Reckless: A Bad Boyz Anthology

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Reckless: A Bad Boyz Anthology Page 25

by Anthology

  I slowly sipped my drink as she pulled Alan’s face toward hers and gave him a kiss that ratcheted up every man in the room. Watching her all evening had been torture. The anticipation of tasting and touching her was like a Viagra overdose.

  Yep, I was tapping that tonight and there wasn’t a man in this room who could get in my way.

  Sure, I know what you’re thinking. How could I be so pathetic as to get fully aroused watching her try every weapon in her arsenal to seduce another man—really? Haven’t you ever watched a porno? Life on tour was living smack dab in the center of one—and how could I be so certain I’d be the man ending the night with her since the only reason she was here was to bed a rock star, and I was just a bodyguard?

  And hell no, before you ask, it didn’t bother me that I wasn’t even on her radar because I knew I would be before this night was through. Damn, it was like Christmas when Alan’s rejects were a girl like this. Getting shot down by him would make this goddess a lioness in bed.

  I couldn’t hear their conversation, but I didn’t have to to know how this was going to go down. Everything about her body language said she was ready to spread her legs, and the feverish impatience in her eyes and the poorly concealed, escalating frustration on her face telegraphed that in another five minutes she wouldn’t care who climbed on top of her.

  Rejected pussy, hot and needing to be stuffed. One of the greatest creations on earth for man.

  “I’m about to cut out, find a club with ambience more to my taste. Why don’t you join me?”

  Not the question or the voice I wanted—and did he really think I’d leave a party of Alan’s to prowl a fag bar with him? I turned to my left to see Graham hovering beside me.

  “Hell no. I’ve got my night all planned out. Is there a flight schedule yet? Are we out of here tomorrow or what?”

  Graham hitched up a brow. “Or what.” I gave him a heavily exasperated look and he shrugged. “Don’t expect to be stateside for another four days. That’s all I know.”

  “Four days, huh?”

  “That’s what I was told. You got a problem with that?”

  I rolled my eyes. “No problem.” And for once, that was the truth. Unexpected schedule changes usually pissed me off, but this one was more than fine with me. If Julia was half as good in bed as she looked like she’d be, the extra days and not having to take off in the morning were definitely a gift.

  Graham rapped his knuckles on the bar. “Don’t get into any trouble without me. We might very well end up heading home tomorrow.”

  I lifted my glass in a cheers motion. “Good luck on your cock hunt.”

  He chuckled, grabbed and finished my drink, then exited the room. I ordered another Jameson and continued to watch my temptress in the wall mirror behind the barman. Licking my lips at the prospect of sinking my cock into her tonight, I slowly sipped my drink and waited patiently for the scene to unfold the way I expected it to.

  Thirty minutes later, Alan had disappeared with the blonde and there was one pouty brunette, ripe for the taking, heading toward the terrace alone.

  Now came the tricky part: timing it right so I didn’t get brushed off while she was still freshly fuming but getting to her before some other opportunistic assholes stole my fuck for the night. All success depended on planning, timing, and precise movement. Women were no different. I needed to hold back, at least until I finished my drink, before I joined her.

  I’m sure that makes me sound like a cold-hearted bastard to you, but one thing I’d learned in the military was that every battle was won before it was fought.

  I set down my glass and rose from my barstool. Now that Alan was gone, the party was thinning out. It was time to make my move.

  It was a little chilly outside after the stuffy hotel room, maybe fifty degrees, and I wondered how much time I had to close the deal before Julia would want to head back indoors. There were heating lamps scattered around the plush patio furniture, a million dollar view of Tokyo in every direction, and, thankfully, I was the only one out here with her.

  I liked the setting and the scope of possibilities it provided. The terrace was private. We were alone. I could even get a taste of her out here if everyone stayed away.

  I lit a cigarette and sank down on a chaise lounge as if I hadn’t noticed her. I took a slow drag and watched the smoke curl from my lips. It is a much repeated fiction that the best way to get a woman is to go after her. The best way to get a woman was to ignore her.

  I was stomping out my cigarette when Julia finally turned to look at me. Containing a smirk, without looking at her directly I caught each change of her eyes and knew what they meant.

  A flash of light: surprised to find me here.

  Narrowing: she just recognized me as one of the security staff.

  Gaze slowly roaming my body: trying to decide if I’m worth her time—

  And yep, as arrogant as it sounds, enough women have told me I’m worth the time even if I am a limited-time offer. Six feet two inches of blond-haired, blue-eyed Adonis, combat-fit body and fully loaded weapon. OK, Adonis is laying it on a little thick—

  But then maybe not, because next there was a flash again in those shimmering green eyes that betrayed she was interested and wondering why I wasn’t actively pursuing her.

  I fixed my gaze on her, smiled, and, almost as if on cue, she crossed the patio to me. And that, folks, is how you get a model to crawl to you, in under five minutes, as if you were a rock star.

  “What are you smoking?” she asked.

  I rummaged in my pocket and pulled out my pack. “Nothing chic. Just plain ole American.”

  “So long as it’s not British.” She made a saucy face and I laughed even though the comment was more peevish than witty. After a few seconds she started to unbend, then grinned. “May I have one? I prefer plain ole American.”

