SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology

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SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology Page 40

by Joseph P. Farrell

  A perusal of the document itself, which includes a brief biography of Bowen apparently written by himself which I include just as the document appears on the Woods’ website, indicates that the entire 339 page manuscript was his own private assembly of UFO reports, with his own stunning conclusions. This report must have apparently caused quite a flap of its own in MJ-12 corridors, since it was immediately classified “TOP SECRET/MAJIC” and foreign distribution was prohibited. A glance at its contents will show why. (See the bold italicized portions of the document which have been added for emphasis):

  Vernon Bowen

  51 Knofferam Road 1947—1955

  Old Grennwich, Conn

  12o Woodside Drive

  Milbrook 1955-1959

  Greenwich, Conn

  25 Shoreacre Drive 1950-

  Old Greenwich, Conn. Present






  Other writings

  by Vernon Bowen

  Children’s Books





  (All published by David McKay Co.)

  Records (Collaborations)



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  Vernon Bowen is an advertising copywriter and supervisor. At present writing, he is copy supervisor on Frigidaire, Division of General Motors, for Dancer-Fitzgerald Sample, 547 Madison Avenue, New York City.

  Formerly, for ten years, he was with the Geyer Agency, now Geyer, Morey, Hansen and Ballard. While there, he wrote and supervised copy on Kelvinator, Division of American Motors Corporation. And while there, he originated and wrote the Rambler cartoon campaign which has been credited, in part, with taking Rambler from a poor fourth into a strong position of contender with the “Big Three” -and in helping to raise American Motors stock from a low of 5 ¾ to a high of 99 ½.

  In his spare time, Vernon Bowen has also written freelance material. All of his published writings are in books or phonograph records for children.

  One of his children’s books was a Junior Literary Guild selection. Three of them are now used to some extent for remedial reading in certain public schools.

  His last book, The Emperor’s White Horses, the story of what happened to the famous Lipiszaners of the Spanish Riding School, Vienna, was double-checked by those who participated in the saving of the horses: Colonel Alois Podhejsky, Director, the Spanish Riding School, Hoffburg, Vienna; Mr.

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  Charles R. Codman, Col. Ret., (deceased), who was the aide of the late General George S. Patton, Jr., U.S. Army, and who was present at the special performance given for General Patton and his spearhead armored division at Rostau; Mr. R. F. Perry, Col., ret., Alexandria, Va., who visited with members of the Spanish Riding School in Czechoslovakia; and Mr. Charles H. Reed, Col., ret., Richmond Virginian, who really spearheaded the saving of the Spanish Riding School and its horses while on his mission of persuading the head of German Intelligence to turn over to the U.S. the many truckloads of documents buried on the Czech-Austrian border – documents which are still secret today.

  Vernon Bowen is about as American as the Ohio dirt he came from. One of his ancesstresses, by family tradition, was Pocahontas. Another ancestor, of this same strain, was John Perrot, later Parrot, who rode into Harrodsburg with Daniel Boone to colonize Kentucky. His paternal grandfather served with Fremont in Missouri.

  Bowen when to the public schools in his native village of Newtown, Ohio, to Eastern High School in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio. He was graduated from Marietta in 1927, Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa. He is a member of Alpha Sigma Phi college fraternity, as is his son, who is in Marietta now. He is also a member of his fraternity’s honorary fraternity, Delta Beta Zi, the original name of the fraternity when it was founded at Yale.

  At present, Vernon Bowen is a deacon in First Congregational Church of Greenwich, Old Greenwich, Connecticut, Chairman of the church’s Public Relations Committee, originator of the church’s monthly illustrated news letter, writer of the church’s special book on fund-raising, and writer of Marietta College’s bluebook for fund-raising, which has been credited with the raising of a substantial number of dollars over the years.

  Long interested in education, in Boy Scouting, and in modern methods of teaching, Vernon Bowen lives with his wife in a house that looks out over Greenwich Cove and the striper grounds where he hopes to be out this summer, fishing.

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  other oddities reported here. I wasn’t present at any of them. I do not know whether they happened or not. I can only report on what public record stated that people claimed they saw.


  Now, what evidence is there to show that, incredible though it may be, that saucers are actually none of these things – but new, secret, and utterly fantastic guided or piloted missiles or craft that are made right here on earth?

  There is considerable evidence to support this belief.

  And perhaps this is really the one and the only secret explanation of flying saucers. Perhaps Henry J. Taylor, Billy Ross, and some other commentators were right when they said, quite early in the game, that flying saucers are secret weapons. The only trouble was, they said they were U. S. weapons. Such may not have been the case at all. But certainly, the Taylor “expose” was the one thing that drew instant, emphatic and universal denial by every branch of the armed services, with even a spokesman for the President considering it important enough to issue a White House denial. There has been no such overwhelming denial of the extraterrestrial theory – there has even been semi-encouragement of this theory all along by the Air Force – although on one occasion a press conference was held following Major Keyhoe’s article in TRUE that claimed saucers were from outer space, and there was another denial when President Eisenhower said, in late 1954, that he had been told that saucers were not from outer space.

