Sweet Temptation

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Sweet Temptation Page 16

by Angel Steel

  “Okay, you don’t have to growl at me, Nate,” Dom answered him with his hands up. “I was only trying to help.”

  “Sorry,” Nate said, whipping his hand over his face. “I know there’s more to what she says her ex did to her; it’s not only the beating he gave her, but something else.” Nate looked at Dom.

  Dom stopped what he was doing, and said nothing.

  “You know something?” Nate walked up to him, waiting for him to answer.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Dom moved over towards the car again.

  Nate grabbed his arm to stop him. “Yes you do, spill.”

  “I can’t Nate. That’s up to her to tell you. I didn’t force her to tell me anything, she did that on her own accord.”

  “So you’re keeping secrets now, is that it?”

  “Sorry, bro. I promised her I wouldn’t tell a soul. Chantal and Craig don’t even know.”

  “Well, that’s just great.” Nate stomped off towards the house.

  Dom followed. “Nate, I’m really sorry, maybe if you sat down with her she might tell you.”

  “I doubt that very much, Dom.” Ripping a beer from his fridge, he popped the top and swallowed half of it in one hit.

  “Getting drunk won’t solve things, Nate.”

  Nate grunted at him.

  “Okay, well I’ll leave you to it; I’ll catch up with you later, if you haven’t fallen into a coma by then.” Dom grabbed his keys and went to his truck.

  Nate knew getting drunk wasn’t going to solve anything right now, but it was a start. Opening the top cupboard, he pulled out the Bundy rum he had. He poured two shots into a glass and threw in some ice, swirling it around to cool it a touch he then swallowed the lot feeling the burn going down his throat. He slammed the glass back on the bench. Damn, he thought. Filling his glass with another two shots, he shot those back too. Jesus, the burn felt good.

  He grabbed the bottle and tray of ice and headed for his porch out back. Slipping into a seat, he set the bottle and ice beside him and poured another drink. If he wanted to drink himself into a coma, it was his own damn choice. Leaning back in the chair, he threw that one down and stared out into the night.

  * * *

  Later that night, Craig and Alex came over and had dinner with Skylar. She didn’t say a word to Craig about her fight with Nate. She was too embarrassed about it. Clearing the table she filled the sink and started washing the dishes.

  “I can tell something is bothering you, girl.” Alex walked in and grabbed a tea towel to dry up.

  Blowing out a breath she said, “If I tell you, can you not tell Craig, he’ll get upset again.”

  “You know I never tell him anything you tell me. That’s up to you,” he said, smiling.

  “Well, Nate and I had another fight today.” Skylar moved away from the sink and slid into a chair.

  “What was this fight about?”

  “Craig told me you were to be calling and I wanted to talk to you. Walking into the kitchen, I asked Craig if Alex had called, but Nate was in my kitchen.” Sucking in a breath she continued, “He asked me who you were and said Craig asked him to stay while he was out. I told him to leave, but he wanted to know if I had slept with you. I told him yes, as we have in the same bed. Then he started on the whole cheating thing, saying I did the same thing to him, which I haven’t. I have never cheated on anyone I have ever been with.”

  “Well, I understand, you didn’t have to tell him anything, girl. And I’m sorry you caught him screwing someone else, but two wrongs don’t make a right, darling.” Alex crossed over to her and sat next to her. Pulling her off her chair, he placed Skylar on his lap.

  “I know that, but I didn’t have to say who you were, Alex. It really hurts that he has slept with this girl. I don’t know if I can trust him.” She curled up on him.

  Alex wrapped his arms around her, “I don’t know the guy to tell you whether or not to trust him, Sky. You’re going to have to make up your mind yourself on that one.”

  “I know. He’s everything I ever wanted in a guy, Alex. It’s just hard after he tried to force himself on me.”

  “You’ll make the right choice.” Alex kissed the top of her head.

  Chapter 12

  Two days had passed since their fight. Skylar wanted to go over and see him, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Sighing, she pulled out her work clothes and slipped on her mid-length skirt and blouse. Grabbing her bag, she closed her door and walked down the steps. She noticed Nate in the front yard working on a car. She wanted to know exactly what was going on with him, but was scared of him now after what he did. Her feelings for him confused the hell out of her. She made her way across the lawn, and stopped, keeping some distance between them.

  “Nate, can we talk, please?” she asked.

  Nate removed himself from under the hood. “What do you want, Skylar? I’m busy.” He frowned down at her.

  “I want to talk about the other day.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about. You made yourself pretty clear. You don’t want me to sleep with you, only someone else.” Nate picked up a wrench and leaned over the motor again.

  “I never said I wanted to sleep with someone else, Nate. You did,” she said calmly. She didn’t want to argue with him, again.

  “It doesn’t matter anymore, Skylar. Like I said, I’m over it. You go and sleep with whomever you want and I’ll do the same. It wasn’t like this was a relationship, Skylar. It was just sex,” he growled.

  She gasped, “What?”

