Saddled On The Cowboy: A Hot Western Romance

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Saddled On The Cowboy: A Hot Western Romance Page 32

by Amanda Heartley

  She glanced at the clock above the mantel and realized he was taking quite a while and obviously in no hurry to go out. Or...The Bitch was stalling him. Why does this have to be so difficult? She sauntered into the office again, smiling, her huge breasts bouncing under her kelly green cashmere sweater. “Nick, baby, are y’all about done? It’s getting late.”

  He glanced at her, ready to speak and suddenly, Ellie threw her arms up in the air, the files she was holding went crashing to the floor.

  “Oh my God! Martha, can’t you see that we are busy here?”

  Marti was stunned. Her mouth dropped open and she looked at Nick. His face was pale. He started to say something but Marti interrupted, pointing her finger at the tall blonde. “Eleanor Poole, I am sick and tired of your shit! You are the fuckin’ boss of Vargas International, haven’t you learned how to handle this on your own? God knows we fuckin’ pay you enough!”

  Ellie’s voice rose as she walked towards Marti, “We? Did you say we? You don’t pay me anything, little girl.” she glared, her eyes full of ire. “Mr. Vargas and I have a business to run. I was here way before your… your so called marriage.”

  Her eyes were tight and she stuck her finger in Marti’s face. “So you need to get this straight, if I weren’t here running this business for Mr. Vargas, you wouldn’t be here either!” She lowered her finger and took a deep breath.

  “If I recall, I had to take care of the scandal on your drunken hussy trip to Las Vegas. Now you need to run along and go… shopping or something!” She turned and exhaled, muttering, “God knows you like to spend his money!” She stomped back to her desk and picked up the papers that had fallen.

  Marti shook her head, her mouth dropped. She turned to Nick, “Honey, are you gonna let her talk to me that way?”

  He stepped between them, exhaling, “Ladies, please. Why all this attitude and animosity? Princesa,” looking over at his bride, “I will be finished shortly… there is a problem with a driver I need to take care of. Ellie was just giving me the details. Now both of you, calm down. This is ridiculous.”

  “Okay, and how long do these details take?” She was burning up inside. Ready to bitch slap this woman he called assistant. “You know what? Just forget it! I wouldn’t want to spend all your money.” Shaking her head, she stormed out of the office and slammed the door. She stomped up the stairs and tossed a suitcase on the bed.

  “Wait! Mar-”. Nick flung the door open and ran up the stairs. He stopped in the doorway. “Marti? What are you doing? What the hell is going on? Where do you think you are going?”

  She put her palm up, “Don’t even talk to me.”

  “Why? Wha…”

  She stopped, turning to look at him, “Nick, I know Ellie is your assistant. I get that. She’s been with you way longer than I have. But, that bitch needs to back off. She’s rude, she’s condescending, and I’m not going to put up with her anymore. I’m done. Finished with all this bullshit. I’m going home. It’s been fun, but I’m going home.”

  His chocolaty eyes softened, “Princesa, wait - ”he reached out for her arm and she quickly jerked it away.

  “Wait for what, Nick?” throwing her clothes into the suitcase. “I’m already about to slap the shit out of her and you just go along with it, like nothing’s happening, like I’m not even here. I told you, I’m done. Through! Finished!” Slamming the suitcase shut, she grabbed another. Marti might miss her millionaire life, but she sure as hell wouldn’t miss the bitch downstairs. Marti would get by. She always did.

  “Martha, don’t you think we need to talk about this?”

  “Martha? Who are you, my mother?” Spinning around to look at him, “I have been trying to talk to you for weeks! Don’t you see it, the way she looks at you? The nasty shit she says to me?” She paused, taking a deep breath. “This has been a real experience for me, but - but I will not let that woman talk to me like I’m a piece of crap! And you... you’re my husband,” she put her quote fingers in the air, “Mr. Big Bad Vargas and you let it happen!” shaking her head.

  “I’m gone, baby. You got what you needed from me, for Vargas, for your reputation. You don’t need me anymore, so… see ya! Have fun!”