  But, when it was said that saucers were U. S. secret warcraft, there was instant, overwhelming denial.

  Yet there is evidence that saucers may be a new and different type of earth craft.

  This evidence is not secret. It has been published to millions of people in newspapers and magazines. This writer has had no access to classified information of any kind. There is absolutely nothing here that

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  does not come from publications. The {Major thing?} here that the Intelligence Headquarters of Russia, England, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Yugoslavia and every other country of any consequence of the face of the globe does not know – or could easily acquire by the most amateurish of efforts.

  There are no secrets here in this phase of the questioning of the nature of saucers. If there were secrets, they have long since been revealed and given away.

  But no writer, to this author’s knowledge, has ever brought together the bits of this part of the jig-saw puzzle. Yet they are very significant bits and merit the consideration of anyone trying to understand the mystery of the saucers.

  Let’s try to put some of the bits together:

  Practically all writers on the subject of saucers have discounted the possibility that the saucers have their home basis right here on earth for three or four reasons – and, at first sight, these are very good reasons indeed. Among them are:

>   1. The extremely high speed.

  2. The seemingly impossible maneuvering and the matter of G-pull – the pull of the earth’s gravity – on any occupant or occupants.

  3. The lack of sound in objects flying faster than sound. The motors of conventional planes roar, or their jets sound like giant blowtorches in the sky. And when a plan of conventional design passes through the sound barrier, it causes a noise like a clap of thunder. Many saucers observed were not [unreadable] a stationary position or a slow speed into speeds that would take them through the sound barrier.

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  4. Glow. Many reporters of saucers described them as glowing, either with a greenish-blue glare on the inside, or with completely glowing exterior – reddish, orange, yellow, or other shades of the spectrum.

  Now, how about these points? Do they absolutely eliminate the possibility that saucers may be earth craft, after all? Most writers, citing these points, have dismissed the possibilities. But let’s take the points, one by one, and analyze them.

  1. Speed. Conventional craft, using a principle of “boring through” air, or being forced through air, can get red hot, have metals creep, can fall apart or burn to a crisp from friction. However, by utilizing the principle of “Coanda’s Effect,” with the object flying in a partial vacuum of its own making, this problem could be overcome. In the opinion of Professor Henri Coanda, discoverer of the effect, as given to Art Buchwald, it would be overcome. In many observations of extremely high speeds in saucers, the most extreme speeds were not observed in the dense, lower layers of our atmosphere, but at higher altitudes, far, far above the earth. And a great many observations of saucers have indicated that they rise in a series of “stairsteps,” and achieve greatest velocity only after gaining the upper reaches of the atmosphere where density, air resistance and friction would be much less.

  And on this subject of speed it is well to remember that speeds seemingly impossible to earth craft in 1947, when the first when the first saucers were widely reported, seem terribly old-fashioned today. In 1947, men were trying to break the speed of sound – and secretly had succeeded. But this speed of something over 700 mph became old hat in just six years, when Maj. Charles E. Yeager, in December, 1955, flew

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  a plane of conventional [unreadable] at more than 1,600 mph, or something more than two and one-half times the speed of sound.

  And by May, 1955, scientists at Langley Field, Virginia, were reporting that they were doing research on guided missiles that might reach the speed of 15,000 mph. The scientists pointed out that then (1955) they were flying missiles at speeds of 3,000 mph from Wallops Island, Virginia.

  Speed, and speed alone – even the fantastic higher speeds reported in saucers – would not seem to rule out completely the possibility that saucers are earth-made.

  2. Maneuverability and G-pull on occupant. A great deal of nonsense has been written about the impossibility of having anything human survive the mad maneuvers observed in saucers: acute-angled turns with no slackening in speed; high-speed circling of two discs in the air, as if they were “charging their batteries;” tremendous acceleration from practically zero to thousands of miles an hour; abrupt reverses in direction.

  But do all those things rule out the possibility that saucers might be manmade?

  Not at all. First, they might be unmanned missiles – especially the tiny saucers that have been reported. Next, now things are coming to light about G-pull and the amount a human can survive, about “weightlessness”, about other factors that may enter into the picture.

  For instance, in the magazine Flying, March, 1951, p, 34, First Lieutenant Hugh F. McLaurin, USAF, answered the following questions: “What would happen [unreadable] plane and suddenly catapulted into the sky at 13,000 mph? Would you sweat

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  blood? Would you be killed by acceleration or by pressure change? The answers are all no. Lt. McLaurin knew. He went through such a speed in a simulated test and survived.

  Again, on G-pull, Major Donald E. Keyhoe, writing in TRUE, December, 1952, wrote: “By applying thrust in an opposite direction, abruptly reversing thrust, an object can be halted in seconds. Tests made with a G-sled by the Air Force has shown that, for a fraction of a second, human beings can take a force of 45 G’s and survive.”

