Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series

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Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series Page 21

by Minky St Anne

  “Hi ya,” I say.

  “Don’t hurt your back lifting anything heavy, will you?” His words sound so phony that they bring my fuck-up to my attention. Lucky for me, he’s the only one who’s seen me manhandling the lunch.

  “You finish at four?” I say, looking to see who can help me move the pot of rice so I don’t stand out as having super-human strength.

  “Yep. You wanna come to The Beast for an early – dinner?”

  I’m unable to stop my chortle of smutty laughter, knowing full well that the main thing cooking will be us.

  Glory is next to me in a heartbeat with her innuendo radar going at full belt. Before she can give Ben or me the third degree on what we’re chuckling about, I head her off.

  “Great. I need help moving this pot of rice. Can you give me a hand?”

  I turn towards the range with a hand slung over her shoulder so I can steer her in that direction, too. By the time we’ve slid the pot from the back to the front, Ben has done a runner and Glory’s lost her opportunity. It’s something that earns me a filthy look.

  I’m out the door a minute after the end of my shift and running to my truck to make sure I’m on the road as soon as possible to avoid the inevitable convoy into town. This also means it’s only half an hour later that I’m hightailing it down the floating walkway on my way to The Metal Beast.

  As soon as I’m safely inside the main cabin, I start ditching my clothes like they’re hot and when I walk into the master cabin, the only thing I’m wearing is all those chains of Marlo’s.

  Ben’s not there.

  Strange, his truck had been in the carpark.

  It doesn’t take long to check the whole boat, but my redheaded lover doesn’t turn up.

  If that fucking bitch has her claws into him again, I’m going to rip her hair out at the roots! I know my jealousy is ridiculous given I’m not being faithful to Ben either, but I can’t help it.

  Damn it.

  I’m thinking about getting dressed and going home when it comes to me that if I’m stronger, can heat water and call the gods to me, then maybe I can call Ben?

  “Ben, come to me!” I put as much emotion into it as I can and given how totally fucked off I am about Cuprum stealing him away, it isn’t too much of a push.

  Chapter Five

  Ben pops into focus on the bed in front of me and it only takes seconds for me to realize that all his writhing and moaning along with his cock being as hard as concrete, mean I need to fuck him, and soon. He’s not going to lose his marbles on my watch.

  “You’re just lucky I’m ready to go,” I say to him, for all that he acknowledges me.

  This time I’m strong enough to pin him to the bed and when I grab him by the cock, I’m pleased to see all the copper barbells are still in place. Serve the bitch right if I get some pleasure from them. I just hope my chains don’t tangle in them, not that they should because Cuprum didn’t seem to have any problems.

  I waste no time straddling him and sinking onto that most luscious mix of hard flesh and copper.

  I’m only a few minutes into fucking his brains out when my iron chains start to tingle with electricity. It’s nowhere near as spectacular as when I’d been fitted with all the copper accessories that I’d received courtesy of Ciprus, but it’s still pretty damned amazing.

  Each time I drop, I can feel every one of those barbells working away at the walls of my vagina, while the chains sparkle and tingle away at my clit and nipples. The chain tickling between my ass cheeks has me squirming and grinding on Ben’s cock, in hopes of increasing the sensations enough that I snap him out of his carnal trance. Not that I’m not gonna enjoy the ride, too.

  I’m rewarded when I see the sanity return to his eyes and doubly rewarded when he catches on quickly and drives his hips up at the same time as I drop to sheath him. We grind into each other and then go on to pump away as hard as we can.

  I know I’m close to coming and the anticipation is killing me, but when Ben yells his release it just about blows all my fuses. It’s like an orgasm, but so much more. The surge of energy that rages through me has all my erogenous zones awash with pleasure, but it’s still more than that. The top of my scalp prickles while my skin actually feels like it’s breathing.

  I’m reeling at the overload when Ben pulls on my chains and I orgasm properly myself. But again it’s so much more, with a rush of power and pleasure consuming my body. Racing out to my extremities in a wave before crashing back to overwhelm my sex to the point it feels like it’s disintegrating in a shower of pure energy.