  She grabbed the heavy suitcases off the bed and rolled them out the door and into the hall. Her head was pounding and she just wanted to get out of there but there was no way she would be able to drag both suitcases downstairs. She didn’t even want to try, especially with Ellie standing there, staring at her. The Bitch had her arms folded and the normal bitchy scowl on her face. Marti knew she had to do this as gracefully as possible. She wasn’t going to be the girl they called ‘crazy bitch’ when she was gone.

  Taking a deep breath she called out, “Jimmy, can you pull the car around and grab these bags? I need to get to the airport!” Tears welled up in her eyes. She sniffed and quickly composed herself. No one was going to see her cry. Especially The Bitch.

  “No, Jimmy, we don’t need the car, you are not taking my wife anywhere.” Nick was right behind her. He quickly moved in front of her to block the hall so she couldn’t get away. “Princesa, don’t be silly. We need to talk about this.”

  Her voice quivered, “Oh, now I’m silly? I’m fucking silly? Well, apparently we have nothing else to talk about. I think your secretary or assistant or whatever the fuck she is, is waiting on you. Weren’t y’all busy with work or something?” she snapped.

  He reached his hand to her face, gently holding her chin between his finger and thumb. Her heart was racing and the warmth of his hands made her whole body shiver. He looked down into her teary eyes. “I don’t care about that.” he whispered, “I care about you...” He nodded to Jimmy to leave.

  “Screw you! Nick, you had your chance and you fucked it up!” She pushed his hand away and quickly turned to the driver, “Jimmy, take these bags, please. I need to get to the airport.”

  Jimmy stopped, “Yes, ma’am. I’m right here.” Nick motioned for Jimmy to put the bags back into their room.

  Nick slid his hand behind her neck and the other around her waist pulling her into him, pressing his lips to hers. His hair fell across his brow. Fuck! She closed her lips tight and tried to squirm away. “Princesa, I love you.”

  Trying to work her way out of the ‘Marti’s gone bat-shit crazy scene’, she burst into tears, more for dramatic effect than any real heartbreak. Marti could cry her way out of anything. She knew he’d turn to mush the second she let the tears fall. Softened him up like a wet noodle. Every single time. And now was as good a time as ever for her to burst into tears so she wouldn’t have to talk to him, coherently or rationally, anyway.

  He loosened his grip on her. “What’s wrong? What happened? Marti? Where is all this coming from?” Sobbing, she glanced at Ellie who was standing in the doorway of her office downstairs, then back at Nick. Marti wasn’t sure she wanted him home alone with The Bitch. Dabbing her tears with his shirt, “I’m sorry, honey, I don’t know what got into me...” she sniffled. “I’m so sorry...”

  “Aye, Princesa,” stroking her hair, pulling her head into his chest. She inhaled his musky man scent. Why does he always have to smell so fuckin’ good? “We are almost finished. A driver picked up the wrong load and there’s going to be recalls and I need to take care of this as quickly as possible or it will cost us millions. Please, hija, give me twenty minutes to take care of this and I will be here, by your side, te lo prometo, I promise.”

  Marti sobbed a little more and nodded her head. “M - m - millions?” she sniffed. “Okay, honey, I’m sorry.” He bent down, kissed her forehead and walked down the stairs, turning back, smiling at her. He blew her a kiss.

  Marti knew she was high maintenance, but this Ellie bitch really got to her. And she just wanted to go home.

  My God, he’ll never let me leave. Shit, what to do? What to do? I’ve got to go. I can’t live this lie anymore. She turned back into the bedroom and opened her suitcase, quickly stuffing everything she could into an overnight ba
g, hiding it behind the chair in the corner. Her thoughts raced out of control. Could she really leave? Could she just tell him? She barely knows him. This was a major fuck up. What would people think? What if it never changes? What if it does change? FUCK!!!!

  All she knew was that the girl she used to be was dying inside and she wasn’t quite ready for that. After all, she was young, beautiful and had her whole life ahead of her. No matter that her husband was the owner of a multi-million dollar shipping and freight company. But Marti was raised in a small town where family was more important than fame and money wasn’t everything.

  She jumped into the hot shower, letting the water course over her body. It was warm and relaxing. Soaping up the pouf with a yummy vanilla scent, she stretched out her arm and started to wash. She lifted her hand and looked at the ring on her finger. It was huge, a glistening, sparkly rock on her delicate hand. Her thoughts started racing again. “Stop! Stop!” she buried her face into her hands and sobbed. The stress was starting to be way too much for this down home country girl.

