Rogue Highlander: Played Like a Fiddle

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Rogue Highlander: Played Like a Fiddle Page 53

by Sondra Grey

  “I will always find you, sweetheart. I will always find you no matter what.” He said

  Secured in the clasp of his embrace, Elizabeth was no longer afraid of the storm. She was amazed at how his proximity had made her conquer her lifelong fear.

  After some time, she began to enjoy looking out of the window watching nature’s performance. Just as Elizabeth was about to fall asleep again, she felt Nicholas’ hand slide up her leg, pushing her nightgown up over her thighs. It was the thin white one with the gauzy fabric and sleeveless straps that Elinore had given her before she left.

  Her breath caught in her throat as Nicholas turned her towards him, bending down to lose himself into a deep kiss. He kissed her lips slowly and tenderly while his fingers roamed over the side of her bare leg. Incensed with drowsy desire, Elizabeth’s arms went around his neck to hold him close. When he pulled back to adjust his position she held on to him not letting him go.

  “Darling, I am not going anywhere.” he cooed into her ear. He caught the lobe of her ear between his teeth and pulled with enough force to ignite yearning but not hurt her. She keened with the pleasure of it as Nic moved lower and lower plundering her with his tongue, all long column of her neck and down her bare shoulders. The fingers of his other hand were drawing imaginary circles over the soft flesh on the inside of her thigh.

  When he dipped them inside the delicious core between her thighs, she moaned with pleasure and arched upwards. Nic took the chance to slide her dress all the way up to her shoulders and over her head. In a frenzied moment, he threw away the quilt that tangled between them, and there she was, completely bare to his devouring eyes. He quickly undressed himself until there was nothing that separated them from one another.

  A feral desire to possess her gripped Nicholas, but he controlled himself. It was her first time, and he did not want to hurt her.

  Kissing her softly and gently, Nicholas explored Elizabeth’s body with his hands. His mouth found one breast, encircling her nipple with is tongue, bringing it to a firm peak with desire. Elizbeth moaned softly, her eyes dark with desire as she watched him. His hands moved lower down her body, taking time to touch her and build her desire. He reached the apex of her thighs and began to move at the hub of her slick heat in slow but firm circles.

  His fingers slid lower still, at the brink of her womanhood, as she arched her back towards his ministrations. He marveled at the slick wetness that drenched his finger as he toyed with her opening. Elizabeth gasped at her desire, having never experiencing anything like it before.

  Nicholas continued to kiss her, his tongue probing the inside of her mouth as he possessed her with his kiss.

  “Wife, I am going to take you now, once and for all!” He

  Nic moved so he was over top of her, their bodies poised to become one. He spread her legs wide and held himself at the threshold of her being, keeping her gaze in his own as the lowered himself inside of her.

  Elizabeth cried out in pain and tears swam in her eyes as Nic pushed his hardness into her with one swift thrust. She bit on her lower lip and writhed in agony as he tore through her virginity. But he did not stop. Instead, he delivered thrust after thrust into her core, and soon the pain disappeared, and the pain was replaced with a deep pleasure she had never known before.

  In and out he plundered her, claiming her as his own and stoking the fire deep within her. Elizabeth felt the heat building deep within her as her body rose and fell to meet the demands of her husband’s. Nicholas continued his steady stroke, gradually increasing his pace, and she found herself riding his pole with her very being. Arching her back to him, her very first climax claimed her, causing her to call out and rake her nails across Nic’s back. She shuddered and gaped at him in awe as he smiled down on her bemusedly.

  “I take it I have pleased you so far, Lizzie.” Nicholas teased Elizabeth as she blushed, turning her flushed cheeks into her arm.

  “Don’t hide your beautiful face from me, I want to see you.”

  Elizabeth turned her face from her arm and gazed up at the wonder that was her husband, finally understanding what it meant to be one with another. Nicholas peered down at her, the lust in his eyes turning them dark with desire once again. He returned to thrusting himself inside of her, bringing the tip of his head almost all the way out of her before driving back inside to the hilt, again and again until she thought she would die.

