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Obsessed Page 9

by Deborah Bladon

  "Was it because you went to the party with Brighton tonight?"

  "No." I feel the tears rising to the surface again. I take a deep breath trying to steady my emotions. "Mark came and she heard him and she lost it."

  "Did Mark threaten you?" I feel Jax's body tighten.

  "No. It wasn't like that." I hold my head in my hands wanting to forget that tonight ever happened.

  "We don't need to talk about it." He stands now. I look up to see him towering over me. "It's time for you to sleep."

  He hops off the bed. I move slightly as he pulls back the covers, revealing tan sheets. "Get in, beautiful."

  I shift my body so I'm now under the covers. I look at him expectantly, not certain of what his next move will be.

  He leans down, brushes his moist lips against my forehead before he whispers, "sleep well. I'm in the next room if you need me."

  I stare silently as he closes the door behind him, my eyelids suddenly feeling very heavy.


  "Do you want coffee?" Jax's voice greets me as a walk into the kitchen.

  "I think I overslept and yes, please." I sit in one of the chairs next to the small dining set.

  "Cream, sugar?" He smiles as he hands me a ceramic mug filled to the brim with rich smelling coffee.

  "No, thank you."

  "Does your hair always look this way when you wake up?"

  "What way?" I reach to touch it, quickly realizing that the natural curl I so desperately dislike took control when I went to sleep with damp hair. "Not always, no."

  "I love it."

  I see that he's already dressed in navy trousers and a light blue dress shirt. "You're dressed," I say under my breath, feeling very out of place.

  "I've been out. I needed to take care of some things."


  "Ivy things." He winks at me before walking out of the room.

  "Ivy things?" I repeat quietly.

  He returns carrying two shopping bags. "I went to your apartment."

  "You what?" I'm startled and instantly unsure of how he could have gotten past the doorman.

  "Fred Johnson and I have done business together." He continues, "I mentioned that you'd had a problem in your apartment last night and he was more than happy to let me in."

  "You know the man who manages my building?"

  "I do." He grins.

  "Please tell me you haven't bought the building." I try to cover the anxiety in my voice.

  "Not yet." His voice teasing.

  I raise my eyebrow before taking a small sip of the coffee.

  "If I did own it, I'd lower your rent." The smile on his face is widening.

  "You couldn't. I own," I counter.

  "You own? Or you and Mark own?" There's surprise in his voice.

  I hesitate before I reply, "Actually, Mark owns the apartment I live in." I take a deep breath and look directly at him. "I want to be able to move out on my own but I'm still working on how to make that happen."

  "I understand." He holds his hand out to me. "Come with me."

  I follow him down the hall to the bedroom. He motions for me to sit on the edge of the bed as he places the shopping bags on the floor.

  "Ivy." He kneels in front of me. "There were some broken things at your place."

  "Yes." I sigh. "Liz broke a wine glass and then I heard more glass when I ran out."

  "I cleaned it up." He stops as if to gather his thoughts. "But it was more than just a wine glass."

  I raise my eyebrow giving him a quizzed look.

  He leans to the left, reaching inside one of the shopping bags. I gasp the moment I see the edge of the weathered picture frame. It's bent, splintered and the glass shattered.

  I can't stop tears from filling my eyes. "Oh no. No." I stare at it unable to move.

  "This is you and your mother, isn't it?"

  I nod. "It's the only photograph I have of the two of us." I stare at it resting in his hands. "She ... my mother..." I sob, trying to say the words. "She made the frame herself."

  I reach out to run my finger along my mother's beautiful face in the image. She's cradling me as she sits beaming in the hospital bed the day I was born.

  "I'll have it fixed." His voice is so calm.

  "It's destroyed," I whimper.

  "It's bruised. Trust me with it, please."

  I look from the frame to his face. I study his eyes, seeing the deep and genuine concern in them. "Yes. I trust you. "

  Chapter 14

  "Thank you for picking up some of my things," I say to Jax as I walk back into the kitchen after having a warm shower and getting dressed.