  A few minutes later, and true to his word, he appeared in the doorway of their bedroom just as Marti finished applying her fav peach lipstick and pinning up her curly wet hair. She glanced up at him from her vanity with her big green eyes and a sultry smile formed on her pouty lips. She looked amazing and she knew it…makeup can do wonders for turtle eyes and dark circles. Nothing like the hot mess she was just minutes earlier.

  He knelt down beside her, slid his hand across her thigh and looked straight into her eyes. “Preciosa, I’m sorry for what happened today, you are right, Ellie should never talk to you like that. You are my wife and she will respect you as my wife. It all happened so quickly, I was...uhh...shocked. Shocked and appalled, I didn’t know what to say.”

  He hesitated a moment and went on. “I have already spoken to her and it will not happen again. No-one, and I mean no-one in this world will speak to my wife like that. Especially in our house.” He snaked his arm around her waist, then teased her back with his fingers. He leaned in to kiss her. Chills ran down her spine. She loved his tender touch, but if she wanted to stay strong, she desperately needed to control not only her emotions, but her involuntary reactions as well.

  Sitting up straight and stiffening up her posture was the best she could do. She spoke short and curt, not meeting his eyes. “Alrighty, then.” His hand continued to stroke its way up her camisole, fondling her breast. She grabbed his arm and pulled it away. “It had better not happen again, because if it does, and you find her laid out on the floor unconscious, don’t be pissed at me, I’m giving you fair warning about that bitch. And if she does say something and you don’t stick up for me...we’re done. I won’t put up with any more of her shit, I’ve had enough.”

  “Okay, Princesa, whatever you want, whatever you need, you got it.” He slid his hand up her cami again. She moaned, “Nick...” he did this to her every time, “Nick,” she choked out the word. “We’re fighting here, answer everything with se - ” as he toyed with her breast, bouncing it and then rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  Her body trembled as a small whimper escaped her lips. She reached over, cupping his cheeks, pulling his face to her and slid her tongue between his lips. His hot breath gave her the chills and she parted her legs just a bit, wanting to feel his strong hands all over her. He moved one hand between her thighs, finding her panty-covered pearl hidden between the folds of her lips. He stroked her sex through the silky wetness, leaning his face into her neck. He knew just the right spot to nuzzle and plant his kisses. “Oh, God, Nick.” She trembled; this wasn’t supposed to happen, not tonight, anyway.

  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! She wanted him, his thick cock, his tender kisses, his roaming hands massaging her clit, the stingy smacks on her ass cheeks. Fuck! Even the old movies and Cheetos, she wanted all of him, FUUUCCKKK!

  This would be the last time she ever made love to him. It had to be. This was no life for her. She was sunshine, flip flops and cut off shorts. He was charming, champagne and caviar. And Ellie was just a flat out bitch. Marti wasn’t about to argue with her every day for the rest of her life.

  But tonight, she would give him a night to remember, something he would never forget. “Come here, baby,” she crooned as she took his hand. He rose from the carpet and her plump ass jiggled in his face. He slid his hand across a cheek and followed her to their bed. His cock already hard and aching for her.

  Pulling the heavy blanket back, she looked around their room and sighed, she would miss this room, the smell, the light, the soft comfort of his bed. And all that had happened in this room, the memories of making love until dawn. She sighed and turned to him, her arms reached up around his neck and her head on his chest. She could feel his heart thumping in his chest.

  He held her in his arms for a moment before reaching down to the bottom of her camisole, lifting it over her head, letting her breasts bounce free. He trailed his fingertips down her neck, over her shoulders and finally to her breasts, cupping them in his hands as he bent down to tease a nipple with his soft tongue. “God, Marti, you are so beautiful,” he whispered as his tongue gently lapped at her nipple, feeling it pebble at his touch.

  His hand slid down her hips to remove her panties and a knowing finger gently grazed her wetness. Her legs trembled. She felt like she would faint. She held onto his arm to steady herself as she crawled into the bed, under the cool sheets; her eyes watching him as he removed his clothes. He was a tall, strong, mocha-skinned, black haired Hispanic sex god and she wanted him, now.