  As she climaxed a second time that night, she clung to him. Unable to hold back any longer, he poured himself into her, quaking with his release as she opened herself to receive him. Nicholas collapsed beside her with gratification. It was the longest, the most beautiful night of Elizabeth’s life. Over and over, she would be on the brink of falling asleep and he would wake her to take yet another frenzied ride into ecstasy. They made love all night and sometime just before sunrise they fell asleep exhausted and thoroughly satiated.

  Chapter Sixteen

  F or Nicholas and Elizabeth, the days that followed were filled with connubial bliss. When they were in the same room, their eyes sought out the other and love pulsed through every look and smile they shared. When they were near each other, a casual touch conveyed the tender ache they felt for the other.

  The men sat around the table chatting as they waited for their Sunday Lunch. Larry and Jim were not yet in. Molly was there, and she was chatting animatedly with Martha about the good old days. Joe and Caroline had also stayed on for lunch and were sitting together at the table. Elizabeth was busy dressing the salad while Nic carved the huge Pork roast.

  Just then, Molly slid herself between the two and elbowed Elizabeth into her side.

  “I see the tide has turned. My son has finally taken you to his bed eh?” she said so that only the two of them could hear her.

  “Molly hush,” Elizabeth said shocked as she looked over her shoulder to see if any of the others had heard her.

  “Sorry honey. My Ma has no sense of propriety.” Nic declared as he cut another juicy piece of p and placed it on the heap he had formed on the serving platter.

  “Ha…you weren’t born out of my sense of propriety. You were born out of the pure lust that your father and I shared.”

  “Thanks, Ma.” Nic gave her a tight smile as he glowered at her.

  “Thanks for putting that image into my mind. Now my Sunday lunch is spoiled.” He said disgustedly.

  “Why don’t you hurry up and make me a couple of grandchildren Nic? Then I will be out of your hair, and you can enjoy your sense of propriety.” She said winking at Elizabeth.

  Nic was about to come back with a smart retort when a shrill cry came from the front yard.

  “Dr. Lizzie! Dr. Lizzie!” Lydia cried out at the top of her voice.

  Nic called her Liz. Caroline called her Lizzie. The rest all called her Mrs. Rhymer. Lydia had also schooled herself to call her Mrs. Rhymer. The fact that she was calling her by her old name now suggested she was in distress. Besides her shrikes were becoming more and more frenzied.

  When they heard Lydia calling, they all stopped at once. Nic ran out with the carving knife still in his hands; the rest followed.

  Outside in the yard, Jim and Larry were holding Franco under one armpit each. It was apparent that he had been thoroughly beaten and blood flowed down the side of his temple.

  Nic reached the threesome first. The rest of them filled out behind him and watched but did not step too close. Vincent and Xavier stood right behind Nic.

  “What’s happening boys!” Nic growled dangling the carving knife in his hand. Elizabeth knew it was only for effect but still, she did not appreciate it.

  Franco had no strength of his own to stand. But for the two men holding him, he would have fallen. He hung his head between his shoulders and eyed the knife in Nic’s hand.

  “What has he done now?” Nic said from between barred teeth, putting the point of the knife under the injured man’s chin and drawing his head up to look at him.

  “He was in the barn, trying to lo
osen Star from her stall. When we walked in on him, he threatened us with a knife. So, we jumped him, but he tried to escape and fell flat against Star’s water trough.”

  “We were not going to harm the cripple boss. Just bind him and bring him here.

  “Listen Franco, I made myself clear last time, leave that mare alone.”

  “When the boss hears how your boys manhandled me he is not going to be happy.”

  “Yeah…I tremble in my boots when I think of what your boss may do to me.” Nic remarked with arrogant nonchalance. All his men including Joe snickered.

  No one had noticed Lydia slip out in all that commotion. She came back now from inside the house carrying Elizabeth’s large doctor’s bag.

  “Dr. Lizzie. He is hurt. Please tend to him.” Lydia pleaded

  Elizabeth looked instinctively at her husband.

  “He doesn’t need any tending. He needs to be shot down like a rabid dog.” Nic said pushing the point of his knife into the soft flesh under his chin. A trickle of blood oozed out of the broken skin, down the man’s neck and onto his chest. Franco barred his teeth but did not speak.

