Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series

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Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series Page 23

by Minky St Anne

  “Fight it,” is whispered, inside my head, although how I’m supposed to do this is apparently up to me.

  Fine, let’s sort this out. I start off by imagining that my hand is icy cold, but I abandon this idea when my fingers turn blue, and Vyra holds my hand even tighter as though to warm it.

  Next, I imagine a wall around me but all this does is muffle the incessant chatter of the other goddesses who are following in our wake.

  Finally, I try to imagine my skin as a hard barrier and am rewarded with the all-consuming lust stopping as though a switch has been flipped. Vyra’s eyes widen when she comprehends what I’ve done.

  “Very good,” says Obis inside my head. “Very good, indeed.”

  By the time we reach what are to be my chambers, I’m shaking with the effort required to keep my invisible barrier in place and I can’t help a groan of relief when Vyra finally relinquishes my hand.

  “You did well. None of my sisters can fight me for more than a few heartbeats.”

  This throws me for a couple of reasons. A) I’m stronger than her sisters and B) She gets a kick out of turning her sisters on.

  For fuck’s sake! I’d like to buy a vowel.

  Best make that an ‘I’ for incest.

  I’m hoping that now we’ve made it to my chambers the goddesses will leave me in peace.

  Fat chance.

  A moment later and the only flat surface not draped with half-naked female is the fucking floor. Screw this.

  “Out!” My voice is loud enough to cut through the crap the goddesses are spouting and garners me more than a few filthy looks. I plaster a no-nonsense expression on my face and back it up with crossed arms. When they don’t move fast enough for my liking I start helping them to their feet and steering them out into the tunnel.

  Aura, Alexis and Marla go easily enough, but when I go to pull Cuprum to her feet, the look she impales me with has me pulling my hand back sharply. I’m relieved when she uncoils herself, stands and sashays out into the tunnel without further prompting from me. I also puff a sigh of relief when the Goddess of Silver follows her out.

  “You, too,” I say to Vyra who’s making herself at home on the fur-strewn bed platform.

  “But I am to prepare you for the ceremony,” says the Goddess of the Woods, as though speaking to a child.

  My sigh of frustration echoes loudly around the cave, bouncing back at me and confirming to me how over all of this I am.

  “How long before the ceremony?”

  “Until the moon rises again.”

  “And how the hell are we supposed to tell when that is?” I say, reaching up and touching the solid rock above my head. This makes me appreciate how much I want to feel the sun on my face and how claustrophobic it is being underground with no way out. The last time I’d left here it had been with Marlo and I don’t even know if I can achieve an exit on my own.

  I take several calming breaths hoping to get my nerves under control but it’s no good. My breathing gets faster with each lungful until the spots in my vision let me know I’m getting a hell of a lot more oxygen that I’m capable of processing. That the walls are closing in only adds to my escalating panic.

  “Calm yourself,” shouts Obis, loudly enough inside my head that I’m surprised Vyra doesn’t notice. “Here is your precious sun.”

  No sooner have these words finished ringing inside my head, than the roof of my chamber disappears and the space is flooded with blessed sunlight and fresh air. My breathing slows and, after a while, so does my heartbeat and I’m relieved when it’s no longer thumping loudly inside my head.

  “How, how did you do that?” says Vyra, her voice trembling, along with her bottom lip.

  “Not me,” I say.

  I’m about to elaborate when I hear Obis’s urgent instruction. “They are not to know of our connection. It’s not something I share with any of them.”

  Before I have a chance to analyze this, Vyra starts screaming, uncontrollably.

  “You need to close it up,” I say quietly to Obis, not that Vyra would be able to hear me even if I was shouting.

  The roof of the cave has only just sealed again when the other goddesses crowd back into my chamber en masse. Seol soon has her arms tight around Vyra calming the screaming girl with surprising speed.

  “What have you done to her?” says Cuprum, her eyes narrowed, her face ugly with suspicion.

  “I didn’t do anything,” I say, holding my hands up in surrender

  “Then why is my sister like this?” she says.

