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Page 8

by Deborah Bladon

  "No." She's resolute. "I'll come to your place. Give me an hour."


  "Dear, I believe you put your dress on backwards." Ms. Adams greets me as I step off the elevator.

  I laugh. "No, it's supposed to look like this."

  "Really?" She frowns. "It leaves very little to the imagination."

  "That's the idea," I whisper.

  "In my day, women kept their assets hidden until their wedding night." She adjusts the soft, pink, terry cloth robe she's wearing.

  "It's very late." I glance at my phone realizing it's already past eleven. "Are you alright? Shouldn't you be asleep?"

  "It's been a troubling night, Ivy. Walk with me to my apartment."

  I gently grab her arm helping her down the hallway. "What happened?"

  "Mark was here." She reaches into her pocket for her keys. As she fumbles with all three of the locks on the door I smile knowing she locked her door up tight even though she was only going a few feet to my apartment.

  "When?" I help her inside, turning on the light for her.

  "It was hours ago." She sits in an oversized, blue chair that has seen much better days.

  "Can I warm you some milk?"

  "Yes, thank you." She nods before continuing, "he was looking for a letter he said you had and demanding to know where you were."

  "I'm sorry you had to deal with that."

  "He buzzed me when you didn't answer and I let him up." Her hands are shaking. "He was so angry."

  "He tried calling me several times tonight." I sigh. "I should have talked to him."

  I set the mug of warm milk and a linen napkin on a small tray that I place on the table in front of her. I kneel down so I'm at her eye level. "I'm going to take care of this. I won't let him bother you again."

  "Be careful, Ivy." She rests her weathered hand on mine. "His temper is so bad."

  "I'll handle it." I lean down to kiss her forehead. "Lock the door before you go to bed."

  "Thank you." She manages a small smile. "I will."


  I change into a pair of jeans, and a pink t-shirt while I wait for Liz. As tempted as I am to call Mark right now, I want to gather my thoughts and my best friend's input before I confront my ex fiancée.

  I stare silently at the envelope addressed to Mark on my foyer table before being hit with a realization. I scurry down the hall to my bedroom, heading straight for the bedside table. I pull the drawer out before dumping it on the bed. I rummage through the papers in search of an old love letter Mark sent me a year ago when he was in Tokyo on business. I grab for it before running back down the hallway in my bare feet. I take a deep breath as I pick up the envelope I've been holding for Mark.

  The buzzer startles me. "Liz?" I say into it.

  "Let me up."

  I buzz her in, my heart racing.

  I open the door to my apartment, the two letters still clutched in my palm.

  "He sent this envelope to me." My words assault her before she's even stepped foot off the elevator.

  "Who sent you what?" Liz pushes past me. "I need a drink."

  "Mark." I motion towards the kitchen. "He sent me this envelope."

  "I haven't a clue what you're talking about." She calls from the kitchen amidst the sound of the cupboard opening and something liquid being poured.

  "Mark has been sending me these envelopes." I push both letters towards her as she re-enters the foyer a full glass of white wine in her hand.

  "Why pray tell would he do that?" There's obvious sarcasm in her voice.

  "I don't know." I try to hand her the envelopes again. "Look."

  "You know something." The slurring in her voice is now distinctively obvious as she slaps the letters from my hand. "Not every man wants you, Ivy."

  "What?" I'm appalled by her comment but quickly decide that it's all the alcohol she's obviously consumed this evening talking and not her.

  "He cheated on you remember? Why would he want you again?" She empties half the glass in one swallow.

  "What's wrong with you?" I reach to take the wine glass from her hand realizing she's way past the point of being tipsy.

  "Don't!" she screams, pulling the glass back from me.

  "Liz, you've had enough."

  "I need to use the bathroom." She stumbles down the hall, the glass teetering in her hand.

  I call down to the lobby and Oliver quickly answers. "Ms. Marlow? What can I do for you?"

  "I need a taxi for my friend, Oliver." I try to calm my quivering voice. "I'll bring her down shortly."

