Lust and Bound

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Lust and Bound Page 1

by W. Lynn Chantale

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2012 W. Lynn Chantale

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-089-6

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Marie Medina


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  I would like to take a moment to thank my editor Marie Medina, it was a pleasure. A special thank to the Life’s Lonely Literaries, and to the readers and fans.

  A special shout out to C.D. Williams, owner/operator of Agria Luxury Transportation for your input as well as Aleisha B. for your knowledge and expertise, and Leighanna, thank you so very much for steering me in the right direction. And a HUGE thank you goes to my family for being there when I need you the most. I love you and thanks.

  As always I thank God for blessing me with this talent.


  W. Lynn Chantale

  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Who did a woman have to screw to have a mind-blowing orgasm? Trisha tucked a stray curl behind her ear and placed the towels she carried in a drawer. Unfortunately b.o.b., her battery operated boyfriend, just wasn’t satisfying anymore and the last two men she dated were lacking in the sex department. She shuddered. The experience was not something she wanted to repeat.

  Silver bangles clinked against one another as Trisha paced back and forth. She checked the large faced clock hanging on the wall over the arched entry way and then her watch. He was late. Zach was never late. For every appointment he was always a few minutes early. Except today.

  She crossed to one of the display windows and peeked through the vertical blinds. Only a few vehicles remained in the lot outside despite it being close to seven in the evening, and none resembled the sleek black Audi he favored. Letting the blind fall back in place she sighed and moved toward a pile of scattered magazines.

  Once the magazines were straightened in the small waiting area, she moved through the rest of the shop, spot cleaning here and there. Anything to keep her mind from worrying.

  Combing her fingers through her tangle of curls, she wandered over to her station and plopped in the cushy rotating chair. Gathering up the heavy length of hair, she tossed it over the back of the chair and leaned back.

  “I thought you had a client,” a soft feminine voice asked.

  Trisha peeled open one lid and sighed. “He’s late.”

  “Do you want me to stay?” Shauna Withersbee, friend and worrywart, paused in retrieving her purse. Concern edged into her dark brown eyes.

  “I thought you had a date.” Trisha smiled.

  Shauna huffed. “Don’t remind me.”

  “You and Nathan not vibin’ again?”

  When the other woman rolled her eyes, Trisha laughed.

  “The man is irkin’ my nerves. Now he’s got this idea that I’m seeing someone else.” Shauna slung her purse on her shoulder. “He keeps it up and I will find someone else.”

  Trisha rocked back and forth, using her foot to steady the movement. “He’s probably insecure about something.”

  Shauna studied a nail. “Well, he needs to get over it before he finds his way into his handcuffs.”


  She laughed. “So should I stay?”

  Trisha hopped out of the chair and propelled her friend to the door. “No. I don’t need you to stay.”

  Shauna shook off Trisha’s hand while she straight-armed the door open. “Is this the way you treat all your customers?”

  “Only the ones who talk about their boyfriends and handcuffs in the same sentence.”

  She stood in the open door, her back against the glass and a devilish gleam in her eyes. “We know a guy who would be interested in showing you a few things.”

  Heat infused her cheeks. “Bye, Shauna,” she said and all but shoved her friend out the door.

  “Is that a ‘no’?”

  Trisha yanked the door closed on Shauna’s laughter. She shook her head as she stared after her. Shauna’s comment had sparked interest, but if she was going to indulge anyone in handcuffs there was only one man who fit the bill, Zach Walters.

  With a sigh she walked to the chest high reception desk and checked the appointment book. Thankfully this was her weekend away from the shop. Three days of relaxation and she didn’t want to spend it alone.

  She reached for a pen and ended up knocking it on the floor. Great. Just great. When she bent to retrieve the writing instrument, a light tap sounded on the glass door. She straightened, returned the pen to the desk, and smoothed a hand down the front of her short black skirt.


  Zach sat in his car, staring at the shop. He shoved a handful of hair from his face as he studied the woman moving inside. Her movements were jerky, restless, not as graceful or sure as she paced the shop. Every now and then she paused to look at her watch and comb her fingers through her long tousle of curls. A perplexed expression adorned her pretty face when she glanced at the door.

  A slight smile tipped his lips. She was waiting for him. A quick glance at the dashboard clock confirmed he was late. No wonder she was concerned.

  Still, there were other issues he needed to consider. He dropped his gaze to the paper on the passenger seat. The scratched out face and dark slashing marks left him cold and angry.

  I’m watching her, echoed through his brain and apprehension slid down his spine. Someone sat in this very spot and took this picture—today. Zach crumpled the grainy photo in his fist, wishing he could erase the threat just as easily.

