by Lucia Ashta
Ashta and Anak believed that life was what they chose it to be. How they saw things and reacted to them ultimately played a great part in creating their reality. They had learned this early on in their temple studies and had incorporated it into their way of being. Life was what they felt in their hearts. They chose joy. That was the only true option for them if they were to play the role they now knew they had come to earth to embody.
As Ashta and Anak began to assimilate their new understanding of their lives and their mission on earth, they became especially careful with their thoughts and the vibration that they allowed to flow through them. They knew now that humanity was counting on them to fulfill an important assignment. If they failed, so too would the light they were meant to bring to the earth. The twins grew vigilant in applying those principles they had learned in the temples to their lives. What had once been learned theory of how to lead a life of the highest spiritual vibration became their way of life.
For the first time, Ashta accepted with grace that her parents had given her to the temple at the age of seven when she had still yearned for the comfort of their care. Though Ashta did not know whether her parents had known of her special destiny, it did not matter. Ashta now understood that she needed to be at the temple. It was essential training if she was to fulfill her destiny.
In deference to the function that Kaanra knew Ashta and Anak were to play, he exempted them from normal temple duties. They no longer assisted in the regular maintenance of the temple and its grounds. Ashta had learned to use the cleaning of the stone floors as a time for meditation and introspection. She would clean while in an exalted state that always left her feeling refreshed and calm. Now, while their fellow pupils continued with their habitual chores, Ashta and Anak were encouraged to connect to each other and to follow that guidance which was surely reserved for the prophesied golden children.
Ashta and Anak spent time together. Raised to be independent, it surprised them both that they would ease into a life of togetherness so readily. However, it was comforting to them both. They enjoyed each other’s presence whether they were engaging each other or sitting in complete silence, left alone to their thoughts.
They trained together. They learned of each other’s limitations and of their lack of limitations. The more they worked together and explored the potential of their human bodies, the more they realized the restrictions that existed in their minds were what limited them.
Once they understood that they were capable of even more than they had dreamt, the twins concentrated on reprogramming these notions of reality and possibility. That became one of their most important tasks, for magic was truly within their reach. They realized that Creator had given them the ability to tap into unlimited potential. As they gradually opened their minds, magic graced their lives in greater and more significant ways.
14 Pyramids
Under the prophet’s guidance, the citizens of Arnaka built the pyramids in anticipation of the twins’ birth. Dann supervised the pyramids’ construction, but gave no information concerning the reason for their existence. He just told the people that the pyramids needed to be built and the people, who trusted faithfully in the messages of their prophets, obeyed without question.
Dann did not give the people any details about the pyramids other than the precise way in which they needed to be constructed, but he had known that they were tools to amplify the energy emissions of the prophesied golden twins. More than that, even the great Dann did not know. It was not information his spirit guides had given him to share with the world.
Though Dann lived only thirty-three years on this planet, he shared great wisdom in the time he walked the earth. The construction of the pyramids was crucial to the fruition of the twins’ destiny, and it was essential that they be completed before the twins’ birth. It took lifetimes to build such monumental structures. Had the twins needed to wait until they first understood their destinies and then realized the need for the pyramids as energetic tools, the pyramids could not have been completed in time for the twins to use them. Dann told the people of the need for the pyramids, and the people came together as one to respond to that need. Of itself, this showing of solidarity was incredibly powerful.
Kaanra told the twins the history of the pyramids of Arnaka. Kings and queens had not built the pyramids. Rather, it had been the people, who had understood that they were needed for their collective advancement. Energetically, the pyramids had been built in the best way with clear intention, love, and humility of heart. It had been a collaborative effort supported by prayer and hope for a brighter future.
The people used their own resources to build the pyramids. Families came together. Children helped their parents lay the stones. This cooperation was healing and restoring to the community. But it also made the process slow, as the people had to attend to their own needs as well as build the pyramids.
The pyramids took over a century to build, and they were built in phases. There was no hurry. The love and intention that went into building the pyramids was more important. The pyramids became a testament to community and selflessness.
The pyramids were completed well before the twins were born. By the time the twins came into the world, the blowing sand had softened the pyramids, already a familiar mark on the landscape. The pyramids were a symbol of Arnaka.
Everyone could enter the pyramids. Though the people considered the pyramids sacred, they were a part of that sacredness; after all, they had been integral to the pyramids’ creation. Still, no one knew how the pyramids worked. Ashta and Anak did not know much about the pyramids either. Kaanra did not tell them that the people of Arnaka had built the pyramids in anticipation of their destined role on earth, although he was one of the few people who possessed this knowledge.
Ashta and Anak had each played in and around the pyramids throughout their childhood. Ashta had played in the pyramids of Laresu’u Kal and Anak had played within the pyramids of Na’anesh Kal. Nothing remarkable had happened to either of them while in the pyramids. But they had not yet entered into the pyramids as twins.