  “Nooo…boss…no…!” Lydia came running to him then and threw herself at his knees. “Don’t hurt him, boss. He ain’t the one cutting your fences and…”

  “Shut up Lydia. And don’t beg this man for my life. I would rather die.”

  “Franco.” Lydia now ran towards the man and threw herself at him. Franco snatched one of his arms from Danny’s grasp and held her tightly against his chest. It was evident that he had no energy left in him to stand, but he was somehow sustaining his own weight and Lydia’s.

  “My boss is coming to take us, Lydia. Go get your things.” Franco said pushing Lydia away from himself looking all the time at Nic and his men.

  “I cannot leave Dr. Lizzie!” she whispered shocked, shaking her head from side to side taking a step back from Franco.

  “Stop that nonsense Liddy,” Franco said, desperately grabbing at Lydia’s hand as if not to allow her to escape.

  That was when the carriage came up the forest trail. Franco turned back to look at the carriage while still holding Lydia’s hand. He did not see Nic making a sign to all his men and to Lydia behind his back.

  Nic put a finger to his lips and turned a half circle to include all his men in his gesture. Then he made a reassuring gesture towards Lydia before signaling her to be quiet and not contradict.

  The carriage stopped in the yard, and Juan Alvarez thrust his head out

  “Come on Franco get into the carriage quick. We are getting late for church,” he yelled at Franco.

  Franco held Lydia by her hand and started pulling her with him. Juan waited for a heartbeat expecting Nic and his men to stop Lydia. When no one moved, he yelled again.

  “Leave the girl Franco. I have no need for a new servant. I have enough already.”

  “The girl goes with me,” Franco yelled back

  “You sweet on her Franco? Well, you don’t get to decide who I feed and who I don’t. Now leave the girl and get into the carriage.”

  “I am going to marry her boss.” There was now a pleading that had crept into Franco’s voice, and it was clear he hated it. His master was hell bent on not having Lydia even though Nic and his men were somehow ready to let her go.

  “And you think she is going to marry a scrub like you? A cripple besides? I have fed and clothed you for years Franco, and you stand there and argue with me for a servant girl?” Juan spat out. Franco’s hands curled into fists. Even his bad hand somehow stretched straight at his side in his anger.

  “You need not insult my girl. I don’t need your feeding and clothing, Juan Alvarez.” Franco called out

  Juan gave out a big dirty laugh then said

  “Franco, you knucklehead. Don’t you see they are making a cat’s paw of you? You are the best of my men. They are planting the girl among us, and a kitchen maid at that! She will have access to the entire house. She will get all the important information on us and pass it on to them. They are setting you up, you idiot!”

  “Lydia goes with me,” Franco said like an eight-year-old being obstinate about a pet. Nicholas was amused thinking of what Juan must be suffering then, and he stole a look at his wife and Vincent who were both standing just a few feet away. It seemed they too had caught up to his ruse of not stopping Lydia and thereby letting Franco see the true colors of his master.

  Juan was so wild with rage that he made a face as if he was going to jump from the window. Then, everyone heard loud and clear, old man Alvarez saying from inside the carriage.

  “Drive away.”

  “Franco, I am picking you up on my way back. Be ready for me when I get back. It’s the last chance I will give you after that you are on your own.” Juan said as the carriage turned around the corner further down the road.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “P ack your things, Lydia. We are leaving.” Franco said hobbling on this bad foot.

  “Lydia is not going anywhere.” Nicholas declared in a tone that rang with finality.

  “She is going to be my wife. We are getting married. And she goes where I tell her to go.”

  “I will not leave Dr. Lizzie,” Lydia said in a meek tone.

  Franco was stunned. For him, it was too much to take a second deception on the heels of the first. Nicholas decided it was time to run to his aid and deliver his coup de grace.

  “Franco, I respect your love for Lydia. But she came to Jacksonville under my protection. Now you have very unwisely crossed paths with Juan Alvarez and dragged Lydia into it along with you. As dim and brainless as her is, he is going to blame Lydia for losing you. Then he is going to come after her for revenge. And we all know what happens to people who offend Juan Alvarez, especially girls. In fact, you know it better than anyone of us, so don’t be emotional. Think wisely…what is more important to you, Lydia’s safety or your own ego?”