  “I’m not sure. I asked her how we were supposed to tell when the moon rose when she started screaming. I’m not sure what set her off.”

  I feel a bit mean about making Vyra out as being unhinged but Obis’s constant warnings to keep our connection secret has left me with no option. I’m not sure what the ‘dire consequences’ are that she’s hinted at, but I’m not willing to see for myself.

  Eventually, the still traumatized Vyra is taken away and the goddesses trail off one by one until I’m left alone with Cuprum.

  “I am unsure how you escaped the Fields of Obadyn but you will return and you will stay.”

  She’s close enough to me when she finishes hissing this threat that it’s not a big stretch for her to slap her hand on top of my head.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake!” I can’t believe she’s got me again. She doesn’t even bother gloating when we pop into being next to Seolfer and his mother and instead mutters an incantation, gives me the evil eye and then disappears a second later.

  “Well screw this!” I spit at the God of Silver and his mother, who have yet to say anything, although their expressions speak volumes.

  “Can you believe this crap,” I say to Obis, inside my head hoping for help to escape the Fields, yet again, but there’s no response other than the mental equivalent of chirping crickets.

  I know I need to get back to the Isle of Obis if I’m to continue getting ready for the ceremony and with no guiding voice inside my head; I haven’t got a clue how to get there.

  I’m wracking my brains for a possible solution when Seolfer opens his damned trap but I don’t let him say more than a few words before holding my hand up.

  “Zip it silver boy, I’m thinking here.”

  By the way his mouth drops open; I suspect he’s not used to being told to shut it. I keep my hand up and then close my eyes to block him and his mother out completely. Only then does an answer come to me, popping into my head as though by divine intervention.

  I zero my thoughts in on the Goddess Cuprum herself, imagining myself standing next to her and on opening my eyes I know I’ve been successful in following her. Only hitch is that she hasn’t returned to the isle.

  Chapter Two

  “Wow, you look amazing,” says Ben, from his spot on the bed in the master cabin of The Metal Beast.

  From my spot behind Cuprum I see her stand taller and if the clenching of her ass muscles is any indication, she’s jutting her sex in my boyfriend’s direction.

  Not that they stay clenched for long when I respond to Ben.

  “Thanks,” I say, gathering my new and improved boobs together with my hands and showing them off to him.

  Cuprum spins back towards me, but I don’t give her time to do more than gape before I drop a boob and slam my hand on top of her head. “Say hi to Seolfer for me.”

  It’s a long shot, but it works and she disappears a millisecond after the final word leaves my mouth. I wait ready for action but after five minutes she’s still a no-show.

  Meanwhile, Ben has been lying on his bed watching me and I can tell by the growing bulge in his jeans that he likes what he sees. Dammit, Praedytus said I wasn’t supposed to see Ben before the ceremony, but hell, he looks good. It can’t make that much difference, can it?

  “You’re looking a little overdressed,” I say to Ben, while slowly turning to display my new and perkier body off to him.

  “You have a point.” He bounds off the b
ed and while kissing me manages to ditch his jeans.

  “All of it.”

  He’s naked in an astonishingly flattering time and doesn’t slow down then, either. He’s never been this frantic with me before. Keen, yes, but not as hyped up as he is now unless it’s when I’ve interrupted him doing the dirty with that red-headed ho I’ve just sent packing. Maybe it’s my demi-god status or the effects of the pink gel? Either way, I’m flat on my back in record time.

  He closes his mouth over my sex soon after and I’m not sure which one of us gets the bigger shock. So much for all my training with Marlo. The orgasm is instantaneous. I’m thinking it’s a fluke but then it’s followed by another, and another. By the time my whole body is vibrating in waves of pleasure that fan out from my clit to every extremity, I no longer feel like I’m on the bed but, rather, floating above it.

  This might be why Praedytus didn’t want going me near ‘my human lover’.

  I grab Ben’s head and stop him mid-lick. It’s only once I’ve actually got his attention that I speak.

