Saddled On The Cowboy: A Hot Western Romance

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Saddled On The Cowboy: A Hot Western Romance Page 4

by Amanda Heartley

  “You wouldn’t!” I glared at her. “And she’s no ho. You don’t even know her,” I defended.

  She continued to undress. “I already got wet watching you under my sink, so I’m ready for it, baby,” she said as she moved in on me. “Now, give it to me… hard and fast… or I’ll make sure your little girlfriend’s name will be mud around here.”

  “No!” I yelled. “First, don’t even think about threatening me or Lainey… ever. Secondly, your behavior is deplorable. Begging for sex. Is that something your sons would be proud of? Their mother no better than a two-bit whore?”

  I was out of my mind with rage. “Take me home. Now. And if you say a word to try to drag my name through the mud… or Lainey’s… I promise, everyone will know what happened here. You lured me here and forced your unwelcome attention on me. Let’s see whose word they’ll believe. Yours, or mine? I am so out of here.”

  I walked toward the door when she grabbed my arm and stopped me.

  “I’m sorry, Calvin… I… it’s just… it’s been so darn long since I’ve been with a man and none of them around here are even half the man you are.” She seemed genuinely sorry and ashamed as she covered herself up again and zipped up her jump suit.

  “That’s not my problem. Ok, so you’re horny, but you can’t go around molesting whoever you feel like. If I did that to a woman, I’d be in jail right now. We aren’t in the dark ages. You don’t need to go to a barn raising to find a man. Just get online and start clicking, or swiping, or whatever works for you,” I said as I started to calm down.

  “You’re right. I should never have done what I did. My hormones just got the better of me,” she replied, hanging her head.

  “I’m sure you’re a very loving woman, but just so we’re clear, and in the kindest way I can say this, I’m not interested in anything other than a friendship with you. And after this, I’m not even sure about that. My feelings are not gonna change.” I wasn’t exactly shocked by her indecent proposal, just disappointed because I had considered her a friend.

  I truly understood her problem, and she was right, there weren’t many available men around, but that wasn’t my fault. I wondered why Lindsay had ramped up the volume now. She’d always been flirtatious, if not a little overtly, but nothing to this degree. I looked her in the eye.

  “I care about you, okay? Just not in a romantic way.” I think she finally got it, because she grabbed her keys, and we headed for her truck. I felt a wave of relief.

  When we got back to my place, I gave her a hug and a peck on the cheek to show there were no hard feelings on my side. As soon as she pulled out of the drive, I looked over to Lainey’s place. It was about noon, so I figured now would be a good time to call on her.

  Chapter Eight


  I wouldn’t say I was stalking him exactly, but in reality, I was—ravenously. I couldn’t take my eyes off his place. I convinced myself I had a legitimate reason though. Dad and I were starving and there was no way I was going to bust into the last of the saltine crackers that sat cracked and soggy at the bottom of our road trip snack bag.

  Instead, I sat with bated breath until I saw him return. Even though he’d come back in her truck, neither of them seemed to show any emotion. She stayed in her truck as he got out and he went straight to his own truck. I watched him drive over and within a moment he was on our front step. My stomach bloomed with butterflies, my mouth went dry, and I literally thought I was going to have a heart attack. Crap, I had it bad. Luckily, my dad answered the door.

  I wanted to be angry with him and give him the cold shoulder for going off with someone else that morning, but I kept reminding myself that I didn’t have the right to do that. He didn’t owe me anything, and we committed to nothing the previous night. Life could resume as usual.

  “Lainey, we’re going. Come on down,” Dad hollered.

  “Yep,” was the only word I could muster.

  I came downstairs wearing a breezy blouse that was sheer enough to show there was a pair of beautiful breasts beneath it, but also substantial enough not to be a peep show. He took notice. I had on my favorite pair of jeans as well. If I was going to feel lost and vulnerable, I wanted to at least be wearing clothes that gave me super powers—if only in my head.