  "Of course," he replies. "I'll take care of it."

  I reach down to pick up the envelopes from where they landed on the floor. Once again I hold them side-by-side, noting that the writing is identical.

  There's a knock at the door. I jump. "Oliver," I say quietly thinking that he must have come up to help me with Liz.

  I swing the door wide open. It's Mark. He pushes past me.

  "No." I say. "No. Out." I point at the open door.

  He pushes it closed with his foot. "I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart. Where the hell were you tonight?"

  "That's none of your business," I shout at him. "Why did you come here and terrorize Mrs. Adams?"

  "That crazy old bat?" He shakes his head. "I can't believe she's not dead yet."

  "I have nothing to say to you." I try to push past him to get to the door. He grabs my shoulders.

  "I'm not leaving." The anger in his voice is palpable. "We have some things to settle."

  "Like the fact that you keep sending letters addressed to yourself here?" I point at the envelopes on the table.

  "I did that so I could see you."

  "I hate you." I can feel the tears coming. "Don't you get that? You cheated with three women Mark. Three."

  The sudden sound of breaking glass causes us both to turn abruptly.

  "Three?" Liz is standing at the entrance to the hallway, the wine glass in broken shreds by her feet. "Three?"

  "That's right," I snap. "He slept with three other women right before our wedding."

  Mark's face turns white. "Lizzie, what are you doing here?"

  "Three?" she repeats, her body beginning to shake from sobs. "You said it was only me, Mark."

  "I didn't love them." Mark rushes across the room.

  I stare at them both, bitter realization washing over and through me.

  "You bastard," she screams at him, her fists pounding into his chest. "Who were they?"

  " both..."I stumble to steady myself against the table. "You and Mark?"

  "You weren't supposed to find out like this." Liz's voice is barely more than a whimper.

  "How long?" I shake with anger. "When...when did it start?"

  They both stand in silence staring at me.

  I rush towards them. "When did you start sleeping with him?"

  "It's been on and off for years." Mark moves to block me from reaching her. "It started about a year after we met. It was when you went to Baltimore for your aunt's funeral."

  I mentally push myself back to that day. It had to have been more than two years ago, maybe three.

  "Liz came over to keep me company," he pauses drawing a heavy breath, "before you know it we were in the bedroom."

  "My bedroom? My bed?" I feel nauseous.

  "Oh God," Liz gasps.

  "When did it stop?" My gaze is still locked on Liz, who is glaring at Mark.

  "It hasn't," she whispers. "I was with him when you called earlier. I went to the broker's open house."

  I feel my body go numb. I can hear the words but they don't make sense.

  "Why?" I barely can hear my own voice.

  "I love him," she wails.

  "All this time you've been lying." I scream at her. "Was it you? Were you the one he meant to send that email to?" My head is spinning. I'm assaulted with memories of all the times I talked to her about Mark. She was there when I donated my wedding dress and watched as I shredded all the invita
tions and reception place cards. She had been my rock and sole support when all my dreams had come crashing down.

  "What email?" She's livid again.

  "That's how I found out he was a cheating bastard." I glare at Mark. "He mistakenly sent me an email saying he was ready in his hotel room one night when he was in Chicago."

  She shakes her head violently, letting out a blood curdling scream. "No! I was here when he was there."

  "It didn't mean anything." Mark reaches to touch her arm.

  She slaps it away before turning her attention to me. "Why didn't you tell me there were others? Why?"

  "You've got to be kidding." I seethe.

  "How did you find out about the others?" She's sobbing heavily again.

  "He told me." I point my index finger directly at Mark. "Call it a guilty conscience."

  "I hate you." Liz grabs my shoulders and pushes me.

  The instant I fall I feel a deep pain in my head. It takes me a moment to realize I hit the corner of the foyer table on my way to the floor.

  I start to pull myself up. "Get out. Both of you," I scream.

  Liz lunges for me again. I raise my hands to stop her, but she pushes me. I fall hard against the door.

