Letters From Home

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Letters From Home Page 37

by Kristina McMorris

  Butterscotch-Coconut Marshmallows

  These remind Julia of Christian’s letters, which always read “sweet and smooth as butterscotch.”

  1 cup butterscotch chips (or milk chocolate)

  16 large marshmallows

  1½ cups shredded dried coconut Wax paper

  Slowly heat chips over low heat in a saucepan until melted. (If it starts to thicken, reduce or remove from heat and stir well.) Dip marshmallows in the sauce, immediately roll in coconut, and place on wax paper. Let solidify at room temperature before serving.



  Kristina McMorris


  The suggested questions are included to enhance your group’s reading of Kristina McMorris’s Letters from Home.

  Discussion Questions

  Life-changing letters are the common link among all three major female characters. Typically the messages are ones the sender would not have expressed in person. What is it about writing that allows for more freedom and/or courage? If you were to compose a single farewell letter, to whom would it be addressed and what would you say? Is there a reason you are waiting to tell the person?

  In each of Liz’s letters to Morgan, she reveals hints of the secret she is keeping from him. Can you pinpoint the clues? (Answers are available on author’s Web site.) Do you think these are merely slips, or are they reflective of Liz’s intention to come clean?

  Of all the characters, which one surprised you the most with their secret? Is Morgan hypocritical regarding his firm stance on honesty? By withholding truths, did Frank and Julia benefit anyone other than themselves? Is opting for a burden of silence a sacrificial or selfish choice? Is it better to be honest about a wrongdoing, even if no one would ever find out?

  By most standards of the era, Liz’s view of societal roles for women is unconventional. When offered an internship, Julia struggles with this very issue. How are Liz’s and Julia’s dilemmas over a career and motherhood relevant to women today?

  After Morgan’s harrowing recon patrol, he wonders, “Were prayers of murderers, when fighting on the ‘right side’ of the war, ever heard—let alone answered?” And later, he watches a chaplain praying over a soldier. Do you believe any type of murder is wrong, or does it depend on the circumstance? How would you feel as the chaplain? Did your attitude toward the “Kraut” Morgan confronted change upon the discovery of the man’s photograph?

  Through the course of the story, Liz and Betty realize they were unknowingly following the paths of their mothers. How do the results of these revelations contrast? Why do you think people often copy actions or behavior they disliked growing up?

  While the contexts differ greatly, “cover me” is one of the first and last phrases Charlie and Morgan exchange in the story. Discuss the dynamics of their relationship as the duty of “covering” the other gradually shifts. In what ways do Liz and Julia reverse roles? Which character ultimately grows the most?

  Discuss Leslie and Betty’s relationship. How do you feel about his actions? Under what circumstances, if any, would they have been justified? What do you think his letter might have said? Would you have reacted differently if you were Betty?

  In search of support, Liz turns to her beloved friend Viola. Were you surprised by the message in the elderly woman’s anecdote? Did you agree with her? If you were Liz, would you have felt betrayed or grateful for Viola’s advice?

  As is often found in time-travel stories, characters in Letters from Home wind up causing an event as a direct result of trying to prevent it. Do you think major events in our lives are predestined and unavoidable, no matter which action we take? Is the coin Charlie finds in the abandoned village, just as a sniper opens fire, random or an element of fate? If Dalton hadn’t canceled on Liz at the USO dance, where would her life have taken her?

  Among the central themes of the novel is loss of innocence. A prime example is the little girl who drops her doll on the slushy road from the Belgian village. What is the irony of her devastation? Why doesn’t anyone help her? Discuss the possible symbolism of the road, the girl, the travelers, and the soldiers in that scene.

  What is the significance of Morgan’s two bedside neighbors, “Jabber” and the airman in the French hospital? Which one of them would most likely feel like a hero upon returning home? Did the book change how you viewed veterans, both male and female, of World War II? If so, in what ways?

  From the origin of “Jungle Juice” to the use of ski suits for camouflaging German soldiers, the story is sprinkled with historical tidbits from both the home front and front lines. What is the most interesting information you learned?

  Describe how you envision the life of each major character five years after the story ends.




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