SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology

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SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology Page 25

by Joseph P. Farrell

  That is, one reproduces the “scalar” topological signature of the system one wants to influence (or destroy), and loads the appropriate information into it:

  (By) assembling the desired (longitudinal) wave biwave subsets, the two scalar potentials and their resulting interference-produced carrier wave are internally structured as desired. This is the use of the so-called internal information content of the field. We speak of a deliberately structured potential, field, or wave as having been conditioned, dimensioned, or activated. If these terms are deemed inappropriate, just use the more generic term “internally structured.” 42

  By the well-known mass-energy conversion mechanism, mass and inertia are thus “the direct result of – and are – trapped scalar resonance.” But what is “trapped scalar resonance”? “The trapping mechanism is the spin of the particle,”43 that is, the peculiar internal rotating stresses or vorticies in the medium of various systems, diagramed in our simple example above!44

  More than anything else, it is this ability to configure a template based upon the scalar signature and its long distance resonance effects in the medium that allows one to produce an action at a distance that best fills the bill for the “monstrous area of physics” that the British intelligence agent disclosed to German researchers Mayer and Mehner. It is, indeed, a very sophisticated form of magic, and sympathetic magic at that.

  For the result of this new physics is that space itself has structure and content; the medium or “aether” may be viewed as nothing but a vast set of scalar potentials, which can be decomposed into longitudinal wave pairs.45 And since a “scalar” represents an internal rotational stress – as per our diagrams above – scalar physics is also not only nonlinear, but vorticular physics.

  2. Bearden’s Claims for “Scalar” Physics and its Weaponization

  a. The Dangers of Scalar Resonance: Planet-Busting “Doomsday” Implications

  In addition to a superb defensive capability, there is a far more ominous offensive capability. Since, as has been seen, “scalar waves pass through the electron shells of an atom and interact with the nucleus” directly, this means that “they are continually absorbed and emitted by all nuclei in the universe.” Consequently, “any large collection of nuclei – such as a star or a planet – is a strong absorber and radiator of scalar wave radiation.”46 One cannot ponder this too long nor overestimate its importance, for it means that any large mass such as a planet is a natural resonator of such waves, and this means any scalar weapon has a planetary-sized potential destructive power:

  (This) scalar coupling of the solar system provides a major check on unrestricted use of the large Soviet strategic scalar EM weapon systems. If significant scalar effects are produced on earth in a “pulse” mode, pulsed disturbance of the earth-sun and earth-moon system results. Here a danger exists that one or more natural resonances of the coupled systems may be excited. If the feedback stimulation of the Sun is not insignificant, for example, large sunspot activity may result sometime thereafter, say in a day or two. If too much or too sharp stimulation occurs on earth, the coupled resonant response from the sun could be disastrous. Indeed, a solar response could be stimulated so that the Sun would violently belch and destroy our biosphere, among other effects. The simplest doomsday stimulation would be for a violent expulsion of Solar (electromagnetic) energy and particles to occur. If this were due to resonance, the expulsion of Solar (electromagnetic) energy and particles would continue during some decay time. In that case, fiery destruction of the earth, strongly indicative of Biblical prophecy, would result….

  Accordingly, use of huge scalar (electromagnetic) weapons is a double-edged sword. Unless carefully employed, use of the weapons could cause a terrible backlash to the user as well as the victim, and even accidentally cause the destruction of the earth itself. 47

  One may even envision the use of a scalar weapon to acoustically oscillate an entire planet beyond its ability to damp the enormous cascade of quantum potential energy to the point that it would explode.48 Bearden himself is quite alive to this disturbing potential for the weapons:

  (If) the discharge happens to tickle the Sun and Moon’s feedback loops the wrong way, you’ll get convulsions of the earth, mighty burps of the sun raining fire and brimstone on the earth, and a violent increase in the interior heat of the earth’s molten core, with a concomitant eruption of that core right up through the mantle….

  (Whenever) one activates a large scalar (electromagnetic) weapon, one immediately places the entire earth in deadly peril. The slightest misstep, and it’s curtains for everyone. And it’s curtains for the earth as well. 49

  It takes only a little imagination to see that this principle could be pressed even farther, to the inability of the planet to damp its violent, scalar-induced acoustic cavitation. The planet would consume itself in a violent explosion making a hydrogen bomb look like a firecracker.

  But in any case, as Bearden makes abundantly clear, scalar weapons possess planet-busting potential.