  “Don’t you look lovely,” Calvin noted with his sexy Southern accent.

  I wasn’t going to let myself be wooed. He probably said that to all the girls. Those Southern boys and their charm.

  “Thank you,” somehow made its way out of my mouth.

  He gave me a weird look.

  I was busted.

  “Shall we go? I bet you’re starving,” he said with a lilt in his voice.

  “I know I sure am,” Dad piped in.

  “Yep, I could eat a horse… I mean, not a horse, you guys don’t… eat them, right? I mean, I don’t.” Oh, Lainey, shut up! Just keep your mouth quiet for the rest of the day.

  Calvin laughed. “Not usually. I know a great Mexican restaurant though. I thought we’d have some Carne Asada and cerveza,” he offered.

  “I actually know what that is, Mr. Fancy talker.” Lainey! What did I say about talking? I chided myself.

  My dad looked a little bewildered. “Anything sounds good to me,” he added, then Calvin led us to his truck, and we headed toward town.

  The food we had for lunch was amazing. We had some great Mexican spots in New York, but this was the real deal, and everything was fresh, spicy, and tasty. Calvin and my dad talked cars most of the time and they went off to look at some while I hit the grocery store. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, and I found a nice wedge of brie. Sadly, no baguettes, but I did discover a bakery with some artisan bread that smelled delicious. I also found a few wines I recognized and deli items I needed. All in all, my shopping was okay, but I would be on the hunt for a better grocery store soon. It was so far away from what I was used to in New York.

  When we met up again, and I told Calvin, he laughed at me. He said the town was roaring with excitement and that was the best grocery store they’d seen in twenty years, and in three times as many miles. My heart sunk a little, but at least he’d helped my dad buy a used pickup, and a lightly used sedan for longer trips.

  While I was happy to be settling in, it also created a feeling of dread. Did I really want to be putting down roots here among all the dust and dirt? However, I was glad there was a decent-ish grocery store, and we were now mobile. I guessed my pretty, pink powder-puff bedroom would have to wait as I couldn’t order the items I liked online as the stores wouldn’t deliver to our locale. The only decent furniture store was in downtown El Paso, so our day of excitement was over and we went back to the ranch.

  Luckily, my dad didn’t need to make any money. He had his retirement, and huge savings from the sale of the penthouse. We didn’t need income from the ranch, but he wanted to work on the land, anyway. Calvin offered to come over and help him on how to best use the place another day. He looked tired, and I was sure he was ready for a cup of tea and some ESPN; luckily the cable was being installed when we returned.

  “Thanks for all of your help, Calvin,” he said. “I’m not sure how I would have managed without you. The two of you probably want some time to yourselves, so I’ll just go tuck myself away and see what’s on the television,” he said as he made his exit.

  “He’s a bit old school,” I said with a laugh. My dad was just such a typical father when it came to TV with his sports and 24-hour news.

  “I really like him. He’s a great guy. So, do you have plans tonight?” Calvin asked cautiously.

  I’d totally forgotten about my jealousy over the woman I’d seen him with that morning, but his invitation brought it all back to me, so I played the snarky card.

  “No, do you?” I asked with insinuation.

  “I haven’t had any real plans for a long time,” he said in a way that sounded like a confession.

  “You didn’t have any this morning?” I asked, raising a
n eyebrow. Okay… let’s play this game.

  “You saw that?” He seemed shocked.

  “It’s okay. So we kissed. It’s not like you married me last night or anything. I was just… well, I don’t know… I mean, it was my choice to kiss and fool around with someone I hardly knew. And of course, I should have realized you may be seeing other women. It’s just… what we did, that really isn’t me. I don’t normally act that way. I want you to know that.” Well, there it was… almost all in one breath.

  “Woah. Okay. Slow down a minute,” he said calmly. “I’m not seeing other women. Lindsay is just my neighbor. She asked me to fix her faucet… and I don’t mean that in any metaphorical sense. I really enjoyed spending time with you last night and I’m hoping to get to know you a lot better. I’d love the opportunity to pick up where we left off, if I got the chance. But anyway… about you stalking me?” He said, half teasing.

