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Ladies Love Rock Stars: Taming the Bad Boys of Rock and Roll

Page 17

by D'Ann Lindun

  Montana sank onto one of the flat rocks where the water was deep enough to cover her chest.

  “I’m decent. Come in.”

  She turned her head away as Johnny slipped into the water. He looked like a ghost moving through the thick mist as he swam, gliding from one end of the small pool to the other. Finally, he joined her on a nearby seat. Tipping his head back, he stared at the clear blue sky.

  “This is great.”

  “It’s pretty nice,” Montana agreed.

  “Nice doesn’t describe it.” Johnny sighed. “I didn’t realize how knotted up I was until now.”

  “I know.” Montana’s tension slowly melted as she soaked in the hot water. “I hope Adrian is doing better now that she’s at a lower elevation.”

  “I’m sure Joel has gotten her the best medical care possible.”

  Curiosity about her former college friend got the better of Montana. “Where did you meet Joel?”

  Johnny focused his attention on her, his blue eyes intent. “When we started to make a little coin, I had no idea what to do with it. I sing. I write songs. What I don’t do is manage money very well. I knew I needed to find somebody smarter than me to take care of that side of things.” He flattened his palms on the water’s surface and moved them back and forth. “I asked my dad for a recommendation and he suggested Joel. He worked for my dad’s bank and they thought highly of him there.”

  “Your dad’s a banker?” She shook her head.

  “Yeah. President of Seattle Loan and Finance. After college, Joel worked in the loan department. My father thought Joel would be a good fit for me. I hired him to manage my money, which he oversees, but his main job is taking care of us—me.”

  “Joel and I lost touch after college,” Montana said. “I had no idea where he went, or that he ever thought of me again.”

  “You’re pretty unforgettable.” Johnny’s eyes darkened to midnight blue.

  Montana looked away and stared into the steam surrounding them. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  “Actually, I don’t.”

  He sounded as sincere as a used car salesman, which made her laugh. “Right.”

  “You have a low opinion of me, don’t you?”

  “Not you, per se. But I know how celebrities are…a girl in every port and all that…”

  “You’re judging me because that piece of shit football player couldn’t recognize a good thing when he had it?” He sounded flat-out mad. “Yeah, I’ve done the player thing and slept with a bunch of girls. But I grew up. I eventually wised up, too. My marriage taught me a lot about what I do and don’t want.”

  She stared at him openmouthed as he continued.

  “I’ve been separated for a year, and officially divorced for six months. Yeah, I’ve fucked a lot of women since the day the ink dried, but the only one I gave a damn about ran off on me, not the other way around.” He snorted at her disbelieving look. “I can see you don’t buy it, but I’m telling the truth. At first I went crazy, but after a while it all seemed pointless.”

  “The internet—”

  “Is full of crap,” he said flatly. “Lies and made-up bullshit.”

  Of course she didn’t believe everything she read, especially online, but there had been so many web pages with pictures of him with one woman or another, it seemed implausible he had been in love. Montana wiggled down in the water and tipped her head back so that her hair floated out behind her. She pondered Johnny’s words. Were they true?

  Tom, too, had proclaimed his innocence when it came to affairs.

  Now that she’d seen Tom again, she’d gotten a clearer look at him—she realized if his mouth had been moving he’d been lying. Why hadn’t she been able to see it then? Blinded by love? Or was she just unable to see the truth when it was right in front of her nose?

  She pushed up out of the water, deep in thought. She shoved her hair back from her face, wincing when her palm connected with the cut on her forehead.

  Could she trust Johnny? Or was he lying, too?

  He and Tom weren’t the same man.

  From the moment she’d met him, Johnny had been honest. Maybe a little crude at times, but never dishonest as far as she could tell. Her gut, and more importantly her heart, wanted to trust him.

  She didn’t realize she’d bared her breasts for a moment. Not until Johnny’s gaze locked on them. Heat flooded her cheeks and she crossed her arms and slid down under the water.

