my pace from slowing.


  Marlo’s response is abrupt and says a lot more than I suspect he’d like to let me know.

  “You don’t agree with the ritual?”


  “So you’d be happy for me to croak?” This time I don’t just slow, I stop completely.

  “No,” says Marlo, and I’m somewhat appeased to see he looks horrified that I’d think that.

  “Explain then.” I deliberately ask in a way that he can’t answer with ‘no’ again. Talk about pulling teeth.

  “The ceremony carries some risk,” he says, before snapping his mouth shut to signal this is all he has to say about it.

  All the while he’s been urging me farther down the worm hole. Oddly it hasn’t gotten any darker even with us now being a good distance away from the glowing pool. It’s only on closer inspection that I realize the walls of the tube itself are giving off a faint light.

  “What risk.”

  Marlo waves his hands around in what I take to be the Nyphrazi gesture for ‘don’t worry your pretty little head about it, it’s too complicated’ and I swear I want to do him an injury. Was I always this violent?

  I do a bit of hand waving of my own, but he doesn’t seem to understand he’s just been the given the bird and so I have to resort to speaking.

  “Not good enough.”

  “If you’re not strong enough, you will be overcome and succumb to a constant state of Nysa.”

  “Great. Death by orgasm. So either way, I end up dead.”

  “Not all deaths are equal.”

  “Whaddaya mean? Dead is dead.”

  Marlo looks over his shoulder and listens intently before beckoning with a finger to let me know I should move closer. My ear is right next to his lips when he speaks.

  “When my father told you that you could be dead within twelve months, he didn’t explain all.”

  The widening of my eyes is all the encouragement Marlo needs to continue.

  “Your heart would still beat but you would be in limbo, aware of what was going on around you, but unable to speak or move.” />
  “Oh my god, that’s awful. I’d rather orgasm my way to the pearly gates, thanks.”

  “You wouldn’t miss out on that as one of the fallen maidens.”

  “The what?”

  I only realize I’ve shouted when Marlo puts his finger to my lips.

  “Come, after we’ve made an offering to the goddess we need to start on your strength work.”

  I’m dying to ask him more about the fallen maidens but don’t get a chance. Hearing voices heading in our direction, Marlo once again takes my hand and we set off at a pace designed to leave the new arrivals far behind.

  We hurry along for a good while but fail to shake whoever’s following in our wake. That is until Marlo suddenly veers down a side passage that’s so small he has to bend double to fit. Even I have to bend down to avoid cracking my head on the rock ceiling.

  But it works and by the time we break out into a large cavern, the only sounds are of our own breathing and the bubbling of the pool in front of us. Rather than be full of green goo, this one is full of what I take to be water, even if it is a soft pink in color.

  The girly girl buried deep inside me can’t help but think it looks gorgeous.

  “Can we get in?” I’d like nothing better than to scrub the remaining green goo away. While it had started out slippery, now it’s drying in places and starting to itch.

  “It would appear the Goddess of Obis has decided it should be so,” says Marlo, his tone one of amusement.

  Chapter Two

  Looking at the pink water, I think briefly about testing it with my foot, before throwing caution to the wind and jumping in with abandon.

  My glee is soon obliterated by pure wanton lust, the likes of which I’ve never felt before. Certainly I’m calculating whether or not I can remove Marlo’s iron fettyr with my teeth before the last of the green goo has been washed away.

  I’ve never been that great a fan of giving head, but just thinking about closing my lips over the end of his gorgeous cock has my mouth watering and my sex pulsing in need.


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