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Rune Page 18

by H. D. March

  “Why?” Jess felt put out at his abrupt refusal, and also, there was an itch that needed scratching, right between her legs.

  “You’re not up to me making love to you yet.” He cupped her cheek and swept a delicate soft kiss across her lips. “I want you fully recovered before I take you again.”

  Shit! “Can’t you just hold me, I need you, Rune.”

  He hesitated. Jess could read the passion on his face and pushed home. “I can give you a hand job.” She flashed a wink. “Look at it as my way of thanking you, for looking after me, taking care of my needs. And now I get to see to yours.”

  A wicked smile curled his lips, and in silence he stripped. Jess sucked in her breath, her eyes drawn to his tattoo and then to his erection.

  “Woman, you are a bad influence on me.” He slid into bed and Jess melted into him, warily moving she tried not to wince. She scented his unique aroma, and gripped his engorged cock. It pulsed and throbbed a staff of silken steel, but she knew she was in no state to take him yet. Jess ran her hand up and down in a slow drawl. Her head rested on his chest, and she could sense the effort it cost him to hold back. His breath scuttled out in a shiver his hips rose off the bed thrusting into her hand.

  “Jess—” A loud groan broke free and he came hard. “Fuck…that was too quick.”

  “It was also needed.” Carefully, she rolled onto her back. “I’ll be glad when I get relief.”

  Rune snatched a tissue from the bedside cabinet and wiped at his belly, leaning over her, his tongue traced her lips, and his breath misted across her face. “Then we’ll see what we can manage, sweet sub.”

  She trembled with anticipation when his hand slipped down her stomach and edged over the vee between her legs. A long sigh of satisfaction rasped out when his fingers found her clit. “Oh God, I’m so going to enjoy this.”

  “Just don’t go arching your back or coming too hard,” warned Rune, his concern evident.

  “Sorry, can’t promise that.”

  And Rune burst out laughing.


  Doreen drove up the hill towards the tor. The summer rain blew in and she cursed the weather. Why did Frazer have to live here?

  In the depths of the Earth. What the hell was wrong with a penthouse suite in a plush apartment block?

  She parked up beneath the boughs of the huge oak. The splatter of rain drops scattered down, dripping onto the leaves, sneaking through and bouncing onto the ground. She pulled a grimace at her Loubutin heels sinking into the soft earth and reached out to the hard bark. Her palm nudged at it, and the soft swirl of cogs creaked, whilst a door appeared. Doreen glanced around and stepped inside.

  She adjusted her eyes to the dim light and trod down the spiralling stone stairs that led to the lair of Frazer. Each stride slow, the rock resembled a smooth pebble, centuries of footsteps imprinted on it.

  The staircase descended into a large oval room. Her heels clacked across the marble floor. And she nudged, pressing at the double doors that stood at the end.

  Inside, a huge domed chamber splayed out, almost cathedral like in its impression. But that was Frazer for you, she decided, size counted.

  Doreen didn’t like the scene before her. She snatched in a whip of frustrated jealousy, some things, she decided, never changed. Frazer reclined against the sumptuous pillows whilst alongside him lay his slaves, all women, all sexy and all young. It was a replica of the Arabian nights, and the only thing missing was the camel and the Bedouin camp.


  Which was why she strived to push back her age.

  Doreen trod towards him; as his only wife to give birth to a daughter, she knew she was special. Most mortals either died giving birth or bred hideous creatures. These, she discovered, had been sent down to the subterranean levels to serve.

  Only Jessalyn remained different. And even though she’d asked, he’d never said why it was only when she reached thirty that she could divulge her parentage. She was curious to know what was so important about that age.

  Doreen gave a low hiss of breath and a bolt of hot desire slammed into her stomach. She couldn’t tear her gaze from his ripped torso, the mop of dark hair, or his sharp features. The loose bottoms he wore clung to slim hips.

  “Doris, what do I owe to this delightful pleasure?”

  “Doreen,” she bit. Why the hell couldn’t anyone get her name right?