  “You don’t have to run from me.” His husky voice sent shivers dancing across her exposed skin.

  Indecision warred within her.

  The injury on her forehead was a painful reminder that she wasn’t able to take Shannon’s advice and have a meaningless quickie. She just wasn’t made that way--something she’d known all along.

  But an afternoon spent in Johnny’s arms, something she could tuck away to take out later, held a great deal of appeal. If she could stand the heartache of seeing him with other women on TV or the internet.

  Montana nibbled her bottom lip.

  She stood, turned and waded to the edge of the pool. With a cool look over her shoulder, she said, “I’m hot. Coming?”

  He lifted his smoldering gaze from her ass. “Right behind you.”

  Johnny’s husky voice sent a shockwave straight to her lower stomach. Montana wrapped her towel around her and stepped into her boots. Picking up her clothes, she led the way to the cabin on wobbly legs. She’d bet her last dollar Johnny had never been seduced by a woman dressed like her. Giggles built low in her stomach like champagne bubbles and she forcibly swallowed them.

  At the cabin door, she struggled with the doorknob.

  Johnny crowded behind her. “I’ll get it.”

  His erection pressed against her bottom. Any second thoughts flew away with the clouds. She wanted him. Needed to be with him. If today was her only chance, then so be it. She’d deal with repercussions later.

  Johnny covered her hand with his, held it there a moment and then turned the knob.

  With a deep, shuddering breath, Montana stepped across the threshold.

  “I’ll build up the fire,” Johnny said.

  Her internal fire already raged, but Montana nodded. “I should dry my hair.”

  How could her voice sound normal?

  Stepping to her bunk, she closed the curtain behind her. She took the towel from her body and wrapped it around her head. Satisfied her dripping hair was sufficiently wrung out, she removed the towel and ran shaking fingers through the tangles.

  Nerves had her stomach jumping like a herd of stampeding horses. Johnny had been with a lot of women, including porn stars and strippers. Montana’d only had a couple lovers. She wasn’t sure what he would want her to do—weird or kinky stuff she’d never even thought of? She’d draw the line at anything strange.

  With her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth, she slid back the curtain. Like an old-time movie goddess, she held the drape over her breasts and one cocked hip. “Johnny?”

  His gaze roamed over her and a slow, sexy grin slid across his face. “You called my name?”


  Like a mountain lion stalking his prey, he crept toward her. “What do you want with me?”

  “I have a few ideas.” She wet her lips, amazed at her own boldness.

  He drew close. “Like what?”

  “Finish what we started last night, for one.”

  “Wasn’t you getting your head bashed open and knocked out enough to scare you off?” He brushed a strand of hair from her cheek.

  “I want to be with you,” she managed.

  He moved so close she could see the dark blue flecks in his eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you, Montana-girl.”

  “You won’t.”

  “I ain’t the stayin’ kind.” He sounded almost regretful.

  “You’re here now.” Staring into his eyes, she let the curtain drop. “And that’ll be enough.”

  Taking her right hand, he brushed h
is lips across her knuckles. “Lady, you are so special. You know that?”

  Flutters spread outward from her stomach until her limbs trembled. With her heart pounding so hard she suspected he could hear it, she sealed the deal. “Make love to me, Johnny.”

  Still holding her hand, he danced her two steps backward. When the backs of her knees bumped the side of the bed, she sank onto her bunk. Eye level with his bellybutton, she followed the narrow trail of light brown hair rising toward his chest, spreading out over his defined pecs. A red scratch zigzagged down his chest.

  She turned her gaze in the other direction.

  A bright red towel rode low on his narrow hips. The fluffy material did nothing to conceal his erection. It pushed at the nubby fabric, eager to come out and play.

  With a bold move that shocked her, she reached out and tugged at the towel. It came loose and drifted to the floor.

  His cock stood at full attention.

