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Rune Page 21

by H. D. March

  “You guess?” Doreen threw her arms up in the air. “I can’t believe this, how selfish are you? Don’t you know I’m too young to be a grandmother? Hell, even saying the word sends a shiver through me.”

  “God, you’re really good parental material, aren’t you,” snapped Jess.

  “Listen, I never wanted you, blame your father for that.”

  Jess turned to the latest addition in her family. She had to admit he was an awesome specimen of masculinity. God, if she wasn’t his daughter and wasn’t already pregnant, then she’d want a baby with him. Did that make her sick? Yep, and closed her thoughts.

  “Shut the hell up, Doris, or I’ll make you take a penance, one you won’t like.”

  “The name’s Doreen,” she screamed.

  Frazer took a step back and scrutinised Jess. “Your mother has a low tolerance of everything.” He indicated to the pillows and shooed the women away. “Sit, daughter, and tell me about yourself.”

  Jess eyed him warily but did as he asked. “How do you know I’m pregnant and that I’m having a son?” That was one hell of an intuition.

  He tapped his nose and dropped to the cushion beside her. “All in good time, Jessalyn; first, let’s get to know each other.”


  Kitty arrived home and sauntered into the kitchen; she halted when she saw the note. Then swore softly at the contents. She knew that Rune would go off. LeBron had told her how he’d charged him with her safety, and now, she’d taken off with the dizzy bitch of a mother from hell?

  She read the note again and dialled Jess’s number, hearing the familiar tune, noticed that Jess had left her mobile phone on the worktop, just great. And then rang LeBron.

  “What do you mean she’s gone, where?” He threaded a hand over his cropped hair.

  “Apparently to stay with her father and Doreen has taken her.”

  “Fucking great. Have you called her?”

  “Yeah, but she’s left her mobile on the table; knowing Jess and her memory, she forgot it.”

  “Shit. Do you have her father’s number? Can you call and find out if she’s there?”

  Kitty shook her head. “I’m not sure, but hang on, I’ll check my phone. I may just have it stored in there. God I hope so.”

  “So do I, Kit, so do I; ring me?”


  LeBron didn’t look forward to telling Rune his dove had flown. He headed towards the study and stepped inside. Rune was immersed in a phone call, a heated one judging by the sound of raised voices and language. He held back, waiting; he didn’t have to wait long.

  Rune killed the call. “Is Jess okay?”

  LeBron shrugged. “I hope so; she’s gone.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Her mother picked her up today; she’s moving in with her father George.”

  “Fuck!” Rune rubbed a worried hand over his chin. “I needed her under protection, yours, and she’s taken off?”

  “Didn’t see it coming, but Kit is checking out his number and calling.”

  “Ring her; I need to know, now!”

  LeBron rang Kitty, and his brow furrowed once the call ended. “George hasn’t seen them; no one knows where the hell they’ve gone. Regardless of when she left, she should be there by now.”

  Rune slammed his fist down, hard. “I will find her, and when I do I’ll—” His words petered off. Because he knew what he’d do, kiss her senseless before giving her such a bollocking she wouldn’t leave him again.


  Jess settled onto the cushion and glanced with curiosity at the entourage circling at the end of the vast room. “So, er, Fraser, er, I mean Dad, who are these women?” It felt surreal calling him dad, and she didn’t feel comfortable; a strange disloyalty towards George sifted over her.

  “Don’t ask,” said Doreen with a sneer. “None of them have managed to give him a daughter.” She preened her hair, and a slither of a grin snuck across her gaunt features.

  Frazer gave a not so nice smile. “On the contrary, I’ve had many a daughter and son, but none that I’d want to look upon.”

  Jess knew she’d regret the question and was about to ask. Hell, what with everything coming at her, nothing else could take her breath away and shock her senseless.

  And then it did.

  “You see, Jess, all my children resemble me, apart from yourself.”

  She cricked her neck; hell, she wouldn’t mind looking like him. Fraser obviously had good genes to look so young, no sign of aging evident. He was a seriously good-looking bastard. “So? I don’t get it.”

