Suicide of a Superpower_Will America Survive to 2025?

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Suicide of a Superpower_Will America Survive to 2025? Page 50

by Patrick J. Buchanan

  3. Herbert London, “U.S. Endorses Tolerance of Dictators Killing Their Own,” Human Events, March 26, 2011.

  4. Edward Kennedy, “Address at the Public Memorial Service for Robert F. Kennedy,” June 8, 1968, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York, American Rhetoric, Top 100 Speeches,

  5. Claes Ryn, The New Jacobinism: America as Revolutionary State (With a Major New Afterward by the Author) (Bowie, Md.: National Humanities Institute, 2011).

  6. “German Lessons,” German Historical Institute, Washington, DC,, reprint of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Nov. 27, 2008.

  7. Rev. Martin Luther King, “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence,” Riverside Church, Apr. 4, 1967,

  8. Justin Driver, “Robust and Wide-Open,” The New Republic, Feb. 17, 2011, 37.

  9. Ed Pilkington, “Obama Angers Midwest Voters with Guns and Religion Remark,” Guardian, April 14, 2008.

  10. “A More Perfect Union,” Remarks of Sen. Barack Obama, Constitution Center, Philadelphia,, March 18, 2008.

  11. Murray Rothbard, “A Strategy for the Right,” The Irrepressible Rothbard,

  12. Michael Kinsley, “Cordoba House: Charles Krauthammer, and the First Amendment,” Aug. 16, 2010.

  13. Chilton Williamson, Jr., “The New American Mob,” Chronicles, July 2010, 17.

  14. Ibid., 18.

  15. Carol Swain, The New White Nationalism in America: Its Challenge to Integration (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 423.

  16. “President Nixon’s ‘Silent Majority’ Speech, November 1969,”

  17. “Military Needs to Close More Bases,”, Sept. 15, 2010.

  18. Yaakov Katz, “Stuxnet Virus Set Back Iran’s Nuclear Program by 2 Years,” Jerusalem Post, Dec. 15, 2010.

  19. Ralph Gomory, “A Time for Action: Jobs, Prosperity and National Goals,”, Jan. 25, 2010.

  20. Ibid.

  21. Abraham Lincoln, “The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions,” Lyceum Address, Jan. 27, 1838, Speeches and Writings, Abraham Lincoln Online,

  22. James Gimpel, “Immigration, Political Realignment, and the Demise of Republican Political Prospects,” backgrounder, Center for Immigration Studies, Feb. 2010, 5.

  23. Ibid.

  24. Toby Hamden, “Barack Obama in Turkey: US ‘Will Never Be at War With Islam,’” The Telegraph, April 6, 2009.

  25. “Novak’s Secret Source Revealed: Former Sen. Tom Eagleton Labeled ’72 Dem Nominee as Candidate of ‘Amnesty, Abortion and Acid,’” Crown Forum, July 10, 2007,

  26. David Gordon, “Courts and Congress: America’s Unwritten Constitution,” The Mises Review, April 2008,

  27. “Letter from a Birmingham Jail [King Jr.],” African Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania,


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.


  Jews supporting

  John Paul II on

  Obama supporting partial-birth

  Abramowitz, Alan

  achievement gap

  Adams, John

  advanced technology products

  affirmative action


  Ciongoli on

  in government

  Murray, Charles, on

  Obama on

  Sotomayor on

  in South Africa

  test scores and

  young voters and


  cost of war in

  ethnonationalism in

  NATO in

  withdrawal from

  Ajami, Fouad

  Akaka, Daniel

  Alesina, Alberto

  Algerian war

  Alito, Sam

  Allen, John

  Allenby, Edmund

  Allensworth, Wayne

  Amalrik, Andrei


  Amin, Idi

  Anglican Church


  antiwar movement

  Aquinas, Thomas

  Arbatov, Georgi




  Arnold, Matthew

  Aron, Leon

  Asmerom, R.

  Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal


  Atias, Ariel

  Atwater, Lee

  Aung San Suu Kyi

  Aushev, Maksharip



  Babeu, Paul

  Baca, Lee

  Bacevich, Andrew

  Bader, Hans

  Bagundang, Kim

  Bailey, David

  Baker v. Carr

  Bakiyev, Kurmanbek

  Bakke, Alan

  Baldwin, James

  Balkan wars


  Bandow, Doug

  Barak, Ehud

  Barletta, Lou

  Barnes, Fred

  Barrow, John

  Barzani, Massoud

  Beck, Glenn

  Begala, Paul

  Beinart, Peter


  Belien, Paul

  Bell, Chris

  Belloc, Hilaire

  Benedict XVI (Pope)