  This in turn corroborates yet another seemingly fantastic assertion that German researchers Mayer and Mehner made in their own investigations of the Nazi atom bomb. Commenting on the allegations of the anonymous British intelligence agent that tipped them off that the SS was working on far more than mere a-bombs and h-bombs, but in areas of physics that seemingly “totally abandoned conventional physical laws,”50 they then go on to comment on this revelation as follows:

  This could only mean that there was a weapons system that possessed enormous range and degree of efficiency that lay beyond that of nuclear weapons technology. Did the Third Reich really prepare the Doomsday Weapon? And if so, where is this technology today? Was it discovered by the Allies or does it lurk secretly deep in the earth waiting for its rediscovery? Is such an Ultimate Weapon has already been in existence for more than fifty years, then it is a legitimate question to ask what today’s military really, actually possesses. 51

  Such planet-busting potential over the vast stellar distances of the solar system would seem to be the best and most viable candidate to fulfill this role for it is the only physics that lay within the possibilities of the then existent technology that had the requisite destructive power and enormous range. Additionally, as will be argued subsequently here, there is every indication that this type of physics is exactly what is being presented in the technology of the Bell and various other experiments the Nazis were conducting.

  b. The Scalar Template and Weapons Applications

  It will be recalled that any physical object, from an atom of any particular element, to planets, has a “scalar signature” that is unique to it. Thus, the notion of a “template” containing information loaded into that scalar signature – or one might say “modulated by it” – means that scalar physics is an extremely flexible physics. Depending on the configuration of the signature and the amount of power used, one might induce beneficial biological or psychological effects at a distance, as well as being able to induce disease, disordered or traumatic psychological states, alter weather, or, indeed, draw energy out of a target and “freeze” it to death, or slowly load energy into it and cook it, or instantaneously blow up an entire region of an enemy country. The template is a kind of “scalar magician’s” pentagram, with its incantations and formulas (equations) producing the desired action from a distance from the system one wishes to influence.52

  3. The Implications of Bearden’s Reconstruction of the History of Scalar Physics

  Thus far, Bearden’s speculative history of Soviet scalar weapons development is clear enough, and the reason for Stalin’s motivations in pursuing them are clear and plausible. But as I noted in The Giza Death Star Deployed, there was also another source feeding the Soviet interest. This source raises certain questions about the actual Soviet capabilities, and where they actually came from. In his seminal work on the subject of scalar weapons, Fer De Lance, Bearden states that “Beside Russia, two other nations – Brazil and (a) ‘little friendl
y nation’ – also had developed quantum potential weapons.”53 A little further on, he adds the following very significant details:

  Brazil implemented an energetics weapons program after it employed the repatriated Dr. Hellmann, a German scientist taken to Russia after WW II along with the German radar team. Years after being taken to Russia, Hellmann was repatriated and made his way back to Germany. In a news interview Hellmann reported that he had worked directly on the development of Soviet secret EM weapons which could suddenly freeze large areas of the ocean surface. That of course is a scalar interferometry weapon, producing negative (converging) EM energy rather than a positive (diverging) EM energy in their distant interference. Also, when the U.S. made David Bohm persona non grata in the McCarthy witch-hunts, Bohm was later employed in lecturing and teaching in Brazil for some time. At the time our own scientists continued to pontificate as to whether they liked or could tolerate Bohm’s quantum potential and his hidden variable interpretation of quantum mechanics. Meanwhile, the KGB weapon scientists and the Brazilian Hellmann project seized upon Bohm’s hidden variable theory with alacrity as soon as he published his seminal paper. Those two weapon groups were already familiar with the internal longitudinal EM wave structuring of potentials, fields, and waves (Whittaker 1903), and immediately saw the fantastic weapons implications of a deliberately structured quantum potential, containing a specific “engine” as desired. Most of our scientists still are unaware of it to this day, and are unaware of its formidable weapon implications when combined with Whittaker’s 1904 superpotential paper, his 1903 potential decomposition, and quantum field theory. 54

  A number of very important points emerges from this series of revelations:

  1. Hellmann was apparently one of the Nazi scientists, a part of a “radar team” brought to the Soviet Union in their own “Operation Paperclip” style use of former Nazi scientists to fuel their own secret weapons projects after the war;

  2. Hellmann disclosed that he had been involved in development of Soviet electromagnetic weapons that could freeze large areas of the oceans’ surface, a clear signature of scalar weaponry in its “endothermic energy extraction” mode of deployment; finally, and most importantly,

  3. Bearden implies that not only were the Soviets aware of Whittaker’s mathematical papers and their profound implications, but that the Nazis were as well.

  This is a clear indicator that the Nazis may have been behind the initial development of the theory of scalar electromagnetic physics and the first prototypical scalar devices and weapons.

  While Hellmann’s claims about freezing vast areas of the oceans’ surface sound wild and fantastic, what is even more important is the fact that similar research was undertaken by the Nazis during World War Two into the development of a “cold bomb,” a “bomb” that would in effect drain the energy from a region.55 This clearly implies a theoretical basis in scalar electromagnetics, but even more importantly, this implies that the theoretical and initial experimental research were already begun by Nazi Germany. Thus, the Soviets did not, after all, achieve their breakthrough. They borrowed it from the Nazis. Moreover, as was indicated in Reich of the Black Sun, the Nazis had expressed an interest in Dr. Nowak’s “molecular bomb”, a bomb of great explosive power brought about by supercooling matter and then suddenly heating it.56 Scalar electromagnetics would be the best and most efficient way of accomplishing both the necessary cooling and sudden heating and explosive expansion of matter. Finally, as I reported in my second book on the “scalar” weapon hypothesis for the Great Pyramid, The Giza Death Star Destroyed, there was an event that occurred in early 1943 on the Eastern Front, during the German retreat from Stalingrad, where an entire German regiment was wiped out after the appearance of a strange “energy bubble” over the unit. The “bubble” exploded all the ammunition in the German regiment, wiping the unit out to a man. As I noted there, the circumstances of this strange event have all the hallmarks of a German secret weapons test of a decidedly scalar weapon, for needless to say, the “energy bubble” clearly has all the signatures of a scalar weapon.57

  Such “bubbles” or glowing plasmas of ionized atmosphere are clear signatures of “scalar” weapons at low power usage, as Bearden clearly states:

  (There) is another incident of a gigantic test of a Soviet scalar EM howitzer deep within the Soviet Union.