  Doreen concentrated on smearing the red lippy across her mouth. “You soon will.”

  Frazer rose; his good looks faded, and he morphed into his true form. Towering above her, his red skin scaled his face, it held eyes that glowed like embers. Tiny horns pricked out from a domed head, and large bat wings quivered behind him.

  This was daddy? The blood drained from her face and her heart began an erratic thudding in her chest, she was dreaming, had to be. Why her? Why did her ordeal at meeting her biological father have to be taken a step further? A demon for fuck’s sake, and darkness blasted over her.


  She didn’t know how long she’d been unconscious for, but when she awoke, it was to the sound of groaning. Her eyes flickered open, then blinked shut, fast.

  The sight of her mother riding her father was almost as bad as seeing the real Frazer. She waited for the sounds to stop, for her mother to cease her tortured screams. Hell, what was he doing to her? Finally, silence fell, and she inched her lids open. Relieved to see they were dressed and appeared in a conversation.

  Frazer, seated cross legged a short distance away, studied her. “Are you over your shock?”

  Shock? Fuck, that was putting it mildly. Shakily, she sat up and swallowed down a bout of nausea. “Not really, no.” Doreen, she noticed, appeared intent on her makeup, as usual. “Er, what are you?” Why was it she had to ask what species her parent was? Not the normal, what part of the world do you come from. No, hers had to live in a tree and come from frigging Hades.

  “An incubus; your incredible urge for sex comes from me.” His teeth flashed white against his tanned skin. “Which is why you can take Rune.”

  She flushed; how the hell did he know the size of his prick? Instead, swiftly changed the subject and asked, needing to know. Forget the usual family tree or St Catherine’s House, she’d be checking mythology online for her roots. “What is an incubus?”

  “I’m a demon. I was human once, but that’s another story. Now, I make love to countless women, usually when they are asleep. As an incubus, I come to you as an illusion. This is what you see, the real Frazer remains hidden, until I chose to reveal him.”

  “Okaaay.” Had she just heard right? “And, er, do you have any magical qualities?” Jess flinched; please, she wasn’t really having this conversation. Any moment she’d wake up and discover this was all a dream. A frigging nightmare.

  “I have a certain power of course, but mainly, my duties consist of love making.” He flashed a wink. “It’s a hard life.” His hand swept over the women that remained at the end of the room. Their attention focused on Frazer. “And, of course, these ladies are for my pleasure, along with their own.”

  “Yeah, I bet; so, what am I?”

  “You, daughter, are a cambion, the union of a mortal and an incubus. You’re really very special.”

  “I am?” Heck, she didn’t think so because her life was falling apart and dissolving into fantasy land.

  “Yes, and so was your long-distant cousin Merlin; now, he excelled in magic,” said Frazer.

  Jess closed her eyes; she was hallucinating, drunk, or drugged, she had to be. She blew out, holding her nose, and tried to stop from hyperventilating.

  “Would you like to meet any of your siblings?”

  She stopped. “What do they look like?” Her voice drizzled out nasally, and then she unpinned her nostril.
br />   “Much as I did.”

  “Then no.” Jess didn’t need to think about that.

  “As you wish,” he rose and crossed to her, his hand cradled her stomach. “This will be my first grandson.”

  “Is it because of what you are that you know I’m having a boy?”

  Frazer nodded. “Of course. I do have certain powers, limited, but they can be useful.” His eyes burned. “And I intend to take a keen interest in my grandson.”

  Oh shit. She hoped he’d stay away from the christening, assuming she’d have one. The way her life was going, she didn’t know what was going to happen next.

  “I rather like Gabriel as a name, Gabriel Frazer has a ring to it.”

  Jess cricked a brow, she liked it, but with George in it instead. “Yes, Gabriel George.”

  “No!” Frazer’s roar echoed around the room, the lights shook, flickers glimmered across the floor.

  Jess clutched her throat and changed her thoughts, she wasn’t that stupid. “Nah, I much prefer your name.”

