Lust and Bound

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Lust and Bound Page 4

by W. Lynn Chantale

  Now his stalker had shifted his focus to Trisha. He crossed the room to lean against the doorframe of the bedroom, to assure him she was still safe.

  The sheets were tangled and threaded through her limbs, hinting at her rich curves. Each rise and fall of her breasts teased him with ample cleavage. Her long curly cinnamon-colored hair graced the white pillowcase almost like a design. She shifted in the bed, the sheet dipping to uncover a dusky areola, the semi-erect nipple beckoning him. He shifted his arousal. Last night had been incredible and one he wanted to repeat.

  The last thing Zach expected was the incredible night they shared. He’d often dreamed of Trisha’s voluptuous body, but to hear her voice what she wanted from him left him aching. Since her divorce, she’d always seemed to keep him at a distance. He thought it had something to do with him being a client of hers and not wanting to mix business with pleasure. Or someone else.

  The momentary stab of jealousy made him grit his teeth. He did not like the raw emotion crawling through his belly, not when he already thought of her as his. He crossed to the bed and eased onto the mattress. She didn’t stir. A faint smile creased his lips. Just as well, it gave him more time to study her beauty.

  He couldn’t believe she’d agreed to his plans. Well, it had taken a bit of coaxing, but all he wanted to do was get her alone. And what better opportunity than dancing. A dance floor provided the perfect opportunity to hold her close, and maybe even get her somewhere secluded where he could seduce her, dive into all those tempting curves, and show her what she’d been missing. And he knew she was missing something. He’d seen the hunger and bridled passion in her eyes. He longed to be the one to release her inhibitions. On some level he wished he’d driven the hour back to his place. But he thought a weekend on neutral territory would’ve given them a reprieve, at least until he found a note shoved under the door. He hadn’t left the room all night, so how had his stalker found him?

  He lifted a curl from her cheek and swept the pad of his thumb against her lips. She’d shocked him with her question. Hell, it wasn’t even a question. More like a declaration or a challenge, and she was definitely worth the challenge.

  A pang of guilt pricked his conscience. He should tell her the truth. She deserved the truth. He sighed. How was he supposed to tell her about his past when he was still unsure of their future? And he wanted a future with her. One night would not be enough.

  He stared into her face. A thick fringe of lashes rested against her cheeks, a smattering of freckles added to her charm, and he swept a thumb across the satin of her skin. She wouldn’t like what he said, because the truth went deeper than even he wanted to admit. He knew she was in danger...because of him, but he couldn’t tell her that, at least not until he could find the threat and eliminate it. Telling her meant destroying everything he’d built in the last few months.

  He ran a light caress down her body. She moaned, snuggling closer, and he smiled, his cock hardening at the soft sound. He wanted to try so many more things with her and wondered if she would still beg for more. Next time he would definitely tie her up and see how long it took to drive her wild. He smiled. The thought had possibilities.

  A light knock at the door drew his attention. He tensed. Hopefully it wasn’t his stalker.

  Zach hurried to the door and peered out the peephole. A uniformed woman stood on the other side, and a cloth-covered cart was also visible. He relaxed. Breakfast was here.


  Sun streamed through the open drapes. The scent of bacon and vanilla tickled Trisha’s nose. She groaned, rolled to her back and tossed an arm over her eyes. The man had stamina. She stretched, her body deliciously sore in all the right spots. She got what she wanted from Zach, an amazing mind-blowing orgasm, but there was so much more they needed to discuss.

  “If you keep lying in the bed, I may be forced to take advantage of you.” Zach’s deep voice drifted over and wound around her heart.

  “Do you ever tire?”

  “Not where you’re concerned.”

  She lowered her arm and stared into gray eyes tempered with desire and something she couldn’t quite decipher. “What’s that look?”

  “What look?”

  “Like there’s something you should tell me, but aren’t.”