  "I knew you'd look lovely in that dress." He smiles at me. "Purple is really striking on you, Ivy."

  I look down at the simple sundress and white strappy heels he brought for me from my place.

  "I haven't seen you with your hair pulled back like that." He stands next to me, running his hand down my cheek, past my chin and unto my neck.

  I sigh, enjoying his touch. "I'd like to go to my apartment now."

  "I'd like to stop somewhere before we do that, if you don't mind." There's a playful tone to his voice.

  "Please say it's not the police station." I frown as I look up at him.

  He gently moves his hand from my neck back to my face, cradling my right cheek with his palm. "Ivy, last night you said no police. I wouldn't push you to do anything you don't want."

  "Thank you." I place my hand over his relishing in the feeling of his touch.

  "No. I should be the one thanking you." His other hand finds my left cheek and our eyes meet.

  "For?" I search his eyes for an answer.

  "You came here last night. I was the one you wanted when you needed help." His voice is soft, gentle and soothing. "That means more than you know."

  I smile. "I'm not sure why but you make me feel so safe."

  His tone becomes more serious. "You're safe with me, Ivy. I loved taking care of you. That was a gift for me and so today..."

  "Today?" I ask, wondering what he has in store for me.

  "Today I repay the gift."

  I 'm puzzled and I'm certain he can read that within my expression. "I should be the one repaying you for everything you did for me."

  "You will." He reaches for my hand. "All of the pleasure I'm going to take from you today, tomorrow and every day after that will be my compensation."

  I stand silent while my mind jumps to an image of him in the shower, nude, semi-erect and wanting.

  "You want that don't you, Ivy?" he asks with confidence. "You want me to help you feel pleasure, don't you?"

  I nod, unable to form any coherent response. I'm certain if I open my mouth at this point, nothing but high pitched gibberish will spill out.

  He smiles. I watch intently as he pulls my hand to his lips and kisses each of my fingers slowly and methodically.

  "Time to go." He steps towards the apartment door. I follow, unsure of what I've gotten myself into.


  Less than thirty minutes later, Leonard parks the car in front of my apartment building. We had stopped on our way in midtown in front of a non-descript storefront. Jax had run in and emerged within moments with a bright, mischievous grin on his face.

  I had questioned him as the car weaved through traffic towards my building, but the only response I received was a smirk and a wink.

  "Are you sure you're ready to go up?" His voice pulls me from my thoughts.

  "I am."

  Leonard opens the door as I make my exit from the car, followed quickly by Jax. I instantly feel his hand on my waist as we begin walking side-by-side towards the building.

  "Ivy!" Mrs. Adams almost runs directly into me as I step into the lobby. She's holding tight to Oliver's arm. "Dear, there you are. I was worried sick."

  "I'm sorry. I should have called."

  Her gaze swiftly jumps from me to Jax. "I'm so glad that you've hired a bodyguard. Now Mark and that Elizabeth woman can't get anywh
ere near you."

  "Actually, he's not..."

  "I'll be certain to take the best care of Ivy," Jax interjects. "I'm not a bodyguard though. I'm a friend."

  "A boyfriend?" Mrs. Adams rattles on, "Ivy has needed a boyfriend since the Mark fiasco. Now, young man, you better take care of her heart. It's fragile, you know."

  "Yes. I know. Ivy is a treasure. You have my word I'll take very good care of her." He glances down at me before continuing, "I'm Jax Walker and you are?" He extends his hand waiting for Mrs. Adams to place her diminutive, weathered hand in his.

  "It's a pleasure, Mr. Walker." She reaches to shake his hand. "I'm Rose Adams. I live next door to Ivy."

  "She's a wonderful neighbor," I offer. I'm eager to get upstairs to my apartment to see whether there's any permanent damage from last night's argument.

  "I need to be on my way now." Mrs. Adams looks towards Oliver who stepped back inside. "Oliver is going to help me find a taxi."

  "Absolutely not." Jax extends his arm to her. "My driver, Leonard, will take you anywhere you need to go and I'll have him wait and bring you home."

