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Page 20

by H. D. March

  She held back a sniff, committing him to memory. “Goodbye, Rune.” The finality hit home.

  Jess saw the startled shock cross his face.

  “I’m not leaving you, Jess, I’ll be back; please trust me?”

  She gave a hint of a smile; hell, he sounded like the terminator.

  The front door opened and LeBron strode out. She gave a last lingering glance at Rune and trudged towards the house.


  “I leave her in your hands, guard her safely, LeBron, or I’ll be kicking ass.” Rune watched her disappearing indoors. He had felt her pain and also her words of goodbye. Rune knew she was severing ties with him. But fuck that, she was on hold, a temporary one, whilst he searched out the killers, and then he’d deal with her. Because she wasn’t leaving him, not now, not ever.

  LeBron hadn’t missed where his obvious attention lay. “No worries; so, what will you be doing?”

  “My job, one that I’ve neglected, but I need to get to the bottom of it.” He dropped his shades and settled into his seat. Rune knew that once he had the leader the killings would stop. The rest couldn’t operate by themselves. “Just you make sure you keep her safe at all costs.”

  “She means a lot to you?”

  “Mind your fucking business, LeBron, and just heed me okay?” He started the engine. “And tell her I’ll ring her tonight.”

  LeBron chuckled; heck, that man had it bad.


  Jess experienced a gust of relief when she made her excuses and climbed up the stairs to bed. One where she’d be alone. The pain she’d suffered witnessing the tender devotion between Kitty and LeBron lanced into her heart. She wished things could be different; maybe if he did love her, they could try. Yet still the bitter battles between her parents continued to haunt her. She daren’t allow that to happen to them.

  Better to end it now with good, if sad, memories.

  Placing a hand over her stomach, Jess knew that she’d be taking a piece of him with her. Her beautiful vampire lover.

  She lay on the bed fully clothed, sniffing and wiping the tears away. Jess wondered what he was doing. She could already picture him wearing his sexy black leathers strutting through the club with that wicked shake of hips. A stab of jealousy hit her; was he even now with another sub?

  Her phone tinkled, and reaching out for it, she picked it up. Her brow raised in shock at Rune’s name coming up. The sneaky bastard had slipped that in.

  She debated not answering but knew he wouldn’t give up. “Hello.”

  “Jess, you okay?”

  “Fine, couldn’t be better, and you?” Shit, they were talking like strangers that passed each other in the street.

  “Missing you already, sweet bitch.”

  “Nah, you’re probably humping another virgin as we speak.” She attempted to keep the tremble from her voice but couldn’t.

  “Shut the hell up, woman. I’m sitting in the same chair I haven’t left for over four weeks.”

  “You are?”

  “Yes, with a very large tumbler of whisky and trying to imagine you back in my bed, where you belong.” He took a sip from his glass. “I miss you, little one; it’s lonely here without you.”

  Oh God, he sounded so sweet, so lost. She sniffed and scrubbed at the tears trickling down her face.

  “Jess, are you crying?” At once, concern rang down the phone.

  “No,” she lied.

  “Answer me, Jessalyn, the truth.”

  “Yes, yes I’m crying, satisfied now?”

  “Please stop, Jess, I don’t want you upset.”

  She dragged in a pained sigh. “Rune, I won’t be seeing you again, ever, you realize that?”

  “Don’t fuck with me, Jess.”

  “I’m not. I can’t risk it.”

  “Risk what?”

  “We’re going nowhere, and I can’t have a relationship. And besides, in another fifty years I’ll be old or dead and you’ll still be, well, a good-looking vamp.”

  “Thanks for that compliment, I think.” He paused. “Jess, can’t we just see how it goes? It hasn’t got to be a full-blown relationship; the sex is good, isn’t it?”

  She bloody knew it, all he wanted was to screw her. Well, he’d done that all right. She loved him with all her heart, and he loved sex. No, they weren’t going down the route of a relationship. “Yes, Rune, the sex was the best I’ve ever had.”

  “Jessalyn, don’t exaggerate, you’ve only ever been with one man, me.”