  Zach sat on the bed. “Oh just thinking about the rest of the weekend. I’m not sure if the next few days will be enough.” He spread her hair against the pillow. “You are just so damn sexy.”

  Warm pleasure washed through her and she hugged the emotion close. “And here I thought you only wanted me for my mind,” she teased.

  He chuckled. “Oh make no mistake I want your body too.”

  “Even the way you look at me.” She closed her eyes, tears seeped beneath her lashes, and she drew an unsteady breath. “It’s been a really long time since a man has looked at me the way you do.”

  The heat of his palm caressed her cheek as his thumb smoothed away her tears. He circled her wrist. She opened her eyes when something thin touched her skin. She stared at the bracelet, dumbfounded. Had he been planning this all along or was this a spur of the moment thing? She loved jewelry, but this—whatever this was, was just a little too much. Drawing an unsteady breath she sat up and tucked the sheet around her breasts.

  “You don’t like it?”

  “I do.” She laid a palm against his cheek, day old stubble pricking her skin.

  His eyes searched hers. “But?”

  “I just…I don’t know what to say.”

  He swept the pad of his thumb against her bottom lip, sending tiny wisps of desire through her veins.

  “How about thank you?”

  A smile curved her lips. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Still he stared at her, almost as if he was trying to decipher her thoughts. She held her breath, not daring to hope that he could be everything she’d ever wanted. Finally he broke contact, only to drift a scorching glance over her.

  “Now that we have that settled.”

  She giggled as tension ebbed from her shoulders. For a second she feared he wouldn’t understand and now that he did...what now? “What did you have in mind for today?”

  He tilted his head to the side, before glancing at his watch. “Have you ever been to Greenfield Village?” He ran a light hand over her thigh and she shook her head. “Good. They’ve got a few shows beginning in a couple of hours. Which will be just enough time to shower and take in the sights.”

  She tucked a curl behind her ear, then fingered the diamonds and sapphires in the white gold setting. “I-I don’t have any clothes.”

  He tossed a garment bag on the bed. “I took the liberty.”

  She unzipped the bag. “You didn’t have to buy...ohmigosh!” She pulled out the pale blue print sundress. The scooped neck bodice gathered below the breasts before flowing into a long floaty skirt. “This is beautiful.”

  “Thank you, and I want to see you wearing it before we leave, but first.” He removed the dress from her fingers and tugged her to her feet. “I want to see you all slippery and wet.”


  Zach crowded her as she fumbled the key in the lock. They’d had to swing by her house to retrieve her epi-pen. The last thing she wanted to do was get stung by a bee and go into anaphylactic shock.

  “I can’t think when you do that.” She giggled as his lips grazed her neck.

  He grasped the key from her hand and twisted the knob. “You entice me so much.”

  She grinned and followed him into the house. If nothing else she could get used to the attention. “Do I now?”

  He faced her then, the lust in his eyes sliding over her like a caress. She stood, captivated by the desire she read in his irises. Something warm and unfamiliar tugged at her heart.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” he said pushing her against the wall and ravishing her mouth. “We’ve got a little time before we miss anything.”

  His phone tickled her breast. She pulled away. “Maybe not.”
  “I’m willing to risk speeding.” He curled a lock of her hair around his finger.

  Tiny flashes of heat danced through her veins and sparked her own desire. Her panties were already damp and one more time before they left should be enough to burn out her passion for him, shouldn’t it? When his lips grazed her throat, she moaned.

  “We’re going to be late.”

  “Then say yes.”

  He inched her skirt up, his hand squeezing her thigh as his knee nudged her legs apart. He pushed her panties aside, and she shuddered when he flicked a finger across her clit.

  She was cresting over the first hill by the time she realized what he was doing.

  “Say yes,” he murmured against her throat.

  “Yes.” She arched against his hand, her climax crashing over her.

  “Mmm. So hot. Reach in my pocket and grab a condom, sweetheart.”