  My body feels liquid and I dissolve in a puddle on Ben’s chest, limp and compliant. It’s something he takes advantage of, with his hands roaming over my body before pulling on the chains running between ass cheeks spreading me wide and causing a ripple of lust.

  Before I can do anything about it though, I get brain buzz and I’m out of there, finding myself lying in a heap on the ledge overlooking the opalescent lake seconds later. At first I think Marlo must have requested my presence but the feet next to my face are definitely feminine and the copper chains around the ankles let me know I have Cuprum, the Goddess of Copper, to thank for my being ripped away from my not quite post coital bliss with Ben.

  Rather than fight with her, I put all my energy into concentrating on The Metal Beast so I can get back to Ben.

  Nothing happens.

  “You cannot travel from here,” says Cuprum, letting me hear her voice for the first time. There’s a trace of an accent but not enough to pin down and her voice is sultry and deeper than I would have thought was possible for a woman.

  “What do you mean,” I say, scrambling inelegantly onto my hands and knees.

  “Demi-gods can enter this dominion, but cannot leave. Ever!” She’s still laughing maniacally when I get to my feet. Crazy bitch.

  She then blinks out of sight, leaving me on my own.

  What does she mean I can’t leave? I’ve left here before. I try repeatedly to think myself back to Ben but with no more luck than on my first attempt. I then have a go at getting to my uncle’s cabin, my bedroom at home, Ben’s cabin on the hill, anywhere. I’m getting more panicked with each failed attempt and have to force myself to get a grip. Freaking out is going to do jack shit.

  It’s only when I’ve calmed myself somewhat that I truly look at my surroundings. At first glance, it looks to be as it was before, but it’s not. Axel’s big magnetic rock is missing and the cave behind me isn’t the one I’d spent time in with Marlo. Most telling of all is that Ben’s boat is no longer anchored in the middle of the lake.

  “So where the fuck am I?” I yell at my new surroundings, not expecting a reply.

  “Can you not tell?” says a man, from behind me, having me spinning so hard that I nearly lose my footing.

  “You!” I say, starring daggers at Seolfer, God of Silver. Not that he looks thrilled to see me, either and nor does Gaiya, who’s standing next to him. It’s the first time I’ve seen the old servant of Vyran’s since she was banished because she’d sent me home without his permission. Not that she’s looking like the hired help here if the luxuriousness of her gown is any indicator.

  “Fuck, does this mean I’m banished too?”

  “Hardly,” says Seolfer, stepping forward so he can finger Marlo’s body chains. “You have been busy.”

  I slap his hand away and know by the widening of his eyes that I’ve surprised him with my strength.

  “Very busy,” he adds.

  “If I’m not banished, then what?”

  “Demi-gods cannot be banished,” says Gaiya, proving to me that she can speak English after all.

  “What my mother means is that only gods and goddesses can be banished. Demi-gods are left in stasis until they rot.”

  His tone is one of enjoyment and pure malice and so I don’t think twice about stepping forward and sucker punching him. It hurts my hand like fuck, but watching him sink in a gasping heap at my feet makes it all worth it.

  “How dare you treat my son like this,” says Gaiya, crouching down to tend to her asshole offspring.

  “And you can go fuck yourself, too,” I say, fighting an inbuilt sense that it’s not nice to be mean to old people.

  It’s only after I’ve stomped off and left them to it that the pieces fall into place. The old cow is his mother! No wonder she’d been so keen to send me on my way after Vyran achieved Nysa with me. She obviously didn’t want him overshadowing her son in the power department. Hell she wasn’t even Vyran’s servant and all that cringing had been an act. Bitch.

  I wander aimlessly for hours, trying every now and then to think myself to anywhere but where I am. Only when I’m down on the pebble beach, does the solution stare me in the face. I stop in my tracks, turn back the way I’ve come, take a few steps and then stop again.

  “Vyran, come to me!”