  “It wasn’t stalking exactly. I came over earlier and cleaned up your place. I was hoping to see you, then later I saw the other woman sitting on your porch waiting for you and... sorry, I’m a mess. I feel like such an idiot right now.” I really was coming unglued.

  “Right. I can see how that might have looked. Well, how about you come over for a glass of wine and some dinner as a thanks for cleaning up for me? I really wasn’t looking forward to waking up to all that and I so appreciate what you did. No one has ever done anything so nice for me before around here. We can do this whole dating thing in reverse if you want. Start with the kissing, then wine and dinner, and finally, hello. If you turn out to be a crazy stalker, I’m not too worried. I have 911 on speed dial.”

  He laughed. I was so glad he was having fun… at my expense, but one look into his beautiful soulful eyes and I just wanted to be with him even more.

  Chapter Nine


  Lainey was so much fun to be with, and sexy as hell. I believed her when she told me she wasn’t the type to sleep with anyone on their first date, but after spending the day with her, I knew she felt out of her element in Texas. More than anything I wanted her to love what I loved about the land. That huge sky, the fresh air, and the earnest people. She was a city girl and being so far from it could crush her if she didn’t have a friend. I wanted to be that person for her because I had city in my veins too.

  It felt strange to drive her the short distance to my ranch, but I didn’t want to leave my truck at her place. We didn’t speak for the one or so minutes it took to get home, and when we arrived, I invited her in. I tried to be as casual and relaxed as I could, but I felt the sexual tension between us mounting rapidly.

  “So, do you have any preferences for dinner?” I asked.

  “Not really. Do you have salad?” She seemed nervous.

  “I do, but you might want to eat more than that. Ranch life can be tough, and you’ll probably need to eat a lot more than you would in the city.” She was slim, and beautiful, but even she could use a layer of softness. I loved women with a little to grab onto.

  She laughed and said, “I don’t eat a whole lot, but how about you make something easy. We’ve had a long day and I don’t want you slaving away in the kitchen,” she said politely. Somehow, I felt we weren’t expressing the same level of honesty and risk we had the night before.

  “Well, I love salmon with tarragon and thyme. How about an arugula with mandarin oranges, blueberries, and blue cheese with a balsamic vinaigrette? I can whip that up in about twenty minutes,” I said with a smile. “And I’ll open a bottle of cold Chardonnay while you watch me cook.”

  “Sounds great. I can help,” she enthusiastically offered.

  “Sure, can you make the salad?”

  It was fun preparing the food together. When we were done, we set out some candles, and together with the fading sunlight, they illuminated our simple, yet romantic meal. We talked more, and I learned about her family and the tragedies she’d recently suffered. I told her a bit about me, but I still didn’t want to divulge too much. If I was going to have a relationship with her, I wanted her to like where we were. I was afraid that if I confessed that I’d lived a life like hers too soon, she wouldn’t understand how much living in the country meant to me.

  After we’d finished and cleaned up, we went back on the porch and just looked at the night sky, making wishes on the few shooting stars we saw.

  “What will you be studying when you go back to New York?” I asked, suddenly realizing I didn’t even know what she was interested in. We’d spent most of our time talking about bucket lists and the differences between country and city living.

  “I’ll be studying for my masters in child psychology,” she answered with a huge smile.

  “Sounds like a great career. I’m guessing you like children?” I questioned.

  “I love them, and so many kids need support these days. Life is just too fast for a lot of them, what with technology and accelerated learning. The next generation will have to solve the problems that we’re all making for the world today, but that’s a very daunting prospect for some. I feel drawn to help them if I can.”

  “That’s a beautiful thing you’re doing.” And although it was, now I felt conflicted inside. I didn’t want her to leave… ever. “You know I’ve only known you a day or so, but you’re the best thing to come along since I moved here a few years ago.”