  With trembling fingers she did what he asked and fished out the foil square. A rip, a snap and he nudged her legs wider, stroking his cock against her entrance.

  “I still have to get my pen and you’re not helping.” She gasped as he plunged into her.


  He held her hips as he pumped into her, hard and fast. Trisha gripped his shoulders, each stroke sending jolt after jolt through her body. Tension coiled tightly, he was pushing her closer and closer to a release.

  “That’s it, baby, come for me again.”

  He was so big and so thick, he touched all the right spots each time he entered and withdrew. He was so powerful, and he made her feel so good. Her pussy clenched around his cock, spasming against the hard thrusts until he cried out, his hips slowing.

  His lips were soft on hers as he left her body, his fingers tunneling through her hair, holding her in place for his kiss when she would have pulled away. “Bathroom?” he murmured against her lips.

  She pointed him down the hall while she mounted the stairs on wobbly legs. By the time she returned with the pen tucked safely in her purse, she found him in her living room. He stood with his back to her in front of the fireplace, an antique frame cradled in his hands. She didn’t need to see the photo to know who’d captured his interest. She’d long since memorized the image, her mother’s perfect toffee complexion unmarred by blemishes and little make up. The short chin length bob she sported went well with her broad smile and oval face. In contrast her father’s much paler rugged face held a white scar from the corner of his left eye to the tip of his dimpled chin. The black yarmulke was nearly lost in the shock of curly auburn hair. What she wouldn’t give to spend just a minute more with them.

  “Will I ever get a chance to meet your parents?”

  A sad smile creased her lips. “No. They were killed in a car accident several years ago.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” He carefully set the picture back on the mantle. “You have your mother’s eyes.”

  “And my father’s hair.”

  Zach chuckled. “Very beautiful hair.” He moved to stand in front of her. “There just doesn’t seem to be enough time to experience all the pleasure your body has to offer.”

  She shivered at the heat in his gaze.

  “But first we’ll check out the vintage cars, grab a carriage ride and sample the rock candy.”

  “Rock candy?” She winged a brow.

  He grinned. “You’ve never had rock candy?”

  She shook her head.

  “Then it will be my pleasure to show you all the wonders of vintage candy.” He dropped a proprietary hand to the small of her back and ushered her out the door.

  Chapter Four

  Trisha smiled and scanned the dense green vegetation as the scenery chugged by. She brushed the fine particles of soot from her bodice and adjusted her sunglasses as the train lurched forward before it resumed its slow rolling pace.

  “What are you smiling about?” Zach murmured close to her ear.

  She held a lock of hair from her face as she shifted in her seat. “We can all run faster than this train is moving.”

  His deep chuckle wrapped around her like warm fudge. “Yeah, I think I remember the guide mentioning that.” He rested his arm around her shoulders. “Did I do wrong?”

  “You did right. I’m having a really good time.” She snuggled closer, relishing the soft caress of his fingers on her skin. “The Model T’s are so fun. I never thought I’d ever get to ride in one.”


  She leaned her head on his shoulder, a contented sigh easing from her lips. As she watched the lush trees give way to weathered buildings, the back coupling of a train car was visible through the large double doors of a barn. The clang of metal against metal filled the air along with the faint scent of manure.

  Her ex-husband Gordy never would’ve brought her to see a village frozen in time. He never would’ve taken her dancing either, preferring to keep those moves to himself if he remembered her at all.

  Everything Zach was doing was a much welcomed change and he still hadn’t revealed all of what he’d planned for the weekend.

  “How concerned should I be about your injector pen?” The worry in his voice broke through her thoughts.

  “It’s been about five years since I’ve had to use one, but whenever I’m outdoors I like to be prepared.” She straightened and tugged the stainless steel chain from the bodice of her dress. The small charm held deep etching on one side and an elongated ‘x’ with a snake twined around a staff in the middle. “Bees. I was stung once as a kid and was fine. When I graduated high school I got stung and had to be rushed to the hospital. Since then I’ve carried an epi-pen.”