  Benes, Eduard

  Benjamin, Rich

  Berger, Raoul

  Bernanke, Ben

  Betts, Julian

  Bey, Enver

  Bhatti, Shahbaz

  Bibi, Asia

  birth control

  birth rate

  Feffer on


  Haub on



  OECD on

  reasons for falling




  Bishop, Bill


  illegitimacy rate

  Proposition 8 support from

  religion and


  Black, Hugo

  Blackmun, Harry

  Blankfein, Lloyd

  Blood, Michael

  Bloomberg, Michael


  Bond, Julian

  Bonhoeffer, Dietrich

  Bonner, William

  Bork, Robert

  Born Alive Infant Protection Act

  Bossi, Umberto

  Boumedienne, Houari

  Boxer, Barbara

  Brady, Roger

  Braun, Carol Moseley


  Brennan, William

  Breyer, Stephen

  Brokaw, Tom

  Brooks, David

  Brown, Jerry

  Brown, Lester

  Brown, Scott

  Brown v. Board of Education

  Brownstein, Ron

  Buckley, Reid

  Buffett, Warren


  Burke, Edmund

  Burke, Raymond L.


  Burnham, James

  Bush, George H. W.

  on New World Order

  Supreme Court nominations of

  Bush, George W.

  approval of

  on diversity

  on homeownership gap

  Byrnes, “Jimmy”

  Byron (Lord)

  Calderón, Felipe

  Caldwell, Chris

  Calhoun, John C.


  Brooks on

  Hispanic population in

  home language in

  immigrants to

  income tax

  Obledo on

  Orange County

  Proposition 8

  Proposition 187

  white population in<
br />
  Calvin, John

  Camarota, Steven

  Cameron, David

  Campbell, David

  Carpenter, Amanda

  Carter, Jimmy

  Carville, James

  Catholic Seattle University


  decline of



  militancy of

  population of

  sexual abuse

  supporting same-sex marriage

  Cauchon, Dennis

  Cavallaro, Cosimo


  Cha, Ariana Eunjung

  Chagoya, Enrique

  Chambers, Whittaker

  Chaplin, Vsevolod

  Chaput, Charles

  character decline

  Chatel, Luc

  Chávez, Hugo

  Chesterton, G. K.


  Brown, Lester, on

  Cha on

  competition from

  devaluing currency

  Eberstadt on

  economic nationalism

  ethnic solidarity emphasized in

  ethnonationalism in

  Gershman on

  Hitchens on

  ideology in

  imported food dependence of

  loans from

  minorities in


  one-child policy

  patriotism in

  political ads targeting

  population crisis

  savings rate in

  trade deficit with

  Chism, Sidney


  Belloc on

  Bonhoeffer on

  decline indices

  desecration of icons

  dying people and

  Eliot on

  Gramsci on

  Habermas on

  Hitler on

  Nietzsche on

  Obama on

  persecution of

  Santayana on

  Stark on

  Supreme Court on

  voting concerns

  Yeats on

  Christie, Chris

  Chua, Amy

  Churchill, Winston

  Ciongoli, A. Kenneth

  Civil Rights Act

  Civil Rights Initiative

  civil rights revolution

  Civil War

  Clark, Wesley

  Clay, Henry

  Clay, William Lacy

  Clegg, Roger

  climate change

  Clinton, Bill

  Davis, Danny, on

  on demographic transformation

  on diversity

  endorsing Emanuel

  racism and

  Clinton, Hillary

  Coakley, Martha

  Cohen, Steve

  Cold War

  Coleman, David

  Coleman Report

  Collins, Michael



  Community Reinvestment Act

  Congdon, Leo

  Congressional Black Caucus

  Congressional election 2010

  Connerly, Ward


  Constable, Pamela

  construction jobs

  Corato, Riccardo de

  Coulter, Ann


  Crick, Francis

  Crist, Charlie

  Crowley, James


  Cruz, Roberto Orduna

  Cuccinelli, Ken

  culture wars

  Cushing, Robert

  Czech Republic

  da Silva, Lula

  Dalrymple, Theodore

  D’Arcy, John

  David, Larry

  Davis, Danny

  Davis, John W.

