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Obsessed Page 6

by Deborah Bladon

  "Madeline Veray!" Liz shrieks.

  "Maddie to him," I say sarcastically as I settle into the chair.

  "I'm sorry, sugar."

  "It is what it is." I feel a need to change the subject. "What are you doing here? For that matter, what are you doing out of bed at this hour?"

  "I can't sleep much anymore." Liz walks towards the windows. "I'm worried about the placement. If I don't get it, maybe I need to rethink my dream."

  "Ridiculous." I try to sound encouraging, "Never give up that dream."

  She lets out a slow breath. "It's all I have left."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Nothing." She half-smiles. "I'm just tired of living off Daddy's trust fund."

  "You're the next big thing in art. I can feel it."

  "What would I do without you?" She turns on her stilettos and struts to the door. "Let's go shop."

  "I can't. I need to work on the rest of the pieces for Jax and Maddie."

  Liz picks up the envelope addressed to Mark. "Another one?"

  "I'll take care of it."

  She places it back down and nods as she swings open the door and tosses her hair back. "See you later."

  Chapter 9

  "Is Ms. Veray in?" I quiz the unfamiliar middle-aged woman seated behind the reception desk.

  "She's other wised engaged." A weak smile crosses her thin lips. "May I ask whose inquiring?"

  Other wised engaged? What did that even mean? "I'm Ivy Marlow. I'm here to drop off the final pieces of my bridal collection."

  "You're Ivy Marlow?" Miss Meek and Unassuming has shot to life.

  "That's me." I extend my hand over the desk to her.

  She jumps to her feet. "I'm Teresa. I love your jewelry. I …well…I mean my husband and I love it. He gave me one of your necklaces this past Valentine's Day. He gave it to me right after we made love and now I wear it every time we do it."

  "I'm flattered." I'm assaulted by a mental picture of her naked with one of my necklaces bouncing off her chest as she's on all fours with a faceless man behind her. I shake my head subtly, trying to chase the image away.

  "Can I see what you brought?" She's giddy and not afraid to show it.

  I lean closer and in a whispered tone say, "I can do one better. I'll have a set of earrings that didn't make the collection delivered right to your desk."

  I'm met with a high pitched squeal of delight.

  "But there's one condition." I smile.

  "What is it?"

  "You have to promise to wear them when you go out with your husband." I say half-teasingly, looking for reassurance that she's not just going to wear my pieces only when she's being fucked.

  She throws me back a wicked grin before sitting back down behind the desk. "I know Ms. Veray would want to see them right away, Ms. Marlow. Why don't you take them in to her? I'm sure she won't mind."

  I'm puzzled. "Maybe you should call her and tell her I'm here?" I point towards the phone sitting on her desk.

  "She's not really busy." She continues, her voice barely more than a whisper¸ "I'm supposed to tell people she's busy when she's waiting for her lunch to be delivered."

  "Gotcha." I wink at her.

  I knock softly on Madeline's slightly ajar office door.

  "That must be lunch," I hear her say. "Come in."

  I push open the door and I'm instantly greeted with the image of Madeline sitting uncomfortably close to Jax at the table next to her desk.

  "Ivy! It's you!" Madeline leaps from her seat.

  "Hello." The word somehow forms on my tongue and leaves my mouth.

  "I thought you were lunch." She giggles and throws Jax a knowing glance.

  "I've been told I'm delicious," I say without thinking.

  Jax coughs and Madeline laughs a bit too hard. "You've always been such a card, Ivy. That's why we love you so."

  I know it's all in my imagination, but I feel as though the walls are rapidly closing in on me. I place the box containing my jewelry on her desk. "Here's the rest of the bridal collection." I push it towards her.

  "This calls for a celebration!" She turns to Jax. "Let's take Ivy to lunch."

  "No," I say louder than necessary. "I can't."

  "Nonsense," she says as she rounds her desk to place the box in a drawer. "It's not open for discussion. This is an important day for all of us."

  "I agree," Jax chimes in.