  “You heard me and I’ve got work to do.” Nate turned and went back to what he was doing.

  “You bastard! Tracy was right, you did use me. All men are the same, they only want one thing and you proved it, Nate. You can go to hell,” she yelled.

  Turning her back on him, she stormed off towards her car. Unlocking the door, she jumped in, buckled up, turned the key and revved the engine. She slammed it into gear, screeched out of her driveway and made her way to Stacy’s. She was stupid, why did she have to go and talk to him? Well, at least she knew how he really felt about their so-called relationship now. It was just sex. What was she thinking? That he could have actually felt differently about her? That was it, she wasn’t going to waste any more tears on that jerk. Wiping her face, she turned down Peachester Road and headed for Stacy’s shop.

  * * *

  He couldn’t believe he told Skylar that it was just sex and nothing more. “Goddamn it,” he growled. What was wrong with him? Nate watched her get in her car and drive off. He didn’t think what they had was just sex, it was something more. Well, he fucked up whatever chance he had with her now. He just couldn’t keep his mouth shut. He had work to do, he couldn’t be thinking of Skylar right now when the car had to be done by 3:00p.m. Erasing all thoughts of her, he started removing the radiator.

  “Dom, can you come here and help with this?”

  “Sure, I’ll be there in a sec,” he said. Once Dom was finished with what he was doing he went over to Nate. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Can you go under and remove the hoses and bolts attached to the radiator?”

  “Sure, no worries,” Dom answered. Twenty minutes later the radiator was done.

  “That’s the last thing for today, Dom,” Nate said to him.

  Dom nodded, “You sure, I can stay and help with anything else.”

  “Nah, it’s all good, man. I can do the rest,” Nate told him.

  “I’ll catch up with you sometime this afternoon,” Dom said.

  “Sure.” Nate slapped him on the back and Dom headed for his truck.

  When he walked back into his office, he heard Dom’s phone ring. It was probably Chantal calling him. He smiled to himself; that boy needed to settle down and she was a good catch for him. He stood up and watched him out the door. Frowning, he noticed Dom was running for his truck, jumping in, and taking off in a hurry. Shrugging his shoulders, he walked back in and got to work on his
paperwork that had to be done for today.

  * * *

  After pulling out of her street, she drove down Peachester Road, taking a short cut to Stacy’s that would have less traffic. She only had one set of lights to go through and then there would be no interruptions until she arrived closer to the shop. Coming up to the lights, there were several cars that had stopped already. Adding pressure to the brakes to slow down, her foot went straight to the floor. Frowning, she did it again with the same result.

  Her brakes weren’t working at all; she started to panic as she pressed her foot on the pedal again. Great, just what I bloody need, she thought. She took a sharp turn down Henry Street so she wouldn’t hit anyone. This had never happened to her before; she had no idea what to do. She grabbed her phone. She wanted to call Nate, but he would just hang up on her.

  So she dialled Dom instead.

  “Hey, Sky.”

  “Something is wrong with my car, Dom.”

  “What do you mean something is wrong?”

  “My brakes aren’t working, Dom. I was pulling up at the set of lights on Peachester Road and my foot went straight to the floor. I couldn’t stop, so I turned down Henry Street. I can’t stop, Dom, and I’m scared,” she sobbed.

  “I’m on my way. Everything is going to be all right. Stay on the phone with me,” Dom said. He jumped in his truck and headed her way. “At the end of the street, turn right into Gumtree Road. It will take you to an old warehouse parking bay; half is gravel, and the other half is grass, stay on the grass side okay?”

  “Okay,” she sobbed. How could her brakes have given way? Turning right onto Gumtree Road, she made her way to the grass side. “Dom, there’s not much room down here.”

  “I know. I’m coming up behind you now.”

  “I see you,” she said with a shaky voice.

  “Now I’m going to ask you to do something for me. I need you to jump out of your car, Skylar,” he said.

  “Are you insane, Dom? I’m not doing that, can’t we do something else?” God, she was scared shitless.

  “That’s the only thing you can do without hurting yourself too seriously.”

  She sighed. “Okay, tell me when.” There was no way she could do this. Unbuckling her seatbelt, she waited.

  “There is a bend coming up that you won’t be able to make. Steer the car towards the ditch on the left. That will stop the car, but you need to jump before it hits.”

  She steered the car to the left towards the ditch. She couldn’t do this; there was no way she could jump out of her car. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, blurring her vision. She could see Dom’s truck beside her on her left.

  “Jump now, Skylar.”

  She opened her door, holding onto the steering wheel and the door handle, “I can’t Dom.” She couldn’t let go of the wheel.

  “You have to, babe.”

  She slid over, closer to the door, “Dom!”

  “Now Skylar!” He roared

  She let go of the door and jumped out, screaming. Hitting the grass hard, she rolled down the embankment into the shallow river at the bottom. She heard her car hit the ditch, hard. Curling up into a ball, she didn’t want to move, and she couldn’t feel her body either.