It happened for the first time when they were still thirteen. It was only a few months after Anak had joined Ashta at the Temple of Laresu’u Kal. The twins were out on the land for the day, away from the temple. Since they were no longer required to perform regular duties at the temple, they were free to follow their desires, though they still held firm to their practice of honoring the rhythms of the planet. As all other students of the temple, they respected the natural patterns of the earth. They honored the rising of the sun and the rising of the moon. They celebrated the changes of the seasons and cycles. Now the twins had freedom to honor their own impulses as well.
Ashta and Anak were in one of the smaller pyramids close to the temple. They were playing and chased each other inside. Their laughter echoed off the walls and filled the pyramid with a tingling sense of electricity. The pyramid felt alive. Before the twins realized what was happening, the pyramid began reacting to them.
The pyramid’s walls began vibrating. Ashta and Anak continued with their play. They sang a sing-songy melody with the child-like enthusiasm of ones much younger than thirteen. This same playful zeal would be of great value to them as they stepped into their roles as the golden children of prophecy. As they sang, they chased each other, circling through the pyramid.
They touched the walls as they passed. Ashta felt the stone beneath her fingertips as she skimmed it and began to feel herself transported to another place and time. It was as if the touch of the stone could pull her out of her body, as if the stone itself was somehow connected to her essence and being. It was a feeling that Ashta had not experienced before and she noted it with detachment, as if she were merely an observer of her bodily sensations.
Ashta and Anak continued to follow each other around the pyramid, touching the walls as they circled them until they felt a distinct energy build. Though Ashta and Anak did not look at each other, they both knew that the other was
feeling the same thing. Their connection ran deep.
They carried on, but now the excitement built within them as well as within the pyramid. The twins began to feel exhilarated. They moved a little faster and laughed a little harder. They were giddy. The build-up of energy was dizzying. Their very giggling was building tension within the pyramid.
Then, they stopped moving. They both came to an abrupt halt at the same moment, without any verbal communication between them. Just as suddenly, they ran to the exact center of the pyramid. They did this together too, at precisely the same moment, as if it had been a well-rehearsed and choreographed event.
As if they had been doing this all of their lives, they came together. The fronts of their bodies were a mere inch away from each other. The twins stood like this, chest to chest, for a second, for one deep, accelerated breath. Then, Anak pulled Ashta to him and held their chests pressed together. It was as if they were fused together physically. Ashta did not dare pull away from him.
Instinctively, with that knowing that came from a deep, innate place, they threw their heads back. As if invisible chords were pulling them, they held their heads at identical angles. They stood like this for only a few seconds before an intense blue light shot out from their conjoined chests. The light held only for a few moments in linear time, but for Ashta and Anak it felt like a small eternity. The twins were suspended in time, in complete surrender to divine will.
Anak held Ashta still, his chest pressed against hers. They were transfixed. They had fully surrendered to whatever needed to be. They had allowed divinity to flow through them. Anak’s chest rose in heavy breaths against Ashta’s chest. Ashta’s heart beat rapidly. Even before learning of the prophecy, they had dedicated their lives to Creator’s will.
The twins continued to stand together. There was no room for conscious thought. There was no bewilderment at the intense blue light that still beamed out from their chests. There was barely any realization of what was happening. In those moments, they had become divine emissaries. They were simply allowing themselves to be the creatures Creator had sent them to earth to be.
The blue light was strong. It was a warrior light. It was the bright blue of victory and conviction. Its beam was unwavering. In those moments, Ashta and Anak felt united to all humanity as a whole, and they felt a collective exhale in relief at the infusion of light out into the world. The planet very much needed light at this time in history; darkness was attempting to overtake the shores of human consciousness.
Ashta and Anak vibrated to the frequency of the light. They felt it in every part of their beings and with every breath that filtered through their hearts. The light emission stopped at the precise moment that it was intended to, without any conscious decision by the twins. It ceased just as suddenly as it began.
Ashta collapsed into Anak’s arms. He held her for a long time. They both needed comfort and reassurance then. This was the first time they turned to each other out of a desire for solace. From that time forward, they would always provide that for each other.
It had been a very powerful and transformative experience for both of them. They stood there as cosmic brother and sister, as divine male and female. Ashta leaned further into Anak. Their bodies fully pressed against each other.
Although they were both already strong in more ways than they realized, Ashta and Anak were still a mere silhouette of who they would become. Ashta was a powerful girl predestined to become an even more powerful woman, but she was still content to allow Anak to support her. Ashta yielded her softness to Anak’s protective maleness. She breathed in peace and safety as the love of her twin enveloped her. She gave in to Anak’s embrace fully and let her muscles go slack.
Ashta and Anak were not as much fatigued as they were astounded. They had not used any of their actual life force energy. Because they had allowed their physical beings to be used as vessels for the light, because they had not resisted this, none of their personal energy had been released. The light energy that had flooded the sky through their bodies was from Creator. It was the energy and light that existed in the world, independent of any one being. The light had been of pure beauty as anything from Creator always was.