  I look directly at him, my breath stopping briefly when his eyes catch mine. He stands and puts on the blue suit jacket that had been carefully placed on the chair behind him.

  "I'm not dressed for lunch." I'm hopeful that my hastily thrown together ensemble of jeans, red knit top and black flats will be enough to grant me a rain check.

  "You look stunning as always, Ivy. I'll tell Teresa to cancel our lunch." Madeline marches out of her office in the direction of the reception desk.

  "I don't want to go," I whisper to Jax as he approaches me.

  "I promise it will be fine." He reaches to touch my shoulder.

  I instinctively pull back.

  "We're all set." Madeline pops up by the open office door. "Lunch awaits."


  Two hours and a few bites of braised cod later, I'm ready to make my timely exit.

  Madeline, on the other hand, has settled nicely into our lunch and into a lengthy conversation about how her divorce and how amazing it's been to reconnect with Jax.

  "Can I get you anything else?" The waiter's voice is a welcome reprieve from Madeline's incessant ramblings about herself.

  "I'll have another vodka soda." Madeline holds up her empty glass. "What about you Jax?"

  "I'm fine." He turns to me. "Ivy?"

  "No, thank you." I sigh, knowing that Madeline's desire to have a third drink means at least another thirty minutes of chit-chat with her and Jax.

  "Ivy." Madeline turns her attention and gaze on me. "I've always wanted to ask you something."

  I silently curse hoping she's not about to ask me a question about Mark. She never hid her obvious infatuation with him when we were together. It wasn't surprising given the fact that he is one of Manhattan's preeminent real estate investors and he's much closer to her age than mine, which she eagerly reminded me of constantly. Madeline had a reputation for chasing after men with money and Mark unequivocally fit into that category.

  She leans in, her warm breath tickling the hair on my arm. "What's Mark like in bed?"

  "Excuse me?" I say, my face flushing instantly.

  "We're all friends here." She presses on, "there's something about him. He's got that certain je ne sais quoi as they say. I've always wondered what it would be like to fuck him."

  I swallow hard wanting my legs to pick me up and run me right out of the restaurant. I look at Jax who has a small grin on his face. He raises his brow expectantly when my eyes lock with his.

  "He's so hot. I…." She falls silent as the waiter delivers her drink to the table. She snatches it up before downing half in one single gulp.

  "I need to get going." My voice is shaky. Talking about Mark and what we used to do in bed isn't something I want to do with Madeline, especially in front of Jax.

  "I always wanted to do him." Madeline ignores how uncomfortable I obviously am as she continues, her words now slurring from one into the next. "He's single now, right? Would you mind if I called him?"

  I shake my head, unable to string any words together into a coherent sentence.

  "I couldn't even get this one into bed." She points her index finger in Jax's direction.

  I feel a way of nausea wash over me. "I'm not really comfortable..."

  "Madeline," Jax interjects, his voice tinged with anger. "That's enough."

  "I've waited three years to ask her this." She raises the heavy glass to her mouth, swallowing a good dose of the clear liquid. "So tell me, Ivy, what's he like?"

  I take a moment and look first at her and then at Jax. I know that if I give her what she wants I'll be able to walk out
of the restaurant sooner rather than later.

  "As good as you imagine him to be, multiply that by a thousand." I giggle internally knowing that it's exactly what she wants to hear and also hoping that it will sting Jax to hear the words.

  Madeline leans in closer, the glass still firmly fixed in her hand.

  "Giving your body to a man like that is liberating." I sigh heavily to get my point across. "He takes intimacy to a completely new level."

  Madeline stares at me wide-eyed as she quickly finishes her drink. "Christ. I knew it. Do you miss it?"

  "Miss it?"

  "You know…" Her voice shifts to a whispered tone. "Do you miss the sex?"

  "What woman wouldn't miss it?" I smile at Jax now. It's clear from his expression that he's lost in our conversation.

  "Do you still want him?" Madeline's voice is filled with confusion.

  "Let me explain it this way." I take a deep breath before continuing, "When a man takes control in that way, he's completely focused on you. He owns your pleasure. He wants you to feel amazing bliss that lasts and lasts. Long after it's over your body still longs for it."