  Dom slammed on his brakes and threw himself out of the car, running towards her. He dropped to the ground beside her, “Sky, are you all right?” He couldn’t tell if she had hurt herself.

  “No,” she cried.

  Dom lifted her up onto his lap, breathing heavily. “Anything broken?” he said as he rubbed his hands over her.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “I’m so proud of you for doing that.” He kissed the top of her head. “I’ll call Jeff to come and pick up your car and tow it back to the workshop.” He pulled out his phone and organized for Jeff to come out. “Do you want me to call Craig?”

  “No, he’s out of town. But can you call Alex for me?”

  “Sure.” He grabbed the number off her and dialled.


  “Is this Alex?”

  “Who wants to know?” Alex growled.

  “My name’s Dom, I’m a friend of Skylar’s. Will you be able to meet us at her place, in ten minutes?”

  “Sure, what’s up?”

  “By the sounds of it, someone has cut her brakes and she just jumped from her car. She’s fine though,” Dom told him.

  “Thank God she’s all right. I’m leaving now, I’ll see you soon.”

  Dom hung up. “Alex, will be there when we arrive, okay?”

  Skylar nodded.

  Dom looked down at her, she was pale and shaking, “You sure you’re all right?”

  “Yeah, I’m just a little shocked at what happened, Dom.”

  Helping her up, he walked over to his truck. “Jeff’s coming now, I’ll help him hook up your car, and then we’ll head home.” Dom walked over towards the tow truck and hooked up her car. He jumped into his truck and they made their way to her place.

  Moments later Dom pulled up in her driveway. Alex was opening her door and leaned in, “You all right, baby girl?” he asked.

  “Just shaken up, Alex.” Alex reached in and lifted her up against his chest.

  “Alex, this is Dom.” Alex extended his hand and shook Dom’s.

  “Nice to meet you,” Dom said. “I’ll head over and check out your car. Then I’ll come and see how you’re holding up.”

  “Okay.” Skylar cuddled closer into Alex and he walked her into her house.

  * * *

  Nate watched Dom pull up in Skylar’s driveway and some guy come out and lift her from his car and bring her inside. Frowning, Nate walked out to meet Dom and Jeff. He looked at Dom, and growled, “Why was Skylar in your truck?” Not taking any notice to the car Jeff just brought in.

  “Why do you care, Nate?” Dom frowned at him.

  “Of course I care,” he growled.

  “Whatever, Skylar rang when I was leaving. She was having problems with her car.” Dom pointed to the car that Jeff brought in.

  “Why is the front end smashed up?” He walked over to check it out.

  “Her brakes weren’t working, Nate. I think someone cut them, man.” Dom stood beside him.

  “What do you mean you think someone cut them?”

  “Well, you and I both know brakes don’t give out just like that,” Dom said.

  “How did you stop her car, then?” he asked, frowning.

  “I told her to turn down Gumtree Road where the old warehouse parking bay was and head for the grass area. I knew there was no way she could stop, so I told her to steer towards the ditch and jump out before she hit it.”

  “You what?” he roared.

  “It was either she jump from her car or hit the ditch with her in it,” Dom answered him. “What did you expect me to do, watch her hit it head on?” Rubbing his face, “After we check it out, we need to call the cops see if they can lift any prints off the line.”

  “Is she all right?” Nate sat down on the tyres. Jesus, someone had cut her brake lines.

  He couldn’t think straight. Skylar could have been seriously injured or died.

  He stood up, “You’re all right here, with her car?” Nate asked Dom.

  “Sure, why?” Dom said, frowning at him.

  “I’m heading out. I’ll be back soon.” He didn’t wait for a reply from Dom. He walked out of his shop, made his way across Skylar’s yard, and up to her front door.

  * * *

  Alex walked Skylar through her house and towards her room, and sat down on the bed. “I’m going to jump in the shower real quick, and then I’ll grab the first aid kit in the kitchen and come back in.”

  “I’ll go change and clean off some of this dirt.” Nodding, he left. Going into the bathroom, she removed her clothes and wrapped a towel around herself, being careful not to rub the grazes on her body. Sitting down on the edge of the bath, she leaned over and wet a wash cloth. Popping her leg up on the toilet, she wiped over the graze o
n her leg, hissing in a breath. Jesus that stung. She took a closer look; it started at her knee and went all the way up her thigh. She really did a number on herself, she thought.

  Breathing out slowly, she did the same to her arms, wiping off all the dirt and grass, and picking small amounts of stones from out of the cuts. She stood up and looked in the mirror. She looked like something out of a horror movie. There were grazes down the left side of her face as well. That is so going to bruise, nothing will be able to cover that up, she thought. Rinsing the cloth, she grabbed another towel and headed for the lounge to lie down. Halfway there, her doorbell rang. It was probably Dom coming over to see how she was. Opening the door, she immediately started backing away, seeing who her visitor was. “You’re not welcome here anymore.”


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