Must Wait

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Must Wait Page 22

by Ginger Sharp

  “No Katie. We cannot have children. I am cursed and you will leave me, dying. You said no children, so I knew that I could love you. I could be with you.”

  She takes my hand. “I was dumb. I was mad when I said those things. Of course, I want to have children. We are going to have children, Pedro.”

  I shake my head as I pull on my pants. “No, Katie, you lied to me.”

  “Pedro, you are overreacting. I did not lie. I want children and I am not going to die.”

  I get up and leave her in the bedroom. I yell at her as I walk down the hallway, “No, Katie. No children. Not with me.”

  I pace around the kitchen, knowing that I have to figure this out with her. We need to have an understanding that I do not want to even attempt to have a baby with her. I love her like mad, but I do not want to take that chance. I will lose her, then I will be alone again. I should have gotten a vasectomy like Paolo. If I did, I would not be having this misunderstanding with Katie right now. She comes down to the kitchen trying to explain that everything will be fine. I stand my ground and we end the night fighting. She storms off to bed while I try to sleep on the couch. She is so stubborn, but she is not going to force me to do this with her. For the next two weeks, all we do it fight about the baby topic. I am not giving in. I refuse to put her in danger. I decide that I must set her free. Let her marry someone else who would give her what she wants. I can’t do it, not that. When I told her that I was leaving. She didn’t care. She was cold and emotionless. My loving her was not enough to get her to change her mind. She wanted what she wanted. Katie always gets what she wants. I pack up and return home to Costa Rica with my son.


  I have been back home for a week now. I am an emotional mess. Setting the love of my life free was the hardest task I ever had to do. I stay hidden at my house for a while until Paolo reminds me that Ramón must go back to school. I have to face Ryan and Olivia eventually. I assume by now Katie has told them about our break-up. Paolo and I talk things out. He feels that I was misguided by Katie and she should have understood my fears instead of throwing it in my face nastily. Regardless, I am heartbroken. It was better to find out now before it was too late. My curse wants me to be alone. I understand that now, but it hurts so much.

  I drive down the hillside to the school and let Ramón out. Olivia is walking towards me with a puzzled look on her face. I move fast to get back in my truck. I do not want to speak to her. I can’t look at her without seeing Katie’s face. This is too soon for me. I drive away before she can get to the truck. I break down crying when I get home. Paolo reassures me that it is going to get easier. Why did I have to love her so much? She broke my heart just like Olivia said she would.

  Paolo is encouraging me to go outside and work with him. I agree so I go into the bathroom to cool my face from my stinging tears. Running the ice cold water, I splash some cold water over my face. When I turn off the water I can hear talking in the kitchen. Ryan is here and Paolo sounds heated with him. I walk into the kitchen.

  Ryan looks over at me. “Why are you back, Pedro?” Oh no, Katie did not tell him.

  I swallow hard. “I think you should ask Katie that question.”

  He scowls. “No, I am asking you.”

  Nervous, but I tell him, “Katie and I are no longer getting married. She sent me home.”

  “Why did she send you home?”

  I shake my head. “She hurt me and lied.”

  Ryan gets an angry look on his face. “You are getting married. You understand me. Your wedding is a few weeks away.”

  I get emotional. “No, it is over. She can’t fix this. Let her be with someone else.”

  Ryan rapidly grabs me by my shirt, pulling me out of the house. He screams at me to get in his truck. Paolo chases after us, yelling. I have no clue where Ryan is taking me. Maybe Katie came back for me, maybe she understands me now. We stop at the Cantina and Ryan is carrying his laptop with him. Paolo pulls up and parks his truck. Ryan sits down at the bar and points for me to sit next to him. Rosalie runs out from the kitchen confused to see me. Ryan opens his laptop and video calls Katie.

  She answers and Ryan speaks, “Somebody needs to start talking and tell me what the fuck is going on. Pedro said that you hurt him and lied. What did you do, Katie?”

  I do not look at the screen. I stare ahead. Rosalie places her hands on mine. She can see that I am in distress.