  “Of course.” He indicated she sit.

  She spat her distain over the women that laved him with a host of lust. “I need to speak to you. Alone.”

  He waved his hand. “Leave us.”

  One hesitated. “Now, Lara, or you’ll be sorry.” He flashed a wink. “And I’ll withhold sex for a week.”

  She scuttled away. Doreen crumpled and sat before him. She wished he hadn’t gone for the nomadic tribe image. She struggled to fold her legs up beneath her. But what he liked today would be different tomorrow.

  “Doris my love, what is it?”

  “It’s Doreen, will you remember my name?” She curled her nails into her hand and cringed when she felt one snap.

  “Doreen.” He acknowledged with a bow of his head.

  God, he was taking this Arab theme to the top. “It’s about our daughter.”


  Oh great, got that right! “Yes, she’s reached the age of thirty.”

  “Then it’s time I met her.”

  “Well, you might find that a bit of a problem; apparently, a few weeks ago, she was attacked by werewolves, courtesy of a bitch named Storm, and is currently being nursed by her vampire lover.”

  “Why did you allow this to happen?”

  “Don’t blame me.” She puffed her small chest out. “I’ve been the one left to deal with all the usual things, the parental crap and all that. I’m her mother, one she doesn’t listen to and you are a waste of space as a father, you haven’t wanted anything to do with her until now.”


  Doreen shivered, his temper and rage almost palpable. He rose and stomped around the room, his black eyes flashing flames of fury. “Just who is this woman that dared to hurt my daughter?”

  “Storm. I’ve learned she’s a vampire and, apparently, has disappeared.”

  “I will find her, never fear, and when I do—” A smile of pure evil rocked over his face.

  Doreen glanced at him; God, but he was hot, which wasn’t surprising due to where he’d come from.


  She slid her tongue across her lips. “Now that bit of business is concluded, maybe we could enjoy a bit of, well, you know—”

  His black eyes burned into her, and he sank down onto the cushions, huge plush velvet chunks covered the area. He tapped the soft pillow, sweeping her a sinful wink. “And now, Doris, I want to make love to you.”

  Doreen rolled her eyes. But decided she’d be whatever or whoever he wanted. As long as she got to have amazing sex and melted beneath his touch, his eyes, and his wicked intention.

  “Yes please, Frazer.” Her arms wound around him, pulling him close.


  It was late when Doreen left; she’d stared with disdain at his harem of women. God, but he was a randy bastard. On the slow drive back down the sweeping road, she pondered on his words.

  “I will avenge my daughter tonight,” he’d promised, his dark eyes glowing, a glimmer of red burned through.

  She wondered why it was only now that he decided to exercise his parental duty.

  “But you don’t know anything about this woman, what she looks like, where she’d go?”

  His sharp laughter had cracked around the room. Her words had obviously amused him, decided Doreen.

  “Doris, Doris, you know what I am, who I am, do you doubt I can discover the location of this creature?” He pressed another kiss on her throat. “I’ve escaped from hell, and you think I can’t find the woman?”

  Will you remember by bloody name? “And what will you do when you find her?”r />
  “Why, kill her, of course.”

  She hadn’t been shocked and neither did she care. It served her right, not that she was concerned about Jessalyn. She had more pressing matters, her vendetta with Samantha Gerard at the tennis club for one. Then grimaced at the mud clinging to her heels and cursed long and loud, now that did concern her.


  Storm drove towards the mountains; she’d spent the last month drifting. She knew when Rune discovered what she’d done, he would come after her. Despite her fear of him, no way could she see the human bitch take her place, albeit temporary. She knew he was incapable of fidelity, of loving anyone. An anxiety ate into her; how would he react? Surely, she reasoned, he would be amenable once his temper had passed? At least she hoped and prayed before he eventually caught up with her. And he would, she knew that with a certainty.

  Storm continued along the road, her thoughts flicked back on Rune. Once he discovered his bitch dead, she knew he’d be pissed and had decided to give him time to deal with it. To control the emotions that would fuel his rage. He didn’t love her, didn’t love anyone, but she knew how his temper kicked off. She would back away, leave the whole incident stand. And then be there for him when he was ready, consoling him with her body.