  "Stop it, Liz." Mark grabs her from behind. "You're going to hurt her."

  "Let go of me you bastard." Her arms flail wildly behind her head as she desperately tries to make contact with Mark's face.

  I stand, staring at them. I can feel the doorknob in my fist. I twist it, quickly opening the door and running out into the hallway. I hurriedly press the elevator button before hearing the sound of more breaking glass coming from my apartment. I panic, slipping through the door for the stairs.

  Chapter 13

  “Look, Lady, I'm not leaving until I get paid, kapeesh?"

  I nod as I press the buzzer for Jax's apartment for the sixth time.

  "It's raining cats and dogs. I need my money now." The taxi driver barks at me through the open window of his car.

  I press the buzzer again, hoping Jax is asleep and this last time will wake him. "Please answer," I whisper as I shiver on the front step of his building, my bare feet numb, my clothing completely drenched.

  I curse as there's no response. My eye catches the sight of headlights coming around the corner. A dark sedan stops, the driver gets out and opens a large black umbrella. Before he can walk around the car, Jax swings open the back passenger door, darting up the steps.

  "Ivy! Jesus!" He quickly removes his suit jacket, wrapping it around my quivering body. "What the hell happened to you?"

  "Hey! You! I need to get paid." The taxi driver honks his horn ensuring Jax, and the entire block hears him.

  "Leonard, take care of that," Jax calls to his driver who is still standing under the umbrella near the car.

  "You're bleeding." He runs his hand over the back of my head. "Where are your shoes? Were you mugged?"

  I shake my head back and forth, unable to form any words.

  "We need to go to the hospital." He scoops me off the ground and into his arms.

  "No. Please, no," I murmur against his chest. My hand clutching the front of his now drenched shirt.

  "Leonard, the door. Help us."

  The driver jumps into action, unlocking the door and leading the way up to Jax's apartment.

  Jax places me gently on the couch before walking back to talk with Leonard. Jax's voice is hushed but I hear him say Mark's name, my apartment address and something about shoes. I hear the hushed click of the apartment door closing as Leonard takes his leave.

  "Did Mark do this to you?" Jax is kneeling next to the couch now, his right hand stroking my forehead.

  I feel my lips tremble as my eyes, once again, fill with tears. "Liz." I manage to say.

  "Liz? Your friend, Liz?"

  "Yes...her... she... and then Mark came to my place." My body starts to shake, the coldness overtaking me now.

  "You're shivering. You need a shower." Jax picks me up again, taking me down the hallway to a bathroom.

  He places me on my feet before reaching into a large, black marble shower stall to turn on the water. "Can you raise your arms?"

  I nod. I cringe from a sharp pain in my left shoulder as I lift my arms above my head. I feel him pull the saturated t-shirt over my head, my breasts instantly visible. His eyes don't leave my face.

  "Lean on my shoulder." His voice is gentle. He kneels to unfasten my jeans, sliding them and the pink panties I was wearing off.

  "I can't believe anyone would hurt you." He embraces me, his arms locked around my mid-section, his head resting against my breasts. "You're so beautiful."

  He stands and looks directly at me as he unbuttons his shirt. "I'll kill whoever did this to you."

  "Please don't say that," I whisper, raising my hand to cradle his cheek.

  He places his hand over mine. He closes his eyes, pulling my hand to his lips before placing a kiss on my palm. "I wish I had been there to protect you."

  I nod silently, feeling my body trembling from the coldness in the air. I'm so overwrought. I feel as though the last few hours have been nothing but a nightmare. I don't know how I went from sitting in that limousine with Brighton to standing naked and shaking in his brother's apartment.

  "What am I doing?" Jax swiftly finishes undressing. "We need to warm you up."

  He walks past me to open the door of the shower. I scan his body, noticing how firm the muscles in his back are, how defined his legs are. My eyes linger on his round buttocks, wanting him to turn. He does as he reaches his hand out to me.


  I place my hand in his allowing him to lead me into the warmth of the shower.