  This is a CIA report, released under the Freedom of Information

  Act. One can be quite sure that the incident occurred as stated.

  The phenomenon was seen from two aircraft approaching Mehrabad Airport in Teheran, Iran on June 17, 1966 and reported by their pilots.

  On the far horizon deep within the Soviet Union, an intense spherical ball of light appeared, “sitting on the horizon” so to speak, the globe of light increased to enormous size, dimming as it did so, literally filling an arc of the distant sky as it expanded. The sighting was shielded from most ground observers’ view at the airport itself due to an intervening mountain range that masked most of the phenomenon from the ground.

  The silent, expanding globe was observed for four or five minutes before it faded away.

  Again, this is positive evidence of the testing of a giant scalar EM interferometer, in the “midcourse ABM globe” type of action.

  However, note the date – mid 1966! The Soviets have therefore been testing such scalar weapons of enormous size and power for at least two decades. This implies that development must have started at least a decade earlier, or in the mid ‘50s. 58

  By “'midcourse ABM globe type of action’” Bearden is referring to the ability of scalar weapons to create a highly charged “bubble” that would scramble or knock out the electronics of any vehicle or missile entering it. This alone would have made scalar weapons an invaluable prize to the Soviets – or anyone else for that matter – for it would render one’s opponent’s missiles and nuclear warheads so much dead and useless mass, and accordingly, give all that much more weight to one’s own nuclear deterrent.

  But this is only a circumstantial argument that the Nazis were after scalar weapons. To make such a case stronger, one would have to find evidence that Nazi scientists and their conceptions were the feedstock to this Soviet scalar weapons project. Bearden confirms the worst by offering the following information:

  One of my close colleagues has validated that the German radar team had some severe instrumental anomalies while still in Germany. We think this is what they were:

  In WWII the Germans invented radar absorbing materials, to coat their submarine snorkels and prevent Allied antisubmarine warfare bombers from tracking the snorkels and destroying the subs. A wide variety of highly nonlinear, doped materials were investigated. In addition to single beam radar cross section, the Germans also examined the materials in multibeam illumination circumstances.

  It appears that, in some multibeam experiments with some materials, conditions were just right so that the multi-illuminated absorbing material acted as a pumped phase conjugate mirror (PCM), and wave-to-wave interactions emerged. This meant that the absorber material PCM would suddenly gather up all the energy in the pumping beams, use one of the other beams as a signal input beam, wrecking the experiment and creating havoc in surrounding equipment.

  When the German radar team went to Russia, their knowledge of these anomalies went with them. In the desperate Russian scientific climate to find just such anomalies, this startling and anomalous phenomenon would have been exhaustingly examined and studied, once the German radar engineers got to Russia to their new laboratories.

  In short, it appears that the Russians quickly came up with what today is called “nonlinear phase conjugate optics,” but first in the radar band rather than optics. So before 1950, it appears that the Russians already had working phase conjugating pumped phase conjugate mirrors for the radar bands and in other bands. 59

  Now observe carefully the implications of Bearden’s remarks.

  First, the phenomenon of phase conjugate mirror
s was a direct result of late war German radar experiments on highly nonlinear radar absorbent materials (RAM) that they had invented during the war for their U-boats.60 This is as much as admitting, in a round about fashion, that it was not the Soviets that came up with it, but the Nazis.

  Secondly, it is to be noted that Bearden clearly implies that the

  Nazi radar team stumbled across the phenomenon accidentally. We shall offer evidence – when we turn to a consideration of the speculative physics of the Bell itself – that the Nazis were not blindly stumbling about in quest of a breakthrough, but rather, pursuing all available means to acquire scalar technology and weapons. Their discovery was therefore not accidental. They were looking for it.

  Thirdly, if it is the case that the Nazi radar team’s observed anomalies were merely the result of happenstance, then there is an implicit contradiction between Bearden’s remarks here, and my earlier remarks implying that both the Soviets and the Nazis were surely aware of E.T. Whittaker’s 1903 paper describing the decomposition of the scalar potential into two opposing longitudinal waves.

  In other words, if Bearden’s case that the Soviets developed scalar weapons is based upon then by the same token, and as should be now equally apparent, all these things are equally true of the wartime situation of Nazi Germany, and clearly signatures of Kammler’s special “think tank.” But one must go further than this: every observed effect of scalar devices finds an earlier echo in events during the Second World War, and the only known experiments that could be construed as having scalar characteristics were conducted by the Nazis. In my opinion then, this means that the case for a Nazi origin of scalar weapons is much stronger than for a Soviet one.


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