  By the time I’ve called to Ciprus, Axel, Marlo and even that golden asshole Aurum, I’m swamped with panic and so on hearing Seolfer yelling down at me that I’m going to rot there, I lose it and am pelting rocks in his direction soon after. I’m rewarded with more than a few yelps and roars letting me know that not only am I on target but that I’ve not got one hell of a throwing arm. I soon see the pair of them disappearing over the top of the hill, out of range.

  A little calmer after my pitching practice, I decide to give it one more try. It’s a long shot but I’ve got nothing to lose.

  “Praedytus, come to me.”


  I give it another go, putting more urgency into my request.

  A second later he appears on the beach in front of me. Not that he’s standing. I’m not sure who gets the biggest surprise. Me, him or the chick he’s sixty-nining. The way the father of the gods’ cock is stretching the girl’s mouth has me rubbing my jaw in sympathy. But with a casual wave of his hand, he sends her packing. The only sign of her having been there is a tidemark of red lipstick a gaggingly long way up his shaft.

  “Perhaps you would like to finish what my companion started?” says Praedytus, conversationally.

  I’m all ready to tell him to shove it where the sun don’t shine when I remember he’s the only one who can get me out of this place as far as I can tell. He must see the reluctance on my face because he hooks his hand behind my ankle and then runs it up and down my calf. My body’s response is instantaneous and my legs give out on me as I’m stunned by a desire so strong that rational thought deserts me.

  From balking at getting my mouth anywhere near that monster cock of his, I find my lips closing over the end. He tastes incredible. Like chocolate, like butterscotch, like toffee, like every delicious dessert you’ve ever tasted, all rolled into one.

  I can’t get enough of him.

  I’m only vaguely aware of him dragging my body on top of his, but, boy, do I know it when his hot mouth closes over my sex; sucking, slurping and biting me until I’m screaming my release around his delicious cock, all the while pressing my girly bits hard against his mouth. This is one of those times I’m really glad Aurum got rid of my pubes for good.

  It’s only when we’re back at his palace that we talk.

  “How did you end up in the Fields of Obadyn?”

  “Cuprum called me to her.”

  “Hmmm, that’s unusual. She should not have been able to call you from Marlo’s side.”

  “I wasn’t with him, he sent me home to rest.”

  “What were you doing when she called you?”

  “Resting, kind of.”

  “And your idea of resting is?”

  I tell him everything up to my arriving in the Fields without leaving anything out even if it is embarrassing as hell. He’s quiet to the point I get twitchy.

  “What?” I say, in hopes of breaking his silence.

  “You are not like the others. I’m going to send you back to Marlo for your final preparation. You must not go near your human until after the ceremony is over.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it would appear my daughter has transformed him into a veil or charm of sorts.”

  I’d heard him and Axel talk of these before, but hadn’t gotten around to asking Vyran about them. I wasn’t going to make that mistake again. Knowledge is power and all that.

  “But what are they, exactly?”

  “A veil is a weak spot between your world and ours, while charms are gifts we can send through to your realm if the tie is strong enough. Things like Ciprus’s copper playthings, Seolfer’s fascinum or Aurum’s golden mantle. Sometimes they’re small tokens we send you home with.” He lifts the chain that pierces my nip and tugs gently on it by way of explanation.

  It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to know that he’s talking about things like all those fucking copper barbells Cuprum pierces Ben’s cock with.

  I am so getting a hacksaw when I get back home.

  Chapter Six

  I’ve now been back with Marlo for what I’m starting to think of as three nyphs. They’re like days but who the hell know how long they actually are, or even if they’re all the same length for that matter.

  Marlo and I have settled into a routine of sorts. We start the nyph with a simple breakfast of berries, and then he nails me to the wall of the cave with that huge armored cock of his. Even better is after when he takes away any twinges I might be experiencing with his highly lubed tongue.

  This morning is different. And I’m not so sure I’m keen on the change.

  “What the hell is that?” I say, looking at the iron monstrosity that’s appeared ‘overnight’ on the wide rock ledge outside the cave.