  "Nonsense," Mrs. Adam gestures in the air with her hand as if trying to hit a wayward fly. "A taxi suits me just fine."

  "You can trust Leonard." Jax winks at her. "He'd enjoy keeping himself occupied."

  She throws him a sceptical glance before nodding once in agreement.

  I watch as he speaks to Leonard after helping Mrs. Adams into the backseat of the sedan. I can't help but notice how tender he is as he takes her arm to guide her in.

  "Onwards and upwards, Ivy," Jax says as he walks towards me. "Your apartment and my surprise awaits."


  "Everything looks just as I left it." I place my purse down on the foyer table. "The letters. They're gone."

  "I didn't see any letters when I came by earlier." Jax walks from his place near the door to stand next to me. "Do you mean the letters addressed to Mark?"

  I nod, knowing I should explain to Jax more about what happened last night but not feeling the inner strength to relive those moments yet so I don't elaborate.

  It's as if he reads my mind. "I can take you somewhere else if this is too much for you."

  "No, it's not." I try to sound convincing. "I'm fine."

  "You're certain?"

  "I just want to put last night behind me. I have to." I try to find strength in my words all the while knowing that it will take me a long time to get over the realization that Liz betrayed me.

  "Try not to think about last night right now. I have a surprise for you, remember?"

  "How could I forget?" I sigh, feeling slightly unnerved by what the surprise entails.

  "I take it you don't like surprises?" He moves closer to me, his hand reaching into the inner pocket within his suit jacket.

  "I don't." My eyes are glued to his hand waiting to see what he's about to reveal.

  "This you'll like." He pulls a plain white envelope from his pocket. "It's something very special." He holds it in his hand dangling it in the air between us. "It's yours right after we take care of a small, but very significant detail."

  "What detail?" I ask suspiciously.

  He leans in closer until his lips are lighting touching my ear. "The detail of your pleasure." He drops the envelope on the foyer table next to us.

  "My pleasure?" I stand frozen in place, not wanting to lose the sensation of his breath on my neck.

  "You wanted me in the shower last night."

  I don't respond. What could I possibly say? I can't deny that I wanted him then and that I've wanted him ever since I turned around at the gallery and was consumed by his very presence.

  His lips move from my ear to my neck. Light kisses combined with the sensation of his teeth nipping at my sensitive skin. A moan builds deep within me and softly escapes.

  "That's right, beautiful. You know you belong to me."

  I reach for his hair, needing and wanting to feel his lips on mine. I pull his head up and push my lips into his. He thrusts his tongue into my mouth, gently coaxing mine to join his in a slow, circular dance. He bites my bottom lip, causing me to pull back slightly.

  "You're going to learn never to refuse what I want," he growls.

  He steps back. His hands grip my shoulders as he turns me abruptly around.

  I whimper. "Please."

  "Please what?" His breath is on my neck again as I feel his hands deftly undoing the zipper at the back of my dress.

  "Please let me touch you."

  "Not now. Not yet." He pushes the dress to the floor. His hand tracing a path down my bare back to the edge of the white lace panties I'd found in the bag he brought me earlier. "Put your hands on the wall. Lean forward."

  I feel exposed and aroused, certain that soon he'll discover how wet I've become just from the anticipation of his touch.

  There's brief movement behind me and I realize he's on his knees.

  "Your body is amazing," he says quietly.

  I jump slightly at the touch of his lips on my lower back. His tongue makes contact with my skin, forming small circles.

  "Last night, after I put you to bed," he stops as he runs his tongue over the white lace of the panties, "I couldn't stop thinking about how you would taste."

  I moan again as his tongue runs back up the panties to the bottom of my back.

  "It's such a shame."

  I feel him pull back slightly, disappointment immediately washing over me. "A shame?" I manage to say as I glance down and over my shoulder.

  "They're so pretty," he says as he looks up into my eyes. At that moment I feel his hands grab the thin material at the sides as he rips the panties off my body.