  Lord have mercy.

  What had she gotten herself into?

  Montana traced his massive erection with a tentative finger. Although light, the contact made him jump. Soft, yet so hard underneath. A strange, wonderful combination.

  Circling his penis with her hand, she gently ran her fingers up and down the turgid length. Moisture beaded at the tip and she touched that, too. With her thumb, she smoothed the drop of liquid over the head until Johnny moaned.

  His hands rested lightly on her head, not pushing or forcing.

  Bending forward, Montana held his penis with both hands and took the tip into her mouth. With her tongue she explored the ridge around the top and the enticing center slit. The moisture she’d noticed earlier grew more pronounced and tasted salty, but not unpleasant.

  She sucked deeper, harder.

  His pelvis bucked forward.

  Releasing her hands from his cock, she grasped his hips. She alternated between running her tongue around the head and pulling his impossibly hard staff far into her throat. His breath came in ragged gasps that sounded harsh, desperate.

  Johnny’s hands fisted in her hair, holding her tight.

  His thrusting became a blur of motion that had her holding on with both hands. She dug her fingers into his skin as he fought to find his release.

  She bit gently, her teeth grazing him.

  With a savage cry that seemed to come from his soul, he came, his hot, salty essence filling her mouth as his fingers splayed across the back of her head, twisting in her hair. She milked him dry until he stopped thrusting.

  Tipping her head forward, she rested it against his stomach. Her breathing mirrored his—fast, harsh pants.

  Gradually, his fingers loosened and his breathing slowed. “Damn, girl.”

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “So bad.”

  Almost immediately, doubt filled her. She wasn’t good at oral sex—God knows Tom had told her often enough—and she’d probably done it all wrong for a man used to more experienced lovers. What had she been thinking, to go at him like that? She leaned back and met his hooded eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry? Wha—?” Understanding crossed his features. “You thought I was serious? Sugar, you rocked my world.”


  “Look.” Her gaze dropped below his bellybutton. He was already half erect again. “Does that look like an unhappy cock?”

  “I guess not.”

  “He’s getting up again because I haven’t been inside you yet.” He laughed at her mortified look. “You going to let me in that bed? Or are you going to make me stand here with my flag waving in the air?”

  She scooted over. “Get in.”

  “I intend to.” He lay beside her and gathered her in his arms. “All the way to my balls.”

  His crass words sent a wave of heat between her legs and she squeezed them tight to relieve the ache. “Please—”

  His chuckle next to her ear gave her goose bumps. “So impatient.”

  Embarrassed, she turned her head and closed her eyes.

  He rolled over her, covering her body with his. Instinctively her legs parted so his erection rested on her stomach. A shudder ripped through her.

  “Hey, darlin’. Look at me.”

  Slowly, Montana opened her eyes and met his intense stare. She wet her bottom lip. “What?”

  “I’m gonna fuck you slow.”

  When she gasped, he captured her lips with his, seeking and demanding. Willingly she opened her mouth and his tongue danced a wild tango with hers, setting her on fire. Her hands found his hair and she wound her fingers in it. Somewhere her brain registered that it was still damp and impossibly silky.

  Nothing else on him was soft.

  His erection prodded her belly, sending another wave of heat crashing through her. Her nipples beaded, ached for his touch. The sensation of his chest hair rubbing them was almost more than she could endure.

  A moan of half-pain, half-pleasure ripped from her.

  He tore his mouth from hers, levering himself up on his elbows. Nipping along her jaw, neck and collarbone, he bit just hard enough to sting but not really hurt. At her right breast, he pressed his mouth against the outer curve, but didn’t taste.

  Montana tightened her hold on his hair, her fingernails scraping his scalp. “Oh, dear Lord.”

  His chuckle vibrated against her taut skin. Her already stiff nipples peaked into painful points. With a none-too-gentle tug of his hair, she positioned his lips over one. Instead of taking it into his mouth like she craved, he licked it, then blew.