  He quickly slid into bed next to her and ran his hand across her tummy. She reached for his hardness, stroking it up and down, scooting down the bed to take him into her mouth. He let out a sharp breath. Marti knew how to please. She stroked a little faster, a steady up and down rhythm while her mouth sucked and licked the mushroom tip. With each suck, she took him into her mouth deeper and deeper. Looking up at him, her eyes smiled while holding his cock in her mouth, careful not to scrape her teeth.

  He looked down at her and fisted his fingers in her hair, “Pri - Pri - hijo de - Ay! Diosito Santo!” He was trembling, not wanting to climax, but her mouth and tongue worked in unison with her fingers until finally, with a loud groan, he thrust his hips into her face. His whole body shivered as his cock pulsed and shot his hot, salty cum down her throat. She could barely swallow fast enough as she sucked faster and harder, slurping and sucking every drop as his body jerked in pure pleasure.

  He held her head tight, barely able to talk as he mumbled in Spanish, his babbling finally quieted, the thrashing slowed, he lay there…his body still for a moment, as he finally let out a long breath.

  “Ven, come up here.” Pulling her up to him, he kissed her hair, pulling the clip out of the mess he made of her curls and sliding her hair away from her face. His arm snaked around her curvy body, his fingers teasing her soft flesh. Panting. His heart beating with each breath. “I love you, Princesa, I’m sorry.”

  She lay next to him, stroking his chest. She knew she had to stay strong; this life was not what she wanted. Stifling her tears, she changed the subject. Taking a deep breath, she looked up at him, his hair was across his brow and she moved it over, then tracing lines down his shoulder with her finger, holding back the tears, “Honey?”

  “Mm-hmm?” stroking her hair.

  “I’m hungry” she said.

  He laughed, “Aye, Preciosa, you read my mind.”

  He called the housekeeper to bring up a light meal and champagne. They sat naked eating lobster and steamed veggies in bed while an old romantic comedy played on the TV. This is the life she fell in love with, the intimacy, the amazing sex, the wonderful food, but this was not her life. Unless she wanted to cry like a baby every day, and she didn’t. She didn’t want to wear those fuckin’ stilettos, either.

  Marti’s nerves were shot, contemplating her escape from this crazy, fucked up life. She wanted to blow his mind with an amazingly sexy goodbye
fuck to remember, but it was getting late and she knew she would have to stay awake all night to do it. If she could even bring herself to leave.

  Looking at him, she realized he was the perfect man. Hot, virile, amazingly rich with a package that would make any girl squeal. Just not Marti…maybe someone else. Maybe she was damaged. Or crazy.

  But it wasn’t supposed to feel like this. Rich or poor. She was still an outsider, the girl from the wrong side of the tracks. She tried to fit into this glamorous life. She even tried to stick her pert little nose in the air with her fancy clothes and thousand dollar shoes. And those shoes...she hated them. They hurt her fuckin’ feet.

  “Nick,” she whispered, tracing her finger around his nipple. “Let me fuck you...” as she lifted herself up and straddled his hips. The guilt was slowly creeping up on her, but there was no backing out of this. Marti had made up her mind and tonight would be her last night at the mansion. They could make love till the sun came up, but when they weren’t in bed, he was someone else. Fucking him was the only thing they did that didn’t end in a fight or worse…tears. Her tears.

  “Preciosita, you make me so caliente when you talk like that.” Running his hands along her hips as she reached up and felt along the headboard for the bottle of champagne and took a sip. She leaned down to kiss him with the sweet bubbly still on her lips. His lips parted as her tongue danced along his upper lip, his breath sweet with the taste of champagne.

  His hands reached for her breasts, bouncing them in his hands. She felt his hard manhood pressing against her. She moved her hips up and down, slowly dragging her wet folds up and down the shaft of his rigid cock. His hands moved down to her sides, lightly tickling her skin. She shivered as he grabbed the fleshy part of her ass cheeks and smacked one, the sting quickly rushed through her body and landed straight on her clit.

  Her pussy ached, wanting him, needing him inside her. She rose to her knees, her hand stroking him one more time as she slowly guided his shaft to her wet opening. She slid down on him, circling her hips, getting used to his size.


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