  “I need, all of you.”

  I can’t manage any more than this but I thank the gods he knows what I need. He flips me onto my stomach, drags me to the edge of the bed and then onto my hands and knees in a move reminiscent of one of my earliest sessions with Vyran. After spreading me wide he slowly slides himself in, allowing me to feel every blessed inch of him. It’s only when he’s jerked himself into me as deep as he can that he reaches around and caresses my breasts.

  I’m mesmerized by the nipple rolling that’s going and don’t even notice he’s withdrawn from me, but oh boy do I notice it when he squeezes my nipples hard at the same time as ramming himself home.

  “Yes. That. More.”

  “You sure you’re ready,” says Ben, withdrawing again.

  My need is now so great that all I’m capable of is whimpering yes over and over. He doesn’t hold back, seating himself repeatedly until I’m ready to faint from the pleasure.

  Instead I climax so dramatically that I have to sink to the bed as I can no longer hold myself up. Ben follows me down, all the while managing to keep himself deep inside of me.

  Only after my spasms have died away do I realize he’s still rock hard. The boy has been practicing without me that’s for damned sure. I twitch my new and improved Kegel muscles and am rewarded with him sucking in his breath. Guess he likes it.

  I let him have it, clenching and rippling my muscles until he’s a shuddering wreck on my back and has given into the urge to desperately pump himself in and out of me without control.

  It doesn’t take long for him to come, and I swear I can feel every ounce of him filling me to overflowing. Certainly he’s never been this prolific before and it feels primal especially when compared to the scant amount of cum the gods who I’ve relieved of their fettyrs are capable of.

  I’m enjoying the post coital glow when I hear Obis’s voice inside my head. “You must return.”

  I’m about to beg for a few more minutes when I comprehend that I’m already lying on the bed in my chamber deep in the Isle of Obis and while Ben is no longer deep inside of me, his presence is still strong.

  “Is there anywhere I can wash?”

  Following Obis’s directions, I soon find myself in a chamber that’s dominated by a large clear pool. Of immense relief to me is the hole in the rock above it that allows sunlight to flood the water. “What does it do?” I say, looking down into its sparkling depths.

  “It cleans you,” says Obis, before laughing delightedly.

  Given my experiences with liquids and gels, I don’t think it was that stupid a question and I’m roundly abusing her inside my head, when I remember she’s in there too.


  I’m squeaky clean and simply floating in the water and enjoying the sun shining directly down on me from overhead when Alexis, Goddess of Nickel, storms into the chamber. I can see her lips moving as I peak through my eyelashes but the water has rendered her mute to me and that’s just perfect as far as I’m concerned. Eventually she resorts to waving her hands around but it’s only when it looks like she’s going to join me in the pool that I open my eyes properly and acknowledge her presence.

  “Come! Your ceremonials are ready for you.” She doesn’t wait on a reply and instead leaves me to it.

  Obis directs me back to my chamber although I stop dead when I see the paraphernalia spread out all over the bed.

  “Holy hell.” Picking up what looks to be a silver chain mail corset, I go to hold it against my torso but thoughts of having silver anywhere near me fill me with revulsion and so I settle for holding it up and spinning it around so I can examine it properly. Not that there’s a lot to look at. The missing bits must surely weigh twice as much as anything that’s been left behind. “Why even bother?”

  “You should be ready by now,” says Seol, from right behind me, causing me to drop the corset in a heap on the floor. Sneaky bitch, I hadn’t even heard her come in.

  “Ready for what?” Because of the sun that had been pouring down into the cave pool just a moment ago, I know it’s too early for the ceremony to start.

  “For us to purify you.” While saying this she picks up what look to be a couple of bracelets. This is confirmed when she snaps them around my wrists. I go to remove them, but they’ve fastened shut and I can’t get them to budge. While I’m fighting with these, Seol repeats the process with anklets.