  “Sensible answer. I’m pleased that Rune saved you, he’ll make a good mate.”

  “Hmmm.” Frazer might think he knew everything, but she wasn’t telling him her vamp lover was now her ex. It was strange that Rune could read her thoughts, yet demon daddy couldn’t.

  “Yes, it was the fact she was responsible for almost killing you that made me end her life.”

  What the hell? “Er, run that by me again?”

  “Storm, the woman that dared to harm you.”

  “She’s dead?”

  His lips curled into a wicked smirk. “Very much so, after I fucked her of course.”

  Jess clutched her stomach as a wave of nausea rose. “Of course.” She didn’t like the woman, hell that was an understatement, but it was the casualness with which he spoke about it that freaked her out. Scrambling to her feet, she weaved slightly, and then steadied herself. “And now I think we’d better leave.”


  Frustration burned over Rune as he sat with an air of irritation in the lounge of her father’s house. George had told him they were on their way and he was anxious to see Jess. His impatience soared, desperate to see for himself she was safe, and he strummed long fingers on the arm of the chair. His stomach rolled and lurched, and he wished George would shut the hell up. The man went on and on about his ex-wife and his bad marriage; no wonder Jess had such an aversion to building a relationship.

  He also noticed that George kept sneaking peeks at him, his little eyes smoking hot. It was as if he were horny, and Rune wondered if he was gay; maybe that’s why he’d split from his wife. Each time George passed him, his hand touched on his arm or shoulder, and Rune knew that if the twat did it again he was about to get punched. He wasn’t concerned about his sexual preferences, as long as it didn’t involve him.

  “What time did they say they’d be arriving?” he interrupted George’s tirade about Doreen, not caring he was rude; he had to ensure Jess was unharmed.

  “Doreen rang about twenty minutes before you arrived, so should be here anytime now.” At the loud crunch of screaming metal, George peered out of the window. “Oh dear, I hope your car isn’t too expensive.”

  Rune rose and looked out at the Lamborghini; a deep dent creased the wing whilst a glaring scratch marked the paintwork. His attention flicked to the car which had caused it. It lay at an angle, halfway across the road, dark skid marks evident on the tarmac. When Rune recognized the figure of Jess keeled over in the front, he flew out of the house and wrenched at the door. Jess groaned and pushed herself from the dash she’d hit, a swelling already making its appearance on her forehead.

  “What the fuck happened,” snarled Rune. Carefully cradling her body, he pulled her free from the car.

  “What was that monstrosity doing in my parking space?” Doreen quirked a pencilled brow when she recognized him. “Oh, for goodness sake, don’t molly coddle her; it’s her own fault for not wearing a seat belt.”

  Rune bit down the words he wanted to say and, in a cold silence, carried Jess into the house. Once inside, he called to George. “Where is her room?”

  Jess lay curled in his arms, shock crossing her features.

  “Is she okay?” George bounced and hovered beside him; his wig sliding to the side, it covered his eye.

  “She will be; now, which room?”

  “It’s straight up the stairs. The first door you come across.”

  He bounded up them, eager to check her out. Rune couldn’t believe her family, or more precisely her mother.

  Doreen’s voice drifted up. “George, stop wasting space and time, make me a G&T. I need it to steady my nerves.”

  Rune knew what he’d like to give her.

  He laid Jess on top of the bed and searched for a bathroom, discovering a small shower room, dampened a flannel, and returned. Gently, he soothed it across her forehead; there was no cut, but she’d have a bruise come morning. Her questioning glance speared him, and she frowned in obvious confusion.


  Jess blinked into the golden depths of Rune. Was she dreaming? She had to be and muttered. “I don’t know how that happened.”

  “That idiot of a mother and her driving, that’s what.” He failed to keep the anger out of his voice.

  “Tell me about it, I remember coming around the corner and then she hit…” She slapped a hand to her mouth. “Oh God, it was your car, wasn’t it?”

  He nodded and continued to dab at her head.

  “I’m sorry, Rune. Is there much damage?”