  He exited the car and cast a wary eye around the parking lot. Nothing seemed out of place, but he still needed to be careful. The locks clicked and horn chirped to indicate he’d locked the doors. Once more he peered through the salon window. “Shear Fabulous” was emblazoned on the glass in vibrant blue letters. He paused when she bent to retrieve a pen from the floor. The short black skirt stretched across the curve of her voluptuous ass. Stifling a groan he shifted his now throbbing erection. She straightened, smoothed down her skirt and adjusted the lavender scooped neck tank. Just one night to taste all that butterscotch skin, that’s all he wanted.

  He straightened as an idea occurred. Maybe there was a way to keep her safe and indulge his fantasies.

  She turned, tossing her near waist length hair from her face, and locked eyes with him. A sultry smile curved her luscious lips and he yearned to sample the sweetness of her mouth. His cock twitched. Or better yet feel the heat of her mouth wrapped around the rigid length of him. He stared at her, images of her head in his lap while his hand fisted in the silky length of her hair teased him.


  Trisha sighed in relief. Finally. She hurried to open the door and twisted the lock.

  “I was getting worried.” She leaned against the glass, holding it open.

  Zach stood in front of her, the crisp white dress shirt slightly wrinkled stretched across his well-muscled chest. He lifted a hand and dragged a gentle finger against her skin just above the scooped neckline of her lavender top. A shiver raced through her body at the provocative caress.

  “Were you?” His velvety voice was pure seduction. Just two little words and she was ready to melt into a pool at his feet.

  She nodded as she stared up at him. “Late client?”

erwork. My office manager gets a little testy when I don’t do my mileage logs.” He moved past her and into the shop.

  She locked the door behind him. When she turned he was already loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. The sight of his back with its taut muscles rippling beneath the cotton left her breathless. Removing his shirt shouldn’t have surprised her, as he’d done it every time before, but this time the urge to run her fingers over the sinewy chocolate-hued flesh was overwhelming. Damn Shauna and her handcuff comment.

  “Are you ready for me?” Zach stood framed in the doorway removing his cufflinks.

  Oh she was more than ready. She waved a hand at the padded chair in front of the shampoo bowl. Would he provide a satisfying orgasm? Heat crept into her cheeks at the thought. And why hadn’t a date with Zach occurred to her before? The man was exquisite. He wore sensuality and seduction as easily as his tailored suit.

  She held her breath while he unfastened his cufflinks and slipped the garment from his shoulders, revealing part of an intricate tattoo. How far did the design go? Was it just on his bicep or did it go farther? She bit back a sigh. Maybe he would agree to a date.

  “Let me, uh, get your hanger.” She gave him a wide berth, not trusting she could keep her hands or mouth off him.

  He caught her wrist as she walked by. “You okay?”

  She glanced at his hand, so large and inviting on hers, then at him, hoping he didn’t feel the nervous jitter of her pulse. “Fine.”

  “Are you here alone?”

  The quiet disapproval in his voice gave her pause. It almost sounded like a reprimand. He never had a problem with her being alone before. Why start now? She tugged away from him.

  “Of course. You’re my last client.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t be here by yourself.”

  “You’re not going to pull that overprotective macho bull on me, are you?” She planted her fists on her hips. “This place is safe, well-lit, and security patrols the parking lot every half hour.”

  He chuckled and draped his shirt over his arm. “I didn’t mean to offend you by caring about your safety.” He shrugged, just a casual lift of his shoulder. “But I won’t apologize for being concerned.”

  She swallowed hard. Now she just sounded ungrateful, especially when Zach had been nothing but nice to her. “I’m sorry. I’m not used to a man worrying about me being alone in a locked building.” And definitely not one as fine as Zach Walters.

  Trisha retrieved a wooden hanger from a nearby coat rack. He held out his shirt. Attraction crackled when her fingers brushed his. She lifted her gaze. Desire, unmistakable and real, shone in his mist-gray eyes. Now how had she missed that?

  She fumbled the shirt onto the hanger and draped the gold silk tie around the collar. Hanging the garment on the steel rod displaced some of her nervous energy, but did nothing to ease her sexual tension. When he placed his hands on her shoulders she closed her eyes, savoring the small contact.

  He leaned close, his warm breath fluttering the curls near her left ear. “I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  “You make it sound like someone’s threatening me.” Fear sidled through her belly. Was he trying to tell her something? Did he know? She faced him then, his scent, a crisp blend of wood and spice, beckoned her as easily as his touch.

  His roughened palm scraped against her skin when he cupped her face. The gentle caress was enough to still her momentary panic.

  “No. Just being realistic.”

  Okay. He didn’t know. Relief flooded her limbs. She licked dry lips, noting how he followed the movement. “You’re right. I should be more aware of my safety.”

  “Good girl.”

  Pleasure stole through her at his approval.


  She blinked and looked around. Right, she still needed to wash his hair. “Um yeah.”

  Putting distance between them seemed the best plan until she could rein in her thoughts.

  “So how did your date go?” he said once he was seated.

  “It didn’t.” Trisha draped a vinyl cape over the front of him.

  Zach arched a brow. “Not your type?”