Ashta and Anak heard the slightest of sounds and tilted their heads up just in time to see the capstone of the pyramid swiveling shut. They looked at each other and smiled. It was exciting! The mystery of the pyramids was revealing itself. It had not occurred to them that the capstone, the pyramid’s very pinnacle, could move. It was extremely heavy and rested with a sense of finality atop the pyramid. It did not seem possible that anyone could move it, much less that it could move on its own.
But Ashta and Anak were quickly learning that there was no longer any such thing as impossibility. Where there was faith in the ways of Creator anything was possible. The pyramids were a tool of energy and light amplification. They condensed and simultaneously magnified the twins’ divine light energy and provided an outlet for its transmission to the world.
Ashta rested her head against Anak’s shoulder. She was not ready to leave his comforting embrace. Eventually, though reluctantly, Ashta began to move away from Anak. She first moved her head until she was far enough away to look into his eyes. Ashta smiled into them with a calm and deep love that she had not known she felt for him until that moment.
But it was he who voiced what she felt. “I love you, Ashta. You are my dearest twin, the female reflection of my maleness. My soul and heart are yours and yet also mine,” Anak said.
Ashta and Anak believed in the perfection of their union in that moment, and, at the age of thirteen, they shared their first kiss. It was then that they learned they would be together in all ways that Creator had made a man and woman to be together. It was a sweet, gentle kiss, and it held all the promise of the love that was to blossom.
Ashta laid her head, for one last fleeting moment, on Anak's shoulder again, and then they exited the pyramid holding hands. They had not anticipated what awaited them outside. The twins had been so caught up in their miraculous experience that they did not think of the effect and reverberations of what had taken place.
As they left the pyramid, the sun blinded the twins. They could not readily make out the figures before them as their eyes adjusted to the bright afternoon light. The people looked like bright blocks of light and energy. Steadily, the faces and expressions became clear.
There was a crowd gathered outside of the pyramid. Everyone looked as if he were suspended in time. People stood still, in frozen movement, as if they had been in midstride when they stopped. The people gathered before the twins stared at them as if in a spell. There was complete silence.
Ashta and Anak stood as a girl and a boy before the people of Arnaka. Unassuming and still holding hands in support of each other, they entered this new role in their lives. There was nothing for them to say or do but just be in the moment for their people. Then, slight movement began to rustle across the crowd.
A woman set down the carafe she had been carrying, and her husband set down his tools. They bowed to Ashta and Anak as they came down onto both knees. Moving deliberately, they placed their heads against the earth. The people around them followed their example. The crowd, slowly and collectively, bowed in respect for the golden children whom they saw as miracle workers. Then everyone lowered himself to the ground as the wife and husband had done and placed his head against the earth. The people had reached a sudden understanding that the time for miracles had come. The time of the prophecy had finally arrived.
All knelt with heads bowed before Ashta and Anak except for one little girl. She was perhaps five years old. Ashta and Anak had met this little girl before and remembered her because she showed great joy for life. Samalia had a special spark within her. Instead of bowing low like the others, Samalia walked toward the twins. She looked the twins in the eyes as she walked, alternating between Ashta’s eyes and Anak’s eyes, seeing little difference between them.
Ashta and Anak met Samalia’s gaze a
nd noticed that, unlike everyone else, she looked at them as equals. Samalia’s eyes indicated that she recognized and honored fellow brilliant souls, but that she did not venerate them. There was a shy smile on her face. She approached the twins, brushing off timidity, and hugged them both around their hips. It was as high as she could reach. A single tear slid down Samalia’s face. Ashta felt a lone tear roll down her cheek too. It was finally time for change. It was time for divine light.
Ashta and Anak, in telepathic rapport, walked beside each other. They continued to hold hands, but now Ashta also held Samalia’s hand. The threesome walked over to the wife and husband who had first bowed down to them setting the example for the others.
Anak extended his free hand to the woman first and then to her husband and helped them rise. Anak wordlessly embraced both of them. Ashta did the same. Then Samalia took a turn. Still there were no words exchanged, but now everyone released tears heavy with emotion. The tears shed that day were of gratitude and relief at the recognition of the Divine at work here on earth.
Ashta, Anak, and Samalia went to every other man, woman, and child present and repeated the same gesture. The twins and the girl lifted each person off the ground and embraced them, sharing a moment of hope for the future. The twins joined with them as equals.
Although it was clear that the twins had an important destiny to fulfill, Creator ultimately sent all souls to this earth for a particular purpose. All of these objectives were important and made a valuable contribution in their own way. Every individual had the potential to bring amazing gifts to the world through playing her unique role. Everyone had a specific destiny to meet, and it was that person's free will choice whether or not to fulfill that destiny.