  "Thank you," I whisper through sobs as the water rushes over my body.

  "Shhh." He takes my hands in his, placing them on his hips. "Hold onto me. I'll wash your hair. But first, let me look at that nasty cut."

  I nod, leaning my head forward, my eyes now in a straight line with his groin. I breathe deeply seeing him naked and exposed for the first time. Even in a semi-hard state his cock is magnificent.

  "I don't think you'll need stitches." His hand finds my chin, tilting my face up so our eyes meet.

  "I'll take care of you, beautiful."

  I stand silently as he takes his time gently washing and conditioning my hair. He turns my body slowly before soaping my back with a lavender fragranced wash. His hands lightly skim my buttocks then trail down as he washes my legs and feet.

  "You cut your foot." There's disappointment in his voice. "Did you come all the way here in bare feet?"


  He stands before turning me back around to face him. "I'll bandage that for you."

  I catch my breath when I realize he's lathering his hands to continue his cleansing mission. He smiles gently before placing his warm hand on my chest above my breasts. We lock eyes as his hand moves lower, sliding over each of my breasts, stopping to circle my now hard nipples.

  "I've wanted to take care of you for so long." His hand runs down my body, stopping to caress the subtle curve of my stomach.

  I take a deep breath knowing that his journey isn't complete yet. I look down watching his hand disappear between my legs. He moves it slowly, separating the smooth folds, his finger just barely grazing my clitoris before his hand continues its path down my right leg.

  "Step back so I can rinse you." He gently pushes me back so I'm under the flow of the warm water. I close my eyes, feeling him carefully rinsing the area that was cut again. His touch is light and gentle.

  "It's time to dry you off." I open my eyes to see him reaching behind me to shut the water off. He grabs a thick white towel from a shelf above the showerhead. I feel the softness swathe me as he wraps it around my body. He quickly wraps another around his waist. His hair dripping onto his face, he pulls his hand over it, pushing it back. "I'll take care of that nasty cut on your head and the one on your foot."


  "You're ticklish, aren
’t you?" Jax, now clad in sweatpants is trying desperately to apply antiseptic cream to the cut on my right heel. My giggling isn't helping matters.

  "A little, yes." I smile at him from my spot on his bed where he laid me after dressing me in one of his t-shirts and a pair of navy boxers.

  "Hold still or I'll tie you down." He throws me a wicked grin.


  He shoots me a glance and a wide smile before going back to work on my foot. "All done," he announces as he places the box of bandages down on the bedside table. "Now I'll find a brush for your hair."

  As he leaves the room I reach up to feel my hair and my fingers lightly skim the cut and now good-sized bump near the back of my head. My mind instantly forms an image of the anger in Liz's eyes before she pushed me. I tear up, my heart beating faster thinking about the depth of her betrayal and my naivety.

  "What's happened?" Jax's hand cradles my face as his thumb reaches to push away a tear that has fallen down my cheek. "You were thinking about earlier?"

  "Yes." I sob now, thinking about how terrified I was of Liz and how overwhelmed I was learning that she was one of the women Mark had been unfaithful with.

  Jax motions for me to move forward. He settles in behind me on the bed, his back resting against the black headboard, his legs around me. He pulls my back to his chest, his arms circling me.

  "I didn't know where else to go." I feel a need to explain how I ended up on his doorstep. I'm not sure of it myself. It was an inner drive to be near him after hearing him tell me earlier that he'd protect me.

  "You're exactly where you need to be." I feel him gently pull a brush through my now damp hair.

  I nod silently enjoying the feeling of him taking care of me.

  "I think you should talk to the police tomorrow," he says very matter-of-factly. "I'll take you there to file a report."

  "No." I turn my head to look at him. "I don't want that."

  "Ivy." He stops brushing my hair. "You were badly hurt."

  "I fell." I turn back around, pulling my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. "I stumbled when Liz came running at me."

  "She pushed you." His tone is more serious. "I know that she pushed you."

  "She was so angry. I've never seen her that angry."


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