  I hear Katie’s voice. “I did not do anything wrong, Daddy. It is not going to work out for us.”

  I become instantly angry. “You lied to me, Katie, you lied.”

  She yells, “I didn’t lie. You freaked out on me with the condoms. I do not understand you, Pedro.”

  Ryan leans forward. “What, Katie? What about condoms? This is over sex?”

  Katie speaks up, “No, well, yes. I got my implant removed and he…”

  Ryan stands up and pushes me. “What the hell, Pedro? You are not getting married over sex. What the hell?”

  Paolo gets between us.

  Katie screams out, “No, Daddy, let him go. It is more than that. Pedro has some serious issues haunting him. I cannot love him anymore. Just let him go, Daddy.”

  Ryan backs away from me as he can see the suffering on my face by her words. She just cut me open again, pulling out my heart.

  Ryan looks at the screen. “What really happened, Katie? Whatever you did to him, I am very disappointed in you Katie for hurting him.”

  She whispers, “I know. I am going now.” She leaves the screen.

  Rosalie calls out, “Paolo, take Pedro home now. I will visit the house later.”

  Glancing over at Rosalie, I can see it in her eyes that she knows. She knows why I am broken.

  That night, Paolo leaves with Ramón. Parker and Rosalie come up to the house. Parker pours me a drink while Rosalie brings me a plate of food that she is pushes in front of me.

  “You need to eat, Pedro.”

  “I am not hungry, but thank you, Rosalie.”

  She moves the plate closer to me. “I wish you

  would’ve talked to me when you came back, Pedro. We could have worked this out.”

  “I tried to work this out with Katie. She is adamant on having a baby. I can’t do it. I can give her what she wants. I did not want to do it all over again.”

  “You are being stupid. You can give her what she wants. Look where you were there in New Jersey? Katie has the best medical care. Do you really believe in that false curse? If she was to have complications, the doctors would be able to keep Katie alive. She loves you and I know you love her.”

  “Yes, but she no longer loves me. She lied to me. She told me that she never wanted children of her own. I thought Ramón would be enough for her.”

  “I know, Pedro. You must go back to her. Just love her. Take it day by day. You will see over time the beautiful family that you have created with her.”

  “No, Rosalie. I am done with her. I am done with children. I have done my time raising Ramón. I am not doing it again.”

  “So, this is more than just the curse? What is this really about? Is there more? Let me ask why or have you gone and had a vasectomy like Paolo?”

  “No, I have not done that. At least not yet. I wanted my own life. I was looking forward to working. Katie wanted me to be an at home father. I need to keep busy.”

  “Let me tell you right now. Do not go down that surgical path. Ryan and Olivia did it and Ryan regrets it now so much. Yet, I do not think they would have had more children, who knows?”

  Parker re-fills his glass and mine. “I think you should fly back to Katie. Just give the woman what she wants. You can work on the other details later.”

  “No, Parker, when we disagree, we fight. She is a little like Ryan with that mouth of hers. She loses her temper like Olivia barking out at me. It is not the life I want.”

  Rosalie tilts her head at me. “How many times have you fought with Katie?”

  “Since I have known h
er: four times. Only one time turned into passionate love making. The others, we just breaking it off.”

  Rosalie laughs. “That is it?”

  “Our last fight went on for two weeks. She wanted me gone, so I set her free. She can have whatever she wants now.”

  Rosalie leaves frustrated with me and Parker stays the night with me drinking and talking.

  A few days later, I run into Ryan and Olivia at the Cantina while I was having drinks with Parker. They were being so kind to me. I can see that they feel really apologetic for our break-up. Ryan even joked around with me asking if I got the ring back from her. Ryan likes to keep me posted on what is going on with Katie. He tells me that Nick is out of control having orgies in the house. That Katie and Nick have been throwing wild parties. Ryan had to call Nick to remove a video that he posted of Katie making snow angels naked in the sand on the beach with a few other people. Seems to me like Katie is getting right over me. I make plans to come back down Friday after school to play fútbol with the guys. I am starting to move on but I can’t get over her. I think about her all the time, but I guess she’s moved forward.

