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Rune Page 25

by H. D. March

  She blinked up, her eyes filled with love. She drew her hand over his face, teasing across his chin. “I didn’t tell you because I wouldn’t want to force you into staying with me for the sake of our baby.”

  Rune hitched a breath. “Jess, are you for fucking real? Sweet bitch, I love you more than life. Being pregnant merely gave me an excuse to keep you forever at my side.”

  Her eyes glazed with happy tears, and she palmed his cheek, hesitating and uncertain. “You do? It’s not all about—”

  “For fuck’s sake woman, what does it take to prove it?” He licked across her lips, followed the contours, and teased her without mercy.

  “Hmmm, I can think of something, how about—” she stopped and sucked at his tongue that invaded her mouth.

  Rune raised his head. “Jess, we are getting married. I won’t take no for an answer, and I don’t give a toss how you feel about relationships.”

  LeBron shouted across. “Hey, let’s make it a double.” He held Kitty in his arms; awake, she curled into him, whilst his own slunk around her in an aura of possession. Relief washed over his face that she wasn’t seriously hurt. Later, he’d vent his anger at the danger she’d put herself in.

  A smile broke over Jess.

  “You okay, Kit?”

  “I’m fine, just need to up my task for kicking ass.” She broke into laughter.

  “You’re mad. But I’m so glad you’re safe, that you’re not badly injured.” A grin fled over her lips. “I do like that thought, as best friends a dual wedding.”

  She turned to Rune. “And later, I’ll explain all about George.”


  He frowned but didn’t question her. She was his now and forever. Then glanced up at her father who stood before him, Doreen alongside.

  “You’ll make a good mate for my daughter, I’m pleased.”

  Rune cricked one tawny brow, his stance shifted. “I’m glad you approve, but Frazer, I wouldn’t give a damn if you didn’t because this woman is mine.”

  “Oh shit!” muttered Jess.

  Frazer studied him, his eyes glowed red. “I like you, Rune, you’re strong, but realize that my grandson’s name, Gabriel Frazer, stays.”

  Rune’s eyes widened in delight. His hand swept over Jess’s stomach. “My son?”

  Frazer nodded and repeated. “The name stays.”

  “We’ll discuss it when he’s born,” said Rune. He liked the name, but he wasn’t having any randy incubus telling him what to do.

  Even if he was the grandfather.

  Jess intervened, she could sense the temper rising in Frazer. “Dad, how come Mother is with you?”

  “I was humping her at the time, couldn’t transport with my cock stuck in her, now could I?”

  She tried not to heave and swallowed down the bile. Gross. “Too much information, Dad.”

  “Frazer, did you have to give so much detail?” swiped Doreen, a flush stained her cheeks.

  His voice warned gently. “Don’t tell me what to do, Doris.”

  “It’s bloody Doreen,” she screamed, stamping her foot.

  Frazer shook his head and ignored her. “Well, daughter, you know where I live, feel free to visit. In the meantime, I leave you in the care of your vampire lover.” He turned to Doreen. “And now, Doris, you owe me a blow job.”

  Doreen’s girly giggle filtered through the air, along with Frazer’s words. “And it’s Gabriel Frazer.”

  Jess stared around the empty churchyard, only the four of them remained. Rune led her to the car. She stopped by Kitty and gave her a hug.

  “Are you all right?”

  Her injuries confined to her head, no other marks appeared on her body.

  “Fine, apart from a row that’s going to come from LeBron; he’s pretty pissed I came here alone.”

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—”

  “Leave it there, Jess, we go way back too much to listen to our men.” A chuckle broke free.

  Jess hugged her. “Love you, Kit.”

  Then stretched and planted a soft kiss on LeBron’s cheek. “Thank you, both of you for looking out for me.” Jess paused and winked. “And, LeBron, don’t be too hard on her, she did it out of love.”

  He gave a brief nod, his dimple sucked in his chin.


  Jess lay on her back in the rock pool beneath the underground cavern, the soft water lapped over her body. Her attention fixed on Rune as he finished stripping. The light played over his muscles, across the planes it glowed and dipped. And she stared at his erection, as usual he was ready. His thighs bulged as he trod down the steps and joined her. His arms circled her, and he pulled her tight against him, his lips laved hers with a savage tenderness. It was one she welcomed, he was hers.

  He pulled back. “For life, Jess?”

  “Yes,” she breathed, “forever.”

  “And that talk we’re going to have?”

  Oh fuck!

  “Stop swearing, but from here on in, realize I’m your Dom, and I will never ever tolerate you putting your life and our child at risk for me.”

  “I would do it all again, Rune, master, sir, or whatever the frigging else you want to be called.” She cradled his face. “Without you, I’m nothing. I’d just as well be dead.”

  “Never ever put yourself in that position for me again.” He licked at her lips, his golden gaze seared over her. “I’m always here for you, and I do the protecting, fuck, Jess, don’t you know you’re my life?”

  “Can’t promise that, Rune, how would you feel if it were the other way around?” She sucked on his tongue drawing him in.