  Shit, but she adored that man, but he’d had to link up with that woman. A human monstrosity.

  Ahead, a colourful array of lights flashed in the darkness, indicating a motel, and swinging off the road, she pulled in. Storm made the abrupt decision to stay there for a while. She would wait for Rune; at some point, he’d track her, demanding an explanation of her actions. Surprise flickered over her sharp features that he hadn’t already.

  A shiver shuddered over her at the thought of making love to him again.

  Once she’d booked in, Storm relaxed in the lounge with a small glass of vodka. She glanced around. It was quiet; a few tables played host to several couples. A sprinkling of hair rose on the back of her neck, and she raised her head up at the hunk that swaggered in. He appeared to own the place, each powerful stride screamed arrogant male, demanding attention. And he had hers wholeheartedly.

  Storm discovered she couldn’t do anything else.

  Her breath hitched and her heart hammered. Apart from Rune, no other male had moved her to such an extent.

  He turned and, on slow predatory strides, loped towards her.

  “This chair free?” His eyes burned over her.

  She indicated with her hand. “Take a seat.” A smudge of a wicked smile iced over her. “I’m Storm.”

  He hesitated, his dark eyes searched across her, before dropping down into the chair opposite. “The name’s Frazer, a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Likewise.” She gave a low husky chuckle.

  Frazer called to a nearby waiter. “Whisky, make it a double.” He turned his attention back to Storm.

  “Are you staying here tonight?” she asked.

  His gaze dropped to her chest, a slow smile curved his lips. “I hope so.”

  She sipped from her drink and studied him.

  “Do we need to have meaningless chit chat?” Storm knew what she wanted and didn’t see the point in small talk. Her gaze dropped to an impressive large erection that strained in his trousers. He was obviously of the same opinion.

  “No,” agreed Frazer.

  The waiter returned with the glass of whisky on a tray. Frazer tossed him a note and knocked the amber liquid back in one mouthful. “Keep the change.”

  Storm rose. “Good. Let’s go and have some fun.”

  Frazer took her hand and followed.


  The lift to the top suite was taken in silence. Storm had continued to filch sneaks at her stranger yet, apart from his hand that cupped her ass, he remained unmoved.

  Once in the bedroom, he rolled his arms around her, with a sudden urgency tugged at her clothes, his own following. “I intend making love to you, over and over.”

  “I’m counting on it.” Storm shuddered when he picked her up; scooping her into his arms, he headed to the bed.

  Frazer ran his hands over her body, across her stomach, and clutched tits that were too small for his liking. “You’ve got a beautiful figure. I’m divided in how much attention to give you. I want to love you with my mouth and hands.”

  Storm’s lips teased across his. “Please.” She rubbed into him, showing him what she wanted. Her eyes widened when she touched his erection. “My word, you’re a big boy.”

  “And, honey, I know how to use it.”

  Storm’s hands stole over his body. “Good, I’m looking forward to your demonstration.”

  Dropping tiny kisses across her, he sucked, seduced, and took everything she had to give. She was such a novice at lust. It was his game, he was the king of it, and bit back a chuckle. His cock probed at her entrance, his hips writhed and he led her down the path of unbridled lust.

  He wrapped her legs around his waist and thrust deep. Frazer was pleased at the grunt she gave when he filled her.

  “You like this?” His erection tunnelled, filling every part of her; his voice soft, it filtered through each fired emotion.

  She rocked her head back and fore, arching up into him. “Yes!”

  His unceasing assault on her body continued relentlessly; he fucked her hard. His hips plunged and writhed against her ass.

  “Oh God, I need to come.”

  “Not until I say.” He refused to let up from his punishing drive.

  “Please now?”

  “You know that I will not allow any harm to my daughter.” He writhed his hips against hers, grinding against her. “And what have you done?” Frazer continued to slam against her, and she took him with ease.