  “Yeah, well, maybe in a few months I’ll have something to compare it with.”

  His voice hardened, the words snapped out. “Don’t even think about sleeping with anyone else, I’m warning you.”

  “Why, Rune? You don’t love me; I’m handy for sex that’s all.” She continued her rant, her tears eased and her temper kicked in. “So, you don’t have any right to tell me what to do.”

  “I’m still your Dom, I have every right. In fact, I think I’ll come over there now to prove it to you.”

  “You can’t.” Jess daren’t let him near her again because she wouldn’t let him go. Where he was concerned, she was like putty in his hands, soft and pliable. He had the ability to mould and shape her into anything he wanted.

  “Don’t you give me orders. I’m on my way.”


  His voice whispered, hushed. “What did you say?”

  “Caprice, it’s my safe word, one that you can’t ignore.” She was amazed she’d remembered it.

  “I know what it is, you fucking bitch.”

  “Don’t you—” She stared at the phone. “Hello, hello—” He’d hung up on her. And Jess knew he wouldn’t come to her tonight. In fact, never again would she see his beautiful face with his glittering golden eyes. She’d succeeded in cutting all ties.

  Dropping the phone to the floor, she rolled over and sobbed.


  Rune stared out of the darkened window. He sunk another large glass of whisky, the burning was the only sense of feeling he experienced. Because he was numb; he’d never thought she’d use the safe word on him, at least not to send him away. Rune hurt; shit, he more than hurt. If she’d gutted him and twisted the knife in, he was sure he couldn’t experience any more pain.

  When she’d said his emotion was all about sex, he’d been so tempted. For the first time ever, he loved a woman beyond life. And Rune knew he needed to solve this case, get his ass into gear, and then go to Jess, and tell her she wasn’t leaving him. Not now not ever.

  Swirling the drink, he frowned and switched modes, his thoughts on the rogue vampires. Once he’d solved the case, then he could centre his attention on her. Making his decision, he strode into his study, a small panelled room that he hadn’t been in since the abrupt arrival of Jess. The report he’d picked up from the station lay untouched on the chair where he’d thrown it. He cleared the surface of the old oak desk, the once pristine olive leather showed distinct signs of aging. Pulling out a map, Rune studied it and taking his notes out marked where the killings had occurred. Along with the date of the first attack. A distinct pattern shaped up, and thoughtfully, he rang a few numbers.

  Flicking his laptop on, he ran a trace on a name that came up at every turn.



  Kitty sat in the kitchen and glanced up at Jess as she ambled in. She motioned for LeBron and, tactfully, he gave her a swift kiss and left. “Catch you later, Kit. I’m going on up to Caprice to collect the rest of my gear.”

  “Yeah, well, don’t forget, behave yourself.”

  “Always, Kit, always.” His dimple puckered in his chin and he flashed her a cheeky wink.

  She pushed a coffee towards Jess. “Here, think you need one.” Kitty didn’t miss her pale face and swollen eyes. The rims remained red from the sobs she’d heard over the night. Only LeBron had kept her back, telling her to leave Jess alone in her grief. That it would work out and to trust that Rune loved her.
br />   And she prayed he was right.


  Jess nodded and took it, sipping carefully from the scalding liquid. “Can you tell them at work I’m taking this week off as well?” She tried to work out how much time she’d had off and came back with lots. Jess knew how many sick days she was entitled to and didn’t give a toss if they sacked her. The biggest problem was her reduction in pay.

  “Yeah, no problem. I’ll be going shortly.” Kitty studied her. “You okay, Jess?”

  She gave semblance of a laugh. “No, far from it. But what do you do when you’ve fallen in love with a selfish twat that only wants sex?”

  Kitty touched her arm. “I’m sorry, hun, one part of me wishes I hadn’t booked it, the other grateful.” She gave her a swift kiss. “That you talked some sense into my man.”

  “Good, I’m glad it’s worked out for one of us.”

  “Hey, that man Rune is mad for you; he’s never ever taken a sub in the club before.” Kitty rubbed her shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “LeBron reckons he’s in love with you.”