  “That must have been scary.”

  “Not as scary as stepping on a hive. If I hadn’t had the pen, I wouldn’t be here now.” She tucked the charm back in her dress and noticed Zach watching her. A flush crept into her cheeks.

  “I like when you do that.”

  “Do what?”

  He stroked her cheek. “Blush.”

  She inclined her head. The train lurched and tossed her forward. Zach wrapped his arms around her and dragged her against his body.

  “You okay?” He smoothed her hair from her face.

  She nodded.

  “Good. Let’s get off here. The candy store isn’t that far.”


  The candy store, Sir John Bennett’s Sweet Shoppe, overflowed with people, mostly parents with children all screaming for some sort of sugary confection. Zach cast a baleful eye over the group. The door was being propped open by a skinny teenager texting on his phone. The youth bobbed his head up and down as his thumbs flew across the screen.

  Zach turned to Trisha, who fanned herself with a pamphlet. He drifted his gaze over her, and frowned. Her face, shoulders and arms were a little red.

  “Maybe I should get you in the shade.”

  She pushed her sunglasses on the top of her head, dislodging a few sweat dampened curls. Mischief danced in her honey almond eyes. “I think there’s a few too many people around for you to take advantage of me.”

  He chuckled. Unable to resist he reached out a hand, rubbing the strands between his thumb and index finger. Pure silk. He allowed the curl to drop before brushing a caress along her shoulder. Her skin was soft, but hot. She flinched.

  “You’re sunburned.”

  Trisha held out her arms, her delectable lips curving downward. “Well, I guess I am.”

  Zach glanced around, cupped her elbow and propelled her to a nearby pavilion. “Have a seat. I’ll be right back.” He waited until she was seated before he spun on his heel, berating himself for not having noticed earlier, and walked away. Her skin was so light he should’ve realized she’d burn without protection. He crossed to a lemonade stand and waited in line. Drink purchased, he hurried across the street.

  She lifted a brow when he returned with a cup and a straw in hand.

  “Drink this.”

  She slipped the straw between her lips and he sighed. He could recall th
e silken feel of her mouth sliding over his erection, an event that was cut far too short and he wanted to experience again. What he wouldn’t give to be that straw right now.

  “You’re not feeling faint are you?” His voice was a little rougher than he wanted.

  She allowed the straw to slip from her lips and he watched as her tongue darted out to catch a drop. “No.”

  “Okay. Stay here and I’ll be back.”

  He strolled back to the Sweet Shoppe. Thankfully, the worst of the crowd had cleared and he made his purchases, even adding several chocolates he wanted to share with Trish. As he made his way back to the pavilion his phone rang. He paused long enough to pull the device from his pocket and hold it to his ear.

  “Hey, cuz, what’s up with you?”

  Distaste flooded Zach at the caller’s voice. “What do you want, Gordy?”

  “Just wondering when I’m going to get a visit from you?”

  “How about the 33rd of Neverary?” He stepped out the main flow of traffic.

  “Now is that any way to treat your family?”

  Zach gritted his teeth. “We stopped being family a long time ago.”

  “So I guess you’ve forgotten who helped set you up in your limo company.”

  “I think you have that backwards.”

  Gordy’s chuckle sent a chill down Zach’s spine. “You’re right. Tell you what, I’ll have my associate cut you a check.”

  “That would be nice, but I won’t hold my breath. You’ve been promising to pay me back for a year or so.”

  “Don’t worry, cuz. I promise this time I will deliver. Enjoy the rest of your day at the Village.”

  It took Zach a moment to register the line going dead. He slowly lowered the phone and scanned the area. How had Gordy known he was here? A heartbeat passed. Trisha! Zach broke into a run, dodging several people who frowned in his direction. He stopped short when Trisha came into view. Relief made his limbs weak.


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