  There was just enough impishness in her voice that my cock twitched with the kind of anticipation of knowing this was a done deal. I handed her a cigarette and grabbed my lighter. My hand closed around hers as I lit her smoke and the static in our touch told me I’d chosen well tonight.

  She sank down beside me on the double chaise, close but not touching, and facing toward me.

  She took several drags, studying me through the white cloud escaping her glossy lips, and then asked, “How long have you worked for Alan?”

  Shit, not the direction I wanted to go in. “Five years.” Then, because it was the kind of shit people said to each other backstage, I added, “How long have you been fucking him?”

  Her eyes flew wide, and I couldn’t tell if she was offended or flattered. It worked either way so I really didn’t care which.

  “I’m not. I came here to be seen, get some publicity pictures with him to make my agent happy, and I won’t lie to you, he’s on my bucket list, so I would have gone to bed with him if he wanted to, but he didn’t, and I don’t really care.”

  No surprise there.

  I’d heard it all before from a dozen other young women except the bucket list part. That was a new variation to the old theme. A little ridiculous and surprisingly charming.

  Chuckling, I relaxed into my backrest. “Did you really just say he’s on your ‘bucket list’? What are you? Twenty-six. Twenty-seven tops?”

  Her cheeks colored profusely. “Twenty-six and I thought ‘fuck list’ would be too crude.”

  I laughed harder. “Julia, haven’t you noticed where you are? There’s no such thing as too crude here.”

  Her lips puckered, holding back a smile, but two dainty dimples appeared.

  “So what did you do before you became a bodyguard?” she asked after settling back in the chair beside me so she could stare out at the view like I was.

  “US military. Ten years.”

  Her brows hitched up. “How did you end up here?”

  “That’s a long story.”

  Her grin reappeared. “I have all night.”

  I let just enough of a wolfish leer glim
mer in my eyes. “I think I’d rather hear how you ended up here.”

  And then the unthinkable happened. We spent two hours on the terrace, talking, laughing, and harmlessly flirting. It was the closest thing to that first-date type ritual I’d experienced with a woman in five years.

  Worse, by the time it was through, I liked her. She was a nice girl and nothing I expected. Quick. Intelligent. Sweet and interesting. The kind of girl a guy felt comfortable bringing home, and that bothered me in ways I couldn’t decipher.

  I didn’t meet nice girls on tour—I didn’t want to—and they were the last thing you were apt to find in Alan’s world.

  To my greater shock, I soon found myself considering cutting out on her instead of maneuvering her back to my room. Her bright green eyes met mine and I felt a flood of raw sensation that lodged in my groin followed by another errant impulse to end this now.

  Fuck, I definitely needed my head examined. It was a baffling reaction because she made my blood pump double time. But she also made me feel like taking this one step further was something I should avoid, that as enjoyable as the night had been, something was missing and that made this wrong.


  As we traveled one floor below to my suite, I never wanted to put my dick inside a woman so badly and had never felt worse about it.

  I leaned back against the polished wall of the elevator a careful distance from her and we waited in silence. It felt like we were both thinking through our next moves. Our sexual need pulsed within and around us both, but for some reason she was maintaining space from me as well.

  It had been a while since I’d hooked up, my cock was definitely eager, and I could barely recognize the wash of emotion holding me at bay.

  I was alone with her. In an elevator—which was sexy as hell—and for some reason I held back.

  I smiled at the ding before the doors opened. The moment of truth. Should I take her to my room or say good night here? It hadn’t escaped my notice that after I punched the button for my floor, she’d punched hers right after.

  I straightened up, away from the wall. “This is me,” I said inanely.

  She stared as if she was waiting for something so I ran my thumb across her flushed cheek, then my fingers curled into her dark hair before I pulled her toward me. Her eyes opened wide, making them easy to read. She was excited, willing, unsure what was happening between us, and turned on just like me.

  Our lips met and I sank back against the wall, taking her with me, letting her feel the arousal in my body as my palms flattened on her ass. The tender moves of my lips rapidly changed into a brutal kiss as she molded into me and pushed her tongue in to fuck my mouth. The brick in my pants turned into the Rock of Gibraltar, and sorting out what was bothering me about this no longer seemed a priority.

  My erection begged to be freed and I rubbed it against her, making sure she knew what she was asking for. We moaned loudly, my body grinding into her, while I moved us to my door and somehow managed to open it with my keycard.

  My blood simmered, my body boiling, as we moved to the bed and anxiously stripped off our clothes. I tore open a wrapper and rolled the condom down my length. I couldn’t get into her fast enough. There was a pounding urge to feed all my senses—taste, touch, smell, sight, sound—with her.

  There was something about Julia that ignited and woke all parts of me. She unleashed a long forgotten need that raged in my core, the same way a familiar smell, like cookies baking in the kitchen, can remind you of other glorious moments in your life. The emotions were sharp, the moments unclear, the pictures in my head foggy, the hunger and want intense, so close to something I desperately ached for and couldn’t define, close yet incomplete.