  Montana arched her back.

  Mewling little sounds came from her throat.

  He changed sides and repeated.

  She thrashed her head from side to side. He was driving her mad. If he didn’t—there! He took her breast deep, sucking fiercely. With a hand, he covered the other one, placing her erect nipple between his fingers and pinching. Almost painful, but stopping just short of actually hurting her.

  He tormented her breasts until her belly clenched and her thighs trembled.

  She needed more.


  The words wouldn’t come. She couldn’t make herself say what she wanted him to do. Releasing his hair, she dug her fingers into his shoulders.

  “What do you want?” His voice sounded strained as if he’d sung all night long.

  When he took his sinful mouth from her, she almost cried. She fought to focus. “What?”

  “Tell me what you want me to do.” His lips closed over a nipple again.

  He wanted her to say it? She closed her eyes again as his mouth pulled deep. She couldn’t. Telling him she had to have his mouth on her—she couldn’t even say the word—was too much.

  He changed sides, pausing long enough to say, “Tell me.”

  Frustration built inside, warred with desire. “I—I—can’t.”

  Giving her nipple a little nip, he raised his head. “You want my tongue inside your pussy?”

  She managed to jerk her head in affirmation. “Yes.”

  Thankful he wouldn’t make her say what she craved after all, and impatient for him to make good on his promise, she pushed his head as he moved away from her breasts.

  He circled her bellybutton with his tongue, maddening her.

  The muscles in her lower stomach tightened into a knot.

  Inch by inch, he made his way down her abdomen, dropping kisses so light she wasn’t sure he actually touched her. As he moved down, her knees fell open. Skimming his finger over the springy curls, he stopped above the tiny nub that could give so much pleasure.

  If only he would touch it.

  She wiggled.

  His fingers fluttered as though he were playing one of his guitars, but he didn’t enter her.

  “Please—” came out on a sob.

  Slipping lower, he wrapped his arms around her shaking thighs. He slipped his tongue inside her. Using it like a lethal weapon, he fucked her just as he’d promised.

  Grabbing handfuls of his hair, Mont
ana held so tight she might’ve pulled out chunks. Her hips lifted off the bed as tiny crimps in her stomach began to build, each one a little stronger than the last. She moaned, her head thrown back.

  He lifted his mouth, making her sob in protest.

  “You ready to cream for me, baby?” His low, sexy voice slid over her like a warm breeze.

  “Yes,” she cried. “Yes.”

  Instead of putting his mouth back on her, he licked two fingers, then skimmed them over her engorged clit. Using his thumb to keep her stimulated, he slipped a finger into her wet channel. When she arched against his fist, he added a second finger. Spreading them wide, he slid them in and out until she thought she’d faint from the intensity.

  When the tiny crimps in her belly turned into full-blown bolts of electricity slamming through her, she screamed and clenched her legs around his shoulders.

  Before the last jolt, he moved above her, the tip of his cock already pressed against her. “Ready for more?” He grinned wickedly. “Much more?”

  She nodded, still shaken by the orgasm he’d just given her. A sudden burst of boldness inspired her and she said, “Ride me, Cowboy.”

  He froze as though she’d thrown ice water over him. “Say my name.”

  The fierceness in his voice startled her and she found his angry eyes. She touched his cheek. “I want you, Johnny Cortez.” She reached between them and found his erection. She guided it to her slick opening. “Make love to me.”

  With a guttural, cry he filled her. She winced at his size and depth. He locked their hands above her head, his eyes burning into hers.

  “You okay?”


  Keeping their gazes locked, he began to slide in and out, each time a little harder.

  As he began to pump, the fire she thought had burned out began to reignite. Smoldering embers burst into flames. Thrust for thrust she met him, building to a fever pitch.

  The flames grew impossibly hot.

  He rose up and slipped his hand between them and found her clit with his fingers. Pinching gently, he sent her over the edge.


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