  “Thanks,” she said coyly, “and you’re the best thing about this place. I’m glad I came, even if it is just for the summer.” She was being sincere. We’d known each other just over twenty-four hours and I was feeling so grateful we’d met.

  “Well, that’s very gracious of you to say, but I wouldn’t say I was the best thing. You know, we have some amazing views here. If you’d like, we can take a horse ride around the perimeter tomorrow, and around your property too. You should at least know what you’re getting yourselves into,” I chuckled. I wanted to show her my world in all its majesty.

  “That would be nice… if you have the time,” she said. She seemed cautious in her reply, so I tried to reassure her with my warmest, widest smile.

  “Oh, I have time. Lots of it. And if I didn’t, I’d make time for you.” And I definitely would for this pretty lady.

  While all the talking was nice, as the night sky grew darker, I continued to feel the electricity grow between us, and I wanted her more and more. I couldn’t stop thinking about feeling her body against mine and pleasuring her until she moaned with ecstasy. I hoped she didn’t think the previous night was the one and only time we’d kiss and get as close as we did. My cock ached to be inside her, and I hoped it was the first of many nights we’d spend together. I felt a little nervous, but I had to try.

  “It’s getting late. Do you want me to walk you home, or would you rather stay and we could get a little more comfortable inside? I’d love to carry on our gazebo conversation if you can stay,” I said, wiggling my eyebrows at her.

  She laughed at my facial expressions then said, “Honestly, I want to stay here with you all night, but my head says I should have you walk me home,” she confessed.

  “Are you worried about the neighbors gossiping, or your dad? Is there anything I can say to make you change your mind? I make a mean breakfast… and coffee,” I said, smiling and praying she’d give in.

  “I’d love to stay, Calvin. I think you know I would, but I guess I’d need to talk with my dad first. You know, we just got here and all and for me to be sleeping over with the new neighbor on our second night here. It just seems… not right, you know what I mean? Him over there alone, and me staying here with you.” She seemed uneasy about having to have a conversation with him about it.

  “You don’t have to tell him we’re sleeping together. He’d probably want to be spared the details, anyway. We’re just hanging out, having fun… falling asleep. He’s a grown man. He can sleuth us out… or not.”

  “I guess,” she said, hesitantly, biting her lower lip. God, so sexy.

  “C’mon, Lainey. You’re old enough
to make your own decisions, and he practically booted us out the door earlier, anyway,” I said in a low voice. “Honestly, I think he’ll be okay with everything. Maybe it’s you who are holding on too tight. Let go and enjoy your life, unless...” I leaned into her, moving closer until my body was pressed against hers. “Unless you aren’t enjoying it?”

  Her breath hitched at my touch. I knew she wanted me as much as I wanted her.

  “No, I… I am enjoying life being with you.” Her breathing became more rapid.

  I pressed my face into her neck and whispered into her ear. “I want you in my bed... naked, so I can kiss and lick every inch of you.” I wanted her to know how much I wanted to make her feel special... in so many ways.

  “Oh, god,” she whispered, closing her eyes as my lips trailed up and down her neck and along her jaw, her breath quickening with every movement. “How can a girl say no to an offer like that from a hot Texan like you,” she said, smiling at me so sexily.

  “I don’t know the answer to that, and call me selfish if you want, but if I did, I’d never tell you,” I chuckled.

  “You are a wicked man, Calvin,” she said with a laugh.

  Fuck. I wanted her so bad. The hard bulge in my jeans was proof of that. I was so ready to show her what kind of lover a Texan man could be.

  Chapter Ten


  Deep down, I knew Calvin was right, I was overthinking everything. I just needed to let go and let this—whatever it was becoming—grow. He finished his wine and while I was taking a sip of mine, he got up from his chair and stood next to me. Now at eye level, I couldn’t help but notice the bulge in his pants. He was as ready for me as I was for him. There was a powerful magnetism that had attracted us and drew us together, and I couldn’t resist giving into temptation. I stood up to be next to him.


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