  I felt her weight on me as she straddled my hips. She wasn’t wasting any time and a jolt tore through every muscle in my body as she quickly sank onto my staff. I watched as she rose up, greedily riding my cock, her dark hair dancing and teasing my skin. My hands braced her hips as she went up and down, and I watched the emotion, the tensing of her face, as she fucked me hard, racing toward her own contentment.

  The orgasm that ripped through her tore through me as well, and as she screamed out, my cock exploded and for a millisecond it wasn’t her image, it was another woman’s, familiar and hazy, that filled my head.

  I collapsed back onto the pillow and her body melted down into me. It was quick and rough. Not what I wanted, but with her curled on my chest, her soft fingers stroking my biceps, her strands of dark hair teasing my lips as her scent flooded my nostrils, I felt something so fucking foreign to the Dillon I’d become that it terrified me. I felt almost akin to peaceful.


  Three days later we were still in bed and there grew in me an unfamiliar want not to end this. I didn’t want to let her go, which was strange, since I usually disappeared as quickly as I could after my nights of casual sex.

  But Julia was different from every other girl I fucked on the road. I wasn’t sure why. Maybe it was because she drew me out of my comfort zone and I was rapidly becoming close to her in ways not only physical. Maybe it was because we were good together even when I wasn’t fucking her. And maybe it was because, though the rightness of how this felt bothered me, I couldn’t shut off the greater part of me that demanded it.

  Our time together did crystalize in my head one thing that had been elusive to me before her: I’d been running from something for five years and hadn’t known it.


  “Dillon, stop. I have to go,” she begged breathlessly though her hips continued to move with the strokes of my tongue against her clit.

  I sank a finger deeply into her, and she arched her back and groaned, making me laugh. I ran the length of her slit, savoring her shivers, before I lifted my face.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  She looked so sweet lying there, passion messed like a ravished angel. She struggled for breath, unable to answer me, clearly desperate for me to continue, so I slipped out my fingers and buried my tongue in her then her legs began to quake.

  It was nerve-blisteringly arousing to have a woman fuck your face, and my dick rapidly hardened to full length as she thrashed against the heated assault of my mouth and fingers. I loved the taste of a woman’s cunt, but hers was a delicious flavor I couldn’t get enough of and I would have stayed down there all day if she’d let me.

  But she was right.

  She had a plane to catch in a few hours and so did I. It was time to let her get her nut and then to bury my cock in her before we both hightailed it out of Japan.

  I got her off in record time, quickly sheathed myself, and plunged into her. “Oh God,” she groaned, matching my rhythm as I bucked in her. It didn’t take long before my jets were shooting into her, and she trembled and held me, spraying kisses across my shoulders and neck as her legs latched tightly around.

  I collapsed down onto her, panting, and a touch deflated since I knew this was it. She was leaving. I was leaving—it wasn’t something I felt good about—and it wasn’t something I could change.

  After kissing her, I rolled off and she went into rapid motion, gathering her clothes and neatly arranging them on a chair.

  “I need to hop into the shower,” she said then paused at the doorway, turning back toward the bed to smile at me. “Don’t follow me. I’m late as it is.”

  Laughing, I leaned on a hip facing her and raked my tousled blond hair from my face. “Fine. I’ll be good. I’ll stay right here.”

  That impish, seductress gleam I’d come to know well brightened her eyes. “You’re good in the shower, too, Dillon. Don’t think I don’t want you there.”

  The door was quickly closed between us and I lay back and listened to her move around the bathroom. Lots of thoughts and feelings passed through me unlike the ones I usually had at the end of a hookup. It was the last thing I’d expected or wanted, but it felt kind of good knowing that even though I’d never see her again I’d want to if I could.

t was new for me. Wanting someone. And wanting to want someone.

  The shower turned off, the door opened and closed. “How long are you in New York for?” she inquired from the bathroom.

  “I don’t know. Graham’s texted travel details and nothing else.”

  She came through the bathroom door, busy with purpose, wearing my sweats she’d asked to borrow with a towel still wrapped around her head. The picture she made caused me to smile. She was even more beautiful swallowed up by my too large clothes and her delicate face glowing without makeup.

  She was only wearing them two floors to her own hotel room, but it was oddly nice that this was the last mental image I would have of her. Dressed in my clothes, ‘Army’ across her generous breasts, her face natural and glowing.

  “The military should use you as a recruiting poster,” I said.

  She laughed. “Would it get you to enlist?”

  “Oh yeah, where do I sign?” The second the words passed my lips a chill blasted my body since the lightness of the comment caused an opposite feeling.

  She started rummaging through her purse for something. “So where do you go after New York?”

  “Home to California.”

  Her eyes brightened and she pulled out her cell, swiped it on, and dropped onto the bed close to me. She opened her iPhone calendar and beamed. “I’m in California in March. Two weeks in LA. What city do you live in?”

  “Sacramento. Less than an hour flight.”

  She handed her phone to me. “Type in your contact information. It’s a date if you want it, soldier.”

  “Oh, I definitely want,” I groaned and it shocked the hell out of me because it was true.

  As I typed in my data she moved away, took off the towel, and flipped her head over. She started working a brush to remove the just fucked look of her hair.


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