  “Good, you are nearly ready,” says Marla, Goddess of Iron, close enough to me that her breath tickles the back of my neck intimately. Damn, these chicks are light on their feet. I’ve turned and am glaring at her when Seol sneaks up and slaps a silver collar snuggly around my neck.

  “Are all these really necessary?” I say, turning back to face her.

  “Yes. They are.” I can tell she’s not happy about being part of whatever this is, by how her top lip is curled. Well, fucking tough, I can’t say I’m keen about a relative of Seolfer’s being close to me either never mind all this fucking silver.

  “You will need the Phrenyr, too. Hurry.”

  “Phrenyr?” I say, although it’s to her back as she disappears through the archway of my chamber, with Marla close on her heels.

  “It is for your protection,” says Obis, inside my head. I’m about to grill her on it when Seol returns and if I thought she was ticked off before, I was wrong.

  “If you do not come soon, you will miss the ceremony. You will die.”

  Talk about being crap at pep talks. Still, she does have a point. I grab what I suppose to be the Phrenyr off the floor and follow her through a maze of tunnels to a large cavern that is lit by a multitude of tapers, the smoke from which hangs heavy in the air. It gives the cave a soft focus that goes some way towards cloaking the device that sits in the middle of the space.

  “What the hell is that?” I say, to the goddesses in general. None of them is forthcoming but fortunately, or unfortunately, Obis is less reticent.

  “It is the Throne of Obis. You must be clean to receive the gods.”

  “What the fuck, I’ve just had a bath,” I mutter to her, under my breath.

  “You will need to be cleaner still for the ceremony,” she says, leading to my stomach dropping fast.

  “It’s never bothered them before,” I whisper to her, conscious that the goddesses are looking at me like I’ve lost it, what with all this murmuring to myself.

  “Ceremonial Nysa is different,” says the goddess, without further explanation. Then, following a loud pop, I know she’s no longer inside my head.

  “Come,” says Vyra, “It’s not as bad as it looks. Some even find it pleasurable.” That she says all this while leering at my tits has me on edge. I need to be really drunk to even think another chick is cute, let alone letting six of them loose on me while I’m naked. Actually, make that five. It looks like Cuprum has decided she can’t stomach getting me ready for the festivities and has done a runner.

  I stand before t
he throne and am only vaguely aware of Vyra taking the Phrenyr from my nerveless fingers and placing it reverently on the only free space on a small table next to her. It’s what I see crowding the rest of that surface that gives me pause. Unable to make out what any of the implements are, I look back at the chair. On closer inspection I can see that under all the leather padding, it’s made out of a silvery white material and my eyes narrow. There is no way I’m putting my ass near anything connected to Seol or her creep of a brother in any way shape or form.

  I touch one of the footplates, “Is this silver?”

  I know without turning which goddess it is who’s sucked a good amount of air in through her flared nostrils.

  “No,” says Marla, “The Throne of Obis is made of ceremonial electrum, as is the Phrenyr.

  “Electrum?” That’s a new one. I’d ask Obis more about it, but the goddess is conspicuous by her absence.

  “Come, we must proceed,” says Marla, nudging me in the direction of what it looks like will be ceremonial pap smear. Fuck it all I wish there was another way.

  There’s a loud pop inside my head followed by the Goddess of Obis all but yelling at me, “There is not!” before going back to wherever the hell it is she hangs out when she’s not cluttering up my head.

  “Fucking hell!”

  “We will be as gentle as we can,” says Alexis.

  Great the Nyphrazi version of this won’t hurt a bit, no doubt meaning it’s going to be as uncomfortable as fuck. Reluctantly turning my back on the device, I have a flashback to the Goddess of Iron before I slowly slide my ass onto the lattice style seat that’s free of any padding. Of some relief is that the metal is strangely warm, although not reassuringly so. My back flattens against the upright that is fashioned like a rib cage and I look up to see the goddesses crowding in around me.

  The bracelets, anklets and collar that Seol had slapped on me earlier instantly meld themselves with the chair, trapping me in place.


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