  Dawson, Christopher

  de Gaulle, Charles

  Dean, Howard


  to finance foreign aid

  interest on

  Defense of Marriage Act

  Deiss, Joseph

  Dell, Robert


  Adams on

  Aristotle on

  Chua on

  Dawson on

  Patterson on

  sustainability of



  divisions of

  exploiting financial crisis


  Kuhn on


  Sailer on

  Dempsey, William

  Deneen, Patrick

  Deng Xiaoping

  Derbyshire, John

  Dershowitz, Alan

  Diderot, Denis

  Dimon, Jamie

  Disraeli, Benjamin



  Bush, George W., on

  Clinton, Bill, on

  Derbyshire on

  devastating communities

  Greenstein on

  group functioning impeded by

  Hart on

  ideal of

  as ideology

  in Japan

  language and

  McGowan on

  Mullins on

  of Navy

  O’Reilly, Charles, on

  Putnam on

  Quayle on

  of religion

  Richwine on

  Roughead on

  Skerry on

  social withdrawal and

  strength of

  of Supreme Court

  training cost

  Williams, Katherine, on

  Wilson, James Q., on

  Wood on

  Djerassi, Carl

  Dodd, Chris

  Dolan, Timothy

  dollar, purchasing power of

  Donahue, Bill

  Dormandy, Bill

  Dougherty, Jude

  Dowd, Maureen

  Dreher, Rod

  drugs, decriminalizing

  Du Bois, W. E. B.

  Dukakis, Michael

  Dunham, Ann

  Dunn, Anita

  Durant, Ariel

  Durant, Will

  Durbin, Dick

  Dwight, Timothy

  Eagleton, Tom

  Earned Income Tax Credit

  Easter Rising of 1916

  Eberstadt, Nicholas

  economic nationalism

  economic patriotism

  Edsall, Thomas

  Education Trust


  Kennan on

  Rothbard on

  Tocqueville on


  Ehrenburg, Ilya

  Einstein, Albert

  Eisenhower, Dwight

  Elder, Larry

  Elementary and Secondary Education Act

  Eliot, T. S.

  Emancipation Proclamation

  Emanuel, Rahm

  Emmerich, Roland


  English, as official language


  Episcopal Church, division of

  Equal Rights Amendment

  equality. See also egalitarians

  Blackmun on

  Constitution and

  curtailing freedom

  Durant, Ariel, on

  Durant, Will, on

  feminism and

  Fourteenth Amendment and

  Francis on

  Jefferson on

  Johnson, Lyndon, on

  Johnson, Samuel, on

  Kendall on

  Lincoln on

  Mead on

  Obama on

  Pareto on

  as political weapon

  power and

  of religion

  revolutions dedicated to

  Russell on

  Summers on

  test scores and

  Watson on

  Williams, Duncan, on

  Erdogan, Recep Tayyip

  Espenshade, Thomas




  in Afghanistan

  in Africa

  in Austria

  in Belgium

  in Bolivia

  in Burma

  in China


  financial crisis fueling

  in France

  in Germany

  in Greece

  in Hungary

  in India

  in Iran

  in Iraq

  in Israel

  in Italy

  in Lebanon

  in Libya

  in Malaysia

  in Mindanao

  Moynihan on

  post–World War II

  products of

  in Russia

  as secessionism

  in Sudan

  in Switzerland

  in Thailand

  in Turkey

  in Yemen



  evolution theory

  Fair, T. Willard

  Fairbanks, Richard

  Fairlie, Robert

  Fannie Mae

  farmer compensations

  federal compensation advantage

  Federal Reserve

  Feffer, John

  Feldman, Noah


  Ferdinand, Francis

  Ferguson, Colin

  Ferguson, Ronald

  Ferraro, Geraldine

  financial crisis

  blame for

  Blankfein on

  da Silva on

  Democrats exploiting

  ethnonationalism fueled by

  Federal Reserve and

  Financial Crisis Inquiry Committee

  Fiorina, Carly

  Fisk, Robert

  Fleming, Bruce

  Folden, Kathleen

  Food Stamp Act

  food stamps

  foreign policy

  Founding Fathers

  Fourteenth Amendment

  Fox, Vicente


  Francis, Sam

  Franklin, Benjamin

  Freddie Mac

  free trade


  equality curtailing

  Johnson, Lyndon, on

  King, Martin Luther, on

  from religion

  Freeman, Gary

  Frey, William H.

  Friedman, Milton

  Friedman, Thomas

  Fukuyama, Francis

  Garner, “Cactus Jack”

  Garnett, Richard

  Garrett, Garet

  Gates, Henry Louis, Jr.

  Gates, Robert

  Gawiser, Sheldon

  gay rights

  Gelb, Leslie H.

  George, Lloyd

  George, Robert

  George III (King)

  Georgetown University


  birth rate of

  Disraeli on

  division of

  economic nationalism

  ethnonationalism in

  Klingholz on

  National Socialist Party

  population of

  reluctant to bail out Greece

  World War I perspective of

  Gershman, Carl

  Gerson, Michael

  Giannoulias, Alexi

  Gibbs, Robert

  Giffords, Gabrielle

  Gimpel, James

  Ginsburg, Douglas

  Ginsburg, Ruth Bader

  Glaeser, Edward


  consequences of

  Goddard, Henry

  Goldstone, Jack

  Goldwater, Barry

  Gomez, Jose


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