  I come down to the Cantina on Friday. No one is around but Señor Marquis. He tells me that he is running the Cantina and that the entire family rushed home. There was an issue with Katie and Nick. I think to myself, yeah, they partied too hard and got arrested most likely. I see Parker running towards me from the school with his laptop. He looks at me nervously. He takes his own beer from behind the bar before sitting down and opening his laptop. He opens his e-mail, connected to the Wi-Fi.

  He glances over at me. “I am waiting for Ryan to email me. Katie is missing.”

  I open my eyes really wide at the shock at first then I remember Katie’s immaturity. “Nah, she is probably off with some guy.”

  “No, Pedro. I only have scattered details.”

  “Tell me what has Katie done now?”

  He sternly looks at me as I take a drink. “You are really bitter against her.”

  “Yup, you think?”

  “She went missing on Sunday. They all left on Tuesday to find her. It is Friday, Pedro. I hope she is okay. Do you even care?”

  I glare over at him and lie, “Nope, we are finished. Remember that. She does not love me anymore and I am trying to do the same here?”

  The laptop makes a sound.

  He looks down at it. “It is an e-mail from Ryan. It is cryptic. They found her. She held on. She will make it.” He pauses. “Wow, that does not sound good at all.”

  I laugh. “See? I told you they would find her. Katie is so dramatic. She probably went into hiding after scratching her dad’s car or something.”

  Parker glares at me as he types on his computer. “Good. I am so happy you found her. Let her know that we are all thinking about her.”

  “Speak for yourself there, Parker.”

  “Look, Ryan responded back already.” He pauses and reads the e-mail out loud again, “We will not be able to come back for a while. Contact the Providence for me to send another substitute from another district. We have a family emergency and Olivia is being medicated again. She lost it over this. The devastation is too much for her to handle. Thanks, Parker, I will e-mail you soon, Ryan.” He glares over at me, puzzled. “This does not sound good.” He leans closer, inspecting me. “How much have you had to drink tonight, Pedro?”

  I shrug. “I guess I have had a few, but I am fine. I am going home now.”

  I leave because I do not want to hear about Katie anymore. She always does something wrong and they all run to her rescue. I shake my head in disgust.

  A few days later, Parker arrives at the house. He stands in my kitchen, holding my old iPhone. He puts it on the table.

  “Rosalie is back. Pedro, it is very serious. Rosalie demands that you call Katie on Ryan’s cell phone. Ryan said she has shut down. She is in a catatonic state. She only speaks very little to her doctor. He is hoping that she might speak if she hears your voice.”

  I shake my head trying hard not to care. “I do not think that this is a good idea, Parker.”

  Parker steps toward me. “Once you have made the call, you have to see Rosalie immediately. I am going to put my motor bike in the back of your truck. We have to go now to make the call. Ryan is waiting. If you ever loved her, which I know you did, do this. Ryan needs you to do this for her.”

  I roll my eyes. “Fine. Let’s go get this over with now.”

  I park in the spot up on the hillside to get a phone signal. I can’t believe I am here doing this again. Parker looks over at me and nods. I dial the phone and Ryan answers, “Pedro?”

  “Yes, Ryan, I am here.”

  He sighs and I can hear him walking fast. “Good. I am

  going to hand her the phone now.”

  Katie comes on and her voice is raspy and shaky. “Hello?”

  “Hi, Katie. How are you?”

  She breathes heavily. “Pedro, hi.” I hear her sobbing into the phone as a muffled sound echoes into my ear.

  Ryan comes back on the phone. “Okay, that did not work. I have to go get her doctor to explain to me why she is not on medication. They are driving me nuts. Thank you for trying, Pedro.”

  The phone goes silent.

  Parker looks over at me. “What happened?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “She said nothing. She just cried.”

  I get down to the Cantina and help Parker take his motor bike out of the back. Rosalie stands on the stairs watching us. I stare up at her to see that she is visibly upset. We go up to the bar following her. I hand her the phone back.