  I stumble. His hands steady me as he gently nudges my feet farther apart making me feel even more exposed.

  "You're so perfect. So smooth." His hands pull my buttocks apart as his tongue traces a long, pointed line up my cleft.

  I almost come from the sensation.

  "Ivy. Listen to me." His breath is caressing my wetness as I try and focus on his words. "Do not come until I tell you to."

  My body reacts. I push myself towards him, longing to find his tongue once again.

  "No coming until I say." He thrusts his tongue between my folds. "Understood?"

  "Yes. Please," I say without thinking.

  He stabs his tongue sharply into me, before pulling it back and tracing a circle around my engorged clitoris. I stumble again from the sensation. He uses the opportunity to turn my body around before his mouth swiftly claims me again.

  I look down to see him still fully clothed, his face between my legs. I wrap my hand through his hair, pushing him further into my wetness.

  I feel his finger near my entrance as I work to control my arousal. I'm so wet, so open, so wanting. I've never felt so utterly exposed before, yet nothing could have made me stop.

  He runs his finger once over my clit before gently sliding it into me. I gasp as he immediately hones in on my most intimate spot. His tongue skilfully works my clit, tenderly running circles over it, the pressure changing from soft to more direct before he pulls it into his mouth sucking on it.

  My hips start to move involuntarily, keeping pace with his finger. He slides another in and I'm immediately assaulted with an image of his cock. I want to come, but more than that I want to feel him inside of me, stretching me, pulling at my arousal.

  "Jax..." My voice turns into a low moan as he pushes harder on my clit. "Fuck me, please."

  His groan vibrates through my folds entering me just as his fingers have.

  "I'm so close." I push his face harder into me, wanting him to let me come.

  He slows the pace. His movements suggesting it's not time yet.

  I pull on his hair, willing him to suck on my clit harder. "Let me come." I know my voice sounds impatient. It's a clear reflection of what my body is feeling.

  He stands swiftly. I work to catch my breath before feeling his moist lips crush mine. I taste him
and my arousal and I immediately feel myself moving towards the brink of orgasm again.

  "I want you," I moan into his mouth.

  "You want me to fuck you," he says as he pulls on my bottom lip with his teeth again.

  "Please." I press my body into his.

  In one fluid movement he reaches down, pulling my thighs around him before his hands slide to cup my ass. The index finger of his left hand finds my clit as I wrap my legs around his waist. I move my body slightly back and forth enjoying the pressure of his finger.

  He kisses me hard before turning and walking down the hallway.

  He lowers me onto the bed, his eyes running over my exposed skin. He pushes his suit jacket from his shoulders before undoing the buckle of his belt. I stare as he reaches into his slacks pocket to reveal a small foil packet.

  "Touch yourself for me." I stare at his lips as I watch him reach for my hand guiding it to my still aching clit.

  I follow his instructions, gently running my fingers in slow circles. I feel myself inching close to the edge yet again. "It feels so nice." I'm breathless and wanting.

  "That's the way, Ivy." He catches my glance as he unbuttons his slacks. I watch him pull the edge of the packet open with his teeth before releasing the condom. My eyes are glued to his knowing that I'll soon feel him completely inside of me.

  He kneels on the bed, still almost fully dressed, sweat forming on his upper lip. I gasp when I feel the tip of his cock touch my clit. I move my hands to his shoulders trying to pull him closer towards me.

  "Not now. Not yet," he says again.

  I whine with disappointment.

  "Take the pleasure I give you," he whispers as he reaches forward to brush his lips against mine. With that I feel the tip of his cock skim my clit.

  He shifts his body so he's kneeling between my legs. I look down. His full, erect cock, resting heavily in his hand as he expertly pulls it back and forth across my clit. My body is aching. I try to maneuver my hips so he'll slide himself into me.

  "I want you close to the edge." He kisses me again, this time with more force. I groan from the desire building within me.

  "Please," I beg. "Please fuck me now."

  "If you come you belong to me."

  "Yes. I want..." I stifle a scream as I feel the entire length of his cock enter me.


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