  "Oh. My. God." I need another drink," she says before bringing her glass to her lips and emptying it in one last gulp.

  "I do need to go." I move to pick up my purse, pushing my chair back.

  "But, Ivy, do you think I have a chance with him? Do you think he'd want me?" She barely whispers the last two words.

  "Yes," I say even though I want to blurt out that I'm shocked he wasn't fucking her when we were engaged and as long as she's got a pulse and he's willing he'll be all over her. I start to stand and Madeline grabs my arm to pull me back into my seat.

  "How do you know? Do you know how long I've wanted him?" She's almost gasping for air now, her words running shamelessly into each other. Madeline has reached her limit in more ways than one.

  I look at Jax who sits motionless in his chair, absorbing every word we're both saying.

  "I think you should go for it and call him. Mark loves beautiful women. I do have somewhere I need to be," I say convincingly, even though the only place I have to be is outside the restaurant and away from these two.

  "I'm having a meet and greet for Jax at my place on Thursday night." Madeline sits up straighter in her chair. "I'd like you to come and bring a date."

  "She can come alone." Jax finally speaks.

  "Nonsense." Madeline winks at me. "I bet she's got men lined up to be with her."

  I smile. I'm beginning to enjoy this relaxed version of Ms. Veray save for her fascination with my ex.

  "No." Jax's tone is more adamant now. "She's obviously still getting over Mark."

  "It's time for her to move on," she states. "The past is the past. Who will you bring, Ivy?"

  "Brighton." I blurt out.

  Jax's jaw drops. Madeline's face radiates.

  "Brighton, as in Brighton Beck?" Madeline says, obviously flustered.

  "Yes." I stand to leave. "Jax's brother."

  "How would you rate him compared to Mark?" Madeline giggles.

  "I don't know yet, but soon I'll have more to report." I grin as I lean down to give her a quick hug. "Thank you for lunch, Madeline and for everything. You have no idea how much I've enjoyed this."

  "I'll have Teresa call you with the details for Thursday."

  "Perfect." I turn to Jax. "See you then."

  He nods in response, his expression doing little to veil his anger.

  Chapter 10

  "This afternoon I may have told Madeline that Brighton was going to be my date for her meet and greet thing for Jax."

  Liz bursts out laughing.

  "Obviously it wouldn't be a real date." I continue, "You know I'd never run after someone you're interested in."

  "Sugar, I'm not interested in Brighton, other than getting the placement."

  "Really?" I'm a bit stunned by that admission. "I thought you were all hot and heavy about him."

  "It was mostly about his talent. He's not my type." Liz reaches to clear both our plates from the small dinner table on her terrace.

  "Do you think he'll go with me?"

  "I know he will." Liz motions for me to follow her back inside her apartment. "He's talked about you more than once."

  "I'm not interested in him like that though." I sigh as I settle into Liz's overstuffed sofa. "I don't want to lead him on."

  Liz hands me a bowl of lemon ice cream for dessert. "He's more interested in himself than anyone else. Just ask him to go with you for Jax's sake."

  "Good idea." I smile as I swallow my first taste of the cold treat.

  "Did you ever get that letter to Mark?"

  "Not yet." I shake my head. "I haven't wanted to call him."

  "I don't think you should."

  "I don't like talking to him. I know you understand what I mean."

  "I do," Liz puts her dish down on the small table next to the chair she's sitting in. "It's been over a week now. It might be important. I can take it and have someone get it to him."

  "That's sweet." I smile at her. "But I'll take care of it."

  "Do you want some coffee?"

  "Coffee would be good." I stand to follow her into the kitchen. "Do you want me to sing your artistic attributes to Brighton if he agrees to go with me to Madeline's?"

  "Pretty please, yes." A huge grin takes over her face. "I can't believe he's still undecided."

  "He's an artist," I tease. "You know how they can be."

  "Funny." She pushes a hot cup of coffee towards me. "Now tell me what you're going to wear to make Jax seethe with jealousy."

  I laugh. "His brother on my arm?"