  “Jess, I couldn’t give a toss about the car as long as you’re unhurt.”

  She didn’t miss the anxiety clear on his face. A face that she didn’t think she’d see again. “Why are you here?”

  “I was worried about you. Why the hell didn’t you stay put on the farm? LeBron could protect you there.”

  “How? He was up in Caprice when I left; in that time, anything could have happened,” she reasoned.

  “Jess, you know two attempts have been made on your life; what if another comes here?” He soothed his fingers over her cheek.

  Unable to help herself, she covered them with her own, burrowing into his palm. “Rune?” Make love to me?

  He hesitated, his features darkened before he rose and turned.

  She closed her eyes; okay, he didn’t want her. Jess flicked them open when she heard the gentle click of a key turn in the lock.

  “I intend to, sweet bitch, but without any interruptions.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Jess held her breath when he peeled his top off and threw it to the floor, his fingers edged his button, and his zip scratched down.

  “Is your head okay?” he faltered, his eyes burned over her.

  “Rune, don’t worry about that, it’s not my head you’ll be fucking.” She listened to his deep laugh that sent shivers down her, and suddenly discovered it was a rare sound. Her attention focused on him, she couldn’t tear her gaze away from his erection.

  He prowled towards her across the short space, and with a leisurely ease stripped her, tugging at her top his hand cupped her tit. Flicking a thumb across her taut nipple, it grazed beneath the lace of the bra. A twist of his wrist, and it snapped open; his fingers slid to her bottoms, and yanked them slowly off. She lay back, watching him, much like a cat eyeing up a mouse.

  Except Rune was no mouse, far from it.

  Her knickers tore and fluttered to the floor, the bed dipped and Rune ran his hands over her body. She noticed he spent time searching over her stomach. Still probing, she could sense his unease, and all but screamed when his head bent and his lips teased over her nipple. When he bit down gently, it reminded her of the clamps. She clutched his head holding him tight to her.

  Jess was desperate for his body, God but she was a lost cause with this man. He could turn her inside out, in fact did. And when his fingers edged down, curling into her pubes, everything went blank, and she gave in to the sensations
he evoked. Every nerve fired hot and electric, not an ounce of her skin remained untouched, his mouth lips and fingers tortured her with a relentless tenacity.

  “Rune?” She reached out to his erection, and gripped it soothing her hands up the sheer length, quivering at his hiss of breath.

  His body covered her, he took his weight on his forearms and settled between her open thighs. “I want to see your face when you come.”

  “Rune, if you don’t hurry up, you’ll see it pretty bloody soon.”

  “Ah Jess, that’s what I love about you, your enthusiasm.” He slowly probed, and edged forward, inch by inch he sunk inside her welcoming heat.

  At his words she’d frozen, then dismissed it, he was talking metaphorically. And her blank canvass dropped.

  It was only then that she realized just how much it meant to her, to hear those words. Yet what if he did say them? What would she do, say yea I love you too but tough we don’t get it together just in case we end up like my parents?

  Somehow she knew Rune wouldn’t understand, hell why would he? She couldn’t work out what she wanted herself. God but her emotions confused the hell out of her.

  Rune pulled back and drove forward on a long smooth glide, filling her so completely she could have cried. Her legs wrapped around his waist, and then higher, around his neck. He couldn’t tunnel any deeper, she took every centimetre that lunged into her. He thrust with the speed of a locomotive, and she loved it.

  She was so her father’s daughter.

  A flaming red hot fire burned deep in the pit of her stomach, and a rocket of tiny explosions burst over her. She hitched her hips, taking Rune as he writhed against her. His power driven lunges pushed her beyond the boundary.

  “Now, sweet bitch, come with me.” Rune threw his head back, the cords of his neck stood out, and he growled as he spilled inside her sex that clung with a doggedness to him.

  Jess whimpered, the rise hitting her and screamed as the white hot blast seared through every particle. Her body trembled with the intensity of the passion they’d shared.

  Rune released her legs and dropped down beside her, he placed a tender kiss on top of her head. Holding her close.


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