  “You could say that.” She donned a black apron, gathered her hair and clipped it out of the way. Again, he followed the movement and it stroked her feminine pride.

  “Leave your hair down.”

  “When I’m done. Other than that it gets wet.” Her gaze drifted over his face, puzzled by the slight frown flirting with the corners of his mouth. And he had such a great mouth. No doubt his lips would be soft and firm when they were pressed to hers. She shook herself, first things first, wash hair, flirt later. “So, drive anybody famous lately?” She needed a distraction and asking him about his transportation company seemed the right way to go.

  At least until she plunged her fingers through the silky mane of his hair. She barely stifled the sigh tripping over her tongue. Tingles raced up her arm as she combed her fingers through his ebony tresses. It was a sin to love a man’s hair this much.

  Maybe that was the problem. She already had an idea of what she wanted and no other man measured up to the standard.

  Warm water cascaded over her hand and she directed the spray over his scalp. Dragging her fingers through his hair, she worried her lip. Would he agree to what she had in mind, or would he shut her down? She drifted her gaze over his face, from the long thick fringe of lashes resting against smooth high cheeks, past his wide slightly crooked nose, to his full lips.

  She shook her head, while she continued to wet his hair. Too bad it had to take another man asking her out before he considered. Although, in Zach’s defense, he’d been hinting at taking her out since her divorce. She was the one hesitating, unsure of just how far she would go with a man as delicious as Zach.

  He shifted in the chair, the plastic cape rustling when he moved his arm. His elbow brushed against her thigh, igniting sparks. She fumbled the water nozzle in the sink.

  His soft chuckle filled the otherwise quiet room. “You seem a little jumpy. Everything all right?”

  Except when you touch me. She shut off the water and concentrated on finding the right shampoo. “Just fine.” While she lathered soap in his hair, she tried not to think about wanting to move her fingers to other parts of his body.

  “You always get the water the way I like it.”

  She glanced up to find his eyes on her again. He smiled and her knees went weak. “I—yeah—have it marked.”


  Nodding, she massaged his scalp, strong tiny circles that elicited a soft moan from his lips. That one little noise struck a chord and she wanted to hear more. She drifted her fingers back and forth, over and down the base of his skull, behind his ears and repeated. Each pass, her heart thumped a little faster and his grunts grew a little louder. Just once she’d like to tell him how he really made her feel, beg him to do something about the need tightening her nipples and dampening her panties.

  Rough, strong hands closed around her wrists. She stilled and stared into eyes now dark with desire. She licked dry lips and offered an innocent smile. “Too hard?”

  “Not quite.”

  She looked forward to his weekly trips, just for this stolen moment. Would he mind if she touched his full, sexy lips? Maybe straddled his lap and continued running her fingers through his hair. The thought produced an ache only one thing would ease.

  “Too soft?”

  He chuckled, his thumbs circling the sensitive skin on the inside of each wrist. “You’re doing it just right.” His voice held a sensual note that hinted at satin sheets and wicked nights.

  “I should wash the shampoo out,” she said.

  He held onto her wrists another moment before he allowed his fingers to slide up her arms and drop to her waist. “You do this every time.”

  Water splashed in the sink. She held her breath when his fingers inched along her calf and found the sensitive spot behind her knee.

  “I do the same thing
to everyone.”

  He quirked an eyebrow and she rinsed out the suds. “I don’t think you do.” His hand inched higher, his fingers disappearing beneath the hem of her skirt, before retreating. She didn’t know if she should be upset or relieved.

  She repeated the shampoo, rinsed and squeezed the water from his hair. When she reached across him for a towel, he snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her against him.

  “Hey!” His lips cut off any further protest. She sank into his kiss, firm and possessive, teasing and demanding all in one explosive caress. His fingers curled in her hair, dislodging the clip, while his other hand cupped the curve of her butt.

  She clutched at his shoulders, allowing him access, reveling in the firm, commanding way his lips moved against hers, relishing the hand kneading her ample ass, and she ringed her arms around his neck.

  A chime trilled near her ear and they fell apart. In her haste to move, Trisha ended up on the floor.


  Zach scrambled to his feet. “Jeez! Are you okay?”

  “Yeah.” She grasped his hand and he tugged her upright.

  He drifted a hand over her hip. “You sure?”

  “You’re dripping all over the place.” Did he just kiss her? She reached for a couple of towels.

  He grasped her hands, stilling her agitated movements. Concern shadowed his eyes. “Trisha?”

  “I’m fine. I’m fine.”

  “I want to see you.”

  She studied his face a moment. “You are seeing me.”

  When he threaded his fingers through her hair and wrapped a handful of her curls around his fist, she trembled. A gentle tug tilted her head back and she parted her lips in anticipation. Her scalp tingled with sensation.

  “I like that about you, Trish. You always have an answer ready.”

  She grasped his wrist when he drew her closer. His other hand settled on the curve of her hip. With one look, he held her mesmerized.


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