  “Yeah, whatever.” Jess was lost in her misery and wanted to wallow in it. LeBron could think what he liked, she knew different. And as pleased as she was for Kit, seeing her so happy showed her what she could never have.

  Kitty’s concern was clear, it showed in the depths of her clouded eyes. “Look, do you want me to book a day off? We can have a pamper day, just the two of us.”

  “What, you get the dog grooming parlour and I get the facial?” Then held a hand up. “Sorry, Kit, that wasn’t meant as it sounded, I’m being a bitch.”

  “You’ve got that right, hun.” She picked up her keys. “You sure you’ll be okay?”

  Jess nodded absently, her thoughts on Rune.

  Kitty remained still, unsure, and hesitated. “Okay, see you later.”

  The door clicked closed. Jess came to her decision and dialled.

  God, but she had to be desperate to call her mother. But Doreen had wheels, and Jess just prayed she’d stay on the frigging tarmac.


  Doreen raised a perfectly plucked brow in shock at her daughter’s name coming up on her phone. “And to what do I owe this pleasure, or in other words, how much money do you want?” She checked her nails, blood red. “Not that I’ve got any spare cash.”

  “Mother, can you pick me up in, say, half an hour? I need a lift.”

  “You’ve got a car.”

  “Not any more. Betsy hit a terminal glitch.”

  “What’s wrong with a taxi?”


  Jess rolled her eyes. God, but her mother was hard work. “Because I need to go to Dad’s to stay, and besides, I don’t have much money.” The other problem was avoiding Rune at Northlands, yet reasoned all her years of visiting her father she hadn’t met him. So, why would she bump into him now?

  “Which one?”

  “What do you mean, which one? George of course.” Jess was about to fling her mass of hair back, and then remembered, thanks to Rune, she didn’t have any.

  “Hmmm, suppose I can manage it. I’ll be there in an hour.”

  Jess stared at the phone; she had to be damn awkward to the end. Still, at least it gave her time to pack.

  Within twenty minutes, she had two bulging holdalls laying at the bottom of the stairs. Snatching at a piece of paper, Jess scribbled her note.

  Hi Kit, sorry, can’t handle hearing you pair at it. going to quieter climes, and moving in with George. at least I hope he’ll have me. Doreen is taking me. please pray and wish me luck that we get there in one piece. Her driving sucks.

  Luv and xxx’s


  She spied the manic arrival of her mother, the car veered and swerved to a halt. Jess made the sign of a cross and muttered a silent prayer before dragging her luggage towards the door.

  It didn’t escape Jess’s attention how Doreen sat and watched. It was obvious she had no intention of helping, dare not lose a nail. The boot slammed shut and Jess collapsed into the passenger seat.

  “Not very fit, are you?”

  “Neither would you be after what I’ve been through.” Jess glanced at her mother. Why wasn’t she shocked, where were the questions? Not one thoughtful ‘how are you, dear?’ Her mother really didn’t give a toss, she realized with a sad finality.

  “Hmm you really should learn to pick better friends.”

  Jess closed her eyes as the car skidded onto the road; it careered sideways, barely missing a huge tree.

  “Who put that there? For goodness sake.” Doreen continued with her gear-screaming journey.

  Jess peered out of eyes that had been squeezed tight. “Mother, can you change up one?””

  “Stop telling me how to drive.” She grated the gears in a horrific screech, the car lurched and shuddered.

  “So, why aren’t you staying with the blonde bimbo?”

  “Kitty isn’t that, so stop slating her. She’s a good friend.”

  “I can imagine,” said Doreen dismissively. “Then explain why you want a lift to your father’s?”

  “Kitty has a boyfriend, thought I’d give them a bit of space.”

  Doreen glanced over. “Very thoughtful of you.”

  Jess peered out at the passing landscape; she wished her mother would take her foot off the accelerator. She wasn’t safe, didn’t concentrate, and held the opinion she owned the road. “This isn’t the way back to Northlands.”

  “No, it isn’t.” Doreen continued to feed the wheel through her hands.