  Maybe Major Keyhoe was a little premature in his announcement of this fact, but as proof of it, USAF, on December 27, 1954, announced that one of its officers, Lt. Col. John P. Stapp, had gone from a record land speed of 652 mph to a dead stop in 1 ½ seconds without ill effects.

  This quick stop was made at Holloman Air Development Center at Alamogordo, New Mexico. In the test, Col. Stapp was strapped to a 2,000-pound rocket sled. The only ill effects he suffered were a few blood blisters from dust particles in the air and two black eyes, caused by his eyeballs being thrown forward against his eyelids during the deceleration period.

  In stopping, Col. Stapp withstood a pressure equal to 35 G’s. His “weight” was more than three tons.

  On the evening of December 28, 1954, there appeared in The New York World Telegram and Sun a writeup of an interview with Col. Stapp, made on the 27th, in which the colonel said that he expected to travel at 1,200 mph on the sled. This would be nearly twice as fast, with proportionate step-up in G-pressure, with a violent stop.

  Can man withstand the violent maneuvers and sudden decelerations observed in flying saucers?

  What do you think?


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  Another factor sometimes overlooked by writers on flying saucers is the phenomenon of weightlessness. If you don’t weigh anything, ie., if you have a condition of zero gravity, you can’t very well be slammed around by violent maneuvers in the air. Some writers have, however, pointed out that extraterrestrial craft, using some form of magnetic propulsion, might create their own gravitational fields and thus be free of gravitational pull from the earth. Maybe it is not as complicated as all that. In TRUE for July, 1954, writer Don Dwiggins described weightlessness as experienced in a two-seater plane flown by Maj. Edward J. Rackham, USAF acceptance pilot at Lockheed’s Van Nuys, California, plant. They went up to only 20,000 feet and then went into a ballistic curve. The result was weightlessness. Mr. Dwiggins photographed a pack of cigarettes floating free in the cabin of the plane.

  If weightlessness can be achieved with a ballistic curve, perhaps it can be achieved in some other, but fairly easy way. And such weightlessness might permit violent maneuvering, such as has been (reported?) in flying saucers.

  But, if you will read further on the subject of weightlessness, you will find that this phenomenon presents grave hazards to the airman. LIFE Magazine, in an article in its December 6, 1954, issue, pointed out that weightlessness is a highly unpleasant sensation. Mr. airman has been able to stand it for more than 45 seconds. It produces severe disorientation. It dislocates all sense of direction. It produces nausea, nervous distress, loss of ability to coordinate, inability to guide the complex machinery of today’s flying craft.

  So one argument negates the other here.


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  3. The [unreadable] faster than sound.

  Here, again, let us refer to the new principle of flight, the “Coanda Effect.” If a craft is flying in a partial vacuum, not pushing and compressing the air in front of it, or “boring through” it, (it is) conceivable it might be possible to glide through the atmosphere and [unreadable] through the sound barrier without the “clap of thunder” made by conventional planes. As for the lack of sound issuing from the vehicle itself – motor, engine, turbine, jet – if there exists some new and little publicized principle of flight, plus some new and unpublished method of propulsion – magnetic, antigravitational, atomic - it might be possible t
o achieve soundlessness or near soundlessness.

  4. Glow. This is one to really stump the experts, in trying to explain saucers as completely terrestrial craft. But certain atomic, radioactive materials glow with the same kind of blue-green glaze noted in some saucer interiors. But how a crew could be protected from gamma rays emanating from such materials poses an unanswerable question. As to glowing exteriors – Major Keyhoe had written at some length, theorizing that the glow of extraterrestrial space craft could come from varying degrees of heat caused by friction – from preactically white-hot to red-hot, to orange-hot, to yellow-hot, going from highest speeds to the lowest. Perhaps this same principle would hold true of earth-made craft, as well as extraterrestrial vehicles. As to the question of materials which could withstand these heats – present rocket speeds, as published in newspapers – are above 4,000 mph. Such speeds must cause temperatures that make rockets glow – like saucers.

  All this may be very thin evidence that saucers could be earth craft. But [unreadable] a lot of evidence


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  used to support [unreadable] thought. And there is a great deal of other evidence that is factual, not based upon pure supposition and theory.

  For instance, Professor Coanda discovered his new principle of flight back in 1937. This principle, described previously, in essence is that if you curve a jet of air, or many jets of air, you also create an artificial cyclone, with the tremendous lift of a cyclone, and can lift and maneuver a many-tonned object because you create a vacuum above the whirling blasts of the jets.

  Here is a note that may fit:

  In The Washington Daily News for May 14, 1949, was a copyrighted story that the flying discs were of Spanish-Nazi origin. The author held the view that the discs were very real, and that they were of a new “gyroscopic” design.


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