  It was evident Franco saw the wisdom of Nic’s words. But he was still hesitant to say anything. That was when Elizabeth walked into the scene. She stood next to her husband, her hand resting lightly on his upper arm and addressed Franco and Lydia who stood facing her.

  “Franco, The Rhymer ranch is huge. We always have a need for new hands. Besides though you have been working for a lousy master, you are a very efficient worker, we all know that. I brought Lydia from Cleveland with me and have known her since she was a little girl. I am not willing to risk her life sending her off with you. And if you are the smart guy we all know you to be, you will be of the same opinion.” She said in a kind and gentle tone. Nic was at that moment fiercely proud of the woman he had married.

  Franco seemed to be coming around a little. He nodded slightly but still did not say anything.

  “Come work for me Franco,” Nic said. His wife had prepared the grounds for him, and he delivered his final blow. Franco looked up with skepticism. That was when Vincent called out from his place.

  “You’ve known Nic for a long time Franco, even though it has only been as an adversary. You know he is a fair man.”

  “Come come, son, join us,” Xavier said coming forward and holding his hand out. “My wife and I think of Lydia as our daughter. We will not let her walk into harm’s way.”

  Everyone stood quietly. Now it was Franco’s turn to decide. Seconds went by, Franco stole a tentative look at Lydia who nodded ever so slightly at him. Franco put his good hand into Xavier’s and shook it solidly. There was a hoot of joy from Jim and Larry as they ran to Lydia, hugged her and congratulated her. Then all the men were shaking hands with Franco and giving him slaps on the back.

  “Ok then, get inside all of you. We have a marriage to prepare.” Martha clapped her hands and called out to them all. Everybody filed into the huge kitchen after her, Lydia and Franco bringing up the rear.

  Nic had not moved from his place though. He was contemplating the backs of all his men, quietly chewing on the inside of his cheek. Elizabeth hung her head and turned
to him twiddling the fingers of both hands, in turn, holding them near her midriff, a nervous gesture she was used to making when she felt scared or guilty.

  “Juan is going to come after all of us now.” She said apologetically.

  “Then we have to be ready for him.”

  “Do you regret having Lydia and me here, Nic? We have put you all in jeopardy.”

  “You and Lydia are my family. And my men and I will protect you. The same we would do for any one of them. We are all family.”

  Elizabeth was overcome with gratitude, and her bosom was swelling with the generosity of this man.

  “Your role was detrimental in bringing Franco around. You are an astute woman, Dr. Rhymer.”

  Elizabeth looked up with stunned surprise at the way he had addressed her.

  “Well.” Nic shrugged, arching his eyebrows and clicking his tongue. He pulled Elizabeth to him and held her in a loose grip, his arms encircling her waist as she turned up to look into his face.

  “I learned something from Juan today. If you ignore what’s right in front of you for too long, you can to lose it. No more good will come to you without you first acknowledging the goodness you already have. Luck lasts for just a short while, the rest you have to deserve.”

  “You are not going to lose me so easily Nic Rhymer. I intend to be on your case for the rest of our lives and ever after.”

  “I am counting on it.” He said picking up her doctor’s bag that Lydia had left on the ground in her haste. Hand in hand they walked into the house, each engulfed in the warmth of the other’s love and trust.

  Chapter Eighteen

  E lizabeth tended to Franco’s wounds in the kitchen while Caroline took Lydia to her room to dress her for her wedding. The gash on his forehead was ugly and needed three stitches, but other than that he was quite alright. He sat through the procedure stoically without flinching even once. Nic was watching him from the other side of the room and was happy he had gotten a man with pluck. Martha was busy reheating the food they had left when Franco first arrived injured, preparing to feed the lot of them. She had also quickly mixed a huge cake and already had it in the oven. Xavier and Greg gave her a hand to help speed up the process. Her granddaughters had arrived earlier, and Larry and Jim were playing with them in high spirits, getting in everybody’s way.


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