  Jess eyed her with suspicion. There was something wrong. Why wasn’t she going into hysterics, why had she accepted her attack by werewolves and her saviour of a vampire? Nothing made sense. No questions had been hurled at her. “So, just where are we going?”

  Doreen gave her a brief flash of scarlet lips that slid into a caricature of a smile. “You wanted to see your father, and that’s where I’m taking you.” The car screamed around a sharp bend, the scent of burning tyres lingered in the air. “It’s time I introduced you to your real one.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Jess raised a hand to her head. This so wasn’t happening; no way did she want to meet her biological father, and as far as she was concerned, George was her real dad. “Mother, stop now, take me back.”

  “No.” She swung down the gears and turned towards a hill, driving upwards over a dirt track.

  “Well, you visit and I’ll stay in the car.”

  “Stop being so childish.” Doreen spared her a scathing smirk of pure evil.

  Jess wondered what it was, what she’d done in a previous life to be put through this. She’d had one hell of a birthday experience and, whatever else came, knew that nothing could ever bypass her thirtieth.

  The car halted, and Jess searched around for signs of a house; there were plenty of trees and greenery, but not a building in sight.

  Doreen stepped out; a smidgeon of disgust crested her face at her sinking heels. She slammed the door and waited. “Well, come on.”

  “No,” sulked Jess and crossed her arms.

  “Well, fine, but I can tell you that Frazer, he’s your father by the way, will be cross.” She turned and crossed on mincing steps to a huge tree. “And I promise you, no one ever annoys him.” Doreen tossed the words over her shoulder.

  Jess blinked in shock as the bark appeared to move, swinging back, and her mother disappeared inside.

  What the fuck? She scrambled out; disbelief shimmied over her face at where her mother had gone. This was akin to going down the hole, as in Alice in Wonderland. Jess followed ‘Alice’ aka Doreen in disbelief. Jess couldn’t help but wonder why her life appeared to be turning into one giant illusion.

  A twirling staircase led into the depths below, and she warily trod down the smooth stone steps; her hand clutched a wrought iron rail, and finally, she reached the bottom. Jess was curious yet dreaded to discover what or who Fraser was. And why did her father have to live in a tree for fuck’s
sake? Was he some kind of hippie, worshipping Mother Earth?

  Jess heard her mother’s strident echo. “Will you come on?”

  She hissed through her clenched teeth and followed the sound of her voice. Mother, this Frazer had better be normal, then thought, who the hell was she kidding? No one normal lived beneath ground. Jess stumbled to a halt at the room she found herself in and glanced up; hell from the oak tree she’d been drawn into, an underground cathedral had evolved. Her footsteps echoed across the marble floor as she walked hesitantly towards a group of people.

  She noticed her mother had stopped alongside a drop dead gorgeous hunk. One that was serious eye candy, not on Rune’s level, but not bad. Jess eyed the women that lounged on cushions, each one scantily clad. It looked like an orgy.

  Doreen’s smile simpered over the stranger. “This is Frazer, your father.”

  “What?” Shit, he looked hot enough to fuck, then felt a squirm of disgust that she wanted to screw her father. “You are kidding me.”

  She homed her attention on the dark Adonis as he rose and slunk towards her. He stopped a short distance away and held both hands out. Jess examined his face; it was sculptured, beautiful, and she shivered at his strange coloured eyes that burned over her.

  “Come to me, my daughter.” His presence commanded. Jess discovered her legs propelling her forward, and she walked towards him, her will taken over.

  His arms coiled around her. “I have waited for this moment, when I finally greet my daughter and my grandson.”

  Jess reared back. How the frigging hell did he know she was pregnant? “Whoa, what’s this about grandson?”

  His hand touched her stomach. “You are carrying Rune’s child, and I approve.”

  Doreen pursed her lips; a vivid red slash crossed her features. “Is this why you wanted to wait until she was thirty, so she’d be expecting a baby?”

  “No, it just seemed a good number at the time, nothing special about it,” said Frazer.

  Doreen threw him a shot of anger and glared at Jess. “So, is this true, are you pregnant?”

  Jess placed a hand protectively across her stomach. “I don’t know, guess I am.”


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