  She looks at me. “Ryan Skype called me a few minutes ago. He is having Katie discharged from the hospital. He is bringing her here to me to try to help her sort this all out since the doctors are not helping her at all.”

  I nod. “Sorry I could not help.”

  Rosalie shakes her head. “She is emotionally lost, but very lucky to be alive. Ryan is trying to get information from her on why it was so important for her to go back to the house. She was stupid.”

  I tilt my head in confusion. “What happened, Rosalie?”

  She picks up her tablet, showing me aerials photos. She points. “That is where your house was. That is the bridge. A hurricane came through. Nick and Katie were having a party with their friends to watch the waves. They thought it would be nothing. The storm got out of control. They were evacuated be military people. Katie jumped out of the truck. She needed to get something from the house. They couldn’t wait so they left her behind. The water slammed the homes ripping them a part. Katie got out of the house in time before it was pulled out to the ocean. Katie got somehow to the bridge, but it was too late. She swam through the water getting into a house by pulling herself through the second floor window. She took a mattress and blankets and put it over the bathtub and climbed inside. The house came off its foundation and slowly crumbed with her inside. The weather changed again, snowing. She got hypothermia. They found her in time in the rubble. Pedro, it is all gone. The entire coast totally devastated. Nick is back in therapy. They had to keep him sedated for a few days. He went to California with his father. His mother is with him too, trying to help him get through this.”

  I finally blink my eyes. “Why didn’t Nick go after her or stop her?”

  Rosalie breathes in. “He was drunk and the military men held him back. He was blaming himself when he thought Katie was gone. It was his idea to have the party and ride out the storm, not listening to the warnings.”

  I am in disturbed by Katie’s actions. “What was so important for her to go back to the house?”

  “We do not know. She is not explaining herself to anyone nor is cooperating with Ryan. She refuses treatment, but the doctors are on her side. Ryan wants answers, but the doctors keep pulling client-patient confidentiality excuses. So Ryan is bringing her here while he is staying in a hotel to sort out the house issues. Olivia’s with Henry at Henry’s old home in Kinnelon. They are already battling
with insurance companies. Ryan thinks being here might help her recover.”

  “I hope so. I wish her the best.” I get up leaving.

  Hearing about Katie surviving that ordeal makes me feel things for her again. I do not like to feel this way about her. I need to stay away from her while she is here. I know I will cave and just hold her. She makes me very weak. When I stir up my old feelings for her my emotions go irrational. Then, I get hurt again.

  Two days later, Parker drives up to my house in Rosalie’s jeep. He runs over to me.

  “I picked up Katie and Ryan from the airport. Pedro, she is a mess. She is not talking. She has lacerations and bruises all over her. She is not the same. Ryan left her with Rosalie and me while he went up to the house. Paolo comes over with the kids including Ramón to the Cantina. Ramón runs up to her hugging her. She was holding him so tight and crying uncontrollably. We had to remove Ramón from her arms. After Paolo got Ramón out of there, she laid down on the floor sobbing. Rosalie had me take her to her house. All I could do was carry her into the house and lay her on the bed. She just keeps crying.”

  “I better get Ramón from Paolo and make sure he is okay.”

  I am worried so I leave to go to my truck.

  Parker grabs my arm. “Maybe you should go see Katie. Talk to her, find out what is going on in that head of hers.”

  “No, my son is more important than Katie. She has done enough.”

  A few days later, my conscience gets the best of me and I stop at the Cantina to see Rosalie to see how Katie is doing. Rosalie is not making eye contact with me. She looks nervous that I am even at the Cantina.

  Ryan is walking back from the school. He calls out to her, “Rosalie, I am going back to New Jersey tomorrow. Katie will stay here.” He looks up a me standing at the bar with a fierceness in his expression.

  Rosalie screams at him, “Ryan, no! Leave Pedro alone.”

  Ryan runs full force, grabbing me by my neck and pushing me to the wall, “Stay away from my family. Do not ever come near us again. You are the reason she went back in that house.” His nostrils are flaring and his jaw is flexing.


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