  “It is the Goddess of Iron,” says Marlo, running his hand down the side of the statue.

  Goddess? Does he mean what I think he means?

  I look at her more closely but there are definitely no signs of life that I can see. Tapping gently on an ass cheek, I’m rewarded with a deep, metallic ‘dong’ that confirms the status is hollow and goddess in name only.

  “What’s it for?” I say, walking around to look at the front.

  That’s weird. Rather than have a three dimensional front as I’ve expected, she’s like an Easter egg that’s been cut in half, completely hollowed out and missing a face.

  “Why don’t you get in and find out?”

  “Are you fucking joking?” I say, taking a big old step away from it.

  “She will not hurt you. You might even like it.”

  I take some comfort that Marlo is smiling broadly. There’s also the fact that he’s a healer, so surely he’s taken a Hippocratic Oath or something that precludes him from causing harm to me?

  I take a tentative step towards it, but stop again. “Hang on. What does it do?”

  I cross my arms and tap my foot hoping this stance will have the same meaning here as it does at home. If he thinks I’m gonna get in madam here without a few clues as to what’s going to happen, he can go fuck himself.

  “For each it is different.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake, is nothing straightforward with you lot?”

  I stand firm.

  “For some there is intense pleasure the likes of which they’ve never felt before. If you are hurt, she can heal you. If you are weak she can make you strong.”

  “But?” I know to ask now because there’s always a ‘but’ with these guys.

  “If you are not pure of heart, then she can be your worst nightmare,” says Marlo, confirming my suspicions.

  “Are we talking Jennifer Anniston pure here, or Mother Teresa?”

  Marlo frowns, before slowly shaking his head in confusion.

  Damn, I keep forgetting these guys are more or less foreigners. “How pure does my heart need to be?”

  I don’t think I’m any more pure than the next girl. I have impure thoughts, lots. I can be a bit of a bitch at times but I don’t think I’m into ‘mean girl’ territory.

  “Have you ever hurt someone intentionally?”

  I shake my head, but can�
��t help thinking about how I’d probably hurt Ben recently. But that hadn’t been intentional. Had it?

  “Have you ever harmed another on purpose?”

  “I did pull Christy Weaver’s ponytail because she upstaged me in the school play in second grade.” Hmmm, perhaps that’s why she didn’t invite me to her engagement party? Vindictive bitch.

  “I was thinking more of murder,” says Marlo, fighting to keep a smile at bay.

  “No! I only kill for food and I sure as hell don’t eat people.”

  Well, actually I do, but not with a knife and fork.

  “You’ll be safe,” says Marlo, putting his hand on my shoulder and gently steering me closer to the goddess.

  By the time I’m standing on the plinth with my back to the hollow, I’m having second thoughts, but before I can say anything, Marlo nudges me into the goddess’s metal embrace.

  At first I don’t notice anything, but then the metal slowly heats up around me. Not hot, just pleasantly warm. The chains draped over my body then dissolve leaving the large iron rings through my nipples right where they are.

  I get a hell of a fright when the statue snaps tight around my body, trapping me in place, while leaving my front exposed.

  “Marlo, what’s happening?”

  “She has accepted you.” His tone is relaxed and says more than his words that I’m going to be okay.

  A buzz of energy starts in the soles of my feet and then weaves its way up my body, empowering everything in its wake. When it reaches my sex, I know that if it hadn’t been for the goddess supporting me, I’d have landed in a heap.

  There’s nothing external about the stimulation, I’m being buzzed at a cellular level and it’s fucking amazing. I throb with a crushing need. Leaving my sex a quivering mush, the energy works its way up through my core before engulfing my breasts.

  The nipple rings don’t last two seconds and fall in pieces to the ground. My buds hurt with pleasure, swelling in their need and causing my breathing to stutter.

  When the energy hits my brain, I experience the most intense response yet when it feels as if every synapsis on offer has fired simultaneously. My scalp prickles and I can feel my hair floating about inside the space between my head and that of the goddess shell. My lips swell and my mouth waters in want and need.


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