  "The perfect accessory." She winks at me before pouring cream into her mug.


  "I was so delighted when you called." Brighton smiles as I step out of the elevator into his apartment.

  "Thank you for seeing me," I reply as he reaches for my hand to bring to his lips which I've now realized is his signature move.

  "You said you had a favor to ask?" He leads me into the main room, motioning for me to sit on a leather couch.

  "I do, yes." I sit down, carefully adjusting my red pencil skirt to ensure its covering everything I want it to cover.

  "Can I get you anything? Coffee, tea, or something stronger?"

  "I'm fine, but thank you."

  He settles in close to me.

  I shift slightly hoping to gain some space. "Your brother has become a partner in Veray Jewellers. As you already know, they commission my work. "

  "Oh, yes. He said something about that a few weeks ago."

  I study his face and it dawns on me that he looks much more like Jax than I first realized. "Yes, well, there's an event on Thursday evening to welcome him into the business. I was wondering if you'd like to go...go...with me?"

  He sighs and I panic just a bit. "I was wondering when you would get around to asking me?"

  I stare at him, certain that my mouth is open. "What do you mean?"

  "Jax called me after you two had lunch and gave me a lecture on the reasons why I shouldn't go with you."

  I'm shocked given the fact that our lunch was yesterday. "I'm sorry. I should have called and asked sooner."

  "You didn't think Jax would get in touch with me that quickly?"

  I shake my head from side-to-side.

  "My brother is obsessed with you, Ivy." His gaze darkens as he continues, "you have no idea the lengths he has gone to."

  "The lengths?"

  "You don't know, do you?" He stands, walking to the bar to pour a drink of something deep amber.

  "I'm lost." I shrug my shoulders, unable to process what Brighton is telling me.

  "He..." The words stop as his eyes travel to a painting on the wall of a woman. She looks to be in her thirties, tanned, brunette, her smile wide, her eyes a deep brown. She's resting in a lounge chair near a pool wearing a black one piece swimsuit. The artist obviously captured her bright spirit.

  "He wha
t?" I stand and move closer to where Brighton is.

  "That's our mother, Ivy." Brighton points to the grand painting. "My father painted that before they divorced. I hung it there the day she died."

  "It's beautiful. She was beautiful."

  "She was extraordinary. Strong, independent, loving, fearless."

  "I'm sorry for your loss. When did she pass?"

  "She died a year ago. It still feels like yesterday."

  "I know how hard that is." I verbally console him although emotionally I'm still stuck on his almost confession about Jax.

  "She lived with Jax in Los Angeles before she died. He was so devoted to her. He nursed her the last few years of her life."

  The Jax surprises keep coming. "I didn't know that," I manage. Of course I didn't know I scold myself. I know nothing about the man beyond the fact that he bought into Veray.

  "What's your mother like?" Brighton turns to face me directly, his eyes still filled with so much sadness.

  "I never knew her." I sigh. "She died when I was a baby."

  He stares at me before a single tear slides down his cheek.


  "You're an angel, Ivy." Brighton smiles up at me from his seat on the couch as I bring him a cup of tea.

  "That's kind of you to say." I hand it to him and sit next to him.

  "I'm sorry I was so emotional."

  "No, please," I say warmly. "I'm glad you showed me the painting. It's incredibly special and I can see where your talent comes from."

  "My father is a remarkable artist. He's been my greatest inspiration."

  I smile listening to him telling me a story of the first time his father showed him how to paint. My mind skips briefly to an image of Jax at his mother's funeral. His body must have been rife with grief. I feel a pang in my heart thinking about how much I wished I had been there to comfort him. I shake the thought from my head remembering his omission about being Madeline's new partner.

  "Ivy?" Brighton's voice breaks through my thoughts.


  "I'll definitely go to Madeline's event with you on one condition." His sly grin has reappeared.

  "I can't sleep with you."

  "Woah." He bursts into a loud laugh. "Ivy, you're great, but you're not my type."

  I can feel my face turn a bright shade of red and I instantly start laughing too. "But at the gallery, I thought you..."


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