  No words were necessary.

  “I’d die for you, Jess, and our baby.” His eyes darkened. “You know I intend to make you vampire and that you’ll never leave my side again.”

  She nodded and swallowed. “Will it hurt?” Jess had to know, then thought of the coming labour, now that would. Already, she’d decided no way was she having a natural birth, sucking on an ice cube and all that crap. She would have every pain killer on Earth until she was so drugged up she wouldn’t feel a twinge. Much less a baby coming down her birth channel.

  “Not a lot, but I wanted to turn you in the same place we first made love.” His words dusted over her. The intensity splayed sharp across his face.

  “You old romantic, Rune,” teased Jess.


  Already, he steered her towards the same spot, except this time he turned her around. Placing her hands on the stone, he nudged her legs apart. “Tell me, sweet sub, tell me what you want.” His hot breath burned her skin.

  “You master, your cock deep inside me, making me come, and your mouth on my throat, making me vampire.”

  “Ah love, I will.” His hands held her hips, slowly he thrust up, impaling her. Rune hitched against her ass.

  Jess shivered, his arm rolled around her waist, and she took every inch of his erection that surged deep, her sex clung to him, to his hand that dropped and teased her clit. “Shit, Rune, I’ll be coming now.”

  “Not yet, you’ll come once I bite you.”

  She heard his groan, and could sense him holding back. Jess arched into him, throwing her head back.

  “I love you, sweet bitch,” he whispered, his fangs dropped and he bit into her throbbing throat.

  “Arggh!” she yelped at the sudden pain, a rush of heat stormed over her body. It tingled as if she were in a summer storm, a flurry of rain drops pounding over her body. Each sensation exploded into life, everything appeared with a sharper clarity, and the scent of Rune filled her.

  He sucked on her jugular, tasting her blood, swallowing her lust. “You are mine, my woman, my love, my life” At each word he powered up hard. “Come for me, Jess.”

  And she did, screaming into a mind numbing orgasm that shook her to the very soul. It continued to gush over her, until she fell back exhausted shaking at its intensity.


  Jess smiled in lazy contentment; they
lay in bed sated for the moment. Her body draped over Rune, his hand cupped her ass.

  “Are you going to tell me now?”

  “About what?”

  “George, and how he’s cured your aversion to commitment and a relationship,” said Rune. “But, little one, I’m so glad you did have one, that I’m the only man to take your body.”

  “Yeah, well, all right for you, how many women have you slept with over the last couple of hundred years?”

  “Lots,” he admitted, “but you’re the only woman to take my heart.”

  “I’ll leave that one go then.”

  “Come on, what changed your mind?”

  “Well, the fact that George could be called Georgina?”

  “He’s gay?” Rune grinned. “I thought he was giving me the eye; a few times I caught him looking with a bit of, er, shall we say interest?”

  “Nope; apparently, he’s a succubus, one who snuck into his body, and got trapped.” She rubbed at her eyes. “This is so weird, am I really a vampire now?”

  “Yep, you are, no going back now. Now continue, tell me about the succubus, at least it explains his interest.”

  Bossy bastard.

  “No swearing.”

  Yeah, whatever. “Well, apparently, she, or he, was also my father Frazer’s lover and pissed that he slept with my mother. No wonder it was open warfare at home. It was about two sick bitches that made me think I couldn’t have a relationship.”

  “Hell, Jess, that’s one complicated piece of shit.”

  “Yep, tell me about it.” She rolled over snuggling against Rune, who turned spooning her body. “And Rune, can we move?”

  He stiffened. “From Caprice? You don’t like it here?”

  “I love it here; not far, to the cabin. I think I’d prefer that. Also it would be better for our son.”

  “Anything you want.” His hand cradled her stomach. “Gabriel is growing.”

  “Mmmmm,” her eyes closed, exhaustion creeping in.

  “I love you, little one,” whispered Rune.

  “Loves you too, and, Rune?” She gave a soft sigh.


  “How the hell are we going to explain to our son we’re vampires, his godparents-to-be are Lycans, and his grandfathers are a fucked up succubus and an arrogant incubus?”

  “Don’t worry about that, it’s introducing him to Doreen as his grandmother that’s bothering me.”

  Jess burst out laughing. “Yep, now that will be an experience.”

  “Now sleep, sweet bitch.”

  “Loves ya, Rune,” and with a satisfied sigh, Jess closed her eyes.


  About the Author

  H D March and her husband live on top of a mountain in Wales, which is ideal in the summer but not so much in the winter months or when it rains. She has three grown children, one suicidal cat—it really does have nine lives—and three Alaskan Malamutes. When not writing she delights in backpacking around the welsh countryside with them and all three have earned their WPD (working pack dog) titles.

  Her first love, however, is reading and writing. She devours any steamy romance and works of the paranormal she can get her hands on and enjoys acting out her own fantasies in print. Her body of work includes erotic romance, psychological thrillers and the supernatural.




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