  “Oh fuck.” Storm canted into his body. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She moaned, her sex gripping his cock that battered her. “Shit, I have to—”

  His stride didn’t break. “Jessalyn, that’s who, my daughter.”

  Storms eyes flew open and worried suspicion crept over her face. Suddenly, her orgasm died.

  “You have caused me a slight problem,” he said. “But at least I know it can be sorted.”

  She stilled. “And what do you intend doing?”

  “What I intend is to fuck you, Storm.” He spared a glance down at her, his buttocks clenched as he pistoned hard against her. “Did you think anything different?”

  Her eyes widened in terror as he changed. His dark good looks faded to be replaced with a demonic figure that rode between her thighs. The sexy features mutated to a menacing demon, his horns glinted out from a vile head.

  She tried to escape from him, but his putrid breath scalded her, his skin scaled red and he leaned over her body, flapping his large wings against her.

  “Get off me,” she screamed.

  “Thought you wanted to come.” Frazer continued to pump into her, his talons clutched her tight. “Arggh, that’s it,” he groaned and his speed increased.

  Storm struggled beneath him, her eyes wide with fear as he powered into her.

  Finally, he shuddered to a halt. “Fuck, I needed that.” Frazer moved off her and morphed back to his human form. He gave a smirk as she scrambled to her feet, her fangs dropped. She hissed at him, backing away.

  “Don’t you touch me.”

  “Honey, I just fucked you, my cock rammed into your delicious depths and I came hard. So, I think it’s a bit late for that advice.” He stalked her, could taste her fear, bathed in the terror on her face. Along with scramble of confusion. She was such a child, he thought, and one that he would take delight in killing.

  He trod towards her, relishing her rising panic. “Those pathetic teeth won’t save you, Storm.”

  She stopped, backed into a corner. He could see that she contemplated attacking him. Her absolute terror making her reckless.

  “Why? Who the hell are you?”

  Her pleading voice annoyed him.

  “I’m a pretty pissed off father, that’s
what I am. And you are about to pay the ultimate price for hurting my daughter.”

  “You mentioned her name, Jessalyn?”

  “The one and only, you really shouldn’t have put her through that ordeal.” He took a step forward.

  “What is she? What are you?”

  “Jessalyn? Why I’ve told you, she’s my daughter. And as to me, well—” His body surged forward, he pinned her to the wall, ignoring her scream. Her fingers clawed his face and he laughed. “I enjoy pain, Storm, I am pain, and I’m also your worst nightmare.”

  Casually, he draped a ligature around her throat, the silver glinting in the light. The smell of burning flesh infiltrated the room as it seared into her skin. He pulled it tight.

  “And now you’ll take your last breath.” His words growled over her, and he ignored the frantic scratching of her fingers on his arm.

  “No fucking way, you bastard!” Storm clutched at his hands and attempted to drag them away. The seconds tipped by, turning to minutes. And Frazer studied her with a detached intent in the last throes of death. Her breath tortured and laboured, her chest fluttered, at the same time as her hand fell back limp, her face frozen with fright.

  Frazer let the body of Storm collapse to the floor; he had to admit she had been a sexy piece of ass in the sack. But this was his ball game. A punishing assault of lust, and he’d taken it to the extreme.

  The silver chain had burned into her neck, and her breath cut off; it was a worthy punishment.

  Chapter Twenty

  Rune carried Jess. Cradling her, his muscles bunched as he strolled down the meandering path that led to the cabin.

  “I can walk, you know.” Yet she made no attempt to untangle her arms from around his neck, enjoying the close contact.

  “I know, but you need to preserve your energy.”

  Her heart stuttered. “For what?” Please God, say you’re going to make love to me. Then saw how his lips broke into a wide smile. Shit. Are you in my mind again, Rune?

  He flashed her a wink. “Yep.”

  “Can’t you allow me a little privacy?”


  Bossy bastard.

  “Stop swearing.”

  She thought canvass and saw his scowl. Jess gave him a sweet smile. “Having a problem?”


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